In 2022, 15% of the corn samples from Bosnia and Herzegovina were not contaminated with any mycotoxins, whereas 22% were contaminated with one type of mycotoxin and 63% were contaminated with more than one type of mycotoxin (Figure 2).
Among these, 11% of the samples had two types of mycotoxins, another 11% had three types of mycotoxins, and 41% had more than three types of mycotoxins.
>3 mycotoxins
2 mycotoxins 1 mycotoxin
3 mycotoxins
FB1 was detected in 63% of the samples, whereas FB2 and FB3 appeared in 44% and 33% of the corn samples, respectively.
AFB1, with an average of 30 ppb, was detected in 11% of the samples.
Among emerging mycotoxins, FA was detected in 70% of the corn samples, MON in 22% and BEA in 52% of the samples.
*Highlighted mycotoxins were found to appear with higher averages and occurrences.
Table 2 shows that fumonisins were the predominant mycotoxins in 2022 harvested corn from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Figure 2. Number of mycotoxins (%) per corn sample from Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2022 harvested corn.
Table 2. Mycotoxin contamination levels (ppb) in corn samples from Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2022.
22 15
Average (ppb) Maximum (ppb) Median (ppb) Minimum (ppb) Number of positives (%) AFB1306721111 FB1197874539484263 FB281726574393244 FB32615981913933 FA5332175407570 MON8528145322 DAS141414144 BEA4623818252
In 2022, 100% of the corn samples from Brazil were contaminated with one or more than one type of mycotoxin (Figure 3).
Among these, 4% of the corn samples had one type of mycotoxin, 5% had two types, 10% had three types, and 81% of the samples had more than three types of mycotoxins.
>3 mycotoxins
1 mycotoxin
2 mycotoxins
3 mycotoxins
FB1 was detected in 100% of the samples, while FB2 and FB3 appeared in 96% and 67% of the corn samples, respectively.
AFB1 was detected in 8% of the corn samples, whereas DON, with a low average, was detected in 39% of the corn samples and NIV was detected in 43% of the samples.
Among emerging mycotoxins, FA was detected in 82% of the corn samples, MON in 12%, and BEA in 22% of the corn samples tested using LC-MS/MS.
Table 3 shows that fumonisins were the predominant mycotoxins in 2022 harvested corn from
Figure 3. Number of mycotoxins (%) per corn sample from Brazil.
Table 3. Mycotoxin contamination levels (ppb) in corn samples from Brazil in 2022.
23 81 4 5 10
*Highlighted mycotoxins were found to appear with higher averages and occurrences.
Average (ppb) Maximum (ppb) Median (ppb) Minimum (ppb) Number of positives (%) AFB1410218 AFB233332 15-ADON5093442422 DON29312423262339 NIV1977543518794643 FB113992803548933100 FB2562129291912296 FB31351974432567 FA4534624782 MON12277412 BEA5183222
In 2022, 13% of the corn samples from Chile were not contaminated with any mycotoxin, whereas 10% were contaminated with one type of mycotoxin, 27% with two types of mycotoxins, 3% with three types of mycotoxins and 47% with more than three types of mycotoxins (Figure 4)
This means that 87% corn samples were contaminated with one or more than one type of mycotoxin.
FB1 was detected in 67% of the samples, while FB2 and FB3 appeared in 33% and 13% of the corn samples, respectively.
ZEN was detected in 12% of the corn samples, DON in 27% of the samples, and NIV in 17% of the samples.
Among emerging mycotoxins, FA was detected in 60% of the corn samples and BEA in 37% of the corn samples tested using LC-MS/MS.
>3 mycotoxins
1 mycotoxin
2 mycotoxins
3 mycotoxins
Table 4 shows that fumonisins were the predominant mycotoxins in 2022 harvested corn from Chile.
Figure 4. Number of mycotoxins (%) per corn sample from Chile.
Table 4. Mycotoxin contamination levels (ppb) in corn samples from Chile in 2022.
36 47 13 10 27
*Highlighted mycotoxins were found to appear with higher averages and occurrences.
Average (ppb) Maximum (ppb) Median (ppb) Minimum (ppb) Number of positives (%) ZEN209986647493312 15-A-DON83173623323 DON621160037811227 NIV6150970176608317 FB162337841883467 FB21745851032933 FB392187684613 FA2001596102760 BEA4422324137
In 2022, 100% of the corn samples from Colombia were contaminated with more than one type of mycotoxin (Figure 5).
