3 minute read
My Name is Jackson Saville
Hi! My name is Jackson Saville
Ihave Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). SMA is a neuromuscular disorder that effects the muscles in my body. The muscles you use for walking, breathing and even swallowing! I have wheelchair that I can get around in, though!
I have loved golden retrievers for as long as I can remember. Lily, a SEVA GRREAT dog, came into our family about six years ago. I started following the SEVA GRREAT site this past spring. I love all the dogs “in our care,” and “forever fosters.” Then this past summer I found their Facebook page! I watched as they brought the Turkey dogs over in July before the CDC ban. One dog in particular caught my attention. Archie. They knew he had medical problems when he came over. He had been hit by a car and was left on the side of the road for two days! That made me so sad! I couldn’t believe that anyone could just leave Archie or any animal there. I know what it’s like to be dependent on people to help you. It can be really scary! I can’t even imagine being stuck somewhere for two days!
When Archie came here they took him to a neurologist in Richmond to look at his spine which had been fractured. He was going to need more surgery to help him get around better and make him more comfortable. I felt so bad for him. Having surgery is scary! I know because I have had three spinal surgeries! I even talked to my neurologist, Dr. Crystal Proud, and tried to get some information about how Archie would do from her.
I thought about Archie a lot and I wanted to help him. Then I thought that maybe I could do a fundraiser to try to help pay for his medical bills. My mom had told me early in the summer that I needed to do something productive, and rather than do her “fun sheets” that really aren’t fun, I decided to start my own company. In June and July, I sold tie dye tee shirts for the 4th of July and donated $5.00 from every shirt to SMA Proud. So I thought I can donate to SEVA GRREAT and help with Archie’s surgery! So I did a pet art project, and sold 17 kits. I donated $100 and my older brother matched it! Then my cousin suggested that I start making pet bandanas. I did! I worked at the Neptune Festival with SEVA GRREAT and sold bandanas and bowties! Now I have sold over 200! The best part is all the Golden’s I have “met.” Captain, Murphy, Lucy, and another Turkey Dog named Ernie Bert! I’m even reading a book about Ernie Bert, called My Journey with Ernie! These Golden’s always make my day better.

The bandanas are $10.00 and I donate $5.00 from each one to SEVA GRREAT!
I would tell people if they want to help someone, all they need to do is try! I was scared at first. I didn’t know if the SEVA GRREAT people would think that I couldn’t do much since I’m a kid. But they were so nice to me and encouraged me to try! And I’m so glad I decided to be brave and see how I could help!
I’m really proud that I have been able to help SEVA GRREAT and Archie! Archie is a dog, and unlike the youtube pups, he doesn’t have captions or a voice transponder. But I have a voice and I can ask for people to help me help these amazing dogs!