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On Friday 18th February the final event of ADR2022 took place, a Disaster Simulation Exercise (SIMEX) Workshop facilitated by Anton Gash (former UK Defence Attaché to the Caribbean and now Thematic Adviser to ADR) with the support of Ronald Jackson (former Executive Director of CDEMA and now Head of UNDP Disaster Risk Reduction Team) and Rogerio Silva (Deputy Head OCHA ROLAC). The workshop was an intensive 4-hour immersive experience using the Stormkestrel NEST simulation software system. NEST allows exercises to be designed and built to suit a wide range of thematic areas, from natural and manmade disasters to complex humanitarian emergencies to corporate crises, of any duration. It can be used at the lowest tactical level to examine procedures and drills, up to the highest strategic level to look at policy and strategy. The workshop placed participants in the virtual world of a fictional Caribbean Island that had been recently struck by an earthquake. Working in syndicate sub-groups playing roles as six of the main Humanitarian Clusters (Logistics, Shelter, Food Security, Health, Water & Sanitation and Civil-Military Coordination), the participants – who came (on a special invitation-only basis) from International Organisations, NGOs, National Governments & Militaries and the Private Sector – looked at three separate problems: • A debate in syndicate groups, followed by an overall plenary discussion, looking at the challenges of the immediate external response to a major natural disaster • A 30-minute SIMEX where the role-players were bombarded with multimedia injects (emails, telephone calls, social media posts, text messages, post-it notes) that they had to analyse, assess, share and decide on actions required, in order to build a collective picture of the developing situation. • A final debate in syndicate groups, followed by an overall plenary discussion, looking at issues relating to transition and exit by the international community once the situation on the ground was considered manageable by the host nation. During the SIMEX participants were asked to consider a number of situational judgement problems that led to fascinating discussions about the nature and responsibility of Ethical Leadership. They also addressed challenges relating to strategic communications and messaging in a post-disaster situation, where disinformation, “fake news” and attempts by multiple actors to frame the conversation in a way that shifts blame, can place significant obstacles in the way of humanitarian actors. Wide-ranging discussions allowed participants to share their diverse views and experience in a way that avoided “Groupthink” and challenged assumptions, while always remaining respectful and positive. It was clear that all had something to contribute, whether those who arrived as acknowledged experts in the HADR field or those with specialist knowledge as commercial providers. All participants commented on how valuable they found the workshop and the SIMEX, as an opportunity to discuss in detail and at a practical level some of the key ideas and theories that had emerged from the main conference. Commercial sponsors who took part found it an ideal opportunity to engage with key partners in a positive and educational environment looking at realistic problems, and to develop relationships that began during the 1-2-1 matchmaking sessions. NEST will be used to support similar thematic workshops at a number of upcoming GRV Global events in the Defence, Security and HADR sectors. Potential event sponsors who would like to be associated with these high-level and influential events should contact iwhitty@grvglobal.com. Individuals, organisations or companies interested in using NEST for their own training should contact antongash@hotmail.com n

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