B o a r d - c e r t i f i e d d e r m a t o l o g i s t D r . K a f e l e T . H o d a r i a n d h i s t e a m o f m e d i c a l p r o f e s s i o n a l s a t
H o d a r i M D D e r m a t o l o g y c o m p r i s e a c o m p r e h e n s i v e d e r m a t o l o g y p r a c t i c e i n C h i c o , O r o v i l l e , a n d Y u b a C i t y
W h e t h e r y o u h a v e a m e d i c a l , s u r g i c a l , o r a e s t h e t i c c o n c e r n , y o u ' l l r e c e i v e p e r s o n a l i z e d c a r e
f r o m s o m e o f t h e m o s t h i g h l y t r a i n e d p r o v i d e r s i n t
*Appointment requests must be received before 9 AM to be scheduled. *Appointments subject to availability.
Cover Photography By:
Nicole Roberts Photography (530) 895-8000 www.nicolerobertsphotography.com
Advertising Deadline:
To advertise in our summer issue, please contact us by March 15th. Our summer issue will be on stands June, July, and August
Contact Jason Corona for advertising information or to submit a calendar event at: 530-591-2634 or jason@growingupchico.com
Growing Up Chico Magazine is published quarterly and available, free, at over 200 family-friendly locations throughout Butte County. We are also available online at www.growingupchico.com
Mom to Kinsley, Garrett, and Kennedy–Michaela is a connector, storyteller, and adventurer who finds joy in travel, volunteering, and meaningful conversations over coffee. She lives for community, mentoring exchange students, and cheering on others. She believes there are no strangers, only friends she hasn’t met yet.
Nicole is a mother of three feral kiddos, crunchy as heck, and a lifetime creative entrepreneur. She has lots of ideas and doesn’t always know what to do with them, so she writes. You can follow her at @nicole.and.co on Instagram or Nicole & Co on Substack.
Jenn Brooks
Proud wife to Charles and mom to Liam (14) and Tyler (13), Jenn has called the Northstate home her entire life, and Paradise for the past 20 years. Her love for cooking began in childhood, learning alongside her parents and great-grandparents. She is dedicated to inspiring others daily with the joy of cooking.
Jillian Laird
Jillian Laird is a wife and mom of three who homeschools in Paradise. She embraces every season of motherhood—the good, the hard, and the chaotic— finding calm in challenging moments. She believes in choosing joy, embracing the journey, and doing everything with grace.
Jillian Smith
Jillian is a Chico mom of three who loves fostering community. From formerly serving as the president of the Chico Mothers' Club to now publishing and editing for Macaroni KID Chico, she is passionate about helping local families find their way.
Anabelle Cox
Annabelle is an Ag major at Chico State turned stay-athome mom. She has three kids—four, three, and nine months—who bring joy and inspiration. Cultivating a loving, enriching life for her family and community is her passion. Her favorite thing about Chico is the easy access to the outdoors and the sense of community.
Susannah Hursh
Susannah is a stay-at-home mother of four children— ages seven, six, four, and two. She is a Penn State graduate who relocated with her husband to Chico to raise their family after working for an emerging technologies startup. She loves Chico and enjoys immersing her family in homeschooling activities here.
What's New: Spring into 2025 with some of our favorite things this season! Get a sneak peek into the upcoming family-friendly additions to Butte County!
Introducing Dr. Marwah: Chico and Butte County have a new pediatrician who finally has an open schedule! Get to know Dr. Marwah at Ampla Health.
Teacher Feature: Amy Behlke is the kind of teacher every student and school dreams of having. Discover her incredible 25-year career in this issue.
Women in Business: Meet some of the wondrous women making waves in Butte County!
Climb On: Terrain Park opens its brand new Adventure Park, making us wish we were kids again!
Becoming a Dye-Free Family: Could sensitivity to dyes be the cause of some of your and your child's frustrations? Jillian Laird explores the topic.
Cozy At Home: Nicole Andreini explains how to create a warm home where everyone is welcome.
Get Kids Cooking: Jenn Brooks inspires the next generation by inviting them into the kitchen.
Homeschooling: Susannah Hursh discusses why homeschooling was the right option for her kids.
The Village: Michaela Gulbransen and Jillian Smith explore the resources available to Butte County moms.
Family Game Night: Get the kids involved and engaged with game night ideas for every age group.
Nature Walks and Neighborhood Parks: It's warming up, and there are plenty of places to get some easy exercise in around Butte County!
Spring Calendar: Our spring calendar is brought to you by Jillian Smith at Macaroni Kid! Check out her picks to keep the family entertained in March, April, and May! Don't forget to visit them online for more events at http://chico.macaronikid.com
Gateway Science Museum 625 Esplanade, Chico (530) 898-4121 | csuchico.com/gateway
Explore the fascinating world of sound and see how loud you can scream in the Scream Chamber with Sonic Sensation, an interactive exhibit on display through May 3, 2025. Delve into history with Bear In Mind: The Story of the California Grizzly, showcasing artwork, artifacts, and interactive displays through May 31, 2025. Don’t miss the Gateway Gardens, a permanent exhibit highlighting native plants, student projects, and local wildlife. Visit the Gateway Science Museum in Chico to experience these engaging exhibits and discover the wonders of science and nature!
With spring finally here, there's one thing on all of our minds— getting back out there and having some fun! Here are a few of our favorites, but don't forget to see the rest on our Calendar of Events on page 29!
Cal Skate: Learn to Skate on Saturday Mornings! 2465 Carmichael Dr, Chico | (530) 343-1601 | funlandchico.com
Saturday morning lessons (10-11 AM) feature expert coaching from national-level competitors and are open to all ages. Skaters are split into two groups: true beginners with walkers and those ready to progress. Enjoy 30 minutes of small-group instruction (6:1 ratio) followed by open skating with music and games. Bring your own skates or use their included rentals (quads or inlines). Admission is just $7 per skater, and parents can skate or walk for free. Come build some confidence on wheels!
Chico Theater Company: Auditions are Opening! (530) 894-3282 | chicotheater.com
Step into the spotlight! Chico Theater Company is holding auditions for The Marvelous Wonderettes (May 11 & 12); Four Weddings and an Elvis (July 20); and Elf, The Musical (Aug 24 & 25). This is your chance to be part of something special! Season tickets for the 2025 show season are on sale as well. With just 212 seats, every performance feels up close and personal. The casts and crew are local, fostering a warm, family-like community. Whether you dream of performing or simply love great theater, this is the place for you! Visit the website and click “Audition Info” to learn more—your moment to shine starts here!
