Your year of ADVENTURE

Amazing experiences await. You pick your Adventures! It’s all inside.
ON THE COVER: Brownie Troop 7526 from Sparta conquers the Corn Pit.

Your year of DOING!
- Attend events individually or with your troop or other Girl Scout friends.
- Some events are Badgerland-led and some are hosted by Program Partners. All events will enhance your Girl Scout experience!

- Register for most events at gsbadgerland.org except where noted.
- September-January events opens August 15, 2023. February-May events open December 5.
- Registration details on page 39.
I am driven by the belief that investing in the development of girls today will shape a brighter and more equitable future for the generations to come.
~ CEO Lisa
Meet Lisa!
Badgerland’s new Chief Executive Officer is excited to meet you.
Lisa will host a LISTENING TOUR throughout Badgerland this fall and winter. All are invited.
Lisa Smith, CEO

She’s here!
Bringing lots of experience and expertise, Lisa Smith is well-prepared to lead Badgerland into a bright Girl Scouting future. Lisa’s career spans two decades of nonprofit executive leadership including at Girl Scouts of Northern Indiana-Michiana. An accomplished longrange strategist, Lisa will focus on elevating the Girl Scout experience in the short term and well beyond. “This is a pivotal time for Badgerland Girl Scouts, and I welcome the opportunity to inspire and lead us into the future!”
Dates & Locations: gsbadgerland.org
Meet CEO Lisa here!
Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Badgerland
ANNUAL MEETING & Celebration
Thursday, August 17
Board and Delegate Elections
Financial Report
Donor Recognition & More 5:30 - 7pm Madison Leadership Center
All Girl Scout Members Invited rsvp required, sign up online
adgerland undraiser
Earn this charm when you participate in BFF!

BFF is Badgerland’s Fall Fundraiser for Girl Scouts. Items sold include nuts, sweets, magazines, and more. Girls earn individual rewards including Badgerland Bucks.

Troops earn funds to pay for activities and earn Troop Rewards.
WOWZER Troop Rewards
troop chooses their own day trip reward!
La Crosse Children’s Museum | Madison Children’s Museum
Milwaukee Art Museum | Wilderness Resort Attraction, Wisconsin Dells
Sale Dates: October 2-26

• Sales are online and in-person with order cards
• Sellers and parents plan to attend the BFF Family Forum
• Troop Leaders will attend training
• Girls get info packets from troop leaders
• Deliver orders to customers in November
• Rewards will be available in January
BFF READINESS for leaders and parents
BFF Troop Training - Volunteers
September 17 | 6-7:30pm on Zoom OR
September 20 | 10-11:30am on Zoom
BFF Family Forums
September 24 | 6-7:30pm on Zoom OR
September 27 | 10-11:30am on Zoom
BFF Volunteer Leads
Come to the forum AND access all the “other” training inyour-own time at gsLearn.
(More info about gsLearn on page 35)
March 2 - April 7, 2024
The upcoming Cookie Program is being planned in collaboration with an expert group of volunteers including Product Program Leads, Troop Leaders, Parents, and Top Sellers. We’re also folding in the feedback from the survey you took at the end of last year’s sale. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.

• No change in Cookie pricing - $5 per box ($6 for gluten-free).

• Gluten-free must be pre-ordered by October 14.
• March sale dates are back; this was an overwhelming YES on survey results.
• Raspberry Rally cookies are not coming back. There will be no new cookie in 2024.
• More frequent and simplified communications. We’ll keep you up-to-date in fewer words!

• Training, training, training. You want it. We’re bringing it. It will be interactive and volunteer-driven.
Speaking of Training:
• New Troop Training (Jan. 13 & 14)
• Technology Training (Jan. 20 & 27)
• Family Forum: the Program (Jan 28 & 31)
• Family Forum: the Technology (Feb. 25 & 28)
Meet the axolotl, our new cookie mascot! This salamander is native to Mexico and named after the Aztec god of fire and lightning. Oh, and it’s pronounced: axe-oh-lot-el!

you participate in Cookies!

