1 minute read



1 Which are natural and artificial changes? Classify them.

5 Read and completethese sentences in your notebook..

a) The main landforms of a mountain landscape are •••, ••• •••, •••, and ••• b) A m ••• is a set of mountain ranges, which, in turn, are a set of mountains. c) A ••• is a flat terrain between mountains. It normally has got a •••

2 What is a landscape?

3 Name the different types of relief existing in Spain.

4 Look at the pictures. Write the name of the landforms.

6 Name Spain’s inland mountain systems.

7 Draw the map of Spain and colour each coast with a different colour. Then, label them.

8 Classify the name of these landforms in the correct place.

Capes Gulfs

9 In pairs, make cards of Spain’s geographical features. Put the cards face down. Take turns, uncover them and point to them on the map.

10 Think of a solution for each of the problems that people cause to landscapes.

Traffic lights. Apply the following colour code next to each activity in your notebook.

If you knew the answer.

If you needed help.

If you couldn´t answer the question.


Detecting causes and finding solutions is a good way to help ecosystems.

How can we stop the destruction of our landscapes? Who is responsible for this?

What is a landscape? What are its characteristics?

1 2 3 4

Why do people damage landscapes? What are the consequences?

What changes can take place in our landscapes?

2 Reflect on what you and your classmates can improve on in the future.

Do you think that individual citizens are responsible for the destruction of landscapes and ecosystems?

Do you think it is important to protect the biodiversity of our country?

What negative consequences have the disappearance of animal and plant species got?

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