MORE TO ME THAN HIV ) More to Me than HIV is a project that aims to break down the stigma that has historically been attached to this virus. Glenn Stevens, one of the project coordinators, talks about the stigma that stops many people from being open about their HIV status. When I saw my piece in last month’s Gscene to promote the More to Me Than HIV project, I was extremely proud, but a small part of me was filled with anxiety; but why should I feel this way? I’ve been on effective antiretroviral therapy since the early 1990s, but having lived through the period before there was any treatment, watching friends die of Aids, or from the toxicity of early medication AZT, those memories of uncertainty can still creep in and unnerve. With this in mind, I can imagine that for the group of people who HIV hasn’t had a significant impact on their lives, when they hear the words HIV or Aids they will recall the time when the only information out there was Aids = Death, which was only compounded by the tabloid press who went above and beyond in spreading misinformation about how HIV could be transmitted. Perhaps because HIV is not part of their lives, this is their recall on what HIV is still about. It is this misunderstanding that perpetuates HIV stigma and one that needs to be stamped out with re-education.
THT, NAT & PREPSTER RESPOND TO BUDGET CUT TO PREP IN ENGLAND ) The Department of Health (DoH) told local authorities in England last month that the budget for rolling out HIV prevention pill PrEP has been cut by £5m, which follows the announcement in March that PrEP access would be uncapped in England from April of this year. Since then, the rollout of PrEP in England has been delayed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Local authorities are now able to proceed, but the budget committed by the DoH has been cut from £16m to £11m for PrEP provision until end of March 2021. This significant cut to the budget will impact on the delivery of equitable access to PrEP and will hamper efforts to fulfil the government’s commitment to ending HIV by 2030.
The one thing that stops many people from being open about their HIV status is the stigma, stigma that comes from outdated ideas about what HIV is and how it can be passed on. Let me make this perfectly clear, people living with an HIV+ diagnosis who are on an effective antiretroviral therapy cannot pass the virus on, put simply: Undetectable = Untransmittable. People living with HIV, and on effective treatment, can expect to get older and get on with living their lives. Not that living with HIV doesn’t have a whole set of challenges, but having an HIV diagnosis should not be the defining thing about us, we are so much more than those three little letters and that is what is at the core of this project. We understand that to speak openly about our HIV+ status may be an uncomfortable step to make, but it’s through this project we feel we can break down the stigma associated with HIV by showing that we aren’t ashamed of our status, it’s something we live with but that isn’t a label that defines who we are. Through this photo project we will show that we are: determined, resilient, funny and capable, we are chefs, beauticians, builders, mothers, fathers, grandparents, artists, listeners, musicians, carers, writers, and so the list goes on. So for those living with HIV, we ask you to show us who you are beyond your HIV status; check out the website, upload three photos, one portrait of yourself and two photos that show another part of what makes you, you, along with three, positive descriptive words. Together we can combat HIV+ stigma and resign it to the history books where it belongs. For more info, visit: http://moretomethanhiv.life or email info@moretomethanhiv.life Follow: T F I moretomethanhiv
CLARE PROJECT SUPPORTS PILOT OF TRANS HEALTH HUB ) The Clare Project, the transgender support and social group, has announced it is supporting the pilot of a new Trans Health Hub on Tuesdays from 11.30am–2.30pm at Brighton Health & Wellbeing Centre (BHWC). The Trans Health Hub’s aim is to improve access to healthcare and support for trans, non-binary, intersex and gender-variant (TNBI) people aged 16+. The Trans Health Hub will be free, confidential and you don’t need to be registered with BHWC. The Clare Project says: ‘We’re delighted to support the pilot of a new Trans Health Hub in Brighton – more details to TBA, but please get in touch with enquiries.’ D For more info about the Trans Health Hub, email: info@clareproject.org.uk D For more info on the Clare Project, visit www.clareproject.org.uk
In response to the announcement, HIV organisations Terrence Higgins Trust (THT), National AIDS Trust (NAT) and PrEPster released a joint statement: “We welcome the DoH’s work to begin the roll out of uncapped access to PrEP
in England but this significant cut to the PrEP budget for local authorities is hugely concerning. Sexual health services are already on their knees and slashing the budget by almost a third will undoubtedly limit local authorities’ ability to deliver PrEP to those who need it. The health secretary promised proper PrEP access as part of the commitment to end HIV transmissions within the next decade but is now rolling back on what was promised. “England’s sexual health services are already overstretched and under-funded, which is why proper resourcing for the delivery of PrEP is crucial to its success. While those currently accessing PrEP are unlikely to be affected the roll out is supposed to ensure significantly more people can benefit from it for HIV prevention over the coming months. This cut to the first year’s budget before that’s even started means PrEP will not be fully utilised. “PrEP is highly effective at stopping HIV and extremely cost effective when compared with a lifetime of HIV treatment. It’s disappointing that we’re once again fighting for its potential to be maximised in England.” For more info, visit: D www.tht.org.uk D www.nat.org.uk D https://prepster.info
HEALTHWATCH BRIGHTON & HOVE REPORT ) Healthwatch Brighton & Hove, a local consumer champion for health and social care, has launched its Annual Report for 2019-2020, which details activities before and during the coronavirus pandemic as well as usual activities and main projects, and describes how some projects were suspended and then rapidly changed to respond to the Covid-19 challenge. David Liley, CEO of Healthwatch Brighton & Hove, said: “The selfsacrifice and dedication of care staff, NHS employees, volunteers and key workers has been an inspiration. We want to say thank you and keep safe to all those brave people. During this year and through the virus period we’ve remained fully active; our board, volunteers and staff have continued with a full programme of work. We’ve remained financially stable and our staff team has been strengthened.
“We face the challenges of the year to come with an optimistic attitude, and hopes for better times.” The NHS and social care are 'open for business' but with massive challenges: growing waiting lists with many services compromised for years ahead; 40% of care homes in the city report Covid-19 outbreaks; patients per GP in Brighton remain very high; telephone, text, online and video consultations with GPs and hospital doctors set to rise and become routine. Most people welcome the added convenience, with high patient satisfaction ratings; emotional support and mental health services likely to face massive demand following Covid-19.
D To see the full Annual Report, visit: https://tinyurl.com/Healthwatch2020