Your Girl Scout Year: At a Glance
Grow with Daisies
K - 1 & Adults
September 15
Plan-It Expo Adults
September 16 & 23
EPIC Systems
6 - 12
September 16
Life of Fisheries
9 - 12
September 16
Wildlife Refuge
2 - 3
September 23
How Dairy Cares
K - 3
September 23
Oct. Challenge
K - 12
September 26
Miracles on Hoof 2 - 5
September 30
Wildlife Refuge 4 - 5
September 30
Badgerland Brunch
6 - 12
October 1
Outdoor SkillsFest
K - 12 & Adults
October 7 & 8
Devil’s Lake Climb
4 - 12
October 7
Climbing with Courage
6 - 12 |
October 7
Overture Center
K - 12
October 8
Ehawee Fall Fest
4- 12 & Adults
October 14-15
Forward Madison
K - 12
October 14
Grow with Daisies
K - 1 & Adults
October 20
Milky Whey
K - 3
October 21
Campowerment Adults
October 21 - 22
Nov. Challenge
K - 12
October 24
K - 12
November 4
PA Training
6 - 8
November 4
Women Engineers
2 - 8
November 4
Sister to All
K - 12
November 14
Grow with Daisies
K - 1 & Adults
November 17
Children’s Museum
K - 12
November 17
Camp Canvas
K - 12
November 18
4 - 12
November 19
Dec. Challenge
K - 12
November 28
Inspiration Expo
K - 12
December 2
Badgerland Brunch
6 - 12
December 3
Frosty Fun @ Camp Ehawee
4 - 12 + Adults
December 9-10
Grow with Daisies
K - 1 & Adults
December 15
Overture Center
K - 12
December 16
Jan. Challenge Kick-off
K - 12
December 19
February - May Registration Opens:
Happening in 2024!
DECEMBER 5 @ 9 am
January February March
Global Rover
K - 12
January 6
Finding Your Voice
K - 8
January 6 & 7
Sister to All
K - 12
January 9
Snow Place Like Camp
K - 12
January 13
Grow with Daisies
K - 1 & Adults
January 19
Slumber Bash
5th Grade Only!
January 20 - 21
Dairy Science
K - 3
January 20
Rooted in Wellness Adults
January 27
Feb. Challenge Kick-off
K - 12
January 30
Cookie Trainings
Troop & Family
See Page 7
April May
Goal Getter
K - 12
February 3
PA Training 6 - 8
February 3
Badgerland Brunch 6 - 12
February 4
Winter Wonderland 4 - 12 & Adults
February 10 - 11
Grow with Daisies K - 1 & Adults
February 16
AdventureGIRL K - 12
February 17
Milky Whey K - 3
February 17
Indoor SkillsFest K - 12 & Adults
February 18
PA Reunion 6 - 10
February 24 - 25
March Challenge Kick-off
K - 12
February 27
Cookie Program!
K - 12
March 2-April 7
Girl Scouts Day at the Capitol
K - 12 |
March 9
K - 12
March 10
Sister to All
K - 12
March 12
Grow with Daisies
K - 1 & Adults
March 15
Camp Chef
K - 12
March 23
April Challenge Kick-off
K - 12
March 26
Badgerland Brunch 6 - 12
April 7
WI Dairy Patch 4 - 12
April 13
Grow with Daisies K - 1 & Adults
April 19
Girl Gala: Awards Celebration
April 20
On My Honor Adult Awards
April 20
Eco Experts
K - 12
April 27
May Challenge Kick-off K - 12
April 30
Ehawee Adventure K - 12
May 4
Sister to All K - 12
May 14
Grow with Daisies K - 1 & Adults
May 17
Top Cookie Sellerbration
Each month brings a new challenge to earn a patch. Take on the challenge with your troop or on your own with your family. Sign up for the challenge and you are auto registered to attend the Challenge kick-off event! We’ll mail your patch at the end of the month.
Super duper, experiential events led by Badgerland experts. Headliners allow hundreds of Girl Scouts to come together for opportunities focused on one or more Girl Scout pillars - Outdoors, Entrepreneurship, STEAM and Life Skills.
Hosted by partners on-location for expert insider learning and discoveries. Some of these events include registering through the partner and those are all wellmarked for your convenience.
Oh yes, what’s a Girl Scout year without at least one or two nights spent with your sisters? Getaways at Camp Ehawee are planned for girls and your grown-up.
Cadettes begin your leadership journey through Program Aide Training this year. Seniors and Ambassadors, if you are thinking of Gold come meet the Highest Awards experts at sessions offered through the year. PS don’t forget to book your weekend at the new Girl Lounge at the Madison Leadership Center- just for older Girl Scouts!
Our diversity, equity, inclusion, and racial justice series is age-level progressive. Sister to All is live on Zoom while Badgerland Brunch, just for older girls, allows girls to deliberate weighty issues in person.
Have fun shopping for your GS experiences. because there are so many more to choose from!
You give a lot to Girl Scouts. And you get a lot from being part of this amazing Movement. Now let’s make it even deeper, richer and more impactful. This year, Badgerland is amplifying opportunities for you to connect, learn and grow in the powerful ways we see happening for girls. After all, you’re a Girl Scout, too!
Think of this as a kick-off to your GS year. A day filled with meeting and learning from other volunteers and the Badgerland Team. These not to be missed events are in September!
What sounds good to you: Making friends with new people who are doing this volunteer thing just like you? Enjoying a healthy delicious meal that you did not prepare? Downtime?! Spa experiences? Learning how to do new things? That’s all on the agenda for a pair of oooh la la Volunteer-Only enrichments coming your way in December and January.
Red Cross certifications are paired with brand new Mental Health First Aid trainings. It’s all scheduled along with small-watercraft safety, outdoor cooking, and more.
It’s the essence of being in Girl Scouts - connecting with your local community. We do that at Badgerland through community-based gatherings of Girl Scouts called Service Units. You’ll learn about them in this Champion and have ample opportunity to connect with your Service Unit this year.
There’s so much happening just for you! There are 8 pages dedicated for Volunteers to explore in this Champion. See pages 27 - 35.
September Challenge
Kick-off: August 29 @ 5:30pm | Challenge: September 1-30
Girl Scouts all around the US will gather at State Parks on this weekend for our yearly celebration of our beautiful state parks. Badgerland is teaming up with local park naturalists to lead you on a fun outdoor nature experience. Girl Scout exclusive programs will be held around Badgerland and beyond! Your state park adventure is likely to include pretty lake views, incredible bluffs, unique rock formations, stunning sunsets, sandy beaches, babbling streams, wildlife galore, and so much more. One requirement to earn your patch is to visit a state park that has partnered with Badgerland and participate in one of their programs. This year’s state parks weekend has the largest list of participating parks that we’ve ever had AND more are still being added. For a full list of times and partnering state parks and recreation areas, visit gsbadgerland.org and click “Activities” to see details on all these outings.
Attend the Virtual Kick-off Event : Wisconsin State Parks - Where Nature Meets Wow! Scott Johnson, WDNR Statewide Educator and Naturalist, will provide a behind-the-scenes glimpse of Wisconsin’s greatest resource, its stunning state parks. Whether you and your family or troop are into hiking through lush forests, kicking back in kayaks on a refreshing lake, or just enjoying some fresh air, you’ll get insights about planning your next state park visit. Bonus: You’ll learn about lands, waters, and wildlife through conservation and stewardship happening in Badgerland!
• Aug. 29 @ 5:30pm • $10 (includes patch in the mail & kick-off event)
NEXT: Complete this required activity for all ages
___Visit a Badgerland Partner State Park and attend at least one scheduled program (Locations, dates and times at gsbadgerland.org)
THEN: Spend the month working to meet the challenge by completing the additional minimum number of activities for your age level. Activities are listed below.
___Canoe, kayak, or paddleboard at a state park
___Photograph wildlife at a state park
___Build and photograph a sand sculpture at a state park
___Bike a few miles on a state park trail
___Find four geocaches within a state park
___Take a selfie at a Travel Wisconsin Selfie Stand
___Visit a state park nature center and learn at least one new thing
___Catch at least one fish at a state park
___Clean up litter for thirty minutes at a state park
___Wear your Girl Scout Vest or Sash on the trail, share to: communications@gsbadgerland.org
___Identify and list 10 trees seen within state parks and take photos of at least three
___Download and complete your Girl Scouts Love State Parks Passport activity sheet

___Practice the seven principles of Leave No Trace while visiting a state park
___Visit three historic buildings on state park properties
___Visit and photograph a waterfall or rapids within state parks
___Research the history of a state park and write a campfire song about its history
___Find examples of Indigenous Cultures at two state parks
___Identify and list 10 different birds seen within state parks and take photos of at least three
___Hike at least five miles of trails within state parks
___Create a skit about your experience at a state park
Grow with Daisies
For girls and their grown-ups. Come to these monthly, Friday night activities to build your Girl Scouting community. Each month features a timely new topic for the adults to get the hang of the world of Girl Scouts while your Daisy earns a fun patch of her own. Come to all, or pick and choose the themes that are most exciting to you. Get to know Daisy families in your area beyond your troop.
September Patch: Be Kind
Adult Topic: Girl Scouts 101: The Basics, The Lingo, and More!

