Grove City College Monthly PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY
Grove City College, Grove City, Pa. VOL 4.
NO. 5
Second-Class Matter at the Postofflce, Grove City. Pa , under Act of July 16, 1894
Commencement I 9 I 6
During the last few years the Commencement at the College
has heen becoming a greater event of the college year The Alumni luncheon, which was started three years ago, has heen most successful. Each year has shown a large increase in the number who have attended it. This year the Commencement
festivities will be even more elaborate than in years past. The Senior class, as well as the College authorities, are anxious to niake it a Banner Year in the history of the College. Certain of
the classes, including the Class of 1891 and the Class of '95, are planning to have special class reunions during the Commencenient Week.
We have
heen fortunate this year in securing our
Commencement speakers. President J. Ross Stevenson, of the
Princeton Theological Seminary, who has heen during the past year the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, will deliver the baccalaureate address on Sunday even
ing, June 11th. Supt. Wm. M. Davidson, of Pittsburgh, will make the Commencement address on Wednesday, June 14th.
Dr. Davidson is one of the leading educators in Pennsylvania and has a national reputation as an orator.
The Ivy Day exercises will be on Monday afternoon. They