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Bentli enjying the smells while driving down the road. –Allegra

Here is Daisy Meyer enjoying a late August day. What a beautiful girl! She came from Turkey in September 2019 and was adopted that November. Her mom says she is ‘pure joy.’
Chance was adopted September 11, 2020. He is a good dog and LOVES EVERYONE.He makes us smile every day. Loves his stuffed toys. When we come home he always greets us with a toy. –Donita and Lewis Miles

Lucy and Ellie conquered a military move from California to Virginia. Going to Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Kirtland Air Force Base, Oklahoma City, and Knoxville. They were professional travelers often riding for 12 hours a day while mom and dad both pulled trailers. – Sara Wyatt

Congratulations to Nina Thomson on passing her Canine Good Citizen (CGC) and the therapy dog test from TDI!! Nina is one of the original Turkey dogs, and her parents are Linda and Brian, long time members/volunteers and part of our Board. The plan is for Nina to visit some hospital patients with her newly earned certification. Onyx was busy training mom - CGC, CGC-A, Sub-novice and novice.
Jordy and Vinny Beckman enjoyed some time in the mountains, taking in the view! Gracie Beckman is more of a home body. –Susan and Butch Beckman

Bear stopped at the sunflower field to smell the flowers. –Trish and Chuck Thomas

Dine to Donate at Bubba’s 33

Camping with Nash! –Rena and Mike Heath Shelby on the left enjoying play time with my son’s 2 Goldens and her sister, the Chihuahua, standing watch. –Rodan
Marshy made sure not to overdo it this summer... or maybe she’s worn out chasing and doing things I’m not aware of? She LOVES the lizards on the property! –Tammi Amick