Butte County welcomes pediatrician, dr. marwah
Ask any parent about their frustrations, and you’ll likely find securing healthcare for their child near the top of the list. Finding a pediatrician is a significant challenge for many families in Butte County due to several factors. Our county faces a shortage of healthcare providers, especially in rural and underserved areas, making it challenging to secure pediatric care. Long wait times for appointments are standard, and new patients will likely struggle to find doctors who have the availability to accept them. Many clinics are overbooked, causing delays in routine check-ups or non-urgent medical needs.
Families relying on Medi-Cal or other government-assisted insurance plans can have even more limited options. Many pediatricians have restricted availability or no longer accept certain insurance plans due to low reimbursement rates. The aftermath of the 2018 Camp Fire also exacerbated the issue, as many healthcare providers relocated or closed clinics altogether. Rural communities in the region are still recovering from the unexpected loss of that medical infrastructure. Luckily, there’s hope on the horizon with pediatricians like Dr. Gurjit Marwah at Ampla Health Family Medical, Ampla Health's newest clinic located in Chico.
Born in India, Dr. Marwah comes from a long line of doctors. His father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and great-great-grandfather were all doctors, providing thoughtful and compassionate care for the needs of their ever-growing communities. Dr. Marwah moved to the United States at the age of nine, and now, as a fifth-generation doctor, he continues his family's legacy. “As far as medicine is concerned, I never thought of becoming anything but a doctor.” Dr. Marwah said, “I have worked in neonatology and pediatrics for almost forty years.”
Though Dr. Marwah has considerable experience as a pediatrician, he is just getting started in Chico. This is, perhaps, the best scenario a parent could ask for.
“As I’m new to the Chico community, I have time for everybody.” Dr. Marwah said, “At present, you can see me the same day that you call, so the availability is there. I have slots in the morning and after lunch hours for walk-ins, and I’m seeing a lot of walk-ins presently. It’s been a good way to introduce myself to new families seeking care.”
It takes a unique type of individual to be a pediatrician. Not only must they be compassionate and patient, but they must also be able to engage with and explain
conditions to both parents and children alike. These abilities are evident when conversing with Dr. Marwah.
“Children feel how comfortable you are with them.” Dr. Marwah explained, “Even when sick, they can pick up how attuned you are to their situation. It has become second nature after working with children for this long. I can usually tell what they’re experiencing within a minute, and the rest of the time is spent making them comfortable and helping their parent become comfortable with the condition and its treatment. The more educated the parent becomes about the condition, the easier it is for the patient to be comfortable. As soon as they know you’re there to help, the smiles beam through, and they say the most wonderful things that make you smile throughout the day. It makes working with children fun. I see patients from birth through their 17th year, and I look forward to caring for the community’s children and their health needs at Ampla Health Family Medical.”
If your children require a pediatrician, look no further than Dr. Marwah at Ampla Health Family Medical. You can visit the office as a walk-in at 285 Cohasset Road in Chico or call (530) 342-6065 to schedule an appointment. They are open 8am-5pm Monday through Friday.
To Dye For
I always pictured myself as the mom with the well-behaved children, and I was for a bit until my son, Lawson, was between one and two years old. He went from being the sweetest baby to the most challenging toddler. His tantrums were inconsolable, and knowing this was his new normal was heartbreaking. Law wasn’t just having a bad day; he was having a bad life. I felt like I was failing him as a mother.
Fast forward a few years, and one of my friends mentioned she had eliminated artificial food dyes from her daughter’s diet. I thought, “Wow, that sounds like a lot of work. I could never read every label before buying something, but good for you.”
Our sneaky little phones hear everything we say, so my Instagram accounts were suddenly covered with information about artificial dyes. It's a little creepy, but I’m forever grateful my eyes were opened.
I would see information like:
• Synthetic dyes can affect children’s
neurobehavioral health, but sensitivity varies among children.
• Prolonged exposure to dyes may impact learning, academic success, and social interactions.
• Symptoms from dyes can resemble those from ADHD.
• Synthetic dyes have been linked to cancer.
Once I read a couple of these facts, I thought, “Welp, I guess I’m a crunchy mom now. Let’s give this a shot!” I didn’t do any more research. I went straight to my pantry, began reading labels, and started throwing away any items with food dye.
Lawson’s life changed almost instantly. He could regulate his emotions or take a breath when he was having a difficult time, which was previously impossible. My challenging child became the most fun person in our home. Eliminating dyes is the greatest thing we’ve done as parents.
If we hadn’t, the most joyful boy on the planet wouldn’t exist in this form, and I wouldn’t have added about 100,000 smiles and laughs to my life.
I know it’s overwhelming to get rid of food, but if you have a child who sounds like mine—promise me you’ll try. Think of all the meltdowns you could be trading for giggles. It’s so worth it.
If you’re thinking, “Okay, so now what? Where do I shop? What food do I buy?” I always tell my friends a safe place to start is Trader Joe’s. Nothing on their shelves contains artificial dyes, and they have fun snacks and treats! Bring your kids there to pick something special out because they will probably protest your new life choices as mine did. But we can do hard things!!
Other places or brands to shop:
New Earth Market carries organic and dye-free options you and your kids will both love.
Target carries a few safe brands, such as Good and Gather, YumEarth, Unreal, Smart Sweets, and Annie’s.
Facebook has a ton of dye-free groups with many, many resources, too!
Every supermarket has options; you just need to be vigilant and read the labels.
If you want to learn more or hear other stories, I fully recommend watching the documentary To Dye For.
Last piece of advice. Read labels on everything. Soon, you’ll know what you can and can’t buy, and it’ll be easy to maintain a dye-free lifestyle. I believe it can take up to two weeks to see a difference in behavior in your child if they are sensitive to dyes. So keep it up, and don’t quit!! Truth be told, you might see a difference in yourself as well. Dyes aren’t just unsafe for children; many of us are also sensitive to them into adulthood.
It brings me so much joy knowing that sharing our story could bring more happiness to your home. Our kids deserve to thrive, and we deserve to enjoy our sweet babies and the gift of motherhood! I’m cheering you on!
