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Unforgettable experiences surrounded by desert nature, among traditional Bedouin villages in wood and stone, falcon training, camel rides, typical Emirati cuisine, and local customs and culture

It may sound counter-intuitive, but only few land- your whole body covered to avoid burning and also scapes are as alive as the desert with its sand dunes the head to avoid sunstroke, wear comfortable closed that change shape and position according to the shoes, and wear sunglasses to protect your eyes durwind, as well as their colour which is different at all ing the day. hours of the day as the light changes. So much so Now that you are well-equipped, we are going to tell that only few experts know how to orient themselves you about four of the most beautiful tours that you in this environment, a charming place where time can have with traditional and authentic safaris acand space lose their meaning and companied by Platinum Heritage which extends as far as the eye Dubai, on a vintage Land Rovcan see. Vast. Unlimited. YOU CAN CHOOSE And it is even more amazing TO EXPERIENCE THE the dunes of the Dubai desert when you think that one of the MAGIC OF A NIGHT most beautiful deserts borders one of the most modern cities in the world. You only need to move away a little from the skyscrapers THAT NOWHERE ELSE IS AS FULL OF STARS AS IN Bedouin villages in wood and stone, typical Emirati cuisine, and local customs and culture. Two tours are scheduled for the of Dubai to enter another dimen- THE DESERT, WITH morning, and so they can only be sion, going from the most luxuri- A PROFESSIONAL booked from October until midous cars to rides on a camel, from ASTRONOMER WHO May (to avoid the hottest time of the city’s thousand lights to bon- WILL TAKE YOU ON A JOURNEY you to learn about Bedouin life But how can you have this un- THROUGH THE directly in a camp, after reaching forgettable experience in the most authentic and safest way? GALAXIES it by camel just as the nomads of the desert used to. Once at the First of all, we are talking about camp, you can listen to the songs a dangerous place where tem- and stories of a storyteller, make friends with a Saluki dog, an ancient Middle Eastern months between November and March, up to almost breed, attend a falconry show and watch a traditional - dance, and also savour a typical Bedouin breakfast low some small tips: drink frequently to stay hydrat- ed, wear soft and light linen and cotton clothes, keep with cardamom and saffron, Bajela, slightly spiced

Incredible safaris on a vintage Land Rover like those first cars to cross the dunes of the Dubai desert in the 1950s

The relaxation of the evening, lit by the village torches
Sustainable travel to conserve the natural environment, wildlife, and culture of Dubai and its people

beans with olive oil and lime, Chami, Emirati ricot- tional shows such as the Al Ayala dance. Finally, you ta served with sweet dates, Chabab, Arab pancakes can return to the city or stay and spend the night in the enchanted atmosphere of a characteristic stone other delicacies, all accompanied with Gahwa, the dwelling. Arab coffee, and Chai, a black tea made from cinna- Or also choose to experience the magic of a night mon, cloves and cardamom. The second one is per- that nowhere else is as full of stars as in the desert, fect for those who are passionate about birds of prey, miles and miles away from the lights of the city. Go which in the past used to hunt, and the ancient tradition of falENJOY THE for a stroll with a professional astronomer who will take you on con training. First you can attend MAGICAL a journey through the galaxies, a demonstration of the incredi- ATMOSPHERE giving you facts about the starry ble empathy that exists between a OF THE DESERT AT sky and anecdotes on how the falcon and his falconer and then SUNSET, WITH THE you can interact directly with the SUN DISAPPEARING until they saw the lights coming INTO THE SAND from the village torches. your glove. The other two tours are instead organised between the afternoon and the evening. This way you BEHIND THE LOW LINE OF THE HORIZON Part of the Heritage Collection, these are just some of the experiences offered by Platinum Heritage Dubai (www.platinum-hercan experience the magical at- itage.com, @platinumheritage on mosphere of the desert at sunset, with the sun dis- Instagram), an excellent tour operator, winner for appearing into the sand behind the low line of the six consecutive years of the prestigious World Travel horizon until it seems as if it is being swallowed up Award, which also offers safaris that include modern by the earth. Then you can enjoy a delicious Arabic and luxury amenities, the latest models of Range Rovdinner, relax with an aromatic italics and watch tradi- er cars and exclusive services (Platinum Collection).