712 Lincoln Avenue Willow Grove, PA 19090 215.285.4839
Missouri State University Bachelor of Science in Planning
Glenn Rufe is a graduate of the College of Natural and Applied Sciences at Missouri State University. In December 2012, he was awarded a Bachelor of Science in Planning with concentrations in Tourism Development and Community & Regional Planning. Glenn's interests include urban design, transit-oriented development, historic preservation, public speaking, and community outreach. In addition to his education, Glenn has experience working in a variety of settings. Projects he has participated in include land use plans, tourism proposals, and site designs. He also has proficiency in hazard mitigation, transportation planning, and economic development through employment for a regional planning agency in Springfield, MO. Glenn is familiar with statistical research, mapping and design software, as well as plan writing and review. Urban Planning is far more than public policy. It involves the complex relationships among the economy, infrastructure, environment, social climate, and government. This portfolio represents how through innovative thinking and creative design, planning can have a positive impact on any community.
Planning Assistant CENTER FOR RESOURCE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT {February 2012–March 2013}
Associate of Science in Liberal Studies, Magna Cum Laude MONTGOMERY COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE {Graduated 5.22.2010}
Tour Director JUMPSTREET EDUCATIONAL TOURS {March 2009–June 2013} Administrative Intern PUBLIC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT {June 2008–August 2008}
general Community Planning Tourism Development Plan W riting and Review Public Speaking Historic Preservation Project Management Regional Analysis Zoning and Land Use Planning Law Real Estate technical SketchUp ArcGIS AutoCAD Google Earth MS Office Suite training FEMA Mitigation for Local Communities IS-318
GLENN MICHAEL RUFE 712 Lincoln Avenue Willow Grove | Pennsylvania | 19090 215.285.4839 |
Bachelor of Science in Planning, Magna Cum Laude MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY American Planning Association Accredited 3.69 GPA in Planning {Graduated 12.14.2012}
Downtown Willow Grove Multi-Modal Transportation Plan | Author
Project Date: Winter 2013-2014 (In Progress) Municipality: Upper Moreland Township, PA Abstract: This plan focuses on increasing accessibility and reducing safety risks in downtown Willow Grove, Pennsylvania. Located in a commercial district, close to residential neighborhoods, at the intersection of two major roadways, and close to regional rail and public transit routes, this district has been in great need of a transportation overhaul. The plan promotes incorporating a new traffic pattern, adding new bicycle lanes, widening on-street parking spaces, and implementing a variety of traffic calming improvements.
Traffic Counts TODs Main Streets Program R e g i o n a l
History Open
R a i l
Economic Development Curb
Bicycle Lanes
GLENN RUFE | urban planning portfolio
National Avenue Crosswalk Development | Co-Author
Project Date: May 2012 Municipality: City of Springfield, MO/ Missouri State University Campus Abstract: In order to eliminate safety risks, this report was made to urge the campus and city to install a traffic signal, pedestrian crosswalk, and safety barrier on a congested roadway (National Avenue) bordering the east side of Missouri State University. The City of Springfield completed installation of a traffic light at the start of the 2013 academic year.
Open Space Planning Access
Off-Campus Living
Non-Motorized Transportation
Pedestrian Safety
Traffic Counts
Traffic Islands
GLENN RUFE | urban planning portfolio
Fair Grove Redevelopment Initiative | Transportation and Design Specialist
Project Date: May 2012 Municipality: City of Fair Grove, MO Abstract: This initiative was created as part of a three-member subcommittee to improve the potential for tourism in the City of Fair Grove, Missouri. Shown using Sketch-Up , an improved layout increases pedestrian and vehicle maneuverability. The subcommittee also worked to implement a marketing strategy for locally-owned businesses. Currently, the City of Fair Grove is investigating use of some of the proposed improvements over the next 1-3 years.
