I Have the APO-e4 Alzheimer’s Gene
Recent research shows that your mind is the primary determining factor, not your genes, in how long you’ll live and how healthy you’ll be. “Studies show that one of the most accurate predictors of longevity is what a person thinks about their own health,” says Larry Dossey, MD, author and one of the top experts in the world in mind-body medicine.
I have the APO-e4 Alzheimer’s gene, and started going down the path of cognitive decline five years after Alzheimer’s claimed my mother. That was over twenty years ago; then in 2004 I had a wake-up call and became aware of what I was doing to myself. I began to realize that my thoughts and beliefs were creating a life for me that I did not want. And it was that realization that led me to rejuvenating my life and growing younger.
World-renowned cell biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton, has done extensive research into how the mind influences our biology. His findings reveal that while you can’t change your genes, you can use your mind to change which genes are going to be expressed and affect the cells in your body. This is where a healthy lifestyle and raising your consciousness come in.
When you change your lifestyle and beliefs, you send totally different messages to your cells and, in effect, reprogram them. Changing your beliefs begins with observing your thoughts. Watching. Noticing. Becoming aware of what you’re thinking. This isn’t as easy as it sounds and it does take practice. An ideal time to practice each day is when you’re brushing your teeth since you don’t need your conscious mind – it’s all muscle memory. And while you’re automatically brushing your teeth, your mind is going licketysplit thinking about all kinds of other things so it’s a good time to watch your thoughts.
Behavioral science has shown that it takes 21 consecutive days to establish a new habit, so here’s an effective way to get started. 1. Write on an index card or sticky note: WAITRN? (What Am I Thinking Right Now?) and put it on or near your mirror as a prompt. 2. While you’re brushing your teeth, notice your thoughts. 3. Don’t judge them – just notice that you’re thinking. 4. Once a week, change the position of the sticky note. You are what you think! My suggestion? Form a habit of becoming aware of what’s going on in your mind.
Ellen Wood of Taos NM is a columnist, inspirational speaker and award-winning author of “Think and Grow Young: Powerful Steps to Create a Life of Joy.” Her new book is “Joy! Joy! Joy! 7 Mind Body Spirit Self-Help Practices to Relieve Stress and Anxiety, Reverse Memory Loss and Live Happy.” Contact Ellen at ellen@bookofjoyjoyjoy.com.