Discovery Depot: A Day in the Life of a Fisheries Biologist
Discover what it’s really like to go to work every day with a mission to conserve and protect fish and their habitats. You get to be a fisheries biologist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for a day. You will be hands-on as you learn to catch fish with nets and identify them while working side-by-side along fisheries biologists. It doesn’t get better than this! This experience is held at the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife Refuge near La Crosse.
Badge: STEM Career Exploration
Exploration Station: EPIC Systems!
Explore the epically inspirational Epic campus! A Badgerland Community Partner, Epic, builds, installs and maintains electronic medical record software for hospital systems across the United States and abroad. Their campus features themed buildings including Alice in Wonderland, the Wizard of Oz, wizards, mystery, and even a whole farm! Interested in learning more about the cool field of software? This event includes a tour and panel session with Epic professionals. Discover how they got here, what they do for work, and how they are making an impact in different STEM careers.
Patch: Epic Experience
Adventures in the Milky Whey: How Dairy Cares
Visit a working dairy farm! Explore the history of dairy farming and learn about the skills, technology, and science that dairy farmers use to protect the environment and provide your family with fresh milk 365 days a year! Hosted by Badgerland Community Partner, Alice in Dairyland, this exciting program will be held at Hoard’s Dairyman Farm in Fort Atkinson.
Patch: Adventures in the Milky Whey & Dairy Cares
Badgerland Fall Fundraiser Family Forum
All Badgerland families are invited to this virtual event to learn about BFF, how it works and why it’s important to the troop. Come get your questions answered.
For Volunteers: See pages 6 & 30 for all BFF details.
$25 Fort Atkinson Yes, to meet ratio
Exploration Station: National Wildlife Refuges Horicon & Necedah
It’s all about citizen science! National wildlife refuges are some ofAmerica’s best kept secrets and now you get to explore Horicon and Necedah, Badgerland Community Partners. At Horicon, Brownies will hike the marsh with the ranger and scoop water bugs learning about wetland water quality. Junior Girl Scouts will learn what it’s like to be a refuge biologist hiking and using binoculars to study waterfowl and endangered whooping cranes. Learn about careers in conservation and what you can do to help protect the earth for future generations. Pack a lunch, snacks will be provided.
Badge: Badgerland National Wildlife Refuge
Exploration Station: Miracles on Hoof
Learn how to care for horses, harness, saddle, and the basics of riding and driving. Hosted by Badgerland Community Partner, Miracles on Hoof, you’ll learn how to communicate with your horse and how to ‘talk’ to them with both words and physical cues. Pack a lunch, wear long pants and closed-toe shoes.
Brownies: Pets Badge
Juniors: Horseback Riding Badge
$25 Spring Green Yes, to meet ratio
Plan-It Expos! A Council Headliner for Volunteers
Let’s kick-off the new year of Girl Scouting all together! Exciting, eventful and practical - this is the place to be for all Badgerland volunteers ready to begin this year strong and confident.
Plan to come! Details on Page 28
October Challenge
Kick-off: September 26 @ 5:30pm | Challenge: October 1-31
From Interstate State Park on the Minnesota border to Potawatomi State Park on Lake Michigan, the Ice Age Trail winds for more than 1,000 miles, following the edge of the last continental glacier in Wisconsin. Throughout October, Girl Scouts from around the state will traverse some of Wisconsin’s most scenic landscapes as they hike and backpack the trail. One of just 11 National Scenic Trails, the Ice Age Trail is located entirely in Wisconsin. This Mammoth Hike Challenge is sure to keep you moving AND, with sightseeing destinations at lots of trail cities, you’re sure to have a jam packed month. For a full list of times and trail cities, visit gsbadgerland.org and click “Activities” to see full details.
Fun fact: In the entire USA, there are only 11 National Scenic Trails and one of the longest (and most awesome) is right here in Wisconsin. Let’s go explore it, Girl Scouts!

Attend the Virtual Kick-off Event: Wooly BIG Launch!
It’s an “ONLY IN WISCONSIN” Girl Scout thing. The Mammoth Hike Challenge kicks off with the virtual Wooly BIG Launch so you can learn more before hitting the trail. At Wooly BIG, Amy Lord, Education Manager of the Ice Age Trail Alliance, will talk topics like the Ice Age Trail, glaciers, mammoths, and other pre-historic mammals and a whole lot more. Bonus: you’ll also learn about stewardship opportunities happening on the trail!
•Sept. 26 @ 5:30pm
•$10 (includes patch in the mail & kick-off event)
NEXT: Complete this required activity for all ages
___Visit the Ice Age Trail and hike a minimum of 3 miles
THEN: Spend the month working to meet the challenge by completing the additional minimum number of activities for your age level
___Visit one trail community
___Attend a Mammoth Hike Challenge Event
___Wear your Girl Scout Vest or Sash on the trail, take a photo, and send to: communications@gsbadgerland.org
___Watch a sunrise or sunset on the trail
___Explore a new-to-you segment and draw your favorite feature
___Stop at 2 benches and reflect
___Enjoy vibrant fall colors by collecting 4 fallen leaves and making leaf rubbings
___Notice trail sounds and write down what you hear
___Find 6 unique natural shapes on the trail
___Identify and list 10 birds seen on the trail and take photos of at least three
___Close your eyes and identify an object through just touch with your fingers
___Notice trail smells and try to identify the source
___Write a poem about the trail
___Research the history of the Ice Age Trail and share it with your hiking partner
___Take a selfie from 2 scenic overlooks
___Find 3 geocaches along the trail or within trail communities
___Identify and list 10 different plants seen on the trail and take photos of at least three
___Research the history of a trail community and share the history with your hiking pals
___Identify and list 7 different insects seen along the trail and take photos of at least 3
___Find 10 trail way points on GPS (see webpage for way points)
Badgerland Brunch: Bullying
Badgerland’s diversity, equity, and inclusion virtual series

Come to Badgerland Brunch, a safe space just for older Girl Scouts to bond over good food and important conversations. You’ve told us what you want to talk about and these are big topics that will be facilitated by experts and led by you. Going back to school can be exciting, but it can also cause fear and anxiety. One of the greatest challenges you may face is around bullying - both experiencing and witnessing it. Share what’s on your mind with fellow CSA’s from across Badgerland, as you learn from a guest expert some actionable techniques to manage bullying and ways to be an ally to others.
Patch: Badgerland Brunch Bullying
Grow with Daisies
For girls and their grown-ups. Come to these monthly, Friday night activities to build your Girl Scouting community.
October Patch: Outdoor Painting
Adult Topic: Courage, Confidence, and Character: What You Get
Out of Girl Scouting
Climbing with Courage
Learn basic climbing techniques, belaying, and how to properly take care of your body before, during, and after climbs. Available to all ability levels and a safe place to challenge yourself. Your courage and confidence will reach new heights, and you’ll build skills with each ascent. This course will get your body moving in new directions (up!) and prep you to do outdoor climbing if that’s your goal.
Patch: Climbing with Courage
One-time, event day volunteers are needed. We’re not talking a big commitment here - come spend the day at one of our events helping with check-in or running a station & we’ll set you up for success. The more helping hands at events means an even better experience for the girls. And hey...did you know girl helpers are welcome to help, too? Program Aides & Cadettes on up are encouraged to give service.
PLEASE share this opportunity with your (not yet Girl Scout) friends and family. It’s a super way to be involved and make a difference.
You’ll have fun and you’ll learn something, too. Interested? Just tell us: info@gsbadgerland.org
Outdoor SkillsFest
A Council Headliner Event!
Get your adventure on while exploring or advancing your outdoor skills at Camp Brandenburg. No matter your current skill level, there’s something for you to learn at Outdoor SkillsFest! From fire building and safety to understanding the nature around you, you’re sure to come away with the courage to try new things and the confidence to master them.
NOTE: This is a drop-in any time event. Expect to spend 2-3 hours doing all the activity stations and to get the most out of your experience.
Basic SkillsFest | Grades K-3
An essential experience for beginner campers to connect you with the skills you need to prepare for your first camping trip. Hands-on, interactive and fun!
Intermediate SkillsFest | Grades 4-8
Advance your outdoor skills. Beyond fire safety, we’ll tackle wayfinding, shelter building, signaling, first aid and cooking.
Advanced SkillsFest | Grades 9-12 + Adults welcome to join (for free!)
Learn practical skills to prepare to lead outdoor camping trips. Test your skills while you practice setting up your campsite, building a fire and cooking in nature. Lunch is provided!
PATCH & AWARD EARNED: Badgerland Outdoor SkillsFest Patch Beginner | Intermediate | Advanced, Skills Bar or Adult Bar
Discovery Depot: Devil’s Lake Climbing
It’s a full-day, outdoor top-roping trip, just for Girl Scouts, led by Devil’s Lake Climbing Guides, a Badgerland Community Partner. Appropriate for all abilities - whether you have developed some indoor climbing skills already or will be climbing for the first time. The expert guides will create a supportive environment as you learn to find your path up the wall and practice creative problem solving. Learn to climb outside, building your confidence, trust, fitness, and teamwork! Pack a lunch and wear closed-toe shoes.
Badge: Climbing Adventure Series
How to Register: Sign up through Devil’s Lake Climbing Guides. Link is below.
Yes, for ratio. $95 to climb for GS Members
https://www.devilslakeclimbingguides.com/ store/p/girl-scout-climbing
Girl Scouts on the Move: Overture Center
Children’s Theater of Madison (CTM), a Badgerland Community Partner, hosts a drama workshop and matinee performance of “The Wiz”. The pre-show 45-minute workshop will take you into the world of the story as you act out themes and characters in the show. After the workshop, enjoy the 3 pm performance.
Patch: Children’s Theatre of Madison Patch
How to Register: Sign up through CTM. Link is below.
Girl Scouts on the Move: Forward Madison

