Why Some People are Doomed to Stay in Debt and How YOU Can Instantly Change That To live a complete or successful life you must have money, but to get money you must work. Does work have to be boring or tedious or simply about getting more money? We think that work should be about more than money—it needs to be about passion, adventure and fun. But is it possible to get rich while having fun? Of course it is! You only need to follow some simple rules and you will be able to have everything you desire. There are natural laws which govern the process of acquiring wealth Those who follow these laws, whether on purpose or by chance will end up rich. Those who do not, no matter how hard they work, will remain poor. It does not matter where you currently live; all over the world we see rich and poor people living together. How much talent you have is irrelevant; there are tons of talented people who remain poor. It is not necessarily about saving; there are thrifty people who are poor and free spenders who end up rich. You don’t have to come up with a new idea or business either; we can see many people in the same fields and some are rich while others are poor. Rather, getting rich and attracting success into your live is a result of thinking and doing things in a certain way. Thinking correctly is the first step to getting rich Each person’s way of doing things is the result of the way they think about things. Before you can do things the way you want to do them, you have to be able to think the way you want to think. This is crucial because anything that is man-made must first exist in thought, before it can be created. Thought is creative; it actually produces exactly the thing that is imaged by the thought. This is the crucial principle outlined by some of the most well known self improvement experts including: Wallace Wattels, who wrote The Science of Getting Rich, Charles Hannel, author of The Master Key System and Rhonda Byrne, creator of The Secret. It is absolutely necessary that you are able to control your thoughts if you want to attract riches and success into your life. If you are poor, you need to learn to think about riches even when surrounded by poverty. Thinking about poverty will bring about poverty in your life. Thinking about disease will bring about disease. You need to rise above your current situation and think grander thoughts! Have your thoughts ever begun with the following phrases: I don’t understand… I don't want... I’m frustrated that… I hate my… I can’t figure out… I’m stressed about… I’m worried that…
When you think, “I don't understand why bad things always happen to me”, you are attracting bad things into your life. When you think, “I want to get out of debt,” you are actually attracting more debt into your life. When you think, “I'm worried I might get sick,” you are attracting sickness into your life! If you want to start attracting riches and success, it is necessary to change your way of thinking. Try changing negative thoughts into positive thoughts that will attract what you actually want. For example change: “I want to get out of debt” to “I want to make a lot of money” “I hate my boss” to “I can’t wait to own my own business” “I don't understand why he is so lazy” to “I love it when he helps out around the house” “I'm stressed about this project” to “I always create amazing results in my projects” “I'm worried about getting sick” to “I experience vibrant health daily” Now that you understand this law, it’s easy to see why the rich in this world continue to get richer, while the poor struggle with money. It is well known that the top 1% of the population earn 96% of the world’s wealth. This is a result of a certain way of thinking which separates the rich and the poor. The wealthy have money and they focus their thinking about how to best use their money and hence they attract more. The poor on the other hand often think about their present lack and unfortunately, that also attracts lack into their lives. The universe wants you to have everything you desire It is natural and it is good to want to be rich. The desire for riches is the desire for a more fulfilling life. In order to know more, to do more, and to be more, you must have more. So you must get rich in order to live more. You can make the most of yourself when you are rich, and so it is natural that you should give your best thought to the work of acquiring wealth. You can create everything you need There is no need to compete for what is already created. The universe will bring things too you, but it will not take things from others. You do not have to cheat or swindle anyone and you don’t have to take from anyone in order to get rich. By becoming a creator as opposed to a competitor, when you get rich, everyone you deal with will have more than they had before as well. Give more in value than you receive in every business transaction If you can give your customers more in value than you take from them then you will help make your customers and yourself rich. If you can go even further and ‘make someone’s day’ through a small kindness or unforgettable engagement, you can turn even routine encounters into special memories. Few things are as rewarding and infectious as lifting another person's spirits and the act of serving others quickly returns a feeling of satisfaction. If you are in a business that does not give people more value than they pay for, YOU NEED TO GET OUT AT ONCE! Riches secured on the competitive plane are never satisfactory or permanent. Riches secured through the creative plane on the other hand, enrich yourself and the entire world. Be Grateful
There are many people who think and act rightly in all other ways but are kept in poverty by their lack of gratitude. Being grateful for what you have received brings you closer to the source of wealth, and the closer we live to the source, the more wealth we are able to receive. Gratitude will keep your mind in harmony with creative thoughts and away from competitive thoughts. The moment you begin to feel dissatisfied with the way things are, you have lost. If you allow your mind to dwell upon the inferior, then you will naturally surround yourself with inferior things. If you can fix your attention on the best, you will surround yourself with the best, and the grateful mind is constantly fixed upon the best and continually expects good things. It is necessary, then, to be grateful for every good thing that comes to you. Make your vision clear Many people fail to get what they desire because they have only a vague concept of what they want. It is not enough to just want more money or more free time, everyone has these desires. If you think you need a lot of money, for example, because you want to buy your dream house, then you should not waste your time thinking about what the house will cost, you simply need to think about the house! Imagine the house in perfect detail, and imagine yourself living in it. It is this type of thinking that will begin to attract your dream house towards you. In order to really get what you desire you need to develop a clear mental picture of whatever it is, exactly as it will look when you have it. If you have this mental picture continually in your thoughts, then you will not fail in attracting what you want. Use your will power upon yourself When you know what to think and what to do, then all it takes is a little will power to make yourself think and do the right things. In this way, you can actually choose your own attitude. When you look for the worst you will find it everywhere. When you look for the best you will find opportunities you never imagined possible. You have the power to choose your attitude. If you find yourself with an attitude you don't want, you can choose another. If you use your will to keep yourself thinking and acting in right ways, then you will continually attain your visions and goals. Be ready to act Thinking in the right way will bring riches to you, but you must be prepared to act in the right way so that you can be prepared to receive these riches when they come to you. Whatever the right action is, you must act on it in the moment. You must act on it NOW. Do not wait for a change of environment to act; you will get a change of environment by action. You can use your present business to get into a better one, and your present environment to get into a better one. Do ALL that you can every day In order to advance, you must be larger than your present place. In order to be larger than your present place, every day, you must do everything that can be done that day. This doesn’t mean you should overwork yourself or take on more than you can handle. It might mean that you have to get smarter about your work though, and work more efficiently. If you do everything that you can, in an efficient manner, you will be acting correctly and brining about the circumstances that you desire. Become a creative center When you create, you create not just for yourself, but for everyone that you deal with. If you can give your customers a use value greater than the cash value that you receive, then you will never have to
worry about not having customers. People naturally go where they receive value, and if you take an honest pride in doing this and let everyone know about it, your business will increase rapidly and you will be shocked by the results. Need Further Help? Now that you understand the basic principles behind getting rich, you should be aware that it does not matter what occupation you choose as long as you think and act correctly. So why would you stay with a job that isn’t exciting or doesn’t make you happy? Does your current business provide more value than what you receive from your customers? If not, we have a business opportunity that will help you become a creative center, give value to your customers and could change your life for the better if you go in with the right mindset and practice the principles outlined in this e-book. This business is exciting and fun, with no income ceiling, flexible working hours and only a small initial investment required. If this sounds like something you might be interested in, check out: