Company profile English-chinese

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The style created from ideas and values


ESSENCE OF THE MADE IN ITALY SINCE 1967 意大利制造的本质 源自1967 Craftsmanship, research and selection of the highest quality raw materials, attention to detail and an unmistakeable glamour style. These features characterise the entire offer of the Gruppo Intimo Italiano brands, quality, style, and Italian taste. 纯手工制作,对高质量原料的深入研究与精 挑细选,专注于细节精益求精以及独特的风 格魅力。以上就是Gruppo Intimo Italiano所有 品牌的特性,简而言之就是质量、风格与意 大利式品味。

GRUPPO INTIMO ITALIANO The style created from ideas and values



GRUPPO INTIMO ITALIANO, created by the far-sightedness of Roberto and Carla Tonti who, in 1967, decided to propose themselves on the wholesale market with the Tatà brand, high class lingerie line that proposed and new product for that period, the dressing gown.

GRUPPO INTIMO ITALIANO, 的创办,始 自Roberto 和 Carla Tonti 两人的高瞻远 瞩。1967年,两人选择以 Tatà Collection 这 个品牌打入批发市场,其推出的多花色多品 种室内内衣,几乎是那个年代的全新产品。

The talent and high quality of the products allowed the company to become, after a few years, a leader brand of the Italian reference market, earning the title of “Queen of Dressing gowns”. In the mid ‘70s, Gruppo Intimo Italiano crossed its sector and geographical boundaries, inserting new lines of products linked to lingerie that amplified and favoured the expansion on the foreign markets.

产品设计师的才华和产品的高质量,使公司在 短短几年时间内便成为意大利市场上的品牌领 军者,也荣获了“室内内衣皇后”的称号。

At the end of the ’80s, thanks to the entrance in the company of their daughter Sabrina Tonti, eclectic and lively stylist professionally trained in New York, PEPITA was created. Unchallenged leader of the pyjamas and homewear sector, the new Pepita brand is characterised by brilliant colours and a trendy and glamorous style.

80年代末期,在纽约曾经接受过专业教育, 多才多艺又活跃的女儿Sabrina Tonti 加入到 公司中,由此诞生了新的品牌——PEPITA。 作为睡衣和家居服饰行业无可争辩的领军 者,新的品牌Pepita的主要特色是采用亮丽的 色彩和它魅力和现代的风格。

The real tendency of the brand, conceived for homewear, but also perfect for daywear, has been developing more and more over years. From the end of 1990s the two Pepita brands and the historical Tatà one, are exclusively distributed for retail in more than 650 shops in Italy and about 350 abroad.

这些年来品牌意识表现得日益明显,不仅仅 是家居服饰,日间服饰也是表现的非常完 美。 90年代中期Pepita 和传统的Tatà 这两 个品牌通过在意大利超过650个商铺以及国 外大约350个销售点的零售专卖,得到广泛 传播。


自70年代中期起,Gruppo Intimo Italiano所 推出的大量关于内衣产品,有效地打开并扩 大了国外市场,从而成功超越了行业界限, 也冲破地理位置的局限。

Today, after 45 years, Gruppo Intimo Italiano is in great expansion in the foreign markets and in the beachwear sector, thanks to the creation of the Pepita beachwear line.

45年之后的今天,受益于Pepita 海洋系列产 品的推出,Gruppo Intimo Italiano 在国外市 场以及海滩装行业得以强势扩张。



5.000 m2 where the articles are manufactured

5.000 车间平米数

2 Historical Brands Pepita and Sabrina Tonti Tatà Collection

2 传统品牌 Pepita 和 Sabrina Tonti Tatà Collection

1 Brand Pepita Beachwear Forte dei Marmi

1 Pepita Forte dei Marmi 沙滩装品牌

24 Nations where the products are commercialised

24 产品外销国家数量

1.000 Multibrand sales points

1.000 多品牌销售点数量

7 Monobrand sales point: one in Forte dei Marmi, one in Rome, one in St. Petersburg, two in Moscow, one in Beijing and one in Nanjing

7 个单品牌专卖店:一个位于Forte dei Marmi, 一个在罗马,一个在圣彼得堡, 两个在 莫斯科,一个在北京,还有一个在南京

2 Showroom in Florence and Moscow

2 个展厅,分别位于佛罗伦萨和莫斯科

8 Sales point in China: Shinkong place (Beijing) Scitech Plaza (Beijing) Beijing Lufthansa-Jinyuan Shopping Mall Haerbin Mykal Deparment Store Golden Eagle (Nanjing) Sundan (Shenzhen)

8 个中国的销售点 北京新光天地 北京赛特购物中心 北京燕莎友谊商城金源店 哈尔滨麦凯乐购物中心 南京金鹰国际购物中心 深圳顺电

Opening soon March 2015: Shanghai Takashimaya Department Store Daimaru Department Store (Shanghai) 05

Opening soon March 2015: 上海高岛屋百货 上海新世界大丸百货

Elegance means balance between proportions, emotions, and surprise 优雅源自分寸、刺激与惊喜 的平衡。

GRUPPO INTIMO ITALIANO The style created from ideas and values

PEPITA The brand Pepita was created at the end of the ’80s thanks to the eclectic and creative talent of Sabrina Tonti. A brand new style completely, different from the past, which originated from the desire of introducing colour and liveliness in homewear without giving up practicality and glamour. Pepita style is ironic and fun, but also sophisticated and trendy it exalts materials, cuts, and colours for a style that combines home & street. Every year lively collections, “dedicated to women who want to please themselves, feeling a bit Lolita and bit Audrey Hepburn at the same time”, combining taste, irony, and elegance are presented.