What’s it like to go pro in soccer? Join USL League One team Madison Forward coaches and players for chalk-talk, to learn what it’s like to be a proathlete from this Badgerland Community Partner. Get sidelines access to view warm-ups and training. Watch the match as you cheer on the team from the stands with your sister Girl Scouts and take part in the exclusive halftime parade.
Patch: Forward Madison: Girl Scout Day
How to Register: Sign up through Forward Madison. Link below.
Adventures in the Milky Whey: Sustainability
What do you have in common with cows? Well, you both use high-tech devices! Come to a dairy farm to learn how technology keeps cows healthy to provide your family with fresh milk. Learn how tech protects the environment with sustainable agricultural practices from Badgerland Community Partner, Alice in Dairyland. You’ll get to tour the farm and make butter! This exciting program will be held at Hinchley’s Dairy Farm in Cambridge. Pack a lunch!
Patch: Adventures in the Milky Whey & Dairy Sustainability
$24 Madison Yes, to meet ratio
Ehawee Festive Fall Harvest
An overnighter for a girl & her grown-up
The air is getting crisper, the leaves are changing colors and we are ALL about it! Spend an autumn weekend outdoors at camp with sister Girl Scouts. Fall Fest is all about nature and doing all the things you love about camp this time of year – hayrides, pumpkin painting, stories around the campfire, and much more.
Patch: Festive Fall Patch

Ehawee Yes, to meet ratio
$25 Cambridge Yes, to meet ratio
November Challenge

Kick-off: October 24 @ 5:30pm |
Challenge: November 1-31
Climate change has far-reaching effects on our planet. Carbon and other greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere, causing hotter summers and warmer winters. Glaciers are melting, changing beaches and shorelines. Animals and plants are losing their habitats. Weather is more extreme with droughts, hurricanes, and blizzards. As climate change affects our planet, it’s up to us to do what we can to protect our Earth. Become a climate advocate by taking the Girl Scout Climate Champion Challenge, and for even more activities visit gsbadgerland.org and click “Activities” to see details on all these outings.
Attend the Virtual Kick-off Event: Climate Champions Unite! Climate Champions are helping support the race for a cleaner, safer, healthier, and more resilient world. Sharing ideas for getting involved in climate action and advocacy, Girl Scouts will explore climate science from local climate scientists from the UW Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies. While learning how to connect with your community and beyond, you’ll spread hope and create change—Climate Champions Unite! Bonus: You’ll learn how to participate in your own climate challenge project through SciStarter.
• Oct. 24 @ 5:30pm • $10 (includes patch in the mail & kick-off event)
NEXT: Complete this required activity for all ages ___Log into SciStarter to select a Climate Challenge citizen science project and do the steps to complete the project (Specific projects are available at https://scistarter.org/girlscout-climatechallenge).
THEN: Spend the month working to meet the challenge by completing the additional minimum number of activities for your age level
___Observe the weather to compare changes over 4 weeks
___Learn the steps of the scientific method
___Use the scientific method to sketch observations
___Map examples of erosion in your community
___Learn about local issues at a water facility
___Learn how climate change is impacting bees
___Investigate climate laws and policies
___Watch a movie or documentary about climate activists
___Interview a farmer about climate change’s impact on our food supply
___Talk to a local climate scientist, organizer, or official about climate change
___Take 4 steps to reduce your household’s carbon footprint
___Take field notes about your environment
___Explore habitats then build a home for bugs or animals
___Study how trees and the climate relate
___Learn about invasive plants and help remove them from your community
___Explore the land, air, water, and biodiversity in a garden
___Research 4 environmental groups and compare them
___Share your SciStarter project with your community
___Select a second SciStarter project to complete ___Invite and encourage 2 others to complete the same SciStarter project together
Innovation Studio: STEMinists
A Council Headliner Event!
It’s an expo-style, hands-on event where you will discover the Big Galaxy of STEM and how it relates to your everyday life and aspirations as a Girl Scout. Blast off to different activity stations to learn and meet experts to develop STEM confidence, competence, interest and understanding. Shoot for the stars and you too can make the world a better place.
NOTE: This is a drop-in any time event. Expect to spend 2-3 hours doing all the activity stations and to get the most out of your experience.
Charm: Rocket Charm Grades Date Time Reg Deadline K-12 Nov. 4 10-4pm Oct. 31

Cost Location Adult Participation
$25 Madison Yes, to meet ratio.
Program Aide (PA) Training
It’s a big deal being a Cadette and having the opportunity to become a leader in Badgerland Council through the Program Aide Training. This is your first step! The training consists of 4 hours of online study prior to attending the inperson event. The morning is all about the nuts and bolts of putting together the pieces you have learned online. In the afternoon, you’ll ‘go live’ and assist Badgerland staff and volunteers to run the Innovation Studio: Steminists event! Bonus: once PA volunteer work is completed, you get to stay on and participate in the program. Lunch is provided.
Badge: Program Aide Pin
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline 6-8 Nov. 4 9-2pm Oct. 31
Cost Location Adult Participation
$35 Madison No, just for girls.
Discovery Depot: Society of Women Engineers
Curves, twists, turns and loop to loops— get handson with Badgerland Community Partner, UWMadison Society of Women Engineers as you plan, build, and test marble roller coasters. As a Roller Coaster Design Engineer, you’ll take your coaster idea from dream to reality. Pack a lunch!

Patch: STEM Career Exploration Series
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Nov. 4 10-1pm Oct. 31
Cost Location Adult Participation
$25 Madison Yes, to meet ratio
Sister to All Badgerland’s diversity, equity, and inclusion virtual series
This is a four-part series and you may attend one, some or all. Each session explores a different theme: Mindfulness, Mental Wellbeing, Healthy Relationships and Good Communication. You’ll learn from experts who will empower you to engage the world with curiosity, confidence and kindness.
The November theme is Mindfulness. Making the world a better place starts with being mindful of ourselves and those around us every day. Practicing mindfulness can help us be a better friend and a better version of ourselves.
Patch: Sister to All - Mindfulness
Exploration Station: Madison Children’s Museum
It’s Night at the Museum just for Girl Scouts! Meet up with other GS sisters to explore and discover all the delights inside and outside (rooftop!). There’s so much to do including Wildernest, Possible-opolis, Art Studio, From Coops to Cathedrals, Rooftop Ramble, and the Wonderground. Make time tor the hands-on art and science activity stations set up especially for Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors, but all ages will enjoy the Wind Tunnel Engineering, Printmaking, and Log Cabin Living. Complete a museum scavenger hunt to earn the fun patch.
Patch: Madison Children’s Museum

