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Digital Terrain Model – V 6 Professional Version Introduction The Professional Version is designed to assist users in all the phases of carrying out a Surveying or Civil Engineering project. Its main users include the public administration, construction companies, engineering firms, architects, town planners, companies dedicated to earthworks, quarries, mining firms, environmental companies etc, as well as independent professionals. In addition to offering high performance, it is very easy to use. It works on a wide range of CAD systems, facilitating the exchange of information among users via drawings in DWG format. These formats are the following: 

AutoCAD, Map and Civil3D versions 14 to 2012 (32 and 64 bits)

BricsCAD versions 9 to 11

ZWCAD versions 2009 to 2011

Complete support for Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 in 32 and 64 bits. Option to install on different CAD versions, with the preferred version selected via a quick menu. Versatility ensured through the import and export of conventional ASCII format files and standard LandXML files. Results can also be generated in ASCII, HTML, Word, Excel and PDF.

User Interface As well as the normal option menus and tool bars, MDT6 includes option ribbons (AutoCAD 2010 onward), allowing fast user-friendly access to all commands. Featuring quick descriptions and connection to help system.

The majority of files created by the program can be visualized or quickly edited by double clicking without even needing to have opened MDT.

MDT – Professional Version - © Aplitop 2011


Surveying Points The program starts to run from the coordinates obtained from any total station or GPS by converting files from data collectors or from any other application through a powerful format manager. CAD-independent point viewer, with viewer controls, 3D orbit etc. Points are intelligent CAD objects, which is why they can be deleted, moved, changed to another layer, etc. using conventional commands or blocks having attributes, thereby facilitating compatibility with other CAD applications or systems. Additionally, any kind of editing operation can be executed, such as: interpolating, changing heights, sorting by levels, filtering, assigning codes, labeling coordinates, grouping points, changing their visibility, etc. Individual insertion of points, with the option to specify the layer to be drawn on, the layer prefix, association by group etc. Coordinates can be changed using an editor similar to an electronic sheet. Selection can be made by number, level, height, group, code or graphically. Each point can be associated to a document, drawing or photograph via a hyperlink.

Points can have alphanumeric names and it is possible to display points with different shapes and colors within the same drawing. New points can also be obtained from CAD objects drawn by other programs (points, circles, crosses, blocks with or without attributes etc.). The program then automatically draws the planimetry and slope change lines using its codes database, in which layers, colors, types of lines, thickness and point code ranges can be defined. It is possible to assign each code to different blocks for ground plans, elevation drawings and 3D rendering for subsequent realistic viewing.

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Surfaces Break lines can be graphically defined through point sequences, codes or by importing files. Tools are available to detect loose vertices, points on a line, crosses and surface inconsistencies, and to repair and mark the errors. CAD-independent surface viewer. Automatic triangulation from points or taking into account break lines. Triangulation from curves with length and angle controls as well as the minimization of triangle planes. Drawing as lines, 3D faces or polyfaces. Quick view. Creation of surfaces using multiple boundaries or selecting areas of action. Interactive triangulation editing, allowing one to insert, delete or invert joints. Boundary lines and islands. Including new points into the model. Multiple surfaces in a drawing. Commands to create fixed or variable-height subgrades, earthworks by terrain or leveling heights, as well as calculating the modified terrain using an alignment and the cross-sections generated. Earthworks along cutting crowns, fill feet, fill crowns, slopes between surfaces etc. Quick optimum height calculation to minimize volume. Automatic slope rounding. Customized drawing of combs. Command to create surface based on NASA SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) data. This allows the creation of an approximate digital model of any area of the planet by specifying its coordinates.

Generating Contour Lines Generating contour lines as polylines or curve objects. Contours at special heights. Automatic contour line modifications after changes in triangulation. Intelligent labeling without cutting contours, controlling style, size, layer etc. in manual, automatic or by direction line mode. Additional height labeling. Commands to add vertices, edit contour lines, discretize polylines and splines, etc. Generalization and smoothing using different algorithms. Tools to trim and join contour lines, carry out manual or automatic contour line interpolations, check contour line heights, etc.