A Teacher Who Inspires, Innovates, and Uplifts
Amy Behlke is the kind of teacher every student—and every school—dreams of having. With an unwavering passion for education and an extraordinary ability to connect with students, she has dedicated her career to shaping young minds on the Ridge. Her journey from a small-town upbringing in Sierra City and Downieville to becoming a cornerstone of the Paradise educational community is a testament to her resilience, dedication, and love for teaching.
Amy’s impact on students goes far beyond the classroom. She has spent her 25-year career teaching sixth grade, embracing the unique energy and challenges of guiding students through this transformative stage. Many educators shy away from middle school, but Amy thrives in this environment. She recognizes the importance of fostering independence, curiosity, and confidence in her students. She has a gift for making history and English come alive, crafting engaging lessons that challenge students and spark a lifelong love of learning.
One of Amy’s greatest strengths is her ability to adapt and innovate. She has
seamlessly integrated educational AI technology into her teaching, using tools like EduProtocols to create dynamic, student-centered learning experiences. She is passionate about projectbased learning and has encouraged students to explore digital storytelling, podcasting, and coding through “Genius Hour” electives. She also stays ahead of emerging trends and actively seeks to leverage these advancements while maintaining meaningful human connections in the classroom.
Beyond her teaching, Amy is a dedicated mentor and leader in the educational community. As a teacher leadership coach with the Northern California Educational Leadership Consortium (NorCal ELC), she supports fellow educators in developing leadership skills and tackling equityfocused challenges. Her work with North State CUE (NSCUE) further demonstrates her commitment to professional growth, as she advocates for expanding technology use in education. Additionally, she has played a key role in mentoring credential candidates and new teachers, ensuring that the next generation of educators benefits from her experience.
Amy’s resilience was put to the ultimate test during the Camp Fire in 2018. In the aftermath, she and her colleagues refused to let their students lose their sense of community and learning. Teaching in a gym, with students gathered on the floor, she created a space where they could find stability and hope. Then, just as normalcy began to return, the COVID-19 pandemic presented yet another challenge. Once again, Amy adapted, learning to maintain strong student relationships through a screen. These experiences have strengthened her belief that education is not just about curriculum but about connection, perseverance, and ensuring students feel seen and supported.
Amy Behlke is more than an exceptional teacher—she is a mentor, an innovator, and a leader in her community. Her dedication to her students, colleagues, and the future of education is nothing short of inspiring. Any student lucky enough to be in her classroom will leave not only more knowledgeable but also more confident, curious, and prepared for the future.
Women inBusiness
We’re honored to continue the tradition of highlighting women business owners and professionals. We hope that we can promote our community through the synergy and strength of its members, and present a profound connection through the bravery of daring entrepreneurs while empowering those to come. Excitement around this issue is easy to come by. Each new year provides a reason to chat with old friends, foster new relationships, and be inspired by conversations with unique tales of success through struggle. Whether they are budding businesses or household names, we aim to introduce you to the faces—the people—behind the brands or services you adore or are sure to fall in love with soon. We look forward to meeting with and sharing the stories of many more of you as we continue ahead.
This issue is full of remarkable entrepreneurs spanning the gamut of industries and causes. It includes follow-ups on a number of our favorites from last year, alongside introductions to many more, and we hope you use it as a roadmap to help support these women—along with every other woman in our community— doing magnificent things. Not one made it to where they are by chance, and we couldn't be more honored to tell their stories.
Tierza Joy
Buffy's Gift Barn
Buffy’s Gift Barn of Paradise is more than just a shop—it’s a treasure trove filled with charm, creativity, and community spirit. Named after Buffy, the beloved English Mastiff who warmly greets every visitor, this unique boutique features locally crafted and one-of-a-kind gifts. With 28 talented vendors—and always room for more— owner Tierza Ortiz has created a space where shoppers can find something truly special, from handmade jewelry and apparel to tallow products, soaps, lotions, sun catchers, and garden art. With over a decade in retail and the unwavering support of her husband and two children, Tierza’s passion for crafting steampunk jewelry, laser art, and bringing people together shines through in every corner of the shop. Whether you’re looking for Paradise memorabilia, a meaningful gift, or simply a place to browse and connect, Buffy’s Gift Barn is a must-visit. Plus, with an ice cream shop opening next door and plenty of parking, there’s no better place to shop, explore, and enjoy Paradise!
797 Elliott Rd. Suite E, Paradise, CA https://buffysgiftbarnofparadise.square.site (530) 774-0359 | www.FB.com/BuffysGiftBarn
Margarita Orozco | Kleaning Moms
Margarita Madrigal, the unstoppable force behind Kleaning Moms, goes beyond spotless spaces. As a beloved and dedicated single mom of four successful children, including a daughter with special needs who inspires her daily, Margarita embodies resilience and determination. With a decade in business and a lifetime of overcoming challenges, she empowers single moms to pursue entrepreneurship, homeownership, and to never give up on their dreams. Margarita’s success story reflects a deep understanding of life's challenges and the ability to turn them into opportunities. Margarita also owns and maintains several AirBnBs locally, which shows there is no limit to what she can do. Kleaning Moms specializes in commercial and residential cleaning. Whether providing one-time or recurring cleans for single families or assisting business owners and Realtors, their goal is to surpass expectations with an unrivaled work ethic and attention to detail. Their ability to work together reflects Margarita's leadership and commitment to excellence and inspires clients and entrepreneurs alike.
Call (530) 321-8431 to schedule a cleaning!
Cozy at home
Have you ever walked into a home and immediately felt like you could never overstay your welcome, no matter how hard you tried?
I distinctly remember my childhood home being this way. Friends and family would gather there constantly. And never, ever, did they feel like they had overstayed. My mom did a wonderful job of ensuring her home was a place of infinite comfort for anyone, anytime, and for however long they needed it.
As a mother now, I’ve tried to emulate this. What makes a home cozy? What makes a home a place that people love to be in? Over the years, I’ve come up with a few things that have proven to be traits of a cozy home—a home that your children and loved ones choose over all the other places to be (a mother’s true dream).
Some things about home that were always predictable (and still are): there was a fire in the wood stove, dinner was at dark, and there was always a place to sleep with fresh sheets and plenty of pillows. These were all pieces of life I could count on, but I didn’t realize how much they meant at the time. Now, I ensure that there are pieces of life that can be counted on at my home: always fresh bread in the bread box, jazz music from the speaker, and, just like Mom’s, a fire always going.
