Gruene UMC
The Monthly Newsletter for Gruene United Methodist Church
NEWS August 2018
Gruene UMC’s Annual Backpack Drive Help us stand in the gap for Communities in Schools It’s that time of year again where we at Gruene UMC and Communities in Schools team up together to help children and parents prepare for the upcoming school year. Communities in Schools has an amazing school supply drive that they do each year so when we asked them how we could be most helpful, they said collect backpacks. So that’s just what we did and have done for 10 years now! We try to collect 200+ backpacks a year for needy kids. Can you help us do that again this year? We will be collecting backpacks starting August 1st thru August 24th in the gathering space. Please stop by the church and drop off your backpacks in the designated donation box in the gathering space. We will bless all the backpacks we are giving away on Sunday, August 26th at “Blessing of the Backpacks!”
during all services. So… as you go back to school shopping, help us stand in the gap again for Communities in Schools. Please remember, No school supplies backpacks ONLY. it is for boys and girls, elementary through high school ages.
This Month • Missions Update • Blessing of the Backpacks • Pumpkin Patch • Strategic Growth Workshop
• Free Hair Cuts for Kids • Clean the Church
Kids Clothing Donations Needed! Steve’s Pantry is now collecting kids clothing! Back to school is right around the corner and many families will be needing school clothes. Boys and Girls clothes, underwear, and socks. Please drop off your kids clothing donations Pastor during Steve’s By Pantry hoursBrock or at the church in the gathering space. For more info please contact Stephanie at
We are collecting Laundry items for Michelle, RN Wesley Nurse from First United Methodist Church. We are collecting LAUNDRY SOAP PODS, DRYER SHEETS and QUARTERS. The donation station is located in the gathering space hallway next to the Steve’s Pantry donation station. Thank you in advance for your prayers and donations. For more info, please contact Michelle, RN, Wesley Nurse at (830) 627-9665.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you to all the volunteers at GUMC! Whether you went to El Salvador with Living Water, taught at Vacation Bible Party, volunteered at Steve’s Pantry, traveled to Appalachia to help build a house, or helped out in so many different ways; you made a difference in the world. Your Missions Team voted to donate $720 for scholarships to Adventure For The City camp. If you haven’t seen it, check out the GUMC FB page showing Ms. Amy, Ms. Rebecca and our Pastors enjoying the assisted trampoline. We also are sending $500 to Connections so their residents can enjoy some activities like bowling and trampolines. Learn more about Connections at We also agreed to purchase and spread mulch on the Kids’ Club playground. GUMC has helped out Kids’ Club for several years. Learn more at If you have ideas to share with your Missions Team, join us the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm in Steve’s Pantry or contact Pastor Aaron at or Sarah Krull at We’d love to hear from you.
SAVE THE DATE! Pumpkin Delivery Sunday, Sept. 23rd The Gruene UMC Pumpkin Patch is now looking for volunteers to help with Decorations, Set up, crafts, clean up, hayrides, and sales. All money from the sales of the Pumpkins goes towards youth ministry, children’s ministry and Missions. For more info, please email Brandi at
Sunday,August 26th Calling all students pre-school through college and all teachers‌ We want to pray over you and your backpacks and bless them! Bring your own backpacks to any of our Services (8:30, 9:40, 9:50 & 11:00)
Sunday, August 26th and we will pray over all students and teachers during all services. Invite your friends and neighbors too!
SAVE THE DATE! Disciple II Bible Study starts September 27th
Greetings From The Gruene UMC Emmaus Community We had such a great time Sunday, July 22nd letting our GUMC friends know a little more about Emmaus. A number of you picked up information and applications at our table in the gathering space. There are brochures and applications on the big table in the gathering area all the time.
We want to remind or let you know that the next men’s walk will be Sept. 27th-30th in Wimberley. There will not be another walk for men until this time next year. The next women’s walk will be October 25th28th. There will be another walk for women in April of 2019. If you are interested in going, please let Jamey Roy know so that we can help you find a sponsor if you don’t know someone to fill that role. You can email Jamey at or call/text at (334)477-6591. If you have been on a Walk to Emmaus sponsored by the Methodist denomination or one sponsored by another denomination, you are most welcome to participate in any of our local activities and any of the Hays Praise ones. If you would like to receive emails on both, please use the contact information for Jamey Roy and send your email address to her. If you were on the email list and haven’t received information in a while, also let Jamey Roy know.
As summer winds down, we hope you'll consider joining us in the Disciple II bible study course beginning Thursday's at 7 p.m. Sept 27th March 2019. Disciple II is a 24 week bible study will immerse you in the books of Genesis, Exodus, Luke, and Acts. The study is ideal for busy people who want to fit an in-depth Bible study into their schedule. To sign up or for more info contact Kate Gideon via text at (830) 387-9112 or email
Help Make GUMC Clean Again! SUNDAY, AUGUST 5th after the 11:00 service! Clean the Church! Yes, Clean the Church is coming! Its time, the church needs it and we need you to help make GUMC clean again! This is our big back to school cleaning event to make the church new! We are going to gather as an entire church and all work together to help make OUR church look brand new! Please register to help us better plan and prepare for this event. Sign Up ONLINE at: oeidk=a07efj7p3kq6203b858&llr=lmysv8iab ** For more info, contact Mike Lawson at Mike Lawson at
August 19th 2 - 4 p.m.
@Motown On August 19th from 2- 4 p.m. in the Mission and Outreach Building we will have free back to school haircuts. Inspired by Kayla Hornsby, our goal is to give back to the community by making our youth look and feel special for a new school year. If you are a beautician or barber, and would like to join this effort or have any questions, please email You can sign up a young person for a free haircut today using the tear-out in the bulletin.
Rev. Dan Harrington - Senior Pastor
Brandi Carnes - Nursery Director
Rev. Aaron Carter - Associate Pastor
Amy Howell - Children and Family Ministry Director
Rev. Debbie Head - Associate Pastor
Rebecca Goossens - GTLC Director
Nadia Hoffman – Administrative Assistant
Beth Bradford - Creative Lead
2629 E. Common St. New Braunfels TX 78130 (830) 625-7200 Fax: (830) 625-7208 OFFICE HOURS M-F, 8:30 - 4:30
SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES 8:30, 9:40 & 11:00 a.m. (Main Building) 9:50 a.m. (Motown) “Come…be you, be filled , be loved. Go…be joy, be hope, be love. Be His! ” See What’s Happening There are so many fun and exciting groups here at Gruene! To find out what’s going on, check us out on the Gruene UMC facebook page or on our website,