2 minute read
Note From the CEO
Where we live is now one of the most significant determinants of overall health outcomes and life expectancy. Our zip code has become a better predictor of our overall wellbeing than our genetic code.
The many reasons for this include access to healthy foods, great healthcare, safe environments, quality education, lots of greenspace, and a community of support and encouragement. This month’s Growing Bolder Digital Digest celebrates community.
Communities are not just the places we live. There are statewide, national, and global communities formed around shared passions and purpose. Our cover story this month is about Dick Vitale who is a major player in the national community to fund pediatric cancer research. We visited Dick at his home just outside of Sarasota where he was very candid about what has been one of the most difficult years of his life. At 83-years-old, Vitale has emerged from a year filled with one serious health challenge after another more determined than ever to make a difference for the community he’s dedicated his life to.
Communities can be a catalyst for personal growth and wellbeing. They can boost our self-esteem, enhance our personal identity, strengthen our immune system, and enhance our ability to cope with the many challenges of aging. Community is immunity from depression, stress, anxiety, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, obesity, and more.
At Growing Bolder, we’re building a community that’s dedicated to helping you be you. A community that not only encourages you to live a life filled with health and happiness but provides the tools and resources to help. You’ll find that inspiration and those tools and resources in every issue of Growing Bolder.