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Online Sales
Selling Cookies Online
Smart Cookies: www.abcsmartcookies.com
Smart Cookies is where Girl Scouts run their online cookie business. With parent permission, they can: y Take cookie orders on-the-go (for nearly contactless sales) y Create a shareable social media ‘shop now’ link y Send eCard invitations to family and friends inviting them to shop their online store y Upload a video introduction and thank-you y Track customer orders for girl delivery y Track sales goals y View rewards and achievements y Interact with her troop y Access artwork, marketing tools and bee-themed activities.
Ways Customers Get Their Online Cookie Orders
1. Direct Ship: The customer pays shipping fees and has them mailed directly from the ABC Bakers fulfillment center. The cookies will arrive in the mail within 5-7 days. 2. Girl-Delivery (optional): Local customers can request that the Girl Scout deliver their cookies to save on shipping costs. The girl/family is notified of the new sale and has up to 5 days to approve the Girl Delivery order (parents can reject orders that might not be suitable for delivery). The girl reaches out to the customer to schedule a contactless (whenever possible) porch delivery.
Girls who send 15+ eCards through Smart Cookies earn this patch.

Cookies on Social Media Policy
Families (and Girl Scouts over age 13 with parent permission) can advertise their sale on their personal social media sites, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. Girl Scout Cookies may not be advertised or sold on online auction or sales websites including eBay, Craigslist, community buy/sell/trade sites and Facebook Marketplace. A good rule of thumb: only people who know the girl or her family personally should see her cookie sale information.
NEW: Shipping Subsidies
Badgerland is subsidizing shipping costs this year for its direct-ship Cookie customers. Note that for every one dozen a customer purchases, Badgerland picks up $6.
2021 Direct Ship
Shipping Rates # Packages Shipping Purchased Fee 1-5 $12 6-12 $6 13-17 $18 18-24 $12 25-29 $24 30-36 $18 37-41 $30 42-48 $24 49-53 $36 54-60 $30
How To Track Girls' Online Sales
All online sales are automatically uploaded into ABC Smart Cookies. To view a girl's Digital Cookie and Direct eShip sales, select 'Reports' > 'Current' > 'Summary Report' > 'Mobile & eCard Summary'. This report will show each girl's "girl delivery" and Direct Ship orders. Girl Delivery: y Girls are responsible for connecting with customers to deliver and collect payments. Direct Ship: y Cookies are shipped directly to the customer. y Orders have already been transferred to your troop and the girl. y Troop has received credit in ABC Smart
Cookies for the financial transaction. y Any Cookie Share (CShare) boxes ordered through Direct Ship will be taken out of
Badgerland Council's inventory (NOT the troop's).