Among these, 3% had three types of mycotoxins and 97% had more than three types of mycotoxins.
>3 mycotoxins
3 mycotoxins
were the predominant mycotoxins in 2022 harvested corn from Colombia.
FB1, FB2, and FB3 were detected in all (100%) the samples.
AFB1, with an average of 1 ppb, was detected in 40% of the corn samples.
Among emerging mycotoxins, FA was detected in 97% of the corn samples and BEA was detected in 93% of the corn samples tested using LC-MS/MS.
5 shows that fumonisins
Figure 5. Number of mycotoxins (%) per corn sample from Colombia.
Table 5. Mycotoxin contamination levels (ppb) in corn samples from Colombia in 2022.
97 3
*Highlighted mycotoxins were found to appear with higher averages and occurrences.
Average (ppb) Maximum (ppb) Median (ppb) Minimum (ppb) Number of positives (%) AFB1121140 FB1128820331226646100 FB24343122371131100 FB311642010359100 FA59350491697 BEA33172261093
In 2022, 100% of the corn samples from Croatia were contaminated with one or more than one type of mycotoxin (Figure 6).
Among these, 3% of the samples had one type of mycotoxin, 4% had three types of mycotoxins and 93% had more than three types of mycotoxins.
>3 mycotoxins
1 mycotoxin
3 mycotoxins
FB1 was detected in 95% of the samples, whereas FB2 and FB3 appeared in 89% and 71% of the tested corn samples, respectively.
AFB1, with an average of 100 ppb, was detected in 16% of the corn samples. AFB2, AFG1, and AFG2 were also detected in corn samples from Croatia.
DON, with an average of 241 ppb, was detected in 41% of the tested samples and T-2/HT-2 toxins were detected in 17% of the samples.
FA was detected in 96% of the corn samples, MON in 41%, and BEA in 92% of the corn samples tested using LC-MS/MS.
Table 6 shows that fumonisins were the predominant mycotoxins in 2022 harvested corn from Croatia.
Figure 6. Number of mycotoxins (%) per corn sample from Croatia.
Table 6. Mycotoxin contamination levels (ppb) in corn samples from Croatia in 2022.
93 34
*Highlighted mycotoxins were found to appear with higher averages and occurrences.
Average (ppb) Maximum (ppb) Median (ppb) Minimum (ppb) Number of positives (%) AFB110484410116 AFB2261552111 AFG 158214825 AFG 217033717023 ZEN77184471618 DON24115871194641 FB126291683817824995 FB282255904224289 FB344222473132571 FA3162205208396 MON3217114341 DAS814847 HT-248154181017 T-23058271012 BEA199263675192
In 2022, 100% of the corn samples from Ecuador were contaminated with more than one type of mycotoxin (Figure 7).
Among these, 3% of the samples had two types of mycotoxins, 43% had three types of mycotoxins and 54% had more than three types of mycotoxins.
>3 mycotoxins
2 mycotoxins
3 mycotoxins
were the predominant mycotoxins in 2022 harvested corn from Ecuador.
FB1 and FB2 were detected in 100% of the samples, whereas FB3 was detected in 93% of the corn samples.
AFB1, with an average of 14 ppb, was detected in 27% of the corn samples and AFB2 was detected in 7% of the corn samples.
Among emerging mycotoxins, FA was detected in 17% of the corn samples, MON in 10%, and BEA in 13% of the corn samples tested using LC-MS/MS.
7 shows that fumonisins
Figure 7. Number of mycotoxins (%) per corn sample from Ecuador.
Table 7. Mycotoxin contamination levels (ppb) in corn samples from Ecuador in 2022.
*Highlighted mycotoxins were found to appear with higher averages and occurrences.
43 54
Average (ppb) Maximum (ppb) Median (ppb) Minimum (ppb) Number of positives (%) AFB114891127 AFB258517 FB1186755881336242100 FB2502181930268100 FB31724211312793 FA5692471517 MON2847191610 BEA246912113
In 2022, 100% of the corn samples from Guatemala were contaminated with more than one type of mycotoxin.
Among these all the samples (100%) were found to contain more than three types of mycotoxins.
Table 8 shows that fumonisins were the predominant mycotoxins in 2022 harvested corn from Guatemala.
All the corn samples (100%) were found to contain FB1, FB2, and FB3
AFB1, with an average of 6 ppb, was detected in 80% of the corn samples, AFB2 in 7%, and DON in 20% of the tested samples.