Integrating small but tangible pieces of predictability into your home will always breed a feeling of welcome. It also allows those who come to know what to expect, even when their lives may feel wildly unpredictable, a place to feel at ease.
I’m not a routine-oriented person at all, but I know routines help others know what to expect, making the comfortable nature of a home more present. Setting up routines, even for small daily tasks, will ensure those in your home can count on specific aspects of their day to go a certain way. Bedtime routines, morning schoolwork, and daily baking are all routines we implement, and even guests get to know them immediately.
Start with small but noticeable tasks that everyone in the home can be involved in if they want to. Allowing anyone and everyone to be a natural part of routines is a gift they didn’t know they needed.
The best days in a cozy home are those when everyone is bored. More coffee conversations have transpired over my mom’s dining room table than have ever taken place in the bustle to get a task accomplished. Allowing the space for free time, and lots of it, makes what could have been good moments turn into great ones. Relationships thrive, creativity sparks, and rest is had when boredom and nowhere to be is an intentional part of the day.
I hope my children and those who enter my home feel at peace, knowing they can never overstay their welcome. I want it to be a place where they feel drawn to return, even when life is pulling them in a million directions. I hope the same for you and yours.
Cynthia Perry
Chico Speech and Language Center
Cynthia Perry (Manuel), a native of Butte County and mother of four, has been a dedicated speech-language pathologist for 14 years. She continues to proudly serve the local community through Chico Speech & Language Center, which has provided exceptional care for over 26 years. She also works closely with Chico State to support and guide future therapists. Cynthia is passionate about fostering a supportive, collaborative, and family-oriented environment where personalized programs help clients achieve lasting success. Her specialties include feeding, early intervention, ASD, orofacial-myofunctional, social skills, and more.
(530) 894-0702 chicospeechandlanguagecenter.com
Kimberley Humble
Supportive Conceptions Surrogacy Agency
Kimberley is a Chico native and founder of Supportive Conceptions Surrogacy Agency, where she matches surrogates with families looking to have a family with the help of a caring woman. Kimberley has been a doula for 20+ years, is a mother of three, and has been a surrogate three times herself.
Specializing in Northern California matches, she has dedicated her life to helping and guiding surrogates throughout the process and has loved helping parents on their journey to parenthood for the past 11+ years.
Owner of Sweet Chico Confections in Downtown Chico, Robin has taken the sweet shop to new heights. The business has given her a new way to connect with her two children who are proud of the skills they’re learning, and Robin has a great crew of employees who run the family business in their absence. In her fourth year at the helm of Sweet Chico she’s excited to continue bringing new and delicious flavors to town. Come in for your new favorite treat today!
Get Kids cooking!
Let's get the kids cooking! They may not admit it, but they like being involved. Not sure where to start? Ask your family for one dinner idea they would each like to have that week. Make the grocery list together. Teach them to wash, chop, prep, sauté, bake, sample, and taste test (the best part)! Go on Pinterest and find new recipes together. Print their favorite recipes and put them in a binder. Your kids may surprise you and cook one of the recipes for you, like my kids did.
Let go of perfection. Kids cooking will be messy and may not look how you want it to, but who cares? They helped create it, which means they'll like the food more! Start with some fun recipes and ease into healthier versions as time passes and they cook more.
Have fun, take photos to show them you're proud of what they made, put music on, and enjoy the time together. What I wouldn't give to be in my great grandma's kitchen again making a lemon meringue pie together.
I often teach fellow Paradise residents the joys of simple and tasty meals at the Paradise Stronger Equilibrium Wellness Center. Still, my favorite thing is to inspire kids to be junior chefs! Most days of the week, I teach wholesome meals through the cooking elective at Paradise Charter Middle School. I love teaching kids to eat seasonally, shop locally, and prioritize protein and healthy fats to stay full. It is crucial to teach kids to cook early and often because they are more likely to love the food they create themselves. This encourages healthier habits, ownership over what they make, and the ability to serve others with this valuable life skill.
Kids who cook become proud of their creations and want to share. Overall, this sets youth up for a healthier lifestyle in the long term as they grow up less dependent on processed foods and more excited about their masterpieces. It also challenges them to continue working on a recipe until they feel they’ve perfected it. That experience alone is worth its weight in gold as it translates into everything else they do. That feeling of accomplishment is difficult to find elsewhere.
Get kids cooking and discover the myriad ways it benefits them. They’ll love it, and you’ll have a permanent sous chef in the kitchen to help make cooking for the family more manageable and fun.
Jenn shares new and exciting recipes regularly on her social media profiles and has a lot more tips on age-appropriate cooking. Feel free to reach out to ask questions, talk about food, or for other helpful resources.
Founded in 1973, Chico Montessori Children’s House, has nurtured over 3,000 preschool and transitional kindergarteners through a child-led, experiential learning environment. Its blended classrooms promote curiosity, independence, hands-on learning, self-correction, and a lifelong love of discovery, in line with Montessori philosophy. Director Sarah Livingston, owner since 2013, champions the idea, “Where interests lie is where the teaching and growing can begin.” With flexible full- and part-time schedules available, experience innovative early education today.
Julie Gonzales
Chico Creek Dance
Julie, and her husband, Jake, took over as owners of Chico Creek Dance Centre in 2019. They continue to work alongside Artistic Director Debbie Jorritsma and help grow the dance studio for our community and dancers. Julie began working for Debbie 14 years ago, helping with costumes for performances. Eventually, she grew to head up the costume department for the full-length ballets at Chico Community Ballet and took on other administrative roles. Chico Creek Dance Centre’s extraordinary team of instructors provides dance classes for all ages, levels, and styles.
1144 W. 1st Street, Chico www.chicocreekdance.com
Whitney Teal
Teal's Discovery Nook
Whitney Teal, a Chico native and homeschool teacher of 10+ years, offers small, engaging math enrichment classes for 2nd–9th graders. Her hands-on, strategy-based approach builds confidence, critical thinking, and a love for learning. Located off White Avenue, classes include math games, strategic play, and even needle felting.
Where Climbing Builds Confidence, Connection, and Community
Chico Terrain Adventure Park is more than just a climbing gym—it’s a space where families grow stronger, friendships are forged, and fears are conquered. Whether you’re a seasoned climber or stepping onto the wall for the first time, Paul and his team have created an environment that fosters encouragement, adventure, and belonging.
