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Dinner with Jim Gaffigan Nightly on Youtube and Instagram @jimgaffigan

We love Jim Gaffigan for his comedy, which often features his large and exciting family! They’ve invited fans to join them for dinner conversation and charades.
Boredom Busters with Kids Square Children’s Museum
One of Roanoke Valley Family’s FAVORITE local museums is going on Facebook Live DAILY (times vary, follow their facebook page for details) and giving families great play-along ideas! Science experiments, pretend-play, story times, puppet shows and more! Not only that, they are giving away boredom buster kits, doing live shout outs to local kids and tons of fun surprises to keep every local family entertained while the museum is closed.
Virtual Zoo Visits Across America
Zoos across the country have closed to the public, but the animals are still having lots of fun! The following zoos and aquariums have live stream videos of animal exhibits, up-close animal investigations and even silly videos of penguins touring the zoos themselves! We’ve listed their social media handles and most common hashtags they use to share their videos. Dallas Zoo | @DallasZoo | #BringTheZooToYou Shedd Aquarium | @Shed_Aquarium Cincinnati Zoo | @CincinnatiZoo | #ZooHomeSafari Oregon Zoo | @OregonZoo San Diego Zoo | @SanDiegoZoo |#AnimalCams
As of printing, our local zoo- Mill Mountain Zoo was continuing their regular feed of animal photos and behind the scene videos of their exhibit expansions and animal care!

Virtual Draw Along with BeckaDoodles Love kitties? local artist BeckaDoodles will be livestreaming as she draws her adorable signature kittens! Your family can draw along and share your art with others! Join her on her Facebook page, BeckaDoodles The Art of Cute.