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Welcome to Denmark | Joy Mogensen, Danish Minister of Culture
from DANISH+ 2020
welcome to denmark
the danish minister of culture, joy mogensen
Welcome to danish+ in the city of Aarhus, one of the most vibrant cities in Denmark. At this showcase, you will experience a specially curated selection of Danish performing arts for children and youth.
danish+ serves as a window to the world for Danish performing arts for children and young audiences, offering great opportunities for new encounters. Such encounters – I believe – can kindle new reflection and bring inspiration to audiences, curators and artists alike.
In Denmark, we take pride in creating magical experiences for even the youngest audiences. Our artists meet the young audiences as equals, offering them performances brimming with originality, ambition and relevance. By conjuring up countless new horizons, the arts can give our children the courage to take a stance in society and maybe even participate in artistic creation themselves. It is vital that both artists and institutions take our children and youth seriously. They deserve performing arts of the highest artistic quality, so they can grow and be open to the world.
Danish performing arts for children and youth is applauded for its courage to take up important and challenging themes, and thus recognizing that young audiences are just as multifaceted as adults. The courageous selection for this seventh edition of danish+ is a great example of that.
Welcome to the seventh edition of danish+.