Among emerging mycotoxins, FA and BEA were detected in all the samples (100%) and MON was detected in 20% of the corn samples tested using LC-MS/MS.
*Highlighted mycotoxins were found to appear with higher averages and occurrences.
Table 8. Mycotoxin contamination levels (ppb) in corn samples from Guatemala in 2022.
Average (ppb) Maximum (ppb) Median (ppb) Minimum (ppb) Number of positives (%) AFB16451180 AfB222227 DON1432151783620 FB18841517797486100 FB219634318798100 FB3802175639100 FA65295299100 MON255714320 BEA2940021100
In 2022, 100% of the corn samples from Italy were contaminated with more than one type of mycotoxin.
Among these, all the samples (100%) were found to contain more than three types of mycotoxins.
Table 9 shows that fumonisins were the predominant mycotoxins in the 2022 corn samples harvested corn from Italy.
FB1 was detected in all the corn samples (100%), whereas FB2 and FB3 were detected in 88% of the corn samples.
AFB1, with an average of 224 ppb, was detected in 50% of the corn samples, AFB2 in 25% and DON in 25% of the tested samples.
Among emerging mycotoxins, FA and BEA were detected in all the samples (100%) and MON was detected in 50% of the corn samples tested using LC-MS/MS.
Table 9. Mycotoxin contamination levels (ppb) in corn samples from Italy in 2022.
Average (ppb) Maximum (ppb) Median (ppb) Minimum (ppb) Number of positives (%) AFB16122410150 AFB2565425 DON2932292525 FB1356088882974136100 FB21037254858245388 FB348310613865488 FA30970620531100 MON4398281650 BEA741966217100
*Highlighted mycotoxins were found to appear with higher averages and occurrences.
In 2022, 100% of the corn samples from Mexico were contaminated with more than one type of mycotoxin.
Among these, all the samples (100%) were found to contain more than three types of mycotoxins.
Table 10 shows that fumonisins were the predominant mycotoxins in 2022 harvested corn from Mexico.
FB1, FB2, and FB3 were detected in all the corn samples (100%).
AFB1, with an average of 19 ppb, was detected in 58% of the corn samples.
ZEN was detected in 50% of the samples and 15-ADON and DON were detected in 54% of the corn samples.
Among emerging mycotoxins, FA was detected in 96% of the samples, MON in 62% and BEA in 65% of the corn samples tested using LC-MS/MS.
*Highlighted mycotoxins were found to appear with higher averages and occurrences.
Table 10. Mycotoxin contamination levels (ppb) in corn samples from Mexico in 2022.
Average (ppb) Maximum (ppb) Median (ppb) Minimum (ppb) Number of positives (%) AFB1191025158 AFB29236723
ZEN73273514450 15-ADON951641013354
HT-2222822168 T-2606060604 BEA31310072619565
In 2022, 100% of the corn samples from Philippines were contaminated with more than one type of mycotoxin.
Among these, all the samples (100%) were found to contain more than three types of mycotoxins.
Table 11 shows that fumonisins were the predominant mycotoxins in 2022 in corn harvested from Philippines.
FB1 was detected in all the corn samples (100%), FB2 in 86%, and FB3 in 57% of the tested corn samples.
AFB1, with an average of 29 ppb, was detected in 93% of the corn samples and AFB2 was detected in 71% of the corn samples.
ZEN was detected in 50% of the corn samples.
Among emerging mycotoxins, FA was detected in 100% of the samples, MON in 36%, BEA in 29%, and DAS and ENN B were detected in 14% of the corn samples tested using LC-MS/MS.
*Highlighted mycotoxins were found to appear with higher averages and occurrences.
Table 11. Mycotoxin contamination levels (ppb) in corn samples from Philippines in 2022.
Average (ppb) Maximum (ppb) Median (ppb) Minimum (ppb) Number of positives (%) AFB12915215193 AFB28314071 ZEN49373342066650 FB1496209430170100 FB22441012832986 FB3120429563257 FA501274411100 MON254122736 DAS696314
BEA353129 ENNB121114
In 2022, 100% of the corn samples from Peru were contaminated with more than one type of mycotoxin.
Among these, all the samples (100%) were found to contain more than three types of mycotoxins.
Table 12 shows that fumonisins were the predominant mycotoxins in 2022 in corn harvested from Peru.
