We empower motivated students like you to pursue Truth without fear of reprisal, grow in deep-rooted community, and confidently follow your calling to glorify God and help others flourish.
Since our founding in 1876, we’ve understood that students pursue higher education as a path to gainful employment and financial security, and our alumni are very successful in this regard. Ultimately, we see education as a means to growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord (Col. 2:3).
Staffing one of the nation’s leading career services offices (frequently ranked in the top 20 nationally), we excel in opening rewarding career pathways for our students, whose education is grounded in the timeless truths of Scripture and a renowned liberal arts core that shapes them holistically.
THE TRUTHFUL ALTERNATIVE – We know the cost and long-term value of a college education can be concerning, and we are committed to dealing truthfully in our pricing and scholarship offerings (Proverbs 11:1). Specifically, we avoid the problematic practice of “unfunded tuition discounting.”
DECEPTIVE DISCOUNTING – Unfunded tuition discounting is the manipulation of the price of tuition that results in students unwittingly funding their classmates’ scholarships. This practice is used widely throughout higher education to entice students and their parents. It often diverts the student’s focus from holistic and lifelong flourishing.
HOW DOES IT WORK? – Most colleges have excessive price tags by design — the foundation of the discounting framework. Like stores increasing their prices and then putting on a sale, colleges simply inflate the cost of tuition beyond the actual break-even cost. Then colleges lower the price of tuition by offering a scholarship, similar to a sale coupon.
WHY DO COLLEGES DO THIS? – They do this for two reasons: First, so that they can use parents and students as their source of scholarship funding. Second, so that they can offer a scholarship to nearly every student. This creates a false perception of reward and often benefits the school over the student.
BUYER BEWARE – Every discounting college has an average discount. Students who receive a discount lower than the average actually help pay for larger-than-average discounts offered to other students. Most private colleges fund the bulk of scholarships by transferring money from one family to another.
COMMITTED TO TRUE VALUE – Grove City College sets its tuition at what it actually costs to educate a student. Our initial price is low, and from there we offer need-based and merit-based aid from our own endowment and donor gifts. We never transfer money surreptitiously from one student to another, and no student pays for another. In an age of overpriced education and deceptive discounts, the true value of a Grove City College education is demonstrated by our impressively high retention, graduation, and career outcome rates. In addition, our alumni earnings rank in the top 14% nationally, and graduates leave here with the immeasurable treasures of lifelong friendships, the ability to think critically and communicate well, a solidified Christian worldview, and a big-picture understanding of their unique calling in life.
For more info, visit www.gcc.edu/truthfulpricing
Food and housing
Total direct charges before aid
Financial Aid & Scholarships
Average Grove City College scholarship aid for recipients (1) $3,913 $7,825
Average outside scholarship aid for recipients (2)
Potential direct cost after aid and scholarships and before loans (3) (4)
(1) 65% of students in our recent freshman class received scholarship assistance from Grove City College. Within that total, 50% of students received need-based aid ranging from $100 to $14,400, and 31% of students received merit-based aid ranging from $150 to full scholarship.
(2) We encourage you to seriously apply for outside scholarships – 178 students in our recent freshman class brought in an average of over $4,500 each in outside scholarships, which were added to their Grove City College institutional aid.
(3) We encourage you to apply for financial aid and scholarships because your results may vary.
(4) We encourage you to visit campus and schedule an interview with an admissions counselor who will guide you and potentially become your advocate for scholarship awards.
Have you ever thought about college in terms of short-term and long-term costs?
We think about it all the time! Short-term costs are those that typically come to mind such as tuition and food & housing. Long-term costs are what economists refer to as “opportunity costs.” For example, the average Grove City College graduate earns more than 86% of college graduates in the marketplace today and pays off student loans three years early. Grove City College students also graduate on time at a much higher rate (78% in four years) than students from most of our competitor colleges (53% in four years) and, therefore, begin earning impressive salaries earlier.
What we do works. Our outcomes are among the very best in the country. In fact, we’ve been ranked by Consumers Digest as No. 1 “Top Value” private liberal arts college nationally.
Missing the opportunity to attend Grove City College may cost you tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars over the life of your career. Long-term opportunity costs can really hurt you financially (and personally) if only short-term costs are considered when making a college decision. Keep this in mind — a college degree is an investment with a lifetime payout.
You may know that Grove City College does not accept federal aid in response to its 1984 landmark Supreme Court case, Grove City College v. T.H. Bell, Secretary of the Department of Education, but you may not know the reason for our position. In 1996, then-president Dr. John Moore said to a Washington, D.C., think tank, “As a private Christian college, we have legitimate concern about federal interference in what we teach and how we teach it.” Grove City College accepts no federal funding primarily to safeguard the Christian consciences of our faculty and students. Though it is a hard path to walk, over the years we’ve witnessed how this principled stand has positively shaped the minds and hearts of our students as they solidify their worldview and tackle today’s challenges with boldness and humility.
