2 minute read
What’s better than going to the park on a beautiful spring day? Diego says it’s runnig into your friends Stella and Shine.


Check out this delightful duo! Luna and Blaze were both adopted from SEVA GRREAT. Blaze happily welcomed his sister to the family and now the two are pretty much inseparable. Blaze is teaching Luna how to be a dog and to trust her humans. We love happy stories.
This is Woody with his Easter bunny. He was adopted in August 2015 and was 6 years old at the time. Woody lives in Virginia Beach with his forever family. He is always front and center, right where he belongs! We are always so happy to hear about former SEVA GRREAT dogs, and we’re so glad to know that Woody is still doing well. This is Rudi and he’s celebrating his first gotcha day! He was adopted from SEVA GRREAT one year ago. Rudi is a former Turkey dog. He is so special and has the sweetest personality. His family couldn’t love him more!

We wanted to give an update on our Brinkley! Three months ago today, he came into our lives and it has been amazing! He loves being outside, playing with his ball and going for walks. He loves to retrieve our shoes and lay with them on his bed. His personality is lovable, energetic, and playful. We think he would make a great soccer goalie as he very seldom lets any ball get past him. He is the perfect addition to our family and we are so thankful to be a part of his family. –Elaine, Greg, Cameron, and Brinkley (Wells)

What do you need when you’re home and self quarantining? A dog like Ranger!! Actually a dog like Ranger is good any day. He makes every day better for his family. What a happy, wonderful boy. Homecoming

Share your pictures and stories by sending them to grreattimes@adoptagolden.com. They will be featured in coming newsletters, right here under Homecoming.
Former TD Barbie came to the U.S. in May 2019. Her new family says - “I can’t imagine life, especially in these times without my Barbie girl. I am so grateful to SEVA GRREAT for finding her for me. I love her with all my heart. She couldn’t be a better companion to Madeleine who stays with me a few times a week.” Barbie was supposed to take her TDI test but it has been postponed for now because of the pandemic. So here she is enjoying being read to by Madeleine.