Fall 2022
to the newest edition of Going
on the
Tessa Nave,
Engineers Abroad
By Madeline Warburton and Elsie ParkCarolineJensen,Andrew BergeryandDavidFedelihada onceinalifetimeopportunity tostudyengineeringinVannes, Francethissummer. CarolineandDavidare mechanicalengineering majors,whileAndrew'smajoris electricalengineering.
Inthenorthwestareaof France,Vannesliesinthe Brittanyregion,borderingthe AtlanticOcean.Thismarina townisfromMedievaltimes, boasting17thcenturybuildings sidebysidewithhalf-timbered housesoncobblestone streets.
InthisbeautifulFrenchoasis,these studentswereabletostudyFrench, thermalheattransfer,solidworks, and3Dworkings.Fourother Americanstudentsfromother universitiesjoinedthegroupandthe sevenofthemtookalltheirclasses together.Theylovedthe opportunitytoconversewithother FrenchstudentsinFrenchand English.Duetohowsmallthe programwas,therewasone professorperstudent.TheGCC studentslovedtheirprofessorsand theopportunitytoexperienceanew culture.
Withweekendsfree,they traveledtovariousplaces. AndrewcrammedinParisinone weekendwhileCarolineand Davidstayedclosertothe collegeandexploredlocal attractions. Theyhadafantasticexperience andwouldhighlyrecommendit toanyonewhoisinterestedin exploringandlearningabouta differentculture.
Spotlight: Jerusalem
Step into the past and hear the mixed languages, taste the exotic food, and walk where Jesus walked
The Western Wall
Built by King Herod in 20 BC, this wall was a support wall for the temple. The temple was later destroyed, but the wall survived and till this day people go to the wall to pray or write their prayers on a piece of paper and stick it in a crack in the wall.
Mount Zion
Mount Zion is the hill outside of the city that is a deeply rich, historical area. King David's tomb abides there, and it is said to be where the Last Supper was held.
The Israel Museum
Check out the Israel museum with its extensive collection of art, archaeological discoveries, and the Dead Sea Scrolls!
The Old City Quarters
In the heart of Jerusalem is the Old City Quarters, a melting pot of religion and ethnicity. Divided into four sectors, there is the Muslim, Christian, Jewish, and Armenian quarters, which are centers of historical and religious significance.
Mahane Yehuda Marketplace
Because you're probably hungry from all that walking, go to Mahane Yehuda marketplace where you will encounter a variety of vendors that sell everything from spices to souvenirs. This is a great opportunity to taste new foods of a different culture.
4 large Granny Smith applespeeled, cored and sliced into
1/2 thick rings
2/3 cup all-purpose flour
1 pinch salt 2 eggs
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1/3 cup milk 1/4 cup water
4 cups oil for frying, or as needed
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons white sugar
Step 1: In a shallow bowl, stir together the flour and salt. Whisk in the eggs, 1 tablespoon of oil, milk, and water until the batter is smooth. The batter should be just thick enough to stick to the apples and coat them. If the batter is too thin, more flour may be added. If the batter does not want to stick, toss the apples in with a bit of flour.
Step 2: Heat one inch of vegetable oil in a deep heavy skillet to 375 degrees Fahrenheit
Step 3: Coat apple slices with batter, and place 4 or 5 slices into the hot oil at a time. Fry until golden on one side, then use tongs to flip and fry until brown on the other side. Drain on paper towels. Stir together the cinnamon and sugar; sprinkle over the apple slices before serving.
Credit: Olivia Breen from allrecipesWhere
Business Ethics
by: Hannah EvansStudying abroad is such an enlightening experience that really opens your mind to new ways of thinking and often takes you on unexpected and exciting adventures.
My time in Prague was my absolute favorite part of the summer for many reasons. I greatly enjoyed learning about business ethics through our discussions and immersion in the Czech culture. It was amazing to see first-hand the ways in which Czech companies differ in their ethics and policies toward American companies, and I found that listening to Czech employees talk about their organizations and the culture was fascinating. A big part of how an organization develops their ethical framework is influenced by the culture that surrounds them, so it was very interesting to see how Czech and American cultures differ, and how that translates to the companies.
One of the things that made the trip even more special for me was being able to experience all of these amazing things with such great people like Dr. McFeaters and all of my classmates that soon became friends. After this experience, I definitely will be taking every chance I get to study abroad in the future.
Some of my favorite memories of the trip are from the excursions we went on to Chesky Krumlov, Kutnahora, and Karlstein, as well as all of the wonderful places we visited throughout Prague. It was my first time in Europe, so seeing the historic architecture and the beautiful city streets was fascinating to me. We also went to so many different castles, cathedrals, museums, and historical landmarks. I loved trying all of the interesting Czech dishes along the way.