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How Do You Help Save Our Planet?
Kids have a lot of ideas when it comes to the sustainability of our planet. The quickest and easiest fix, these kids all agree, is to pick up litter when you can. Most of the kids in this issue pick up trash on the regular. Recycling is another Earthloving pastime. And then there’s donating and doing business with companies who actively try to preserve the environment. Pioneering their way into a more sustainable Earth, these future leaders share tricks that we can all adopt to help our planet.
Samuel, 8, San Lorenzo Valley Elementary
I contribute by taking out the trash and recycling. My mom does some composting, and in the summer we grow veggies. We’re growing lemons right now.
Chloe, 9, Boulder Creek Elementary
I pick up trash a lot. I think that all families should do that. My family also recycles, which other families should do, too, if they don’t already do that.
Ren, 11, Linscott Charter School
We try to help the planet by picking up trash while we’re on hikes. My family also doesn’t litter at all. I think that all families should do that, in addition to not littering.
Willow, 11, Monte Vista Christian School
For Earth Day, we used to go to the Summit for the Planet put on by Mount Madonna (I used to go there). I think that families can celebrate Earth Day and take care of our planet by participating in beach cleanups.
To help our planet, I walk around and pick up trash when I can. I think that people should clean up the beaches to help the environment.
I don’t really do anything special to celebrate Earth Day, but I do try and take care of our planet regularly. Families can spend some time going around and picking up trash to help preserve the environment.
My mom, dad and I go out on the road and pick up garbage with our neighbors about once per month. A way that families can help the planet is by reducing the amount they’re using single-use items; it would decrease waste.