SEPT 2014
GSCENE magazine @gscene GScene.Brighton
PUBLISHED BY Peter Storrow TEL 01273 722457 EDITORIAL ADS+ARTWORK EDITORIAL TEAM James Ledward, Graham Robson, Sarah Green ARTS EDITOR Michael Hootman SUB-EDITOR Graham Robson DESIGN Michèle Allardyce
MODEL Danny Gogo PHOTOGRAPHY Raymond Griffin
Jaq Bayles, Jo Bourne, Nick Boston, Rich Bridger, Suchi Chatterjee, Craig Hanlon Smith, Enzo Marra, Netty, Carl Oprey, Mitchell Orriss, Eric Page, Del Sharp, Keith Sharpe, Rory Smith, Gay Socrates, Darren Sole, Brian Stacey, Glen Stevens, Craig Storrie, Duncan Stewart, Roger Wheeler, Mike Wall, Morham White, Kate Wildblood
6 Letter to the Editor
NEWS 8 News
38 Brighton Listings 52 Solent Listings
Phil Bailey, Michael Hootman, Chris Jepson, James Ledward, Ian Mager-Playford, Phil Robathan, Toms Udris, Vicky Wilson, Roy & Jean @ Funky Fish
62 Arts News & Listings 63 Art Matters 64 Film Reviews 65 Classical
© GSCENE 2014
All work appearing in Gscene Ltd is copyright. It is to be assumed that the copyright for material rests with the magazine unless otherwise stated on the page concerned. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in an electronic or other retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior knowledge and consent of the publishers. The appearance of any person or any organisation in Gscene is not to be construed as an implication of the sexual orientation or political persuasion of such persons or organisations.
23 JANE McDONALD Jane tells James Ledward why she is taking her show on the road 24 A TALE OF TWO SCENES Benedict Brooks looks at why Sydney’s gay scene is struggling 25 OLDER & OUT The Older LGBT social group take to the high seas! 26 TRANS*PRIDE 2014 A great turn out made this year’s Trans*Pride a huge success 28 EVENTS DURING PRIDE WEEK The Rainbow installation and events during Pride week 30 PRIDE 2014 Brighton Pride in pictures 58 LOLA LASAGNE TURNS 25! Stephen Richards, aka Lola Lasagne, on 25 years as the Brighton Belle 60 T’PAU! Carol Decker bares her Heart & Soul to Craig Hanlon-Smith
54 Dance Music 54 DJ profile: Missy B 55 Geek Scene 56 Shopping 66 Charlie Says 67 Duncan’s Domain 67 Homely Homily 68 Sharp Words 69 Netty’s World 69 Queenie’s Strip Service 70 Changing Attitude 71 Brighton MCC 71 Suchi’s World 72 Dad & Daddy 73 Sam The Trans Man 74 MindOut 76 LGBT Police Liaison
75 Services Directory 76 Classifieds 79 Advertisers’ Map
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Gscene, 111 Western Rd, Hove, BN3 1DD or
THANK YOU BRIGHTON PRIDE I am writing to thank the organisers of Brighton Pride, and the many people, businesses and organisations who attended the weekend, for their support in raising £64,578 for the Rainbow Fund to give out to the local LGBT/HIV community sector. So many people put so much time and effort into the weekend, which again showed Brighton and Hove at its very best. Overall it was good natured, enjoyable and together we sent a strong message for LGBT rights across the world. The organisers have been determined to ensure that Pride has a purpose, and I am pleased to confirm that the money raised through Pride and the various supporting events goes straight into the current Rainbow Fund grants round. In addition to the main donation made by Brighton Pride, the Rainbow Fund has benefitted from a range of business and venuebased fundraising events during the last few weeks, including: Legends & Tony Chapman (Pride Sunday), Cyber Dog, Twisted Market, MCC, Brighton Lanes Holiday Apartments, Sussex Yeoman, Queen’s Arms (Pride Sunday), George Montague ‘The Oldest Gay in the Village’, and from the Pride Sunday New Steine Vigil bucket collection. Thank you to each of these for their valued contribution. Groups who are volunteer-led, provide a frontline service and who are set up to benefit the local LGBT and HIV community have had the opportunity to apply, with the outcomes due to be announced on September 1. Decisions on our main grants round are made by an Independent Grants Panel, which had an open recruitment process earlier in the year to ensure an open decision-making process. The Rainbow Fund is a registered as a not-for-profit Community Interest Company (9138066) with the remit of allocating grant funding to Brighton & Hove-based LGBT and HIV voluntary sector groups; maintaining the AIDS Memorial; and supporting community development within the local LGBT and HIV sector.