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Horizontal Alignments Tools to fit lines, curves and clothoids, allowing user to control radiuses and parameters, in addition to Highway Instruction recommendations. Graphic and/or numerical definition of horizontal alignments and converting an alignment status to be used in the process of obtaining longitudinal and cross-section profiles. Fitting curves and clothoids. Interactive vertex editing. Automatic dimensioning. Point intervals list. Parallels. Converting alignments from other applications available on the market. Intersection lists and distances between horizontal alignments. Commands to locate the position of a specific station on the horizontal alignment. Advanced segment definition with automatic profile calculation, terrain and cross-section error control, as well as interactive editing. Advanced block definition to insert blocks in profile drawings or 3D views. Advanced superelevation and additional width generation and editing. Verification of compliance with Highway Instruction. CAD-independent external editor. Automatic updating alert for post-editing alignment files. Plotting of curvature diagrams based on an alignment or highway data.

Longitudinal Profiles Calculation and simple views of longitudinal and cross-section profiles from triangulation, digital 3D cartography or section files. Profiles by regression. Manual input. Quick profile from a surface. Interpretation of islands on the surface into account when creating profiles. CAD-independent interactive editing of longitudinal profiles with the possibility of viewing multiple profiles at the same time. Drawing of customizable profiles with the possibility of changing drawing order, text style and size, labels, justification, etc. Use of model and paper space. Projecting 3D polylines onto longitudinal profiles and cross-sections. Drawing customized blocks on the terrain or numerical data. Representing cartography as a numerical data element. Various terrains and grade lines can be represented in a single profile, along with their respective vertical transition curves and heights, height differences, partial distances, distances to origin, curvature and superelevation diagrams, numbering, inserted blocks, localization of road intersections, etc.

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Cross-Section Profiles Obtaining profiles taking into account platforms, ditches, slopes, roadbeds, walls, superelevations and additional widths. Advanced graphic and numerical editing of profiles, crosssection templates and grade lines. Simultaneous viewing of several profiles. Calculation and representation of surfaces, superelevations, heights, etc. Drawing on model and paper space. Applying reinforcements and additional widths. Automatic terrain extension. Inserting cross-section profiles into a terrain’s different phases of development. Generating modified terrain with preview and editing functions. Obtaining profiles from surveying points. Calculating profiles from simple sections. Projecting 3D polylines onto cross-sections. Option to plot terrains simultaneously. Grid profile representation Plotting of blocks associated to structures. Customization of the numerical associated with each profile.


Real-time visualization of cross-section profiles based on cursor position on a ground plan or a plotted longitudinal profile. Tools for creating superelevations from crosssections, construction of fill clean-up. Definition of different pipe cross sections to be defined with their corresponding terrain layers, bedding material, pipe diameter etc. Plotting the pipe section cuts associated with ditches, specifying the calculation of surfaces for each of the materials as well as the piping itself. Complete list of volumes of both differing materials and pipe occupation volume.

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Definition of Vertical Alignments Graphic and/or numerical vertical alignment design by: specifying station and vertex heights, distances and slopes, by polyline or through importing files. Automatic optimization. Editing vertical transition curves with radius or parameter fitting, tangent, maximum ordinate or pass-through point, providing real-time information. Checking regulations regarding visibility, slope gradients and applicable agreements. Automatic calculation of volume based on any modification of a vertex or agreement. Advanced vertical alignment editor with graphic and numerical input. Tools to adjust grade lines at station and height, and to invert and convert them from longitudinal profiles. Automatic updating of a vertical alignment file based on any modification to the vertical alignment in the drawing. Vertical alignment comparison tools. Vertical alignment plotting with customization of numerical data.

Section Templates Designing templates that can be applied to any section of an alignment in both urban (vector composition) and highway projects (road surface, shoulder, median etc. compositions). Identifying vectors in platform definitions: road surface, inner shoulder, outer shoulder, median, berm, fill berm, etc. Control over vectors that can be superelevated and their conditioning factors, as well as pivot points. Fixed subgrade slope, parallel, depending on superelevation or another different platform. Variable-size vectors. Application of platform vectors by cut or fill criteria. Possibility of defining vector elements and blocks to be located on median. Cutting and fill slopes with berms and variable number of vectors. Multiple roadbed layer definition with different thicknesses and materials. Highway Instruction roadbed catalogue library. Defining maximum and minimum reinforcement and additional width thicknesses. Defining the geology with organic soil, soil, transit and rock thickness. Support for

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structures, walls with distance to the axis or conditioned by slope length. Fill machine excavation. Ditches or slopes can be connected either at the roadbed crown or foot. Defining defense ditches. Interpolation of roadbed thickness. Definition of crowns and berm clearance. Automatic cross-section creation and assignments to horizontal alignment from ground plan drawing. Assignment of drawing polyline properties to define medians, walls, curbing etc. Assigning photo-realistic textures to each of the vertices making up the section template. Plan preview of the assignation of completed platforms, with the option to make changes from the same window. Definition of fill machine excavation with a specified depth and slope.