Pepita 这个品牌诞生于80年代末,是多产的 Sabrina Tonti 的创造性作品。它风格与众不 同,是对传统的大突破, 其创作初衷旨在于 给家居服饰带来丰富的色彩,传递喜悦,同 时又不失实用性,不失魅力。 Pepita的风格是讽刺有趣,同时讲究的时尚, 它关注面料、剪裁和颜色以寻求一种能够充 分融合家居服饰和日用服饰的时尚。 每一年引人注目的时装样式接踵而至, 为 现代和精致的服装提供了品味、讽刺性和别 致手法协调一致的作品。其主要对象还是那 些喜欢享乐,懂得不过于严肃,懂得愉悦自 己,同时让自己觉得有点儿像萝莉塔又像奥 黛丽赫本的女士。

Nowadays Pepita offers a brand-new total look by placing side by side a sparkly easywear collection to the historical night & homewear one.

今天,Pepita推出全新的整体形象,在传统的 睡衣和家居服旁边,摆出了新颖的推荐款休 闲装。

The new exclusive brand Pepita Forte dei Marmi, beachwear line that exalts the entire range, was launched for the Versilia flagship store.

正是为了在Versilia 的旗舰店, 刚推出了新 的品牌,Pepita Forte dei Marmi 这是沙滩装 系列, 使整个系列产品更突出更完整。


SABRINA TONTI TATÀ COLLECTION For more than 40 years, Sabrina Tonti Tatà Collection has been representing the essence of the Gruppo Intimo Italiano style made of elegance and sensuality for timeless and elegant articles.

40多年历史的 Sabrina Tonti Tatà Collection 代表者Gruppo Intimo Italiano 的风格本质, 即优雅、性感匀称的服装,永不过时。

The austerity of the tradition adopts the freshness of modern lines and details for lingerie that is suitable for all the women who always want to be sophisticated and elegant.

传统不断接纳现代化系列产品和配饰的全新 加入,从而创造一种能满足不同年龄段女士 需求的内衣,她们选择从不放弃讲究高雅的 一面。

The most precious raw materials are combined, thus becoming “canvases” with warm colours and exclusive patterns. These precious articles designed and produced entirely in Italy are the result of long artisan experience.

最珍贵的材料融合到一起,从而变成一块能 够结合温暖色调和独特图案的布匹。 悠久丰富的手工制作经验,融合给高档服装 的品味, 纯意大利的设计和制作产品。


GRUPPO INTIMO ITALIANO The style created from ideas and values



Rome and Forte dei Marmi stores are not simple stores, but containers of dreams and ideas.

位于Forte dei Marmi和罗马的商店实际上不是 简简单单的店铺,而是承载着梦想与灵感的 地方。

Over 100 m2 in the city center, characterized by total white furniture and finishings, a simple and linear design, which is at the same time very warm, feminine and skillfully plays with special light & color shades. Refined clothes hangers and original mannequins resembling fairy tales are the privileged stage to express at the best the creativity of Pepita collection and the new series Pepita Forte dei Marmi, which is already a beachwear icon.

店铺位于居民区中心,占地约100多平方米, 整体白色的装饰和摆设引入注目。这里的环 境属于简约风格,但同时又让人感觉到温暖 和充满女性气息,非常巧妙地运用了灯光和 色彩的组合。 让人不禁想起魅力童话的别致挂衣间和独特 的袖口翻边,是特许的舞台,在这里充分展 示了Pepita系列和最新系列Pepita Forte dei Marmi (已经被贴上沙滩装标识)的创造 性。

PEPITA STORE FORTE DEI MARMI Via Padre Eugenio Barsanti, 15 55042 Forte dei Marmi (LU) Ph. +39 0584 1848673

PEPITA FORTE DEI MARMI商店 Via Padre Eugenio Barsanti, 15 55042 Forte dei Marmi (LU) 电话.+39 0584 1848673

PEPITA STORE ROME Via della Rotonda 1-2 (Area Pantheon) 00186 Rome

PEPITA罗马商店 Via della Rotonda, 1-2 (Area Pantheon) 00186 罗马


PEPITA圣彼得堡商店 Aura Center 购物中心

PEPITA STORES MOSCOW Liubimiyi Shopping Mall Dream House

PEPITA莫斯科商店 Liubimiyi 购物中心 Dream House


Gruppo Intimo Italiano S.p.A. Via Bognetti, 154 - 51100 Pistoia - Italy

Tel. +39 0573 532131

Fax +39 0573 539357

P.IVA e C.F IT00411790470 Capitale sociale Euro 1.000.000,00 i.v. Reg.Imprese di Pistoia n. 4761 R.E.A. n. 92718

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