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Meet Rosie
Golden Oldies: Meet Rosie by Roni Sumner
No senior dog will be left behind; no senior dog will be ignored because of age or physical conditions. All dogs deserve love in their final chapter; all dogs need a home. Thanks to the GOLD program, part of SEVA GRREAT that was initiated by a bequest of Katherine A. O’Donnell, geriatric fur babies can rest assured that they will be nurtured and loved to their last breath. So it is with Rosie.
The shelter that held Rosie called SEVA alerting them about this 10 to 11 year old girl who had been taken from her home for severe neglect. Literally hundreds of people had called about her condition as the red golden was wasting away. She was a mere 37 pounds when rescued; with the lack of nutrition, there were a lot of health issues, so the shelter began treatment to give her a fighting chance for survival. Once she was strong enough and legal matters settled, Rosie entered the SEVA GOLD program and began to move forward. I was fortunate enough to foster her, so our journey together began at the end of November, 2021.
By her first vet visit the day after I had welcomed her home, her weight had risen to 49 pounds. She bounced around as if she were only 5 quite secure in the knowledge that life had taken a turn for the better.
Medical results showed that liver and gallbladder values were very high, so Rosie was placed on a prescription low fat diet and given medication. X-rays revealed arthritis in the lower spine and legs, and a nodule was spotted on the lower left lung. An ultrasound was scheduled for December 6, and I experienced a range of emotions over the days before as her body could not tolerate some of the medication though her spirit remained high.
The results of the ultra sound crushed my soul, but Rosie was living in the moment and enjoying every second of every day. The internist explained that she had a huge inoperable mass on the liver, and the lung had cancer as well. By then I had been told to go back to regular food as her system seemed not to be able to tolerate low fat or strong medication. Instead, three Chinese herbs were given to help bolster the immune system.
I asked the vet for a time frame, for I had fallen in love with this vivacious girl. None could be given—it could be months or even a year. All I can do now is make her life one of joy and love and comfort, and when the quality of life ceases to be stellar, then I will be there to close her eyes for the final gift of peace.
Rosie will remain in the care of SEVA GRREAT as a Forever Foster, and I shall be her Forever Foster Mom. She is teaching me that there is so much joy in life from crunchy leaves to yummy meals to tossing and chasing stuffed toys. Her philosophy to live in the moment is allowing me to do the same.
The GOLD program of SEVA GRREAT is allowing Rosie to enjoy a final chapter that made the whole journey worthwhile. Please consider donating to that part of SEVA so that other dogs like Rosie will know the secure love of a caring home with all medical needs addressed.