Grow with Daisies
For girls and their grown-ups. Come to these monthly, Friday night activities to build your Girl Scouting community.
November Patch: STEM
Adult Topic: Service Units: Building Strong Sisterhood in Your Community
La Crosse Yes! You’ll love this.
AdventureGIRL: Camp Canvas A Council Headliner Event

As Girl Scouts, we are a force of nature! Let Mother Nature be your inspiration as you create art using Camp Brandenburg’s forest floor as the canvas. From sticks and stones to leaves and flowers, the opportunities for art, photography, and music are endless. You’ll explore different elements of nature while enjoying a fall day at this expo-style event at Camp Brandenburg. Sign-up with your adult or come together as a troop. Pack a lunch!
NOTE: This is a drop-in any time event. Expect to spend 2-3 hours doing all the activity stations and to get the most out of your experience.
Badges: Outdoor Art Series
Discovery Depot: ImpactLife
So, what’s underneath that band-aid? Bet you don’t think too much about blood until you scrape a knee or get a cut, but blood is fascinating! There is no substitute for it — it can’t be made or manufactured. You’ll get a behind the scenes experience from Badgerland Program Partner, ImpactLife Blood Services, to learn about blood donations - the process behind them, why it’s so important, and explore blood services careers.
Good idea: Looking for inspiration for your Highest Award Project? This may be for you!
Patch: ImpactLife
$25 Camp Brandenburg Yes, to meet ratio
December Challenge
Kick-off: November 28 @ 5:30pm |
Challenge: December 1-31
All across our country and our world, Girl Scouts are leaping to the aid of others by engaging in wonderful acts of service and kindness. Whether by writing letters to senior citizens, honoring first responders, taking part in a citizen science project, or promoting voting and democracy, Girl Scouts always step up to do what they can to improve their communities and the world. Through the Girl Scouts Give Back Challenge you’ll discover how you can give back to make your community—and the world—a better place.
Attend the Virtual Kick-off Event: The BIG GIVE Jumpstart!
Discovering how you can give back to make your community and the world a better place is a big deal! At the BIG GIVE, Renee Moe, Executive Director of the United Way of Dane County, will help us tackle topics like: service learning, understanding the root of a problem, and how community service makes the world a better place. Attend to learn how you can get involved to make a difference.
•Nov. 28 @ 5:30pm
• $10 (includes patch in the mail & kick-off event)
NEXT: Complete this required activity for all ages
___Wear your Girl Scout Uniform while you give back. Then share the pictures: communications@gsbadgerland.org

THEN: Spend the month working to meet the challenge by completing the additional minimum number of activities for your age level
___Write a letter to a seniors in a nursing home
___Volunteer to help animals at a shelter
___Sign up for a spring camp cleanup project. Email: hesterc@gsbadgerland.org
___Shovel a neighbor’s driveway or sidewalk
___Offer to walk or play with a neighbor’s dog
___Write an e-mail to an elected official about what matters most to you
___Craft an educational social media post about an issue you care about. Use hashtag #GirlScoutsGiveBack
___Collect at least 10 non-perishable items and donate them
___Knit or sew gloves, socks, scarves or blankets for a homeless shelter
___Serve a meal at a local soup kitchen
___Send a handwritten letter to first responders to say thank you
___Research and complete a National Girl Scout Service Project at https://www.girlscouts.org/en/ activity-zone/national-service-projects.html
___Fill a box of old toys or clothing to give to families in need
___Invite a lonely community member to join your family for a holiday celebration
___Deliver a care package of soup, tea, hot cocoa or other goodies to someone who is ill
___Ask your teachers how to get involved in after school volunteer opportunities
___Design a positive message poster and hang it on your front door or window
___Attend the Inspiration Expo and learn about community partners
___ON YOUR OWN! Complete a give back project of your own choosing
___Empower a friend or family member to join you in giving back
Inspiration Expo: Brighten Your Backyard
A Council Headliner Event
Girl Scouts are experts at lending a hand and being agents of change. Whether you are volunteering at school, protecting the environment, working with animals, or helping others in need, you can get even brighter by connecting with local organizations that are mission driven. Learn from people in your community about the change they are making, and gain inspiration as to how you can brighten your own backyard.
Charm Challenge Event! Earn the heart charm for the Year of Fun patch you received if you renewed your membership in spring.
NOTE: This is a drop-in any time event. Expect to spend 2-3 hours doing all the activity stations and to get the most out of your experience.
Frosty Fun at Camp Ehawee
overnighter for a girl & her adult
Camp isn’t just for summer-loving Girl Scouts. Rid yourself of cabin fever and enjoy some frosty fun at camp this winter! Come bake cookies, roast s’mores and create some winter crafts. Don’t forget your snow gear!
Patch: Frosty Fun Patch Cost
$75 Camp Ehawee Yes, must be member
Grow with Daisies
For girls and their grown-ups. Friday night activities to build your Girl Scouting community.

December Patch: Go Green
Adult Topic: Pathways for Participation
$25 Madison Yes, to meet ratio
Badgerland Brunch
Mental health is the topic for the second event in this series designed just for older Girl Scouts to have a safe space for important conversations. The session will be expertly facilitated and feature insight and guidance from a mental health expert.
Patch: Badgerland Brunch Mental Health
Girl Scouts On the Move: Overture Center
Children’s Theater of Madison (CTM) hosts a 45-minute workshop and performance of “A Christmas Carol” at Overture Center. Act out the play’s themes and characters then enjoy the show.
Patch: Children’s Theatre of Madison
How to Register: Sign up through CTM. Link below.
No, just for the girls
January Challenge
Kick-off: December 19 @ 5:30pm |
Challenge: January 1-31
Girls and women continue to face challenges around the world. Throughout the year, Girl Scouts recognizes nine international Global Action Days which celebrate girls and women. By observing these days of action, you’ll recognize the achievements of girls and women and learn about existing issues and how you can help. By taking the Global Action Days Challenge, you’ll help to make the world a better place for girls and women everywhere!
Attend the Virtual Kick-off Event: Global Changemakers: Making HERstory!
It’s important to celebrate the tenacity, determination, and leadership of girls and women around the world and recognize their achievements towards creating peaceful and democratic societies. At the Making HERstory kick-off, we’ll learn from a global change maker about the nine Girl Scout Global Action Days and steps we can take together to conquer different global issues affecting girls and women.
•Dec. 19 @ 5:30pm • $10 (includes patch in the mail & kick-off event)
NEXT: Complete this required activity for all ages
___Make plans to host an activity that celebrates one of the nine Girl Scout Global Action Days and schedule that activity with your troop leader.