Thank you again, especially to the Pride organisers and volunteers, for ensuring that Pride has the local community at its heart. Every ticket or wristband sold really has made a difference for our community, thank you. Paul Elgood, Chairman, Rainbow Fund @BHRainbowFund
A BUDDY FOR PRIDE I see that, as part of Manchester Pride, a ‘Love Is A Buddy At Pride’ scheme was run so that newcomers to the festival who are arriving alone and don't know anyone can get some friendly help and companionship from someone who ‘knows the ropes’. I would strongly recommend adding something similar to Brighton Pride. I'm 60 and lived in Hove for four years. Last year, at long last, I finally began to ‘come out’ although I'm pretty straightacting. I still don't know many people in Brighton, particularly on the gay scene. This year was my first Pride. I went to Pride in the Park and the party in the village, but I found
both very clique-ish. It was really hard to get involved in stuff or get talking to anyone. In both cases I went home early. This was seriously disappointing for my first ever Pride! It would have been good to have a ‘buddy’, a guy who knew his way round and could introduce me to people. So can we have some sort of Pride Buddy scheme next time round, please? Colin, Hove
IT’S WHAT PRIDE SHOULD BE ABOUT! I would like to say a big thank you to the Pride Access volunteers for helping me get to this year’s Pride. Because of major health problems I was not going to go,
due to problems getting into the park and the need to access a toilet urgently. Pride Access volunteers sorted both problems out, I got into the park through the disabled entry and was given access to the disabled toilets and cleaning area. I had a great day with no problems at all as I could plan ahead making sure I was near the access tent and facilities on a regular basis. Their efforts made a massive difference to disabled people who otherwise would be excluded from the event. It's what pride should be about, including everyone. Robert, Hove
ACCESS FACILITIES FIRST CLASS! I would like to thank the Pride Access team for the services they provided at Preston Park this year which was first class. The assistance offered at the dedicated Access tent, together with the ability to recharge my scooter battery, enabled me to leave the scooter charging in a safe area while I was able to wander around the park with my stick, making it a stress free and enjoyable Pride. The provision of the dedicated toilet cubicles for our use was another great and welcome idea, as was the idea of the Lunch Positive Community Café. I was very happy to make use of the café knowing that what we paid for our meal was going towards charity. Unfortunately, I understand they had experienced some difficulties with the food preparation/delivery to the park so there was only curry which I am unable to eat. I did have a cake and coffee which was very nice. Friends with me did have the curry and they told me it was very good. Well done to everyone involved and a very big thank you from me. Jeff & Paul, High Street, Brighton
SENSITIVITY & KINDNESS I’m writing to thank the Pride volunteers who assisted me on the day. I have a non-visible disability – and am not registered disabled, as such. On the day, I found the queues quite a challenge for the toilet facilities. I approached volunteers at the Access Tent to ask if it would be possible to utilise the facilities there. As I wasn’t keen to discuss the personal nature of my disability, and having been informed that there was a requirement to preregister as ‘disabled’ to avail of the services provided to those with disabilities, I, somewhat reluctantly disclosed the personal nature of my disability to a volunteer. An extremely helpful and very sensitive lady called Sam listened attentively and immediately set about seeking permission to allow me to use the facilities. Furthermore she organised a wristband so that I didn’t have to go through the embarrassment or repeat of the exercise at later points in the day. I appreciate fully that at events such as these, measures must be in place to afford priority to those with disabilities, but I wanted to write to extend my warmest thanks to Sam, and the team there on the day – both for their flexibility but moreover for their sensitivity and kindness. I was only able to stay at the event and really enjoy the day as a direct result of Sam’s actions. Well done to the Pride organisers for their expert training of volunteers. As a result of this action, I would like to make a financial donation to the Pride fund for next year if you could advise to whom a cheque should be made payable and to where it should be sent. With my warmest regards and very best wishes, Sean, Hove
WWW.GSCENE.COM WHAT DID YOU DO FOR PRIDE? ) Every year during the run up to Pride people complain to me about “Pride not doing this” or “Pride not doing that”. I always ask “and what have you done to help Pride this year?” The answer is usually nothing. The days of a free Pride in Brighton & Hove are gone for ever. We now have a Pride with a Purpose. That purpose is to raise money for our LGBT/HIV organisations and this year Pride have smashed their target already announcing £64,578 from the Pride weekend will go to the Rainbow Fund to distribute to local LGBT/HIV organisations providing effective front line services to LGBT people in Brighton and Hove.
