Grove City College Friends and Alumni Monthly Published i"\lontlily by
(irove (Mty College, Grove (vity, Pa. Vol. 3
No. 7
Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Postoffice, Grove City, Pa., under Act of July 16, 1894
The Needs of the College Every growing institution is bound to feel the needs of various sorts as it develops. This College is no exception to the general rule. Its development has l)een a rapid and healtliy one, and its needs hax'e grown in almost geometrical ratio. During the last few years there have been many and large additions to the material equipment of the institution. We have had a new and complete gymnasium built on our campus. Our Athletic Field has been greatly enlarged and improved. Our laboratories have been better equip ped and enlarged. During the past year the Liltrary has had a rapid growth. Steel stacks have been installed and several thousand dol
lars have been expeiuletl iji buihling up the Hammond Collection of books. Moreover, many gifts of books have been received from various liberal individuals, one from Mr. McClellan of Princeton, filling ten large boxes. The Campus has been extended and lately Memorial liall, the beautiful dormitory for boys, has been erected, furnished and completely equipped as a memorial to the late Joseph Newton Pew, for many years the President of the Boai'd of Timstees, by his family. In spite of tliesc and many other needed improve ments, there are )nany additions which must be made if the College is to meet the growing demands of the community iji which it is located and adeciuately serve the State and Nation. There is pressing need for Iiarge Endowments for various pur
poses. "With the growth of the College there has come a larger corps of instructors to better meet the requirements of the present day stiident body.
There was a time when these needs were far more