THEN: Spend the month working to meet the challenge by completing the additional minimum number of activities for your age level
___Research one of the Girl Scout Global Action Days
___Attend a local event which celebrates one of the Global Action Days
___Read Malala’s Magic Pencil by Malala Yousafzai— decide how you would change the world
___Make a presentation for your troop about the nine Global Action Days
___Speak with a local change maker who is making a difference in the lives of girls and women
___Make plans to job shadow a woman who is making history in her field
___Learn the World Song and teach it to your troop
___Brainstorm reasons why kids don’t finish school and what resources might help
___Earn the Girl Scout Global Action Award
___Wear your Girl Scout Vest or Sash in action as you tackle global change making, take a photo, and send to: communications@gsbadgerland.org
___Research the wage gap between men and women in at least five countries
___Make a list of human rights--what other rights might all people deserve?
___Research United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 5: Gender Equity
___Brainstorm a list of the ways different women have helped and inspired you personally
___Read about girls’ education around the world and host a discussion at your next troop meeting
___Research a historical change maker, who has impacted women’s rights
___Find out where your community’s water originates and what you can do to protect it
___Discover what “Be the Change 2030” is all about and how it’s making a difference
___Take a field trip to an organization addressing poverty in your community
___Define gender-based violence and create a list of examples you have witnessed or heard about
___Create a girls’ bill of rights--what would need to happen to make this bill of rights a reality for girls around the world?
Global Rover: Conserve to Preserve
A Council Headliner Event
Girl Scouts all around you care about what’s going on in the world! They care about the earth, their schools, and their communities. If you want to be a Global Girl Scout, come gain the inspiration to make the world a better place!
Charm Challenge Event
Earn the She Could charm!

Another Reason to
Come: This experience will enhance your January challenge to earn the Girl Scout Global Action Award.
NOTE: This is a drop-in any time event. Expect to spend 2-3 hours doing all the activity stations and to get the most out of your experience.
Discovery Depot: Finding Your Voice
Find your voice and learn to speak up with confidence! A Teaching Artist from Children’s Theater of Madison, a Badgerland Community Partner, is leading this collaborative, creative, and interactive workshop for Girl Scouts of all ages and confidence levels. Using theater games and exercises, you will build vocal projection, body awareness, and confidence while actually speaking on stage! This is a not-to-be-missed opportunity. Event is held at the Madison Youth Arts Center.
Badges (based on level)
Daisy: Art and Design Badge
Brownie: Dancer Badge
Junior: Playing the Past Badge
Cadette: Screenwriter Badge
Senior/Ambassador: Public Speaking Badge
Sister to All
Badgerland’s diversity, equity, and inclusion virtual series
Yes, to meet ratio
Mental health and well-being is just as important as physical health. So why do we often ignore it? Come learn from our guest expert about ways we can improve our own mental well-being on a daily basis. You’ll leave feeling refreshed, recharged and reconnected with your fellow Girl Scout sisters.
Patch: Sister to All - Mental Wellbeing
AdventureGIRL: Snow Place Like Camp A Council Headliner
Gather your winter gear and head to camp! It’s the best time of year (except for summer... spring...and fall) to come camp. Lots of wintertime fun planned including snowshoeing, snow fort building, wintry crafts, and a toasty winter campfire. Bring your favorite adult or come as a troop! Pack a lunch! #YouSnowGirl
Badge: Snow Adventure (All levels)
NOTE: This is a drop-in any time event. Expect to spend 2-3 hours doing all the activity stations and to get the most out of your experience.
Ultimate 5th Grader Slumber Bash!
A Girl Scout Overnighter
5th Graders Only! You’ve never experienced a slumber bash like THIS! Fifth graders will take over the Madison Leadership Center for the most memorable Saturday night of the year. Bring your authentic self and come decked out in your favorite character PJs or onesie for this excellent night of trivia, games, world building, and competition. This is the place built exclusively for you and your #GirlSquad to celebrate before bridging to Cadettes.
Patch: Ultimate 5th Grader Slumber Bash
Grow with Daisies
For girls and their grown-ups. Come to these monthly, Friday night activities to build your Girl Scouting community.
January Patch: Conservation
Adult Topic: Cookies 101
Adventures in the Milky Whey: Dairy Science
Cheese, please! Explore the science behind your dairy favorites — milk, cheese, and yogurt. We will follow milk from the dairy farm to the supermarket, experiment with cheese making, and learn the steps for making yogurt. We will also tour a cheese making facility at Seven Acres Dairy. Pack a lunch!
Patch: Adventures in the Milky Whey & Dairy Science
Free Madison, Janesville, La Crosse Yes! You’ll love this.
Volunteers deserve their own space!
We know you invest heart, soul, expertise, and TIME being a volunteer. Let’s make that time easier, simpler and more rewarding. This year, you will discover more opportunities to connect and learn through timely trainings and exciting events.

