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Lviv IT Cluster to modernize Technical and Vocational Education
Lviv IT Cluster is embarking on a new project that has never been done before – modernizing technical and vocational education (TVE).
The new project is called Lviv IT Cluster Academy and will focus on updating the curricula in vocational schools. Already in September, an updated program Information Processing and Software Operator will start at the vocational school № 29. The Lviv IT Cluster Academy project is implemented jointly with the KIVSH creative space with the support of the Department of Humanitarian Policy of the Lviv City Council and the Department of Education and Science of Lviv Regional State Administration.

As of 2018, 238 thousand students studied in vocational schools across the country. This number has decreased twice in the last ten years and continues to do so. There are currently 19 vocational schools in Lviv with 8,362 students. Lviv IT Cluster decided to help update the curriculum at vocational school № 29 on the basis of one program related to the IT industry. The vocational school is attended by students admitted thereafter the 9th grade of school. They spend 3 years gaining more practical skills, and afterward, can continue their studies at the university, or immediately start working.
– The implementation of the project will qualitatively change the training of Information Processing and Software Operators, but also give impetus to use IT tools in other professions. Modernization of this program, which today is one of the most popular on the labor market, will update not only the curriculum but also the material and technical base of the institution and demonstrate a good example of publicprivate partnership in vocational education in Ukraine – says Roman Stetskyi, principal of the vocational school №29.
Information Processing and Software Ope rator – is the first educational program that will be modernized through joined efforts of experts from Lviv IT Cluster
member companies and the vocational school teachers. Over the next few months, the workgroup will improve the curriculum of core subjects as well as add new subjects to the program. Students will learn the fundamentals of basic and specialized programming languages, such as C, C++, Java, Javascript, Python. This will give them an opportunity to work on various projects after graduation, including web programming. Students will also learn the basics of software testing.
– Since the beginning of the year, we have been actively involved in the modernization of technical and vocational education. We believe TVE is deprived of attention, but it offers narrow technical specialties, therefore, on behalf of the tech industry, we want to support such specialties. We have gathered a workgroup of two dozen people, which includes experts from companies such as SoftServe, NiX, GlobalLogic, PLVision, Abto Software, as well as representatives of the vocational school itself. Together we review the old curriculum and try to make it interesting, modern and establish closer cooperation of students with the IT companies through internships and practical classes in companies – comments Ivan Babichuk, Supervisory Board Chairman of Lviv IT Cluster.
In addition to the updated curriculum, students’ involvement in practical classes will also change – they will be able to do internships and study in IT companies, thus better integrate into work processes and understanding of IT business. The project is also joined by partners who see their mission in the development of education – creative space KIVSH.
– KIVSH creative space is always about development. It is valuable for us that we became cocreators of the first program for youth development in the IT industry – Lviv IT Cluster Academy. In this way, we will be able to help students integrate into the business and creative environment. We understand how important it is to lay the right foundation in life, so the first thing one should do is to study the basics – and do it in an accessible format. The introduction of current trends and values in the study process will encourage students and in the future will promote the development of their skills in practice – says Kateryna Knyzhytska, СЕО of KIVSH. The workgoup of the Lviv IT Cluster Academy plans to complete the updated program by the end of the academic year, so from September 2021 students can begin modernized studies. Admission to the program begins in March, you can apply for the program at the vocational school №29 website.

Khrystyna Maksymenko,
PR Director, Lviv IT Cluster