We established our virtual knowledge center, the CODE (Center Of Development & Education) with the aim of: - creating an attractive and user-friendly educational webpage, which presents the practical operation of the GS1 standards making the possibilities of the application of the GS1 System more understandable.
- building a forum, where Member Organizations can share information and knowledge about automatic identification, electronic communication and mobilcom in modern and attractive circumstances. The CODE’s two main slogans: Discover GS1 Making the invisible visible
The CODE website presents the elements of our standards and the possibilities of its complex application that enable the identification of products and services, and the real time mapping of all trading processes. We give a review of how the standardized identification and tracking processes work
in the supply chain, and we give a detailed description of the internal operation of the manufacturing, logistic and trading parties. We pay great attention to mobile communication, which gives access to data of products for the business actors and the customers.
On the CODE website you can get know the activities and services that the GS1 Member Organizations provide their partners. In the video gallery you can find short videos and trailers produced by the Member Organizations. More extended professional materials professional publications of all GS1 brands are available in a document store.
Make the CODE available in your local language, and create your own virtual knowledge center! PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE SEND US AN E-MAIL