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Useful Websites for Students and Parents
Transition Planning
National Center on Secondary Education and Transition (NCSET): US Department of Education: National Career Development Association: Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD): George Washington University HEATH Resource Center, National Clearinghouse on Postsecondary Education for Individuals with Disabilities: National Centers for Career and Technical Education www.NCSET.org http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/transition.html www.ncda.org www.ahead.org
www.heath.gwu.edu http://nccte.org/
Financial Aid
Federal financial aid: Free Application for Federal Student Aid: TRIO federal funding programs: Sallie Mae Student Loans:
Student Resources
Council for Learning Disabilities: DO-IT: Career Voyages: Mapping Your Future: Connecting to Success: ISEEK (Minnesota’s career, education and job resource):
Parent Resources
Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights: Parent-to-Parent of the United States: Technical Assistance Alliance for Parents: International Dyslexia Association National Center for Learning Disabilities
Accessing Post-Secondary Disability Services
PACER’s Project C3: Learning Ally: Association on Higher Education and Disability: Learning Disabilities Online: Disabilities Studies and Services Center: The Educational Testing Services (ETS):
Know Your Rights
IDEA 1997 compared to IDEA 2004: The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Titles I and V: Transition Planning and IEPs: General Information: ADA Technical Assistance Program: US General Services Administration Section 508: US Dept of Justice ADA Information: US Dept of Education Office of Special Ed. Programs IDEA: http://studentaid.ed.gov www.fafsa.ed.gov www.trioprograms.org www.salliemae.com
http://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/resources www.washington.edu/doit www.careervoyages.gov/index.cfm www.mapping-your-future.org http://ici.umn.edu/ementoring/ www.iseek.org
www.pacer.org www.p2pusa.org www.taalliance.org www.interdys.org www.ncld.org
www.c3online.org/education.htm www.learningally.org www.ahead.org www.ldonline.org www.dssc.org www.ets.org/disability/index.html
http://ncset.org/publications/related/ideatransition.asp www.eeoc.gov/policy/ada.html www.ri.net/sorico/TRANSLIB18.htm www.adata.org www.section508.gov www.ada.gov/adahom1.htm www.ed.gov/policy/speced/leg/idea/history.html