PRIDE 2014
) From the ashes of a bankrupt Pride just three years with debts of over £200,000 we now have a Pride that delivers on its central promise to raise money. Just two people run this event and get paid a pittance for doing it.
Pride 2014 will go down in the history books as the Pride for everyone. ACCESSIBILITY MATTERS
) This year’s Pride for the first time prioritised the
) Like all other years the lead up to this years event was stressful for Pride organisers who not only had the responsibility of delivering the main park event but were for the first time working with the council and police to make the street party a safer event.
needs of disabled and older people, delivered through the Accessibility Matters project hosted by The LGBT Community Safety Forum and its chair Billie Lewis. It was an outstanding piece of community development work and something the City should be very proud of. Every year after Pride we usually get a deluge of letters complaining about queues or prices the weather or whatever. This year we have had more than 50 letters from disabled and older people many able to attend Pride for the first time, thanking the Access organisers and explaining how they were able to enjoy Pride this year. More interestingly we have not received one letter of complaint. Thats a first. After years of tweaking the community/business model, Brighton Pride this year delivered the complete package, a fabulous parade, a park event of international stature to match any Pride park event anywhere in the world and a street party that created a safer environment for everyone to enjoy themselves. This years Pride was magnificent, bringing kudos to the city and to the LGBT communities that live here.
Feedback on the street party is that this year it was much better organised, people felt safer and because it was harder for people to bring drinks into the cordoned area 95% of the venues who administered the wrist band scheme have reported their takings up on last years street party. Consultation is presently going on at many levels with local residents at the moment and the feedback is looking very positive. The main issue is sustainability. After years of bad management not only in Brighton but world wide, Pride events now have to be financed and paid for before the big day. This year Brighton Pride managed to do that. For the first time ever it is possible to start planning for next years street party now, rather than in April next year as happened this year. Any surplus money from this years event should be invested quickly to create a management team to make sure next years street party builds on this year’s successes.
For Paul Kemp and Dulcie Weaver, Pride runs through their veins. It is their efforts and ultimately their financial risk that attracts the hundreds of thousand of people into the city to benefit both straight and gay businesses. Every business that benefits from their efforts and success should give them a pat on the back. They thoroughly deserve it. On the Monday before Pride, the five day BBC weather forecast was very bad stopping ticket sales dead in their tracks. It gave the organisers grave cause for concern because at the end of the day if the tickets sales don't meet the budget, they have to personally come up with the difference and underwrite the losses. Thankfully, the weather forecast changed during the week and apart from a short shower around 2pm on Pride Saturday, the weather was perfect. My lasting memory of this years Pride will be the disabled and old people taking pride of place at the front of the Pride parade along with the mothers from Rainbow Families pushing their children in their prams. It puts the opposition of a few people to a permanent flagpole in New Steine Gardens to fly the Rainbow Flag five times a year to shame.2014.
