1 minute read
5.1 Basic laboratory equipment
You can find a wide range of equipment in a laboratory, some of which we show on the following pages. Throughout the year, we will describe how to use each piece of equipment and explain any new equipment needed.
5.2 Safety guidelines in the laboratory

You should follow these safety guidelines in the laboratory. In the event of an accident, tell the nearest teacher.
• Wear safety glasses and latex gloves if necessary.
• Do not wear clothing or objects that restrict your movement.
• Do not move around unless you have a reason and do not run.
• Cover any open wounds.
• Wash your hands with soap afterwards.
• Do not sniff, taste or ingest laboratory products.
• Handle acids and bases with caution, since most are corrosive.

• If you must mix an acid with water, add the acid to the water, not the other way around.
• Clean any spills with abundant water.
• Note any warning signs on chemical products (figure below).

5.3 Waste management
Laboratory work generates waste. Some can be disposed of in the usual way (organic, paper, plastic, glass).
Other waste, however, may damage the environment and must be packaged, stored and classified according to its properties and risks, so that it can be delivered to specialist companies for treatment and disposal (see the picture below).
Before throwing waste into the bin or pouring something down the drain, ensure that you are putting it in the right place.
It is very important to conserve nature and every action, however small, helps.
Laboratory waste management
20 With your parents’ supervision, examine your home cleaning products and identify some of the labels shown on this page. Make a table with the name of the product, the meaning of the label and the chemical formula of the product (if it appears).
21 Waste management can involve incineration, encapsulation, confinement, or use as an alternative fuel. Search for information about these terms and write a brief report about the types of waste handled by each method.