For Paul, climbing has been a passion since his college days in Southern California, where he and his brother first discovered the sport. It quickly became a way of life, offering a physical challenge, a mental escape, and an opportunity to push past fears, build resilience, and connect with nature.
His longtime friend and business partner, Mitch, shared that vision. The two grew up in Red Bluff, their moms bonding over cribbage while they built lifelong friendships. Both pursued their studies in Southern California—Mitch in accounting and Paul in business—before returning home to create something meaningful for their community.
Paul took the leap at just 23 years old and opened Chico Terrain Climbing Center,
where climbers of all skill levels could challenge themselves and grow. Over the past seven years, it has become a beloved space for local climbers. Still, Paul had an even bigger dream: to build an adventure park where families, kids, and community members of all ages could play, explore, and gain confidence in a supportive environment.
With the help of his whole family—his sister-in-law, an architect, and his brother, an electrician—Chico Terrain Adventure Park finally became a reality in November, marking a long-anticipated expansion. Every detail was thoughtfully designed with safety, fun, and community in mind, making it a one-of-a-kind destination in Chico.
Paul is more than just a business owner— he’s a husband, a dad, and a family man. His three-year-old daughter, Ginny, was a major inspiration for Adventure Park. He wanted to create a space where she and other children could grow up climbing, playing, and learning in a safe and exciting environment.
Chico Terrain Adventure Park is designed for all ages. With a minimum weight
requirement of just 22 lbs, even the littlest adventurers can experience the thrill of climbing. The park is perfect for weekday playgroups—the ideal place to meet up with friends for an early bird session. It shines for birthday parties, as you can rent a spot for up to 30 guests and bring your own food and decorations. They even offer membership perks for just $100/month ($50 for additional family members), where members can access the climbing gym, rock wall, workout area, locker rooms, game room, and Adventure Park. It is also an incredible destination for community events, including potlucks, climbing classes, and special programs that create a true sense of belonging.
Whether you’re a parent looking for a fun and engaging activity for your kids, an athlete seeking a new challenge, or someone hoping to build strength and confidence, Chico Terrain Adventure Park welcomes you. Paul and his team invite you to climb, connect, and explore because strength isn’t just about muscles—it’s about courage, perseverance, and the support of an incredible community. Visit Chico Terrain Adventure Park at 931 West 5th Street in Chico.
Joymaking Memories
Homeschooling: an unexpected journey
I never imagined myself as a homeschooling mother. It wasn’t part of my plan. I thought parents dreamed about it long before their children were born. That wasn’t me.
I am a mom of four children, all under eight years old. When my youngest was born, my oldest was five, in kindergarten at a wonderful local school. Life was full— meals, housework, school drop-offs, naps, nursing, and extracurriculars filled my days. My husband’s work often kept him away, leaving me to navigate afternoons and bedtime routines.
Homeschooling became a consideration when my second child was ready for TK. Our school didn’t yet offer a program, so rather than enroll in a different school, I decided to try homeschooling—just for the year. It seemed practical, reducing the chaos of multiple school runs with a toddler and newborn in tow.
That TK year opened a door I wasn’t prepared to walk through. Could I successfully homeschool my oldest as well?
• Would I have the time to teach while managing my other children’s needs?
• Would my kids “fall behind” academically?
• Would we be happy?
• How would we find community and friends?
My heart wrestled daily, but I needed to trust—and try!
During that year, my daughter thrived. My two-year-old learned alongside her, mastering the alphabet and counting. We all felt connected, and my children’s relationships deepened. I missed my
oldest during school hours, and the constant rushing—driving, activities, meals, baths—wore on me.
By the end of the school year, I began researching options for my oldest. I found incredible resources and communities in Chico and surrounding areas. Local charter schools like CORE Butte and Lakeview offered funding for enrichment activities and curriculum. Over the summer, we tested a curriculum to see how we’d manage. When fall arrived, we took the leap.
Here’s what I’ve learned as a new homeschooling mom:
1. The community is abundant. Chico has many homeschooling families, and the enrichment opportunities are endless. Programs in STEM, history, outdoor skills, co-ops, and more are readily available— you just have to look and ask.
2. I watched my family’s relationships change.
• My children have time to play, explore, create, and be kids.
• We no longer rush through mornings. The kids wake up naturally, eat when hungry, and nap when needed.
• We can adjust our schedule to prioritize family time around my husband’s work.
3. Learning happens everywhere. Homeschooling doesn’t need to mimic traditional school. For children in the early elementary school years, academics often take just a few hours each day. I’ve found joy in slowing down and learning alongside my children, adjusting the pace and approach as needed.
4. As we focus on teamwork, my children have grown closer, and behavioral challenges have shifted. It’s not perfect, but it is easier.
Overcoming Challenges
Teaching older kids while meeting the needs of my toddler and preschooler isn’t
easy. We find windows of time, schedule lessons, and embrace flexibility. Watching their eyes light up when they grasp a concept is a gift.
As parents, we’ve studied our children since birth. Homeschooling allows us to deepen our understanding of them, discover their styles, and grow together emotionally and academically.
Homeschooling may not have been my calling, but it has been a gift. I’ll never regret slowing down, prioritizing our family values, and watching my children deepen their bonds.
As we grow and change together each year, I plan to reassess the choice to homeschool each child, ensuring it aligns with their needs and our family’s goals. Experienced homeschooling parents are invaluable resources; I have much to learn from them.
Homeschooling has been a blessing for our family. I have endless learning ahead, but some might say that this time together is what life is all about.
I was told there'd be a village
Moms often seek a parenting village to combat motherhood's isolation and overwhelming nature. A supportive community offers emotional connection, shared wisdom, and practical help, such as swapping babysitting or advice on parenting challenges. It provides a sense of belonging, making moms feel less alone while building friendships. Villages also benefit children by offering diverse role models while teaching cooperation and empathy. Many moms are drawn to reclaiming unity and support once found in tight-knit communities. Parenting together creates shared experiences, reduces stress, and brings joy to the journey of raising children.
