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Fun At Home
Summertime is the perfect time to enjoy these sweet southern fruits! Check out our peach recipe on the next page!
August 9 Book Lovers’ Day
Book Lovers Day is a great day to celebrate. Just grab an interesting book, find a quiet, cozy place, and crack open the cover. Celebrating Book Lovers Day in August is pleasurable on the deck, under a shady tree, poolside, or in a cozy hammock. If you fall asleep while reading, that’s okay. It’s all part of the relaxing benefits of being a book lover. August 10 Lazy Day Celebration
Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer! Lazy Day is your chance to goof off, and definitely not work. And, it definitely comes at a good time. Hot, muggy weather makes it easy to kick back and be lazy for a day. If summer chores are not done by now, they can just wait one more day. It is best spent on a hammock, along with your favorite summer beverage.
August 9-14 Perseid Meteor Shower
The annual Perseid Meteor Shower is one of he brightest, numerous and long lasting of all the meteor showers. Best of all, it occurs each year in August, at a time when the viewing weather is warm, most days and nights are cloudless. The number of

meteors you see, is dependent upon how dark of a location you watch from, and the number of expected meteors. This number can vary significantly from just a few to hundred per hour. On a good, moonless night, 60 - 100 meteors per hour are likely.
August 12 National Middle Child Day
It is very fair and fitting that we celebrate, and place into the limelight, the middle child today. Go out and enjoy this day to the fullest. Tell the world about it. Be a little outspoken, and let the world know how great it is to be the middle child. You truly are a wonderful, talented, and special person!
August 15 Honeybee Awareness Day
Did you know that many bees have to travel 55,000 miles to produce just one pound of honey? To get that pound of honey, those bees need to gather nectar from two million flowers. A single bee will gather just a 1/2 teaspoon of honey in its lifetime. After all of this hard work, honey bees deserve this special day of recognition. act, and in order to tell a joke, someone has to be present to listen to the joke.
August 29
International Day of Bacon
August 16 Tell-a-Joke Day Wanna hear a joke about Let’s start the day with bacon and No doubt about paper? eggs. Go ahead, take a couple it; today will extra strips. be a fun-filled For lunch, day with lots of laughter! To fully Sure. its definitely a BLT or participate and Turkey Club enjoy this with Bacon day, just tell some jokes. Nevermind... sandwich. And, don’t forget a You can do it in person, it’s tearable. cup of potato and bacon soup. Dinner or pass along can be a wide range a few humorous of entrees! Everything emails. That’s from a bacon cheeseburger easy enough to to a bacon wrapped steak is do. The more jokes you fair game. Your salad should be tell, the more fun this day will topped with bacon bits, as well be. We also encourage you to as your loaded baked potato. listen to many jokes today. There, that’s an international Everybody is getting into the day of bacon well celebrated.


The YMCA of Virginia’s Blue Ridge is here to provide children fun and educational experiences and parents peace of mind knowing their children are being cared for.