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The Dream Achieved
When Nai Saechao immigrated from a refugee camp in Thailand to the US in 1988 with his parents and siblings, they had a dream of achieving success in their new homeland. 25 years later—with hard work, dedication, and motivation being mainstays in the family—The American Dream is a reality for the Saechaos. It began with three acres of blackberries in 1996 and has expanded to include blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries. That small farmstead expanded over the years and provided enough income to send Nai and his siblings to earn college degrees: three nurses, a construction manager, and a teacher.
Nai became the teacher and has enjoyed much success teaching at various grade levels at Ophir Elementary in Oroville. He has taught for 11 years in a variety of grade levels, including a second-third grade combo, fourth grade, sixth, and currently fifth grade. It is an age group he really enjoys. “I get to know the kids, their backgrounds, family life, and build positive relationships,” said Nai. “I enjoy providing opportunities for my students and getting them to enjoy school so they want to be here every day,” he added.

One way Nai has achieved this is through sports. He has coached basketball and soccer, and just this year was able to coach track. “Sports is all about forming relationships,” he said. “We create a positive environment for the athletes.” It’s also something Saechao does in his classroom, where he teaches math, P.E., and art in a co-teaching situation. Curriculum centers around high expectations but without a lot of pressure.
Nai is proud to be a positive role model in school and in his family’s Mien culture. “My parents were very supportive of all of us and promoted going to college. They also instilled in us a strong work ethic,” he said. This is evidenced by the time Nai puts in on the berry farm in the summer, where he can often be found working from dawn till dusk. Then, he travels around the valley to farmers’ markets selling their produce. Yoon Chao Farms has been a member of the Chico Farmers Market for twenty years. Nai and his wife, Meui, are instilling the same values and work ethic Nai’s parents instilled in their own children: Landon, 14; Channing, 11; Jordyn, 8; and Klay, 5.
If you want to sample some of Nai Saechao's famous Yoon Chao Berries, come on out to the local farmer’s market where you’ll perhaps find him putting in some of those countless summer hours.