B e a u t i f i c a t i o n Tourism
Economic Development
Business Association Public Open Space Speaking Preservation GLENN RUFE | urban planning portfolio
College Street Corridor | Residential Development Chair
Project Date: Fall 2011 Municipality: City of Springfield, MO Abstract: This study exhibits a land use redevelopment plan for the blighted College Street Corridor in Springfield, Missouri. The report was coordinated by a six member team and presented to three local leaders who responded to an open invitation. The project was one of three proposals presented as part of a Land Use Planning course requirement. As a participant, I contributed by reviewing current residential development and planning for new growth in conjunction with a current city improvement project for open space.
Urban Blight Commerci
Community Involvement al T r a f f i c
Housing Open Space
C a l m i n g
Land Use Planning Zoning Route 66 Connectivity
GLENN RUFE | urban planning portfolio
Urban Redevelopment | Site Planner
Project Date: Winter 2014 Municipality: City of Philadelphia Abstract: This urban design concept is based on property in the Spring Garden section of Philadelphia. The site plan represents a quarter-block, consisting of an abandoned warehouse and two abandoned manufacturing buildings. The primary focus of the site plan is to convert the warehouse into loft apartments/ condos. Key features include public transit access, rooftop amenities, shared community space, and on-site parking.
Architecture Rooftop Garden
Public Transit Site
Plannin Community Development C g A S m a r t
C i t y
Urban Living
GLENN RUFE | urban planning portfolio
Cassville Community Marketplace | Team Leader
Project Date: Fall 2011 Municipality: City of Cassville, MO Abstract: As Team Leader for this studio design course, I was responsible for organizing meetings and field visits, delegating tasks, writing the final report, and presenting (in part) at the Cassville, Missouri City Council meeting. The report provides an analysis and site design for a potential community marketplace/ farmer's market in Cassville, Missouri.
Community Grants Engagement Agriculture P u b l i c
S p e a k i n g
Project U r b a n - R u r a lManagement C o n n e c t i v i t y Technical Site Planning Report Writing GLENN RUFE | urban planning portfolio
Washington State Historic Sites | GIS Specialist
Project Date: November 2011 Municipality: Washington State Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation Abstract: Using data gathered from the State of Washington, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, and the National Highway Administration I have compiled a map which can be used to determine potential tourism growth for historic sites. The map indentifies all registered National Historic Sites within twenty-five miles of the U.S. Interstate Highway System within the State of Washington.
Geographic Information Systems Location Analysis
NTHP Regional
Plannin g FHWA Historic Preservation A c c e s s i b i l i t y
Travel Demand research GLENN RUFE | urban planning portfolio
Photo Credit: Joe Mabel
Regional Perceptions of the United States | Co-Author
Project Date: October 2010 Municipality: Missouri State University Campus Abstract: As part of a team conducting a sample survey of Missouri State University students I contributed by distributing surveys, collecting results, and compiling a GIS map. This survey analyzed perceptions of U.S. geographic regions based on student demographics and compared them with the U.S Census defined regions. No significant demographic ties were found based on this sample, however, variations from U.S. Census defined regions are noted.
Comparative Public Analysis Involvement D a t a
G a t h e r i n g
Geography Census
O Sample Surveys
Geographic Information Data Systems
GLENN RUFE | urban planning portfolio
Shamokin, Pennsylvania Tourism Plan | Author
Project Date: August 2011 Municipality: City of Shamokin, PA Abstract: This tourism proposal is designed to provide initiative for a regional mining community to improve economically and socially after an eighty year decline in population and economic growth. This independent project focuses on geotourism, a term defining tourism that sustains or enhances the geographical character of a place—its environment, culture, aesthetics, heritage, and the well-being of its residents.
Reclamation Events Tourism Planning R e g i o n a l
Marketing A n a l y s i s
Economic Development
GLENN RUFE | urban planning portfolio
Project Date: October 2010 Municipality: Missouri State University Campus Abstract: As part of a team conducting a sample survey of Missouri State University students I contributed by distributing surveys, collection results, and compiling a GIS map. This survey analyzed perceptions of U.S. geographic regions based on student demographics and compared them with the U.S Census defined regions. No significant demographic ties were found based on this sample, however, variations from U.S. Census defined regions are noted.
GLENN RUFE | urban planning portfolio