you are invited to our PLAN-IT EXPOS! connecting,
learning, resource sharing
Saturday, September 16
10am - 4pm
Camp Ehawee Reg. Deadline: Sept. 12
Saturday, September 23 10am - 4pm
Madison Leadership Center Reg. Deadline: Sept. 19
Get ready for a full day of workshops and networking with other leaders! You will connect with Badgerland staff to learn about programs, progression, check-out resources, and how to access Badgerland properties for your troop’s usage. Connect with volunteers from around Badgerland to exchange ideas and find your people. Program partners from your area will be on-site sharing more opportunities for badge-earning and just plain FUN activities.
NEW LEADERS: Special session just for you! Learn the basics of Girl Scouts and how to lead a successful troop.
Here’s what you’ll do at the Plan-it Expo
10am Welcome & Icebreakers
11am Workshop: Keeping Things Girl-Led
12pm Yummy Lunch (you’ll love it)
1pm Workshop: Pillar Progression
2pm New Leader Workshop
3pm Ask Badgerland Panel
Available all day: Program Expo & Checkout Resources Exhibition
Can’t commit to the full day? Plan-It for the morning or afternoon; make this work for you.
You’ll have fun, be well fed, learn a lot, and get tons of new ideas from volunteers just like you.
Volunteers only!
Empowering Enrichments
No Adult(ing) Allowed!
There’s nothing like the childlike wonder of experiencing summer camp. We’re getting back to our roots with this adults only weekend at Camp Brandenburg. This is your chance to act like a kid, be silly, and have FUN! A jam packed night full of games, crafts, and more. Test your skills learning outdoor cooking, attend the natural plant ID and use workshop, and on Sunday morning, wrap up the weekend with a relaxing yoga class.
Bella Vida
Rooted in Wellness
$75 Camp Brandenburg, Dane County
Save the Date!
Summer Campowerment
July 12 - 14 @ Camp Ehawee
Bella Vida means ‘good life’. The start of a new year is the ideal time for Badgerland to shower you with sweetness at this exclusive event for our Co-Leaders, Product Program Leads, and Service Unit Volunteers. You work hard to help others, so this weekend is all about you! Our theme is “Rooted in Wellness,” so you’ll enjoy well-deserved pampering and take time to focus on YOU. Here are some of the things you might expect when you come experience the good life at Bella Vida: yoga and mindfulness classes, massages, sushi and cocktail workshops, spa experiences, classic throw-back crafts, and a catered dinner complete with swag bags, an inspirational and empowering keynote speaker, and door prizes. Plenty of other surprises to come - you’ll just have to show up to be delighted in real time! Here’s what we know for sure: you’ll go home refreshed and ready to take on the next challenge after this adults-only day.
Dear you, You so deserve this.
Volunteer Opportunities
Product Programs: TRAININGS FOR YOU
Badgerland’s two product programs to earn dollars to fund your troop activities.
Attend these trainings with your troop BFF/ Cookie leads and treasurers.
BFF Volunteer Trainings
Badgerland Fall Fundraiser
October 2-26
BFF details on page 6
BFF Troop Training
Learn how your troop can earn 25% (or more) in troop profits to get your GS year started off quickly. Training will include information on products being sold, in-person and online, rewards/proceeds and how to manage the sale in the M2 system.
Sept. 17 6-7:30pm Virtual
Sept. 20 10-11:30 am Virtual
BFF Family Forum
Encourage all your troop families to attend this council-led info session. You will already have shared key info including dates and rewards but this is where families will get a deeper look into the “how” and “why” your girl should participate. (Hint: it’s a “Program” and girls learn skills while earning troop dollars).
Sept. 24 6-7:30pm Virtual
Sept. 27 10-11:30 am Virtual
Cookie Volunteer Trainings
Girl Scout Cookie Program
March 2 - April 7
Cookie details on page 7
Cookies New Troop Training
For new and newish troops to learn the program. Learn why the cookie program is important, not only as a money earning activity for the troop, but as an entrepreneurial experience for your Girl Scouts; what you should cover in your parent/girl info meeting, and options for the best way for your troop to participate.
Jan. 13 9:30-11:30 am Virtual
Jan. 14 6-8pm Virtual
Cookies Tech Training
Smart Cookies is the place for you to manage your troop’s cookie program, however, girls will be using the NEW DC24 Cloud platform to manage theirs. Learn more about managing the ins and outs of ABC Smart Cookies and how you will work with Digital Cookie at the Troop Level.
Jan. 20 1-3pm Virtual
Jan. 27 10-Noon In-person (lunch provided)
VOLUNTEERS! Encourage all your troop families to attend both forums designed just for the families.
Cookies Family Forum - The Program
More than a sale, this is her first chance at running her own business. Learn how it works and the program benefits including troop fundraising, rewards for her, and the intro to philanthropy.
Jan. 28 6-7:30pm Virtual
Jan. 31 6-7:30pm Virtual
Cookies Family Forum - The Tech
Learn our NEW Digital Cookie platform where she will manage, market, and track her cookie sales.
Feb. 25 6-7:30pm Virtual
Feb. 28 6-7:30pm Virtual
Life Skills & Safety : TRAININGS FOR YOU
Red Cross First Aid / CPR / AED +
FIRST TIME OFFERED: Mental Health First Aid
Red Cross First Aid, CPR and AED Training
The first aid training and certification process takes just a few hours to complete, but can help you deliver the care that someone needs while waiting for medical professionals to arrive. When you successfully complete this course, you’ll receive a two-year certification as well as access to refreshers that can help you maintain your skills throughout your certification period.
Mental Health First Aid
Just as CPR helps you assist an individual having a heart attack, Mental Health First Aid helps you assist someone experiencing a mental health or substance use-related crisis. The training teaches about recovery and resiliency – the belief that individuals experiencing these challenges can and do get better, and use their strengths to stay well. In the Mental Health First Aid course, you will learn risk factors and warning signs for mental health and addiction concerns, strategies for how to help someone in both crisis and non-crisis situations, and where to turn for help.
*Your choice to attend both trainings that weekend or just one. Spend the night, our treat, for convenience if you plan to come to both sessions.
** The trainings are conveniently scheduled around weekend headliner events for girls/adults.
SU Volunteer Trainings
SAVE THE DATE May 19, 2024
Small Craft Water Safety & Archery
You’ll gain confidence along with new skills when you come learn and connect with other volunteers at our trainings.
New Leader Onboarding Series
Learn the basics
Volunteer Toolkit
Planning Your Year
Communicating with Families
Troop Finances
Leader Enrichments (some of the topics)
Highest Awards
Managing Conflict
Trainings delivered at the SU level!
Volunteer Opportunities
You’ve heard of Service Units, right?
The basics: What’s a Service Unit? (aka SU)
You know how where you live determines your school district? It’s the same in Girl Scouts; where you live determines your Service Unit (frequently called SU). All volunteers, troops and girls are assigned to a specific SU based on location.
SUs hold community events for all their SU troops and Girl Scouts to come together. Frequently, SUs host annual camp retreats, bridging ceremonies and awards celebrations. SUs assist with recruiting new families to join Girl Scouts.

Service Units are where you make Volunteer-to-Volunteer connections while getting help and ideas! SUs hold regular ‘leader meetings’ for all the volunteers within the Service Unit. These gatherings give you a chance to get to know other volunteers, exchange ideas, plan events and have an opportunity to be involved in your community. The connections made here can be the foundational support you need to run a troop, hold a cookie sale, motivate your troop families to help you, and all the other things you may be needing guidance for.
Onalaska Daisy Troop Leader Mary Teclaw-Ciano got involved with her SU this past year. She’s a Superstar!
SU 28 Volunteer La Crosse County
BEST PART OF YOUR SU? Meeting new people. I have a passion for networking, making connections and using those connections to bring opportunities to girl members to try new things and to create memories!
WHAT’S YOUR SERVICE UNIT UP TO? We are excited to plan fun activities and outings for the girls this upcoming school year and I can’t wait for these days and events to get here!
HOW DOES IT WORK HAVING MULTIPLE VOLUNTEERS COLLABORATING? The SU draws upon each member’s strength to create a “Super Team” to do what each member is already doing! Being great, being connected, and being YOU!
Being a SU volunteer doesn’t mean another plate spinning. It means that the plates that are already spinning are just spinning bigger and wider!
What we’re saying...
Badgerland Girl Scouts need your help.
One thing we know about this amazing organization is that the magic happens locally, at home in your community. Since the beginning of Girl Scouts in 1912, experiences are delivered locally: by the troop volunteers and by the community (SU) volunteers. Badgerland is home to 23 counties and within all those zip codes, there are 31 Service Units. Some are flourishing with volunteer meet-ups and girl activities. Some, however, are just getting started. So that’s the opportunity before us - to build and grow your Service Unit to make it easier, simpler, and more rewarding to be a Girl Scout... a volunteer, a parent, and a girl member. That’s our challenge to you: Come to your SU leader meetings. You will help make Girl Scouting better and better for you and your girls.
SU Perks
Zoom Accounts
Service Units have access to their own Badgerland Zoom account to make it convenient for meetings and planning. SUs can choose to let individual troops have access to the account for their needs, too. Want yours? Let us know!
Parade Kits
Know Your SU Number
•Find your county to help identify your Service Unit.

•Some counties, mainly Dane, have multiple SUs.
• If you do not know your SU number, contact us and we will help: info@gsbadgerland.org or call 800.236.2710.
Lots of SUs organize troop outings to community parades and other events. We’re happy to supply you with your own parade kit of Girl Scout bling. Want a kit? Let us know!
Come have your troop adventure here.
✔ Camp Brandenburg
✔ Camp Ehawee
✔ 3 Girl Scout Centers
Badgerland properties are for Girl Scouts! That means they are for you. If you are looking for a first-time overnighter, consider booking at a Leadership Center in Madison, Janesville, or La Crosse. Each is equipped with a kitchen, restrooms, large group play and activity spaces, and you’ll find places to bunk down for the night when it’s time for lights out. If you’re up for more adventure and the outdoors, by all means, look at scheduling troop or SU time at either Camp Ehawee in La Crosse County or Camp Brandenburg in Dane County. Both are equipped with all you need for a successful camp adventure. At all the locations, you’ll have options to reserve just what you need for your outing while sharing common spaces with other troops including kitchens, restrooms and such. The result will be lots more Girl Scouts able to enjoy the properties at the same time.
Reserving Badgerland Properties
•Weekends and weekdays are available to reserve September through May
•See availability, spaces, and prices then make your reservation in Checkfront
•Go to gsbadgerland.org then click Checkfront on the top of the page
Introducing The Girl Lounge
It’s NEW at the Madison Leadership Center and it’s exclusive to the older girls for a special space just for them. Troops grades 6 and older can reserve the Lounge, ideal for sleepovers and meet-ups. Comfy, cozy, and a place to chill. Come see it next time you’re in Madison. Sleeps up to 9 Girl Scouts!

