7 minute read
Care for All Children, All the Time
The words above are not simply a “catchy title,” they are a quote from Karen Marlatt, CEO of Valley Oak Children’s Services (VOCS), who has served the needs of children for over 30 years, 17 of which have been at VOCS. Karen’s long dedication to the success of children and families started in Colusa where she experienced firsthand what it was like to raise children and fully support them. Her son was a special needs child who benefited from support services and has grown into a successful and productive adult. Oftentimes, it takes personal experience to motivate someone into entering the world of family support services.
Alex Reynaga, VOCS’ marketing and development manager for the past two years, came from a large family of public servants. Growing up, he learned the importance of helping families not only in financial ways but also by providing social and emotional support.
VOCS is located at 3120 Cohasset Road, Suite 6, in Chico. It’s an easy place to miss as you head out toward the airport because it is set back from the road, down a short lane, and surrounded by trees. Just driving up to the offices gives a person a type of earthy comfort with the overhanging green trees, deep shade, and well-kept lawns.
What exactly is Valley Oak Children’s Services? VOCS is a dynamic organization focusing on raising healthy children, families, and a thriving community. They have a wide variety of services based on the needs of the valley community. VOCS was founded in 1980 as a private, non-profit organization serving the needs of children in Butte County.
The establishment of agencies like VOCS throughout California proved valuable in a number of ways. Childcare businesses were multiplying to serve the needs of working parents, who received assistance finding reliable, safe childcare. Community businesses could grow and thrive because they could count on a working population who could be at work every day due to their children being in childcare facilities.
Of course, VOCS needs funding to make all this happen, and funding comes from many sources, both private and governmental. This ensures low-income parents will be able to keep their children in daycare so they can work, go to school, or enter training programs; all of this leads to selfsufficiency and better communities.
A family of four in the Chico area can have an income of $80,000 a year and still be considered low income because of the cost of rent, food prices, and inflation. Having childcare provided can help families not only make ends meet but make the difference in being self-sufficient and financially stable. This means an organization like VOCS is vital to local children and their families.

Karen Marlatt emphasized two words to help define VOCS: Holistic Support. It’s not just with financial assistance through childcare that VOCS helps families, it is a plethora of other services too. First is the Alternative Payment Program (CAPP). This is the initial step in qualifying for support services. The family calls for services and VOCS determines eligibility by applying the CAPP enrollment list guidelines, family size, and income. The staff then confirms eligibility and an in-person appointment is made. This will then determine the appropriate amount of assistance for each family.
Once accepted, a family can enter the Family Atmosphere Care with Enhanced Services network. FACES was developed to support and assist qualified, licensed family childcare providers in achieving the desired results for the families they serve. VOCS currently has 67 licensed providers that participate in the program and provide services for infants and toddlers. The FACES program specializes in the development of the whole child. The goal is to provide quality childcare services so children can reach their full potential.
A very beneficial VOCS element is the Early Head Start Program which focuses on ages 0-4. This program gives comprehensive full-day and full-year high-quality services to infants and toddlers in the following areas: education, family services, parent involvement, health and disabilities, nutrition, medical/dental, and mental health. “Many people don’t understand that when a child is getting kicked out of daycare at three years old, there's a big problem,” said Marlatt. “If you address the needs of a child that young from an early stage, you can avoid problems down the road.”
Another special service VOCS offers is their Lending Library, which provides a wide variety of resource materials such as books, toys, and small play equipment. These can be checked out by any member of the community. It’s great if your kids are bored, you have a birthday party coming up, or if the grandkids are coming over to spend the weekend. You can check out what the lending library has to offer on the VOCS website and remember, all of this is at no cost to the public.
VOCS provides a multitude of services to the Butte County area. Currently, the staff has grown to 42 members with a budget of $20 million. 82.5% of that goes directly back into the community. VOCS invested over 10 million back into the local economy last year in just childcare services, and they received only 17% in the form of salaries, rent, and utilities.
For a wealth of additional information, you can visit the VOCS website at www.valleyoakchildren.org. Here, you can find out how to donate and what specific items you can choose for donations. Valley Oak Children’s Services is a phenomenal organization dedicated to the well-being of our local children and families, and we couldn’t be more thankful for the work they do in our community.

Check out all of the great things we have to look forward to this summer! Please note that dates and times are subject to change. For more events, please see our summer camp feature on page 14.
5/4 - 5/5 Keeping Dance Alive @ 7-10pm
NCUSD Center for the Arts, PV High School Campus, 1474 East Ave., Chico
Come celebrate local arts, artists and performers who bring enriching educational experiences to all ages!