FIRST LGBT COMMUNITY GROUPS NETWORK MEETING A HUGE SUCCESS Sixteen groups attended the first LGBT Community Groups Network meeting on Saturday, August 16. ) The LGBT Community Groups Network has been established to help smaller LGBT/HIV community groups get to know each other, find opportunities for mutual support and cooperation and find ways to develop and deliver on their aims and objectives. The meeting provided a forum for members to talk about their existing work, progress, successes and to highlight challenges. Groups found common ground on many issues, and offers of help and support were shared. A range of themes were identified for future discussion and support, including funding, reaching people needing services, and sustaining existing work. Scope for meetings with stakeholders and working groups on emerging issues were also identified. A presentation was given by Brighton and Hove Community Works, the infrastructure organisation which provides support services for not-for-profit groups. Groups not already members were given information on how to access free membership of Community Works and an invite to their next conference on September 16. Practical solutions to help support groups were also discussed and identified for development, including the use of social media, group email distribution lists, an online forum for members, and the use of shared desk and meeting space hosted by Lunch Positive at Prestomex House.
) For the first time ever, the Rainbow Flag flew proudly by the side of the Aids Memorial in New Steine Gardens this year providing a perfect backdrop to Pride's first candlelit vigil on Sunday, August 3, helping bring the curtains down on the weekends successful celebrations. During Pride New Steine Gardens were a kaleidscope of colour with flags around the square sponsored by some of the New Steine hoteliers including Gullivers and New Steine Hotels, Strawberry Fields, Lime House, Ambassador, Urban House, Marine View, Cosmopolitan, Sea Spray, Alston House, Five, Square and Hamptons. A Vintage Ferris wheel in the middle of the gardens proved popular as did the Rainbow Rooms hospitality tent that played host to actor Sir Ian McKellen on Pride Sunday. A proposal supported by Pride, the St James Street Pub Watch and the Rainbow Fund to site a permanent flag pole at the sea end of the gardens to fly the Rainbow Flag four times a year for Trans*Pride, World Aids Day, and IDAHO Day have been shelved following opposition from a few hoteliers who have complained a flag pole would not complement the Georgian aspects of the square.
Gary Pargeter and Chris Cooke, Community Works LGBT representatives who facilitate the network, said: “The first Network meeting was a great success, and it was hugely useful to share experiences and develop discussions on what support groups need. Groups started talking in more depth about how things are and what’s needed to continue and develop
their work. The network has been set up as a resource for people to find ways to cooperate and support each other, sharing knowledge, skills and opportunities. As one attendee commented, it’s an organic approach and will help by giving groups time, space and resources to make this happen. “Our first meeting highlighted many important issues which for the future will also have structured input; funding and reaching potential service users being good examples. Along with input from groups we’ll be putting together meeting agendas and support activities to address these issues. Being together as a network, with people having insight, skills and expertise to share, is incredibly valuable. There’s huge added potential for our groups and our community when we start talking, sharing and acting collectively.”
Groups attending were: BLAGSS, Brighton GEMS, Clare Project, FTMB, Lesbian Link, LGBT Brighton and Hove Network, LGBT Community Safety Forum, Lunch Positive, Older & Out, Older People's Council, Peer Action, Queer In Brighton, Rainbow Chorus, Rainbow Families, Trans* Alliance and Trans* Pride. The next LGBT Community Groups Network meeting is on Wednesday November 19 from 7– 8.30pm. If you’re a local LGBT/HIV Community Group with an income of £35,000 or less and are interested in joining contact To view the website go to
NEW BUSINESS OPENS IN HEART OF 'GAY VILLAGE' your surplus quality clothes on a 50/50 basis. High end cruelty free colognes, bathing and grooming products are also available as well as home scenting products from Cumbria and Scotland, industrial lighting, original art work, books, footwear, poetry and an on site design and alterations service. Soon an upper floor of interiors featuring lamps small furniture art industrial pieces will open as well!
) Merlin & Ellis, a design led emporium tucked away in Manchester Street, just off of St James St and opposite Morrisons supermarket, opened is door for business last month. The shop is a new venture for Ellis Collins, promoter of the monthly Have A Word arts night and will be selling new and preloved designer vintage and one off pieces of clothing. The owner Ellis also runs a clothing agency selling
For an inclusive LGBTQ community shop go along and check it out. The garden shed changing room alone will leave you smiling along with the Farrow & Ball Hague Blue painted walls and ceilings. Open from 11am till at least 6pm Monday–Saturday. Merlin & Ellis at 9 Manchester Street, Brighton, tel: 01273 623560 or 07595 398219
BRIGHTON PRIDE RAISE RECORD AMOUNT FOR GOOD CAUSES Brighton Pride organisers have smashed their fundraising target for this year and have so far raised £64,578 for good causes following this year’s Pride on Preston Park and Pride Village Street Party.
