ABway UK

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“Saving Energy is an imperative. We design and manufacture systems to cut primary energy consumption in production processes and promote renewable sources. This is our job, these are our ethics�.

ABway If we take a look back at the past, we can proudly say we have tackled and overcome numerous challenges. Today, AB leads the way in the cogeneration industry with technologies and solutions able to ensure more virtuous energy management, which cut consumptions and waste to the benefit of company competitiveness and the environment. We are determined to continue along this road towards growth, as we constantly strive towards innovation and excellence, but we wish to do so while remaining faithful to our original values, continuing to conjugate ideals and solidarity, assessing the actual consequences at every step of our single decisions. I am convinced that economic goals must always be achieved within a system founded on the central role played by human beings. In a work team, it is important to share goals, identify paths and define precise roles and responsibilities, promoting single individuals but (and I have learnt this through my family) reciprocal trust is crucial. Trust is pure and positive energy, able to raise the potential of a relationship to the sky: I do not wish to disappoint those who place their trust in me and consequently I always do my best. For me this has been a guiding concept in building up AB and today, I feel sure, it remains a legacy of the company as a whole and helps us to grow because it triggers virtuous processes and stimulates and favours the responsible participation of internal collaborators and external interlocutors, speeding up the upgrading process of both product and services. Working hard and well enables us to fulfil ourselves, build a better future, and express the best part of ourselves‌. to create. In a world which very often forgets or trivializes fundamental values and the rules of civil behaviour, a small handbook can perhaps help. This handbook represents the way we at AB, measure the distance between what we aspire to be and what we do. Angelo Baronchelli – President

This document sums up our values and explains a number of vital ethical rules. Its aim: to give direction to the choices and behaviour of all those who work for AB with respect to customers, suppliers, partners, competitors, corporate bodies, institutions, non-government organisations and, generally speaking, all those involved in Gruppo AB business activities.




WORK When carried out with commitment and passion, work enables each of us to feel fulfilled and helps us overcome difficult personal and corporate problems alike. We work knowing we are taking part in a project that stretches beyond the satisfaction of our needs. By working to the best of our abilities for the company (and ergo, the customer), we help cater to the requirements of the public as a whole and start to build a better future.


EXCELLENCE The excellence of our cogeneration systems is an absolute value. We want to maintain the lead position in this industry; to continue providing top-performance technologies and services during the entire life-span of our plants.


TRUST We consider our customers and suppliers as partners. Our commitment is to build up relations based on honesty and trust. We strive to give more than customers expect and so, we expect the same from our suppliers.


DETERMINATION We will continue to be the “think tank� of cogeneration. We are determined to pursue maximum levels of innovation, accumulating know-how, experience and technologies to cater to what is a primary need of mankind and companies: energy.


RESPECT People are at the centre of our world. The quality of relations between people is a fundamental value and a factor of social progress. We respect people and reward the hard work of individuals in carrying out their duties. We deeply respect the cultures of the countries we are dealing with.


SUSTAINABILITY Cogeneration helps safeguard the environment, reduces emissions and promotes the use of renewable sources. We look after the environment with facts. But cogeneration also enables companies to cut consumption levels, reduce wasted Energy, therefore and above all, lower costs. We respect the economic accounts of our customers.


SOLIDITY Economic and equity. The creation of wealth is indispensable for its distribution to reward the internal collaborators, suppliers, the district, taxation and shareholders. This is an absolute necessity in the creating of new jobs.







Helping AB to grow Giving the utmost, in the awareness of taking part in an enterprise which is important for ourselves, for our work companions and for the public as a whole.

Working with passion You must love what you do and do it well every day. We are all parts of a large puzzle: only if each one of us does his/her best the final image will be a beautiful and winning one.


Growing professionally Each year one must take a leap forward in terms of quality. Every year, there must be perceivable professional growth. And every goal will and must be a departure point for achieving new objectives.

Upgrading efficiency Upgrading efficiency and the economics of decision-taking, management and production systems to boost the solidity of the company.


Considering other people’s points of view Be transparent, make promises you can keep and shoulder all the responsibilities your job entails.

Respecting facts Analyse what is happening internally and externally, in detail, using cutting-edge instruments. This is the only way to be objective and impartial. Observe the changing situation with curiosity, modesty and honesty, avoiding prejudices.


Safeguarding the safety of individuals Ensure the reliability of the production systems and procedures, invest as required to ensure the utmost safety of individuals and the environment where they work.

Competing fairly on the market Operate according to the rules on competition. Combat any form of corruption. Fair competition always.

AB, loved by the workers.


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