Presented by the Chico Ballet Company, Keeping Dance Alive is a community tradition. Cost: $20
5/4 - 5/7 The Wizard of Oz
Where: Laxson Auditorium
Join Chico State Music and Theater for their spring musical! Based on the classic motion picture and adapted for the stage by John Kane, The Wizard of Oz is the same story you’ve always loved.
Time: 2PM Saturday and Sunday and 7:30PM Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
Cost: $20 adults, $18 seniors, $8 youth and CSU, Chico students
5/6 May Fair @ 10am-1pm Blue Oak Charter School, 450 W East Ave., Chico
Celebrate the arrival of spring and connect with your Chico community at the May Faire hosted by Blue Oak Charter School. Enjoy a variety of activities including face-painting, free crafts for the kids, music and dance performances, food and craft vendors, and the iconic children's maypole dance. Cost: Free
5/6 Wildflower Music Festival @ 2-8pm
2500 Estes Ave., Chico
The 9th Wildflower Music Festival is a day of fun for the whole family that includes a kid's area with free activities, bounce houses, and crafts; food vendors for lunch, snacks, dinner, and dessert; and a silent auction with over 100 items to bid on. Come listen and dance to the best music Chico has to offer! All proceeds go to support Wildflower Open Classroom K-8 school. Cost: $55
5/7 Band on the Run 5k @ 9am
Where: Lower Bidwell Park, Chico
Join the Pleasant Valley High School
Boosters for the 1st annual Band on the Run virtual 5k, a scenic walk/run/march through beautiful Lower Bidwell Park or wherever you want to run it! Proceeds will benefit the PVHS band, choir, and color guard. Cost: $35
5/13 Paradise Chocolate Fest @ 10am-5pm
Terry Ashe Park, Paradise
Celebrating 18 years of "Sweetening Kids Lives"! Since its inception in 2006, Paradise Chocolate Fest has contributed over $390,000 to youth programs and services on the Paradise Ridge. Cost: Free
5/25-29 Silver Dollar Fair @ 10am-10pm Silver Dollar Fair Silver Dollar Fairgrounds, 2357 Fair St., Chico Rides, food, games, art projects, live music, livestock—the Silver Dollar Fair has it all!
6/3 Paradise Police and Fire Station Open House @ 10am-2pm
All families are invited to participate in this fun and free local event for children of all ages! Cost: Free
6/3 National Trail Stewardship Day Paradise Lake
Meet at Paradise Lake to reconnect with nature while you get your hands a little dirty helping clean up beautiful trails. Time: 8AM to 12PM Cost: Free
6/10 Neverland @ 5:30pm
CUSD Center for the Arts at PV High School
A show for the whole family that will be a highlight of your summer. Based on J.M Barrie’s classic tale. Cost: $12-$18
6/24 Ariel’s Mermaid Shellabration 1950 E 20th St., Chico Swim on over for a mermaid tea party!
Princess Ariel invites you to a magical morning under the sea! Tickets include an hour with princess, tea, snacks, story time, sing-along, games and picture time.
Time: 10-11AM. Cost: $10-$35
6/24 Ariel’s Mermaid Shellabration 1950 E 20th St., Chico
Swim on over for a mermaid tea party!
Princess Ariel invites you to a magical morning under the sea! Tickets include an hour with princess, tea, snacks, story time, sing-along, games and picture time.
Time: 10-11AM. Cost: $10-$35
6/24 Party at the Pool @ 8-11pm
5600 Recreation Drive, Paradise
An outdoor movie event and fundraiser for the Paradise swimming community. See Finding Dory on a 30-foot screen while floating in the pool!
6/26-29 Ninja Fun Summer Camp @ 12pm Kinetics Academy of Dance
This camp is designed specifically for young kids who love to swing, climb and jump. We’ll guide them through learning a new obstacle course each day. Campers will practice strength, balancing and endurance exercises. With crafts, games and open gym time your kiddo will stay busy and get plenty of exercise! Cost: $145, ages 4-8
7/4 - 7/8 Flowers & Worms Camp
Dorothy F Johnson Center Toddler Room
Participants will learn about different types of flowers and bugs, as well as get to dig, plant, and water their own gardens.
Time: 8AM to 12:15PM
Cost: $163, ages 3-5
7/10-7/14 Youth Aquatic Camp
Forebay Aquatic Center, Oroville
Come spend your summer on the lake with a focus on boating and water education. Learn to master kayaks, canoes, and paddleboards as well as skills and team building. Half day or full day
Cost: $175-$275