PCC PRAISES SUSSEX POLICE AND PRIDE ORGANISERS ) Katy Bourne, the Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC), has congratulated Sussex Police and Pride organisers for delivering a fun and successful event. It is the second time that the Commissioner, has attended Pride in her role as PCC and she says that this year’s event was a particularly enjoyable one. Mrs Bourne, said: “The good humoured crowds appeared to be bigger than ever but the atmosphere remained carnival-like and I was delighted to be part of this.
) The funds will be distributed by the Rainbow
difference for community groups working locally. Without the tireless work of the Pride organisers in making the event such a success, this money would simply not be available to the community. Thank you to the organisers.”
Fund Community Interest Company (9138066) through their grants programmes. This year’s fundraising total was raised from the £1 ring-fenced from ticket sales for the Pride Festival, Pledge Wristbands for the Pride Village Party and from Pride's other fundraising activities including the Pride Dog Show and Pride Film & Arts Festival. Paul Kemp, Brighton Pride Managing Director, said: “Brighton Pride is the UK’s biggest Pride festival and we are incredibly proud that we have raised more than £107,000 over the past two years for the Rainbow Fund. Supporting LGBT charities and good causes is the cornerstone of Pride and really shows that Brighton Pride 2014 was a ‘Pride with Purpose’.
) The Rainbow Fund is a registered not for profit Community Interest Company (9138066) with the remit of allocating grant funding to Brighton & Hove-based LGBT and HIV voluntary sector groups; maintaining the AIDS Memorial; and supporting community development within the local LGBT and HIV sector. The Rainbow Fund holds a main grants round each year, where decisions on allocating grant funding are made by an Independent Grants Panel. The panel was appointed following an advertised selection process to ensure a fair, open and transparent decision-making process.
Paul Elgood, Chairman of the Rainbow Fund thanked the Pride organisers, saying: “We are grateful that Pride have asked us again this year to allocate the funds raised. The continued success of Brighton Pride gives a massive boost to the local LGBT and HIV voluntary sector and this huge sum will make a tremendous
“We would like to thank all of our sponsors and partners and every single person who supported each of the Pride events in 2014 making this donation possible, and hope even more local business will come on board next year to help us raise even more for local good causes.”
The LGBT/HIV organisations who have been successful in applying for a grant this year will be announced at a special awards ceremony at the Hilton Metropole Hotel on Monday, September 1 hosted by the Rainbow Fund's patron, comedienne, Zoe Lyons. For more information about he Rainbow Fund visit:
“Before the Pride Parade left Madeira Drive, I did a walkabout with my Surrey colleague, Kevin Hurley, who’d never been to a Pride event before. Mr Hurley thoroughly enjoyed the uniqueness of the day and appreciated all the hard work that goes into it. “Pride this year was particularly special given that gay couples are now allowed to marry. Something that the rest of us often take for granted. This year’s theme was ‘#FreedomToLive’ and I was pleased to see that there was huge support in the parade for those living in countries that are persecuted for their sexuality. “I’d also like to thank partner organisations for helping to make the weekend as safe as possible for the tens of thousands of additional people in the city. Getting the right balance in policing an event like this is crucial. Officers were there to uphold the law and keep people safe and I witnessed them being professional, good humoured and friendly, despite many of them working incredibly long shifts. “I’m looking forward to speaking to the Pride organisers in order to find out how some of the changes they implemented this year impacted on the local community, particularly, the ticketing of the Pride Village Party in St James’ Street. “I would also like to thank everyone who visited my stand in Preston Park as part of my Talk Sussex programme, which is an opportunity for residents to have their local say in local policing and crime priorities. Members of the Sussex Youth Commission worked on my stall this year and helped get over 80 Community Remedy surveys filled out as well as continuing their ‘Big Conversation’.” “I am already looking forward to next year’s Pride.”