“I Was Told There’d Be a Village: Transforming Motherhood through the Power of Connection” by Melissa Wirt is a forthcoming book scheduled for release on April 8, 2025. Wirt, the founder of
Latched Mama, addresses the challenges of modern motherhood, notably the isolation many mothers experience despite the promise of a supportive village. Drawing from her journey and conversations with mothers nationwide, she identifies common barriers to connection, such as time constraints and feelings of inadequacy. Each chapter offers practical strategies to shift from an isolation mindset to a village mindset, encouraging small actions like engaging with fellow mothers at events or reaching out to friends. The book serves as a roadmap for mothers seeking to build a supportive community and find joy in connected parenting. I was fortunate to read this book before its release, and I highly recommend grabbing a copy for yourself.
When I think of someone who truly embodies the spirit of community, Jillian
Smith immediately comes to mind. Moving to a new town and a large school like Pleasant Valley as a freshman, she had to adapt and find her village. She carried that same determination into motherhood—first as a mom and again as a second-time mom—continuing to build her village as an adult.
You may know her as Mom to Mason (12), Della (9), and Camille (3), the publisher of Macaroni KID Chico, the host of From Bun to One, or a past president of the Chico Mothers’ Club. To me, Jillian is someone who truly understands the power of community. She welcomes and gathers those searching for a place to belong. A wealth of knowledge and a friendly, familiar face, she always finds you in a crowd and makes you feel at home. I asked her three questions to share her insights with you:
What does a village look like to you?
Jillian: A great village is made of mamas who feel safe to be vulnerable (real) with each other. They openly share experiences, ideas, resources, and the hard stuff. They show up for each other. They can laugh and have fun together. Most importantly, they understand and respect that we’re all doing our best in our own way.
What are your go-to resources in Butte County where moms should look to find this type of thing?
Jillian: I highly recommend the Chico Mothers’ Club for Chico moms wanting community. The playgroups and Mom’s Night Out (MNOs) are especially amazing for village-building. New moms (pregnant or with a baby in their first year) should start with From Bun to One, held publicly
and monthly for free, to connect and learn about CMC. For Paradise and Magalia mamas, it has to be Moms of the Ridge. As a non-profit organization, they have a lot of support and engagement with the Ridge community, fun events, and parenting resources. Single mothers have unique needs and experiences (and superpowers), so it is important to seek out the Single Moms Squad in addition to all-mom groups. Libraries, playgrounds, faith-based groups, and local familyfocused attractions are great places to make new mom friends.
You had two kids close together and then went almost seven years before having your third. What have you learned, and what advice would you give?
Jillian: I expected it to be a lot easier with all the new gadgets. In some ways, it is— like having years of experience and two kids who can use a coffee maker—but one thing will never change: we mamas need each other. Please don’t do this super hard thing alone! My advice is to get out of the house, come as you are, and put in the effort wherever you can to make and build upon those in-person connections we all need to thrive as parents and people.
The Ultimate Guide to Hosting Family Game Night
Family game nights are the perfect way to unplug. Whether your kids are toddlers or teens, hosting a game night can bring laughter, friendly competition, and quality bonding time. Here’s how to make your game night a success with top-notch games for every age group. Many of these can be found at Downtown Chico’s Bird In Hand, our go-to for board games and family fun.
1. Get Ready to Play!
Make game night special by setting the tone. Decorate your space with string lights, a game-themed centerpiece, or a chalkboard scoreboard. Don’t forget the snacks—think build-your-own pizzas, a popcorn bar with toppings, nachos, or a DIY sundae station.
2. Choose Games for All Ages
Choose games that match the ages and interests of your players. Here are some crowd-pleasers:
For Toddlers (Ages 1–4)
Hungry Hungry Hippos: Toddlers love the fast-paced action and colorful marbles.
Don’t Break the Ice: A simple game that improves motor skills as kids try not to collapse the “ice.”
Pop-Up Pirate: Press the swords into the barrel without sending the pirate flying— pure toddler suspense!
For Kids (5–10 years)
Guess Who?: Kids love asking yes-or-no questions to uncover their opponent’s secret character.
Outfoxed!: This cooperative mysterysolving game will have your little detectives working together to catch the sly fox.
UNO: A fast-paced, colorful card game that’s easy for younger players to grasp.
For Teens (11–16 years)
Codenames: A word association game that’s fun, challenging, and great for building team strategy.
Exploding Kittens: A quirky and hilarious card game that’s a hit with teens.
For the Whole Family Pictionary: Break out the laughs with some hilariously bad attempts at drawing!
Charades: A timeless classic that gets everyone involved, from giggling toddlers to competitive teens.
Apples to Apples: This word-matching game is perfect for larger families with mixed ages.
Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit: Turn your living room into a racetrack.
Step 3: Theme It Up
Game Show Night: Play “Minute to Win It” challenges, trivia, or homemade versions of shows like Family Feud.
Glow Night: Turn off the lights, grab some glow sticks, and play games like glow ring toss or glow-bowling.
Throwback Night: Dig out retro games like Clue, Yahtzee, or Candy Land.
Outdoor Adventure: Take your game night outside with lawn games like cornhole, giant Jenga, or flashlight tag.
Step 4: Make It Memorable
Tournament-Style Play: Set up brackets for games like Connect 4 or Uno and crown a family champion.
Keepsake Trophies: Give out homemade awards, like “Most Enthusiastic Player” or “Best Teamwork.”
6. Celebrate the Wins (and Losses)
Add a little extra excitement by awarding prizes or certificates for “Best Team Player,” “Most Creative Answer,” or even “Funniest Moment.” The real goal isn’t winning—it’s enjoying time together.
7. Turn It Into a Tradition
Why not make family game night a weekly or monthly event? Rotate who picks the games and mix up snacks or themes to keep things fresh.
Hosting a family game night isn’t just about playing games—it’s about creating a space where everyone can laugh, learn, and love spending time together. So, shuffle those cards, roll the dice, and let the fun begin!
Nature awaits: Discovering local parks
Chico is one of the best places to live if you love the outdoors. This town has a wealth of outdoor spaces that are fun and safe for children to explore. Spending time investigating the outdoors has many benefits for children, and there’s no better place for us to connect with nature than right here at home.
One of my family’s favorite local getaways is the Chico Seed Orchard—known to locals as the Tree Farm. The Forest Service runs it, and it has a one-mile paved nature trail that winds along the creek. There are several places to sit, enjoy snacks, and let your young kids roam free. Popular with dog walkers, the Tree Farm is a wonderful place for kids to explore safely, especially in winter.
