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Council-Secured Cookie Booths
Reserving Council-Secured Booths
Badgerland coordinates directly with several retailers to set up cookie booths throughout Cookie Season. Troops can reserve these 3-4 hour booth slots through Smart Cookies. See our website for the most up-to-date list of council-secured locations.
Cookie Booth Lottery
All council-secured booth locations will be put into a lottery for opening weekend and beyond. This will allow equal access to all troops interested in securing a high-traffic location. February 10-11: Booth Lottery Sign Up Beginning Wednesday, February 10 at 10 a.m., troops can use Smart Cookies to select two location/time slots that works best for them to hold a booth during the sale. The sign-up is open for only 24 hours; it closes the following day (Thursday, February 11) at 10 a.m. February 11: Booth Lottery Selection The lottery winners will be drawn the following day, Thursday, February 11, at 11 a.m. Troops will be awarded either one or no booths (no troop will get two). Look for an email after the lottery is drawn listing any booths they received. Any both slots remaining after the lottery will revert to First Come, First Served time slots.
First Come, First Served Booths
After lottery winners are drawn, the remaining slots open up for first-come, first-serve reservations. Troops can use the Booth Scheduler in Smart Cookies to request up to three additional booth slots from the council-secured location list per week. 1st Week Sign-Up: From 8 a.m. February 12 to 7 a.m. February 14 troops can use the Booth Scheduler in Smart Cookies to request up to three time slots from the council-secured location list. Reserving More Throughout The Sale: Every week beginning Sunday at 8 a.m. troops can log back in and request up to three additional booth slots, one of which can be a premium site. To see what booth slots are available, go to the Smart Cookies website, then Reports > Current > Booths > Available Booth Summary Report. To be able to sort by date, view and download the report as TEXT_EXCEL.
How To Reserve a Council-Secured Cookie Booth
• Login to your account at abcsmartcookies.com. y Select “Booth” then “Schedule Booth.” y The First Come, First Served schedule will appear at the top of the screen and the available locations will appear down the left side. y Use the ‘Search’ field to find booth locations by date, time or zip code. y Double click on the name of the booth you want to secure. A calendar screen will display available dates in blue (or purple, if during the booth lottery). y Single click any date(s) in blue. The available booth time will appear below. Select your desired time then click
“Save.” y From the main menu, select “Booth” then “My Reservations” to see your booth reservations.
Canceling a Booth Reservation
y If you wish to cancel a booth request AFTER you have saved the request, go to “Booth” then “My Reservations.”
Scroll all the way to the far right of the reservation row and click “Remove Reservation,” then click “Delete
Forever.” y By deleting your booth reservation, it will open up for other troops to reserve.