LEGENDS ANNOUNCE FUNDRAISING TOTAL FOR RAINBOW FUND ) Tony Chapman, owner of Legends, hands over a cheque for £2,151.56 to Chris Gull, the Vice Chairman of the Rainbow Fund. The total included £651.56 cash put into the buckets at the Pride Cabaret event on Sunday, August 3 and a personal donation of £1,500 from Tony Chapman. Tony, said: “At Legends we remain committed to raising money for local LGBT/HIV organisations. I hope that all local businesses have contributed to the fundraising effort this year to achieve a record fundraising total for the Rainbow Fund to distribute." Chris Gull, said: “Over the years Tony has raised hundreds of thousands for the local voluntary sector. His contribution and support is valued by everyone at the Rainbow Fund.”
) Take a stitch of Paris fashion, give it a Brighton twist and what do you get? Brighton Frocks, a unique fundraising event to benefit the Sussex Beacon. Jason Sutton, aka Miss Jason and Simon Puttock have created 20 stunning designs especially for this unique event in the glamorous surroundings of the Paganini Ballroom at the Old Ship Hotel on Brighton seafront. Ten unique cocktail dresses and ten evening gowns will be modelled by a group of hand picked stunning boys who will be wearing women's clothes for the first time.
Make your Wedding Civil Partnership or special celebration truly memorable The Shelleys, an English country hotel set in the heart of Lewes is fully licensed for Civil Ceremonies and Weddings with every package designed to your own requirements
Simon Puttock has been involved in events management for the past five years. During that time he has organised events both for HIV and cancer charities. Last year he organised BGT!! No, not Britain's Got Talent, but Bupa's Got Talent, which was a major fund raiser for charities in West London. Simon is also involved in the equestrian industry where he deals with horses of all shapes and sizes. This came in handy when he met Miss Jason, seven years ago. Simon cracked: “Slip her a sugar cube or an apple and she's no trouble at all.” Over the past seven years Jason and Simon have developed a unique friendship, which has led to the birth of Centre Stage Costumes, their new venture making unique ballgowns and costumes right here in Brighton. For more information, view: The evening will start with a champagne reception and canapes in the Regency Room, followed by the showing of ten cocktail dresses in the Paganini Ballroom hosted and introduced by Simon and Danny Dwyer from Bear Patrol. Cabaret follows provided by Dolly Rocket and the Brighton & Hove Actually Gay Men's Chorus. The second half will feature ten evening gowns once again designed by Jason and Simon and made locally by two old ladies in Kemp Town. The climax of the evening will be the reveal of the ‘Ultimate Ball Gown’ modelled by a local Brighton Bear and a surprise Doggy Divas animal catwalk extravangaza featuring Elvis, Lady Ga Ga, Marilyn, Madonna and Shirley Bassey, to mention a few. Tickets cost just £12 each with £5 going direct to the Sussex Beacon along with a percentage of direct costume sales on the night and also on any order taken on the night for later delivery. Each table will feature for sale a stunning collection of head dresses created by John Hughes, aka Sally Vate who has been locked in a cellar at the Crown & Anchor in Preston Park for the last month creating them. Brighton Frocks, The Old Ship Hotel, Tuesday, September 23, TIckets £12 from 07918 582728.
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) George Montague, affectionately known as the Oldest Gay in the Village, got the shock of his life on Pride Sunday when actor, Sir Ian McKellen stopped by at his book signing session during the Village Street Party in St James’ Street. George, a Pride Ambassador in 2013, had been signing copies of his new book The Oldest Gay in the Village outside Gelateria de Luca when Sir Ian passed by with two friends. A shocked George chatted to Sir Ian and had a photographs taken with the Lord of the Rings star.
George said: “Saturday at Pride was one of the best days of my life and meeting Sir Ian on Sunday just made my Pride weekend even better. He bought two copies of my book for the two friends with him and signed a copy of my book for myself and Somchai to keep which I will cherish forever. He told me he already had a copy of my book which was such a thrill to find out. “I was flattered by the number of young people, predominantly ladies who stopped, kissed me and then wanted a selfie with me. Each time I would ask for a small donation for the Rainbow Fund which has been donated to them along with the money I collected in my collecting bucket on the Pride Parade and at Preston Park." George is 91 years young and lives on Brighton seafront with his partner Somchai. They met in 1997 and have been civil partners since 2006. They spend the winter months in Thailand where they have a home returning to Brighton each year for the summer. The Oldest Gay in the Village, published by John Blake Publishing, costs £8.99 and is available from Amazon. It tells the story of George’s double life in the 1940s, when he lived his straight life in public and his gay life in secret while being married to his wife Vera and fathering three children. George raised £316.20 for the Rainbow Fund over the Pride weekend.
