Grove City College Friends and Alumni Monthly Published Monthly by
Grove City College, Grove City, Pa. GROVE CITY, PA., APRIL, 1914
Vol. 3
No. 4
Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Postofiice, Grove City. Pa., under Act of July 16. 1894
Grove City's Alumni We are publishing this month the list of the Alumni. The Alumni Clerk has been at work for months striving to bring the list into shape. There are certain to be errors which have been overlooked and the assistance of
all is needed to' perfect the list. It is the intention of the Alumni Asso ciation to continue the work on the list next year. It will be greatly appre ciated if you will drop us a line calling our attention to any errors. 1881.
BAGX.\LL, EMMA, B. S. (Mrs. J. C. Breckenridge), Winona Lake, Ind. DOODS, SAMUEL, B. S., A. M., PH.D. Butler, Pa. LOVE, LIZZIE, B. S. (Mrs. R. G. Breckenridge), Grove City, Pa.
McDowell, adeila, b. s. (Airs. I. X. Moore), Slippery Rock, Pa. McDowell, ix.a, b. s. (Airs. W. S. Alorrow), Bluffton, Ohio. RALSTON, EVERETT L., B. S., A. M. 120 Orange St., Youngstown, Ohio. SXYDER, BESSIE, B. S. 516 X. 23rd St., Omaha, N^eb. 1882.
AIcNEES, ROSE, B. S. Butler, Pa.
AIILLER, AIATTIE, B. S. Grove City, Pa. ROSE, NANXIE E., B. S. (Airs. Emery Brandon), Butler, Pa.
VOSLER, AGNES, B. S. (Airs. -A. A. Cunningham), 450 Broad way, Denver, Colo.
W^HITE, JOSEPHINE, B. S. Rawal Pindi, The Punjab, India. 1883.
-BLACK, ELLA, B. S. j (Airs. J. AI. Wilson). BLACK, JENNIE, AlUSIC Grove City, Pa. DICKEY, EAIMA, B. S. DICKEY, MARGARET E., B. S. 219 Hoffman Ave., Oil City, Pa. EDWARDS, ELVA L., B. S. (Airs. R. W. Skinner), Aladison, N. J. IRONS, AGGIE AL, B. S.
(Airs. W. L. Breckenridge), Rockfield, Ind.
KINDER, EDITH AL, B. S. 857 Harold Way, Hollywood, Los An geles, Cal. AIcDOWELL, LIZZIE C., B. S. (Mrs. L. E. Welton), Grove City, Pa. AIONROE, EFFIE J., B. S. (Airs. Chas. Myers), Grove City, Pa.
AIONROE, NELLIE Alineral Ridge, Ohio. P.YTTON, AIAAIIE E., B. S. (Mrs. G. H. Glade), Joplin, AIo.
SHIELDS, J. M., B. S., M. S. Alt. Vernon, Wash.