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Culinary memories

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The restaurant and bar 10_11, a melting pot of flavors and people

It is a gathering place, honoring the age-old tradition of Italian hospitality: an intimate and welcoming atmosphere, the warmth of delicious steaming plates and lively conversation around the table, the restorative power of a meal prepared with love. The name says it all: 10_11 (‘Ten Eleven’). Not only, in fact, the Portrait Milano’s restaurant and bar with garden and portico is open from breakfast to after dinner, but the hotel also provides a pedestrian connection between two streets: the intimate, exclusive and elegant Via Sant’Andrea (with the entrance at street number 10) and the lively, open and inclusive Corso Venezia (with the hotel’s main entrance at street number 11). Even the interior design - the result of architect Michele Bönan’s vision and of the work of skillful Italian artisans - speaks of conviviality and comfort, as well as the service, which evokes the warmheartedness of family meals . Each course, in fact, is placed in the middle

T he M enu by T he young chef a lberT o Q uadrio is full of T radi T ional l o M bard dishes and M uch

M ore . T he pures T expression of i Talian cuisine of the table, allowing the guests to share: pasta is served in a tureen, meat in a pan, appetizers in small trays. a cuisine s T yle spon Taneous , in T ui T i V e and sus Tainable which speak T o e V eryone Wellington and roast pumpkin. The young chef Alberto Quadrio , born in 1990, is at the head of the kitchen brigade.

M ade wi T h passion and care .

An authentic culinary experience, in perfect Portrait style, with the human factor being the most precious ingredient of all. The menu, full of traditional Lombard dishes and much more, is the purest expression of Italian cuisine made with passion and care: dishes such as mondeghili (the typical Milanese meatballs), riso al salto (crisp saffron rice) with ossobuco sauce garnished with gremolada , vitello tonnato , beef

Piedmontese by birth, Quadrio began his career in Milan, working side by side with Gualtiero Marchesi back in the days of his Marchesino restaurant. His cuisine style is spontaneous and intuitive, but he perfectly masters culinary techniques owing to his many international working experiences, such as those with Yoshihiro Narisawa in Tokyo, Oriol Castro in Barcelona, Rasmus Kofoed at the Geranium in e V en T he in T erior design -

T he resulT of archi T ec T M ichele b önan ’ s V ision and of T he work of skillful i Talian arT isans - speaks of con V i V iali T y and co M forT

T he logo of 10_11 draws inspiraT ion fro M T he frieze of a shaded skyligh T oV er T he

M onu M en Tal s Taircase : i T is a s TaT ic sy M bol which ac T ually sugges T s a M oV e M en T

Towards infini T y , wi T h i T s T wo di V erging arrows , and i T see M s To represen T T he poin T where T he T wo s T ree T nu M bers 11 c orso

V enezia and 10 V ia s an T ’ a ndrea M ee T and where T he res Tauran T is locaT ed a dyna M ic place , open fro M M orning

To nigh T , perfec T ly described by T his fascinaT ing sign ’ s elegan T in T erlace M en T

Copenhagen, as well as with Pietro Leemann, Andrea Migliaccio, Andrea

Alain Ducasse. Sustainability also lies at the core of his cuisine: as little food waste as possible and ‘heartwarming’ and ‘informal’ dishes which speak to signature dish: La mia idea di pasta in bianco ( My idea of “pasta in bianco” ), the gourmet version of a dish which is everybody’s favorite.

Flavors bringing back memories, just like the dessert menu, curated by pastry chef Cesare Murzilli and including apple pie with vanilla sauce, Milanese-style tiramisu - with saffronAmor polenta with custard. The two large and over 9-meterlong counters of the 10_11 Bar give onto the restaurant and the garden. The bar manager Andrea Maugeri runs this temple of mixology which celebrates the quintessential Milanese ritual, aperitivo. In addition to the classics which have made

Milan the Italian capital of aperitivo since the early 1900s, customers can try the 10_11’s signature cocktails: Ancestrali , dedicated to the former archbishop’s seminary, the cradle of the study of herbs and spices; Senza pensieri , soft alcohol-free and lowcalorie drinks; Dimenticati , traditional Italian drinks with a modern and contemporary twist, and the Coffee cocktails , prepared with select coffee, a treat served in the afternoon and in different versions according to the season, along with teas and herbal teas accompanied by cakes prepared by the in-house pastry cooks.

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