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Help Kids Take Action Against Racism
Whenever we see injustice, we all have a responsibility to confront it. Every day, no matter our background or our age, every single one of us has a role to play in taking on an unfair system while working to build a new one that truly works for all. Guiding girls in learning to recognize and challenge structures and practices that fuel inequality and cause harm helps them play an active role in creating the positive change they want to see.
It may be tempting to avoid the topic of race and racism altogether—especially for those who were taught it’s something that isn’t polite to discuss—but statistics show that justice, health, and education systems aren’t fair in fundamental ways that can negatively affect a girl’s life on a foundational level. Her family, education, safety, and well-being make these conversations a must for those who support a just and equal world for all girls.
Having honest discussions about race is vital for all families, and it’s crucial to have them regularly, even if you find it uncomfortable or you think your kids already know about racism and understand right from wrong. Yet while discussion is excellent, it’s only one part of it. It’s also important to look at how your girl’s life is structured and lived every day. So, how do you begin?
Be straightforward, ask questions, and listen to her.
For starters, don’t avoid the topic. Pressing mute can make your girl think that talking about race and racism is off-limits or that the status quo is acceptable when a real conversation on these topics is actually what she needs most and what will help you both be part of the solution. In fact, "choosing" whether to talk to your kids about racism and its consequences is not a decision every family gets to make. It’s often a necessary, even life-saving, conversation from the earliest ages, especially for black families and other families of color.
You don’t need a big speech. Ask what she’s seen and heard and listen to what she says. Let her know that whatever she’s feeling is OK, including if she’s scared, uncomfortable, or angry.
You might think she’ll feel more afraid if you admit you don’t have all the answers, but kids feel comforted and better supported when they’re met with honesty and emotion.
Teach her to identify racism.
To make the discussion about race and racism a part of "normal" conversation in your home, start when your kids are young. According to Dr. Erin N. Winkler, who studies talking with children about race, it’s never too early to start. Young children begin to reflect the bias prevalent in their
society. In the U.S., that often means a bias toward whiteness.
It’s essential to pay attention to what’s in your home. Having toys, books, and shows you watch that feature diverse characters in a variety of roles can help balance a narrative from society that often only places white characters at the center.
Talking about who’s left out and who’s included, and how they’re treated when they are included, is important. When you read a book or watch TV with your girl, are there any diverse characters at all? If there are, how are they portrayed? Are they in a lead role? Do they reflect stereotypes, or do they have dimensions? Beyond characters in books and movies, when she’s in school and learning about history, whose history is she learning?
Whenever you’re met with exclusion based on race, ask if she thinks that’s fair, how it makes her feel, and how your family might work together to fight these common types of racism.
"Fairness is a great way into this topic with kids. It’s a concept they understand," says Dr. Winkler.
Teach her the value of diversity and inclusion, and to embrace our differences.
Saying "we’re all the same" or "I don’t see color" might be well-intentioned, but it perpetuates racism because it disregards part of people’s identities. Plus, saying everyone is the same implies that everyone has the same experiences and is treated the same in our society—which statistics and the everyday discrimination faced by black people and other people of color show isn’t the case.
Instead, talk about how we can honor and celebrate differences, and about how we all, with unique backgrounds and experiences, bring beauty to the world in so many different ways.
Empower her to challenge racism when she sees it.
Racism isn’t always violent or overt. It appears in many forms, and it is rooted in the false belief that the white experience is standard and that white people are superior to others. Your community and what she sees every day in her world counts.
"It’s not just what you say. It’s also what you do, what she sees and the way everyday life is set up for her. What does she hear at school? Who does she see in your neighborhood? Kids take all of that in and learn by seeing what’s around them. It influences how they see race," says Dr. Winkler.
Also, some parents approach racism as a "settled issue," when it’s still very much an issue in the everyday lives of many families. Racism didn’t end with the Civil Rights Movement. Showing kids that people like Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks, as well as everyday people who’ve taken action against injustice, had roles in making change can help them understand we all have a role to play and that they can help make things better, says Dr. Winkler. It empowers them. "Teaching them to look for the people in the community who are helping and showing them that there are people out there committed to making a change now is also a great way" to engage kids.
Learn and take action together.
Although families of different backgrounds come to these conversations from different places, one thing that can help many parents and caregivers is educating themselves to increase their understanding and comfort level, says Dr. Winkler. "If you can’t explain systemic racism to other adults, it might be hard to explain it to young children in a way that feels right to you."
Seeing that grownups don’t have all the answers either and that you often have to do some work to find out the best ways to help, will show her that making meaningful change takes patience and dedication.

You can also talk with her about actions you’re taking for positive change as an adult, including voting, writing letters to your elected representatives, and connecting with groups in your community. This will help her witness how each person has the power to create change through advocacy and civic engagement. And then ask her about the actions that she wants to take. Girl Scouts learn to use their voices to speak up and take action on issues that matter to them. You can support and guide her through this journey!
Source: GSUSA Raising Awesome Girls Help Your Kids Take Action Against Racism. The article has been edited and condensed.