Statement on Federal Funding: Grove City College does not accept nor does it certify any loans under the Federal Family Education Loan Program (Stafford and Parent PLUS Loans); Pell Grants; Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarships; President’s Service Challenge Scholarship through the Corporation for National and Community Service (also known as the AmeriCorps Scholarship); Paul Douglas Teacher Scholarships; National Science Scholars Programs Scholarships; Academic Competitiveness Grant; SMART Grant; SEOG; Perkins Loan; National Academy of Science, Space and Technology Grants; Presidential Access Scholarships; ROTC Scholarships; any benefits associated with the GI Bill or any educational benefits associated or provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs; assistance through the Office of Health and Human Services (such as grants from the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation or Blindness and Visual Services); JTPA; or any other scholarships or loans that may be construed as providing direct or indirect federal aid to the College. The College will also not allow any student to register for classes if it is aware that the student has accepted or received such federal financial aid for that semester.
To determine eligibility for need-based aid, Grove City College uses the CSS Profile hosted by the College Board. We encourage all applicants to fill out the CSS Profile for need-based financial aid. The Grove City College need-based aid deadline is April 15. Students who apply between April 15 and July 15 will only be eligible for half of the aid for which they qualify. Eligible students who have completed the CSS Profile by their chosen admissions application deadline date will be emailed their financial aid package within five days of receiving their admissions decision.
In order to calculate your financial need (eligibility for financial aid), your expected family contribution is subtracted from the cost of attendance. Grove City College uses the Institutional Method (IM) need-analysis formula, which is developed and maintained by the College Board to assist colleges, universities, and private scholarship programs in determining eligibility for institutional and private financial aid funds.
State Grants – To be considered, complete the FAFSA by your state’s deadline with Grove City’s code, G03269. Check with your state grant program to see if you can use your state grant at a Pennsylvania school.
Outside Scholarships – To search for outside scholarships, check with your high school guidance office, your parents’ workplace(s), your church, local service organizations, and online resources like fastweb.com, cappex.com, chegg.com, and www.gcc.edu/outside-scholarships among others. Under most circumstances, outside awards will not reduce other awards we offer you. Last year, 178 freshmen brought in an average of $4,500 each in outside scholarships!
Student Loans – You may use any privately insured student loan program. Most banks and lending companies offer student loans. Some private organizations even offer interest-free student loan programs for residents of certain counties, such as Stark County, OH, Mercer County, PA, and Lancaster County, PA. Just be sure the loan you choose is private, and not federally funded.
Student Employment – As a full-time student, you may work on campus during the school year — up to 20 hours per week (10 for freshmen) at minimum wage or higher, with monthly pay for hours worked.
First-time freshman applicants. Scholarships awarded based on student achievement and potential.
First-time freshman applicants. Scholarships awarded based on student achievement and potential.
First-time freshman applicants. Scholarships awarded based on student achievement and potential.
First-time freshman applicants majoring in engineering. Scholarships awarded based on student achievement and potential.
Complete and submit admissions application and online questionnaire by November 1.
Complete and submit admissions application and online questionnaire by January 20, unless you have already applied for the Trustee Scholarship.
By invitation only. Details can be found online at www.gcc.edu/scholarships
Yes, with a 3.40 or higher cumulative quality point average. No (one-year scholarship). Yes, with a 3.00 or higher cumulative quality point average.
Complete details and applications can be found online at www.gcc.edu/scholarships
Yes, with a 3.00 or higher cumulative quality point average as an engineering major.
Incoming freshmen who were ranked first (minimum class of 30) or second (minimum class of 100) as determined by their accredited high school transcript.
No application required.
Incoming freshmen who are National Merit Finalists or CLT National Award Finalists.
Students who demonstrate financial need and academic achievement.
No application required. Please submit a copy of your letter of eligibility.
No (one-year scholarship). No (one-year scholarship).
Submit the Grove City College Financial Aid Application and supporting documents to the Financial Aid Office by April 15 (January 15 for midyear applicants). Apply online or download the application at www.gcc.edu/financialaid
Returning Grove City College students with a cumulative quality point average of 3.40 or higher.
No application required.
Superior upperclassman students according to the criteria established by donors of the various awards.
Departmental or organizational recommendation. Applications typically not required.
Yes, with a cumulative quality point average of 3.40 or higher. You must reapply each year. No (one-year scholarship).
In 2023, 178 Grove City freshmen brought in outside scholarships ranging from $74 - $20,000 with an average of $4,500 each in outside scholarships. The more you apply for, the more opportunity for reward!