Other community parks with welcoming areas for young nature explorers are Baroni Park and Hooker Oak Park. Baroni Community Park has a nature trail behind the playground and a cultivated area that children will love. Hooker Oak has a paved trail around it, plus you can take the trail directly to 5-mile! My kids think it's cool to walk over the levee and suddenly be in a whole new area of the park. Pro-tip: pretend they’re walking through a portal when you cross the
levee. They’ll love it! We typically play on the structure for a bit, then explore and see what we can find.
In the summertime, we use Bidwell Park extensively, especially Lower Park. Staying cool is essential in the hot Chico summers, and taking a nature walk from the Chico Creek Nature Center is a great way to get to the creek to splash around. However, it is prudent to be cautious during rattlesnake season, which runs from April through October. For this reason, I avoid letting my kids have free range in Upper Park in the summer.
Proper attire is a must; rain suits and rain boots keep kids dry in the wintertime, and hats and sunscreen help in the summertime. To go adventuring in our parks, I like to bring a stroller/wagon to store all our necessities. This includes filled water bottles, a plethora of snacks, and a baby carrier for the baby. As our kids get older, everyone will have their daypack to carry. They get to help fill water bottles, pack their own snacks, and generally take responsibility for getting themselves ready to adventure!
Get out there and explore with your kids!
Check out all of the great things we have to look forward to this spring! Please note that dates and times are subject to change.
From Bun to One @ Chico Library | 1108 Sherman Ave., Chico
Every 4th Tuesday of the month, 3:30-4:30pm
A monthly gathering for pregnant moms (Bun) and moms of infants up to one year old (One) to support, encourage, and connect with each other! Hosted by the Chico Mothers' Club. Free!
Growing Together Family Playgroup | 5250 Olive Hwy. Ste J, Oroville Wednesdays, 10-11:30am & 1:30-3pm Children ages 0-5 and their caregivers can enjoy story time, open play, art, music & movement, and more! Free!
Current exhibits: “Sonic Sensation” (through May 3rd) - discover the awesome power of sound. “Bear in Mind” (through May 31st) - the story of the California grizzly. Adults $7, Youth (3-17) $5
Over 100 vendors come together to make this festive market a weekly family favorite. Farm fresh produce, handmade arts and crafts, food trucks, live entertainment, and kids activities.
Honeybee Discovery Center | 727 W. 4th St., Orland 1st consecutive Fri & Sat of each month
Friday: 3-6pm, Saturday: 11am-2pm
Adults: $3, Kids 6-12: $2, 5 and Under: Free
Current exhibit: “Bee-Natomy 101” An intricate look into the anatomy of the amazing honeybee.
Nature ABCs | 1968 E. 8th St., Chico
Fridays (Aug-Jun), 9 & 10:30am
Families of children ages 0-5 can gather to enjoy an hour of fun activities including an animal visit, storytime, singing and dancing, an art project, and a nature walk in Bidwell Park. Free!
Upper Ridge Pop-In Playtime | 13917 S. Park Dr., Magalia
Fridays 10am-12pm
Bring your kids ages 0-5 and enjoy a wide range of toys to play with, including pretend play and building toys. Coffee and tea are provided for the adults. Pre-registration is encouraged. Free!
COMMUNITY CALENDAR brought to you by:
Visit http://chico.macaronikid.com
VOCS Community Resource Rooms
Every 2nd or 4th Saturday of the month
Chico, Gridley & Oroville locations
Pick up basic art supplies, learning materials, activity ideas, and premade resource kits. Open to all with no requirement for registration. See valleyoakchildren.org/home/calendar. Free!
Sensory Sunday @ Rare Air | 1090 E. 20th St., Chico
Every 1st Sunday of the month
Jumpers with special needs and their immediate families can enjoy the arena with modifications to the lights, music and arcade. One parent jumps free for each jumper requiring assistance.
Forebay Aquatic Center Activities | 930 Garden Dr., Oroville
Weekends May 10th - Labor Day
California’s only aquatic education center north of Sacramento. They offer camps, classes, full moon paddles, special events & parties, tours, boat & equipment rentals, and field trips.
Inclusion Program: Movie Matinee | 545 Vallombrosa Ave., Chico Sat, Mar 1st, 2-4pm
Enjoy an inclusive & sensory friendly showing of Finding Nemo! Wear PJs and bring cozy items (blankets, stuffies, etc.). Popcorn and cocoa provided. Register through CARD. All ages. $5.
Explore Butte’s 6th Annual Museum Weekend
Sat, Mar 1st & Sun, Mar 2nd, 10am-4pm
Participating museums and cultural centers countywide celebrate history, art, and culture! Museums, galleries, and other cultural destinations across the county will be showcasing their programs and offering free admission.
Upper Park Discovery Hike | Upper Bidwell Park, Chico
Sat, Mar 8th, 9-10:30am
Take your kids on a hike and learn about the history and ecosystems of Upper Park. Meet at Designated Parking Area E. Register through CARD. Ages 7+. Adults $10, Children $5.
Chico Performances: A Bee Story @ Laxson Auditorium, 400 W 1st St., Chico | Mar 8th, 2-5pm - doors at 1:15pm
A uniquely Australian physical theatre show for children and families incorporating a kaleidoscope of circus, acrobatics, dance and live music. $17 per person.
March Continued
Ridge Cook Off 2025
Sat, Mar. 15th, 4-7pm
6550 Skyway, Paradise
Indulge in a delightful tasting event featuring dishes from local chefs, live music from Channel 66, and a cash bar. Proceeds benefit youth organizations of Paradise and Magalia.
2nd Annual Spring KID Day @ DeGarmo Mon, Mar 17th, 10am-12pm
3428 Esplanade, Chico
Kick off Spring Break with Macaroni KID Chico and local children’s author Mollie “Gam Gam” Openshaw at this fun park playdate! Springtime crafts, storytime, face painting by Vivid Creations Chico, snacks for the kids, coffee for the adults, and lots of fun. Free!
Spring Equinox 2025 feat. Decades Sat, Mar 22nd, 5-10pm
1705 Manzanita Ave., Chico
Join the Children’s Choir of Chico at their 17th
Annual Spring Equinox Dinner, Auction, and Dance at the Chico Elks Lodge. Get tickets before March 15. (Adults $45, Kids $10).
Kite Day @ Community Park
Sun, Mar. 23rd, 12-3pm
1900 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Pkwy, Chico
Soar into spring! This free family-friendly community event features live music, activities for kids, vendor booths, and plenty of space to fly your kite high. Come early for parking.