Setting Out Creating setting out stations using different methods. Calculating and setting out points on ground plan from base stations, points on horizontal alignment, station and adjustment, intervals, etc, using either coordinates or reciprocal zero. Points analysis from point coordinates. Setting out various elements simultaneously in line and roadbed layer lists. Survey analysis, control and report on a modified digital terrain model and/or on design profiles put together. Set out polylines with alignment command.




List of platform vertices, ditches, slopes, machine excavation vertices List of heights. Possibility of setting out, with or without base and reference stations for all commands. Multiple lists.

Volumes Calculating volumes from grid, surface or cross-section profile comparisons. Graphic representation of cutting and fill areas with color-coded gradients. Possibility of applying curvature correction depending on project’s horizontal alignment. Roadbed layer volume calculation. Detailed breakdown of each of the volumes calculated, cutting, fill, organic soil in cutting, organic soil in fill, etc.

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Curvature correction of volumes by cross-section profile differences. Quick volume measurement to find percentage of the works executed from an X, Y and Z points file, or stations and heights. Different reports for each of the methods, including maximum error estimate. Lists of areas, volumes, cross-section measurements, roadbed layer measurements and roadbed measurements. Volume by simple section. List of slope measurements on ground plan and elevation. Elimination of specified intervals between profiles in order to delimit the areas of interest for volume measurement purposes and avoid uncalculated areas.

Representation of mass diagrams, with different diagram types, earthworks calculation, definition of dumps and reserves, transport cost table. Creation of lists allowing the user to visualize earth movement volumes, transport distance and associated costs etc.

Maps - Rendering Three-dimensional terrain grid from a surface or contour lines. Slope, direction, height and visibility maps. Drawings of solids with assignment of materials. Drawing of anaglyphs to view relief. Terrain visualization commands and routing by road with displacement and orbit modes, observer orientation, movement on the surface and distance to the objective. Creation of

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videos with high-quality presentations, in AVI format. Softening, fog, lighting, shadow etc. effects. Plotting of white road lines. Polyline route simulation (selected from a dxf or created manually).

Libraries containing different realistic textures. 3D objects in 3DStudio format are also included that can be incorporated into the presentations. Possibility of defining new textures, including the possibility of using orthophotos as another texture. Change of texture parameters (image, scale, orientation). Option to include new textures. Surface inundation, indicating height and point. Water fall. Location management Configurable sky and background appearance. Include dxf on the surface. See triangle grid on the surface. Profile calculation on the surface. Distance measurement. CAD access to Web Map Services such as those offered by Cadaster and other public and private bodies. The user needs only specify a window on a screen using UTM coordinates, choose the service and the program will automatically insert an image in the appropriate place.

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Multiple insertion of geo-referenced images in a range of formats and image georeferencing tool. Image support in MrSid, ECW and JPEG2000 formats. Surface loads, MDT grids (binary and ASCII) and LIDAR grids. Export of points, station, surface and drawing information to Google Earth.

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Utilities Plan finalization tools: drawing of crosses, slopes, division of sheets, etc. Layer control tools. Elevation of objects. Plot delimitation options to assign surfaces parallel or perpendicular to a side, vertex, rotation, etc. Dimensioning. Identification, lists and exporting to databases. New commands to label coordinates, number objects, access website support, download updates, send drawings and associated files etc.

Requirements CAD

AutoCAD versions: 14, 2000, 2000i, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and compatible IntelliCAD versions: BricsCAD 9, 10 and 11, ZWCAD 2009, 2010 and 2011

Operating System Peripherals

Windows XP / Vista / 7 in 32 and 64 bits Mouse or pointer CD-ROM reader

Graphics Card

1024x768 pixels, compatible with OpenGL Recommended chipset: Nvidia or ATI

Hard Disk

1 Gb of free disk space


Minimum 1 Gb


Dual-core 2 Ghz or greater Consult the website for further details.

APLITOP S.L. Sumatra, 9 – Urb. El Atabal E-29190 Malaga - Spain Tel: +34 95 2439771 Fax: +34 95 2431371 e-mail: Website: 902 490 839 MDT – Professional Version - © Aplitop 2011


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