Self Help Guide to Relationships The Toughest Relationship Problem
It can certainly be annoying when you have a relationship problem with your spouse. Or your best friend. Or your co-worker. Or anyone else in your orbit. Sometimes it’s not just annoying – it’s downright devastating. But you can take time off from seeing your spouse, or your best friend, or your co-worker, or anyone else who’s making your life miserable.
The toughest relationship problem, though, is the one you can’t get away from. It’s with you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It’s nagging at you, making you feel insecure, telling you that you’re not good enough. That person is you. The toughest relationship problem is with yourself. It’s true that we are our own worst critic. We are often so much kinder to others than to ourselves. We forgive others so much more easily than we forgive ourselves.
The primary reason our toughest relationship problem is with ourselfis because we don’t even realizethat we have that domineering, harsh critic badgering us. Our mind chatter – often negative – goes on incessantly like background noise we’ve become so used to, we don’t even notice it. But we’re absorbing it and it’s affecting us.
There are self-help guides for relationships that offer techniques to make into habits that will transform your life. Those techniques will help you nurture your relationship with yourself and give you a new best friend – yourself – who will stick with you through thick and thin.
It is possible to change that negative mind chatter into positive self-talk that will make a remarkable difference in your life. That process begins with observing your thoughts and it’s Daily Practice #1 in my mind/body/spirit self-help program that has dramatically and permanently changed my life.
E-mail me at and I’ll send you a free copy of the chapter on how to observe your thoughts. I want you to also experience the freedom and joy of getting to know and nurture yourself.