Stronger Families Indoor Play Day
Fri, Mar 28th, 9:30-11:30
6848 Skyway, Ste P, Paradise
Bring your kids to Paradise StrongerEquilibrium for music & dance, crafts, games, storytime and more! Not a drop-off event.
The Celestial Hunter New Moon Night Hike
Sat, Mar 29th, 8-9:30pm
1 Observatory Way, Chico
Meet in the Chico Community Observatory parking lot for a guided hike. Hear the tales of Orion the Hunter and the great chase across the sky. Register through CARD. Ages 5+. $5.
Valley Oak Children's Faire
Sat, Apr 5th, 10am-2pm
Downtown Chico City Plaza
This free community event showcases many amazing local resources for families. Learn about what our area has to offer and enjoy live performances and fun activities for kids.
Wildflower & Nature Festival
Sat, Apr 5th, 10am-4pm
50 Montgomery St., Oroville
Come to Riverbend Park and enjoy free activities and entertainment for all ages, such as children’s crafts, river kayak tours, live music, food trucks, and a beer garden.
Dream It, Be It
Sat, Apr 5th, 9am-3pm
2341 Floral Ave., Chico
This free one-day workshop will introduce high school girls to different resources, career support, and role models to help them achieve their goals. Lunch and snacks will be provided.
Free Fishing Day
Sat, Apr 12th, 6am-2pm
6800 Lucretia Rd., Magalia
Come to Paradise Lake for a free fishing derby with prizes, raffles, community sponsors, fun activities, hot dogs, and a full-to-the-brim Paradise Lake to take in. Ages 15 and under.
62nd Annual Spring Jamboree
Sat, Apr. 12th, 10am-1pm
500 S. Park Dr., Chico
Enjoy this free family tradition with scavenger hunts, crafts, games, lots of fun, and photo opportunities with the Easter Bunny at Chico’s most whimsical playground, Caper Acres!
Woofstock 2025 @ Silver Dollar Fairgrounds
Sat, Apr 12th, 11:30am-5pm
2357 Fair St., Chico
A fun festival - with live bands, delicious food, a vendor market, and more - benefitting animals of Butte Humane Society. Wellbehaved dogs are welcome! Bring a blanket and a lawn chair.
PRPD Easter Egg Hunt @ Terry Ashe Rec Center, 6626 Skyway, Paradise
Sat, Apr 19th, 9-11am
Enjoy a free candy-filled egg hunt for children of all ages, plus a special visit from the Easter Bunny! 4H will be showing animals. Bring your own basket (limited supply available).
Gold Nugget Craft Faire @ Terry Ashe Rec Center, 6626 Skyway, Paradise Sat, Apr 26th + Sun, Apr 27th, 9am-5pm
Spend the weekend celebrating Gold Nugget Days and supporting local businesses. The faire will feature a variety of local craft and food vendors. Enjoy the free family fun festivities!
Endangered Species Faire
Sat, Apr 26th, 10am-3pm Downtown Chico City Plaza
Booths and tables featuring schools, environmental organizations, and other community groups. The Procession of Species parade will start at Salem & 3rd St. Free!
Myths of Renewal New Moon Night Hike
Sun, Apr 27th, 8:30-10pm 1 Observatory Way, Chico
Meet in the Chico Community Observatory parking lot. Explore constellations and hear stories of renewal and rebirth from ancient cultures. Register through CARD. Ages 5+. $5
Spring Concerts @ Riverbend Park
Every Friday in May, 5:30-8pm
50 Montgomery St., Oroville
A lively free event filled with fun and entertainment. Music by talented local artists, plus a variety of local vendors offering food, beverages, and unique items.
Color Fun Run & 5K 2025
Sat, May 3rd, 9am
300 S. Park Dr., Chico
With a DJ at the starting line, photo ops, several color stations, and food & games at the finish line, you’ll have fun from start to finish! Rain or shine. Benefits youth programs.
Mother’s Day Tea Party
Sun, May 4th, 2-4pm 545 Vallombrosa Ave., Chico
Celebrate the moms in your life. This charming event offers a relaxing atmosphere where you can enjoy lunch paired perfectly with tea and lemonade, plus live entertainment.
Growing Healthy Children Walk & Run
Sat, May 10th, 8-10:30am
300 S. Park Dr., Chico
Start your morning with a walk or run in beautiful Bidwell Park! Choose to go 1m or 5k. Entertainment, health and wellness booths, refreshments, dancing, prizes and more! Free!
Chico Montessori Open House
Sat, May 10th, 9:30-11:30am
814 Glenn St., Chico
Teachers and the director will be there to show you and your child around, answer your questions and introduce the community to the Montessori Method of education. Free!
Paradise Chocolate Festival
Sat, May 10, 10am-5pm
6626 Skyway, Paradise
Celebrating 20 years! Chocolatier booths, 2 stages with music, community exhibits, craft and commercial booths, Kidz-Zone, 5k run, contests, costumed characters and more! $5
Wildflower Music Festival
Sat, May 10th, 1-8pm
1900 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Pkwy, Chico Chico’s biggest family friendly music festival! Live music (starts at 2pm), food vendors, silent auction, and activities, inflatables, & crafts for the kids! Benefits Wildflower Open Classroom.
CARD’s K-9 Classic
Sat, May 17th, 10am-1pm
3428 Esplanade, Chico
This free event celebrates our pawsome companions with engaging activities (for both pups and humans!), pet-friendly vendors, and the fur-bulous Mutt Strutt. At DeGarmo Park.
Chico Spring Jam Music Fest
Sat, May 17th, 12-8pm
1900 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Pkwy, Chico Enjoy live music on 2 stages. This year’s tribute bands will be playing classic rock! Includes art and craft vendors, Kids Zone, ping pong, a cornhole tournament, and so much more!
Silver Dollar Fair 2025
Thu, May 22nd - Mon, May 26th
2357 Fair St., Chico
Have tons of fun with carnival rides and games, delicious food, farm babies and pig races, live performances, and local vendors. Kids 0-12 get in free on Thursday.
Myths of Courage New Moon Night Hike Mon, May 26th, 9-10:30pm
1 Observatory Way, Chico
Meet in the Chico Community Observatory parking lot for a guided hike under the stars. Hear stories of the heroic feats of Hercules. Register through CARD. Ages 5+. $5 per person.