1 minute read
1 Write as words.
a) 1.07 b) 0.0023 c) 0.000234 a) Eighteen hundredths. b) Thirteen hundred thousandths. c) Two hundred and thirty-five millionths. a) 5.052 b) 0.55555 c) 0.7481
2 Write in figures.
3 Round off to the nearest hundredths.
4 Calculate. a) 0.25 · 11.48 b) 23 : 4.5 c) 0.08 : 1.6 d) 10.2 : 0.034 a) 1.4 – 1.8 · 0.2 – 0.4 : 1.6 b) 2.024 – 0.3 · (7.1 – 4.02) c) 0.5 – 2.7 : [1.2 – 0.1 · (0.25 – 1.75)]
5 Calculate.
6 Express in decimal form.
12 15 anayaeducacion.es Solutions to these problems.
7 Express each decimal with an irreducible fraction.
8 Simplify.
9 Reduce these fractions to a common denominator.
12 You have spent €5.61 on a piece of cheese which is on sale for €12.75/kg. How much does the piece of cheese you bought weigh?
13 A van makes a 76 km journey along a motorway travelling at a constant speed of 95 km/h. How long does the journey take?
14 A cyclist has covered 39 km of a timed race in one hour and 19 minutes.
What was her average speed in km/h?
15 A wholesaler buys 12 400 litres of cooking oil at €1.60 /litre to be bottled in 0.75 l bottles for a supermarket chain. She does not bottle the last tenth to avoid the sediment.
How much profit will she make if she receives €2.10 for each bottle, sells the remainder to a soap factory at €0.45 /litre and estimates the storage costs to total €2 350?
10 A car makes a round trip. On the way there, it uses 13/15 of the total capacity of the fuel tank. Before setting off again, it fills up with petrol, and it uses 17/20 of the tank on the journey home. In which of the two journeys has more fuel been used?
11 You get the following result when you use a calculator to find the square root of 7. 7 → {∫∫∫∫∫“Ÿ\¢∞|∞‘«} a) 7 = 3 b) 7 = 2.6 c) 7 = 2.646
What can you say about the following rounding errors?
Look back at the content you have worked on and plan solutions to the problems that you may find. To do this, download the corresponding rubric from anayaeducacion.es, think individually and share in groups.
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