2 minute read
Note From the CEO
This month’s Digital Digest is filled with the inspiration we experienced at the National Senior Games. But don’t worry if you’re not into sports. Our stories are not about who won or lost. They’re bigger than that. They’re about surviving and thriving, passion and purpose, health and wellbeing. They’re about Growing Bolder.
The National Senior Games attracts men and woman from age 50 to over 100 and while they all enjoy the competition, they all thrive on the camaraderie. They inspire and motivate one another to keep moving and to bounce back when faced with the inevitable setbacks of life.
In a culture that leads us to believe that our lives must get smaller as we get older, they are the proof that our lives can expand. They’re not trapped or derailed by the many challenges of growing older. They do their best to overcome them. They adapt, accommodate and keep moving forward. They don’t buy into the incessant ageist narrative in our culture that younger is better. They understand that how we feel about our bodies depends upon how we feel in our bodies.
The athletes of the National Senior Games are part of a large, diverse, intergenerational community that embodies the Growing Bolder ethos. They’re living examples of the messages we espouse daily: more is possible, you are not too old and it is not too late, passion and purpose fuel the life force, and if you want to keep moving, you have to keep moving.
So, read on and get inspired to make the rest of your life the best of your life.