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Spring 2021 Classes
courses • • • Spring, 2021
WGST 4011: History of Women
Dr. Ruth McClelland-Nugent / TR / 2:30—3:45pm
This course will examine the history of women in either a geographical or topical approach. It will examine the
female role of mother, daughter, sister, and leader in a particular society, such as America, Europe, Asia, Latin
America, etc. Or, the course will be centered on a particular cross-cultural topic, such as suffrage, family roles,
leaders, religion, etc. In all cases, this course is intended to explore the paradox between the ideal woman and actual treatment of women in a given era, society, culture, or movement. Students taking the graduate level
course will be required to complete additional work. May be repeated for credit.
WGST 4336: Gender and Victimization
Dr. Alison Foley / T / 10:00-11:15am
A sociological analysis of crime victims and victim-service agencies. Traces the historical development of the
field of victimology. Examines the influence of gender on victimization experiences and practices of criminal
justice and victim-service agencies.
WGST 4442: Gender and Society
Dr. Melissa Powell-Williams/ online
Sociological insights and concepts will be employed in observing, interpreting, and analyzing the social
processes creating, reinforcing and changing gender roles and the statuses of women and men in society.
DID YOU KNOW? WGST 1101 counts as an Area F elective for majors in:
English, World Languages, Communications, Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, and History
Contact Dr. Liana Babayan (lbabayan@augusta.edu) for more info about upcoming courses or the minor.