•Reserve the Girl Lounge via Checkfront (v isit gsbadgerland.org then click Checkfront on the top)
How about a troop overnighter at the beautiful Madison Leadership Center? You can do that!
Volunteers : RESOURCES FOR YOU gsLearn
All volunteers have access to your own gsLearn account.
gsLearn is home to Badgerland Council and Girl Scouts of the USA trainings you can take at your own pace and on your own schedule. Here is where new leaders will learn the basics of Girl Scouting along with our in-person and virtual support sessions. Experienced leaders can dive deeper and learn even more. You will also find trainings on topics related to troop finances and the BFF and Cookie programs.
Not sure where to start? Check out our Leader’s Progression Chart! This chart will guide you from the basic courses for our newest leaders through the more advanced information available for older troops who are getting ready to travel, go on more intense trips, or looking to stay involved as their Girl Scout graduates!
Here’s how to access gsLearn! Go to: www.mygs.girlscouts.org > Sign into MyGS with user name (your email address) and password > Click gsLearn on your dashboard on the left > Explore! Search the Content Library
Troop Checkout Resources
Sampling of Supplies
• Tents & Backpacks
• Pudgie Pie Irons & Marshmallow Sticks
• Snow Shoes
• Flags & Parade Banners
• Paper-Making Kits
• Parachutes
• Knot-Tying Boards & Ropes
Badge in a Box Kits
• All you need to earn a badge
• Each kit packed with specific supplies
• Handy leader guides to make it easy
• Daisy Kits for each Petal to be earned
• Entrepreneur Series Kits available
• Outdoor Kits
• STEM Kits: Circuit Boards, Robots, etc.
How To Reserve Supplies
• Scan the QR code or

Girl Scouts TRAVEL!
Talk about a Big Girl Scout experience! Elizabeth Park and Harmony Laufenberg from Waunakee Troop 7375 spent a fabulous week in Hawaii at the Girl Scouts STEM Destination. The girls were especially excited about discovering Polynesian culture while learning more about ocean sustainability and how they can bring those experiences home to Wisconsin to make the world a better place.
GREAT TO KNOW: Elizabeth and Harmony were awarded Badgerland Destinations Scholarships for this adventure. You could earn one, too!

Girl Scout Destinations
• These trips are for girls (not troops) ages 12-18.
• International and domestic travel included
• It’s competitive! Applications are due 11/1 or 3/1
• Badgerland Scholarships are available
• Badgerland Bucks can help pay for Destinations.
Girl Scout Getaways
• GS curated troop trips around the USA.
• For 7th grade Cadettes and older
Traditional Troop Travel
• This is the most popular type of troop trips
• Lots of Badgerland troops do this! If you’re interested we can connect you with a troop who have done it and get their wisdom
• Best advise: Plan ahead!
• Earn funds through Cookie and BFF programs
• Money-raising guidelines in gsLearn
All the details about travel opportunities are on our website... gsbadgerland.org
And Cadette Troop 7012 from Beloit had an amazing trip to the birthplace of Girl Scouts in Savannah, Georgia this year. Every cookie season since they were Daisies, the girls saved a portion of their cookie earnings for their big adventure. They say it was worth it, especially because they earned it themselves!

“We planned way ahead!”
HERE is how ONE Girl Scout Makes the World a Better Place
Highest Awards
and gains premier leadership skills, at the same time.
An essential ingredient in the Girl Scout experience is SERVICE. Giving back to the community in a way that is important and meaningful to you. This can range from planting a flower garden in a community space to building bat houses in a state park to creating a year-long mental health awareness educational campaign in your hometown. All of these are real projects undertaken and completed by Badgerland Girl Scouts in the past year.
Girl Scouts can earn what we call the Highest Awards for wide-impact service projects.

•Bronze Award is for Junior Girl Scouts (4th and 5th graders)

•Silver Award is for Cadette Girl Scouts (6th-8th graders)

•Gold Award is for Seniors & Ambassadors (9th-12th graders)
Girl Scouts of the USA
$10,000 Scholarship Honoree!
The Gold Award is the highest award a Girl Scout can receive; so where do you even start? Join our experts in Highest Awards to learn what it takes to make a lasting difference in your community and beyond.
Lacey earned her Girl Scout Gold Award this spring tackling the complex issue of Mental Health. Her impressive project earned her the prestigious national scholarship as well as a $1,000 Badgerland Scholarship. Being a Girl Scout pays off!

Fabulous event celebrating Gold Award Girl Scouts, Graduating Seniors, and Scholarship Recipients!
Lacey Skime Prairie du ChienRegistration www.gsbadgerland.org
•Visit gsbadgerland.org and click the Activities tab
•Find events on the calendar, event list or search bar

•Click on the event title to start registration*
•Payment is due upon registration
*Register for some Partner events directly with the partner. Those links are provided and easy to follow.
A confirmation will be emailed within 24 hours. You will also receive an email the week before your event.
Occasionally events are canceled due to weather, safety concerns or low registration. Maintain accurate contact information in MyGS so staff can quickly notify you. These events will be rescheduled or refunded.
Refunds, minus a $10 cancellation fee per event transaction, are given for cancellations made by the registration deadline, or in the event of serious illness or death in the family. Full refunds are issued after the deadline only if the program is canceled.
Girl Scouts teaches girls financial literacy from the Cookie Program and Badgerland Fall Fundraiser. She can earn Badgerland Bucks to pay for her own experiences including camp. There are two ways to pay with Badgerland Bucks:
1)Call Customer Care at 800.236.2710 to complete a registration over the phone using Badgerland Bucks.
2)Register and pay online with a credit card, then complete and submit the Badgerland Bucks Reimbursement Form at gsbadgerland.org. (Hover over Members > look for Forms).
NOTE: Badgerland Bucks from the 2023 BFF Program will be available mid-December.
Financial Assistance for events is available to qualifying families for Badgerland-sponsored programs. Find the form and qualifying information at gsbadgerland.org.
Contact us for assistance with registration: 800.236.2710.
Here’s where you buy your GS merch—troop stuff, uniform stuff, and FUN Girl Scout stuff. It’s a great shopping experience and you’ll get to chat with knowledgeable, friendly and helpful staff to get your Girl Scout questions answered.

Sashays are open during Council Headliner events.
Pre-order and pick up orders at your convenience in Madison. We’ll give you a code and you can pop by to get your order whenever it fits your schedule.
While you’re visiting ask to see some of our program check-out resources (page 35)!
Sashay-to-Go! We’ve loaded your GS essentials in easy-to-carry bins so Service Units can take the shop to community events. See the togo options on the Sashay page of our website and order there.
Sashay! Shopping Hours
Tuesdays and Thursdays Noon-6
First Saturday of each month 9-2 (Oct-May)
Wednesdays Noon-6
Your year of wonder.
All year round let’s recognize the Girl Scout volunteers who make it all happen.

Tell Us About Your Special Volunteer
They deserve the spotlight. Submit nominations anytime. Visit the website and search for Volunteer Nominations; it’s quick and easy and all you need to do is share their name and a short statement about what makes them super special. Do it!
Honoring Girl Scout Volunteers