FB1, FB2, and FB3 were detected in all the corn samples (100%).
Among emerging mycotoxins, FA was detected in 93% of the samples and MON in 14% of the corn samples tested using LC-MS/MS.
*Highlighted mycotoxins were found to appear with higher averages and occurrences.
Table 12. Mycotoxin contamination levels (ppb) in corn samples from Peru in 2022.
Average (ppb) Maximum (ppb) Median (ppb) Minimum (ppb) Number of positives (%) FB119284788957362100 FB25971403332139100 FB31162626030100
In 2022, 9% of the corn samples harvested from Serbia were not contaminated with mycotoxins and 91% had one or more than one type of mycotoxin (Figure 8).
Among these, 10% of the corn samples from Serbia were found to contain one type of mycotoxin, 6% had two types of mycotoxins, and 75% had more than three types of mycotoxins.
FB1 was detected in 78% of the corn samples, FB2 in 67% and FB3 in 52% of the samples.
AFB1, with an average of 129 ppb, was detected in 63% of the corn samples alongside the presence of AFB2, AFBG1, and AFG2
OTA was detected in 24% of the samples.
Among emerging mycotoxins, FA was detected in 84% of the samples, DAS in 36%, T-2/HT-2 in 7%, and BEA in 63% of the corn samples tested using LC-MS/MS
Table 13 shows that fumonisins were the predominant mycotoxins in 2022 in corn harvested from Serbia.
Figure 8. Number of mycotoxins (%) per corn sample from Serbia. Table 13. Mycotoxin contamination levels (ppb) in corn samples from Serbia in 2022.
*Highlighted mycotoxins were found to appear with higher averages and occurrences.
74 10 9 6 1
mycotoxins < LOQ 2 mycotoxins
mycotoxin Average (ppb) Maximum (ppb) Median (ppb) Minimum (ppb) Number of positives (%) AFB1129112662163 AFB25139018146 AFG18304118 AFG2720415 OTA10332559224 15-ADON2654202651092 DON23272782375 FB11814872712624078 FB249922763123067 FB331012772432652 FA3515142230584 DAS2722612336 MON33331 HT-28436228127 T-2401072496 BEA5279410163 ENNB11112 ENNB112112
In 2022, 100% of the corn samples from South Africa were contaminated with more than one type of mycotoxin.
Among these, all the samples (100%) were found to contain more than three types of mycotoxins.
DON, with an average of 100 ppb, was detected in all the samples (100%) and 15-ADON was detected in 60% of the corn samples.
FB1 was only detected in 40% of the corn samples.
Among emerging mycotoxins, FA and MON were detected in all the corn samples (100%) tested using LC-MS/MS.
*Highlighted mycotoxins were found to appear with higher averages and occurrences.
Table 14. Mycotoxin contamination levels (ppb) in corn samples from South Africa in 2022.
Average (ppb) Maximum (ppb) Median (ppb) Minimum (ppb) Number of positives (%) 15-ADON3339362560 DON13320411872100 FB16187613540 FB22525252520 FA55904920100 MON761523221100
In 2022, 100% of the corn samples from Taiwan were contaminated with one or more than one type of mycotoxin (Figure 9).
Among these, 7% had two types of mycotoxins, whereas 93% had more than three types of mycotoxins.
were the predominant mycotoxins in 2022 in corn harvested from Taiwan.
FB1 was detected in 78% of the corn samples, FB2 in 59%, and FB3 in 44 % of the samples.
AFB1, with an average of 1 ppb, was detected in 7% of the corn samples.
DON, with an average of 243 ppb, was detected in 67% of the samples and 15-ADON was detected in 41% of the corn samples.
Among emerging mycotoxins, FA was detected in 81% of the samples and BEA was detected in 59% of the corn samples tested using LC-MS/MS.
*Highlighted mycotoxins were found to appear with higher averages and occurrences.
Table 15 shows that fumonisins
Figure 9. Number of mycotoxins (%) per corn sample from Taiwan.
Table 15. Mycotoxin contamination levels (ppb) in corn samples from Taiwan in 2022.
93 7 >3 mycotoxins 2 mycotoxins Average (ppb) Maximum (ppb) Median (ppb) Minimum (ppb) Number of positives (%) AFB111117 ZEN82210201511 15-ADON3975372241 DON2437221682667 FB148111934712878 FB21422851245259 FB352110472644 FA96262531681 MON44444 BEA206515159