5 minute read
Maxwell Strong Update
An Update from Max
Max is an adorable purebred golden retriever puppy who is a happy, playful, and generally healthy puppy with one exception. Max is a dwarf. Max is not just small but has a condition in which his body is not producing the growth hormone he needs to grow and develop normally and to be a healthy guy. He recently underwent testing to confirm that his pituitary is not functioning well. Max is about half the size he should be, still has his puppy fur and baby teeth, and does not have the best bladder control yet, which sounds like a typical puppy, except Max is 5 months old. He was surrendered to us because of the mounting expenses of diagnostic tests and treatment options.
Most dwarf dogs are euthanized so there is not much information available about what to expect. We have identified some good treatment options and have a wonderful vet in the Richmond area who is working with us to help Max have the best life that we can provide. We also will be documenting his situation closely so that canine health in general can benefit. So, while helping Max, we hope to help understanding of this condition, too. Max was given the name Maxwell Strong to give him incentive to persevere through his rough start in life. He started treatment in September of 2018 and was getting injections about every three weeks through that first year. Initially, the goal was to stimulate normal growth and development. Treatment is expensive, but we identified some reasonable options. Maxwell developed quite nicely, though is still small. But the goal always was his health. As of summer, 2019, he is no longer growing but will continue injections as they are essential for him to live. Without treatment, Maxwell will experience hair loss, skin infections, and progressive organ failure until, in a short time, euthanasia is the only option so he does not suffer. Treatment offers him a chance at a very good quality of life and we think he deserves that chance. Maxwell is a very special dog, a real sweetheart, and wants to express his most heartfelt gratitude for your support. It is your support that is making life possible for him.
Hello, Everypawdy! Oh, my, it’s been a hot summer! I hope you all are doing well. I’ve been taking it easy in the heat, but my fam, my best friend sister Lucy and I have still managed to pack in some fun. Recently, I got to experience a slice of history when we all went to Colonial Williamsburg for the day. We walked, and rested, and I met some interesting people. I am surprised that some of them managed to resist petting me, though, like this guy. But he was willing to pose for a photo with me. I guess he was tired in the heat, too, because he just sat there. Then the fam and I had water in the shade and took our time and just had a really nice family day together. Also this summer, I’ve been gardening, playing in the water, enjoying the puddles and mud, and keeping up my usual shenanigans in spite of it all! My doc says I’m doing well. I struggle with my weight and am having a few other side effects from my medicine, so we are decreasing the dose just a bit to see if that helps. So far, so good! No matter what, though, I am living such a good life! Thank you all for your support and love and for making this life possible. It is true I would not be here without you and without the folks at SEVA GRREAT who hooked me up with the medical care I need and also my wonderful Mom. You know, I call her “Crazy Lady” just for fun. But truth is – now don’t make a big deal out of this or it might go to her head – I love her and my whole family a LOT! A whole lot! But I want to play just a little hard to get, you know? OK, Yeah, I can’t fake it. I love them and am truly a lucky dog. And I love you all, too! Max Smooches to you! Stay cool and healthy and enjoy your fall, wherever it takes you!
Alison Rhoades, DVM Tim Withers, DVM Becky Rose, DVM Andrea Berger, DVM

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www.macvetva.com info@macvetva.com
Thank you SEVA GRREAT for helping me f nd my fur-ever family!

–Rita Benshoff