) Christopher Steed, Gogglebox star, has donated over £800 to Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus from his winnings after appearing on Channel 4’s Million Pound Drop starring Davina McCall. Christopher said: “The chorus is a wonderful charity that does a lot of really positive work in bringing people together and also raises thousands of pounds for many other local organisations. I wanted to include it as one of my charities because I know that the boys work really hard all year to make sure they can support their local community as much as they can, so by helping the boys to continue what they do is a bit like the ‘gift that keeps on giving’.” Adam Betteridge, a trustee for Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus, added: “We’re really grateful to Chris for his very kind donation and support. Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus is a registered charity providing crucial support to our members as well as the wider community through our
performances and fundraising activities. We rely very much on the generosity of our fans through donations such as to ensure we can continue doing everything that we do.” The chorus is holding a special welcome evening for any gay or gayfriendly men who may be thinking of joining on Tuesday, September 2 at 7.30pm in Brighton Unitarian Church on New Road. It’s the perfect opportunity to taste the delights of singing in a choir. Their next performances include An Audience With Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus on Friday, September 26 at St Nicholas Church, Dyke Road and a new format winter show Putting On The Glitz at the Theatre Royal, New Road on Sunday, November 30 at 7.30pm. For more information about Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus’ events and tickets, view:
STONEWALL APPOINTS NEW CEO ) Stonewall, the LGB equality charity, has appointed Ruth Hunt as its new CEO. Ruth has been Acting CEO of the charity since February this year and before that, she was Deputy Chief Executive. She joined the charity in 2005 as a Senior Policy Officer, having begun her career at the Equality Challenge Unit. Her appointment follows a comprehensive and transparent recruitment process that threw up a strong set of candidates from which Ruth emerged as the clear winner. During her time at Stonewall, Ruth has been instrumental in developing Stonewall’s work to change hearts and minds, beyond legislative change, helping to establish a strong evidence base for activity and developing pioneering campaigns including Stonewall’s Education for All campaign. As Acting Chief Executive, she demonstrated her strong commitment to ensuring all LGBT communities, both here and abroad, are included and involved in Stonewall’s work going forward. Ruth takes over as Chief Executive immediately and succeeds Ben Summerskill, who stepped down from the post at the end of January 2014.
) Cllr Brian Fitch, the Mayor of Brighton & Hove, welcomed Pride Ambassador Nicole Gibson to his seafront soiree to help raise money for his charities. Representatives from Bear Patrol, Gscene Magazine and Brighton
Pride attended the Sound of the Seas Soiree at Alfresco Restaurant on Brighton seafront to help the Mayor raise money for this year’s Mayoral charities, The Argus Appeal, The Martlets and Brighton Housing Trust. Regal hospitality was donated by Alfresco Restaurant.
“Im worried about my sexual health...”
I talk to?” “I don't feel very stable at the moment... who can
“My relationship is in trouble...
is there anyone out there for me?” anyone “I was attacked for being trans... is thereto?” other than the police I can talk
NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE A new interactive service offering information and support alongside our telephone help-line.
Got questions? Call Switchboard!
Just visit our website: and check out the bottom right corner. There you’ll see a facility to have an online chat with a volunteer. If it’s outside of service hours, leave a message and a volunteer will get back to you. ..................................................... Normal opening hours: MON-FRI 5-9PM or SAT & SUN 5-7PM ..................................................... You can still call us on: 01273 204050 or email us at: for information and support.
IAN GURNHILL SEPTEMBER 26, 1946 - AUGUST 3, 2014 He stood up for right against wrong, and always spoke his mind. He was a fighter for LGBT and BDSM rights. Just last year he travelled to London to protest for LGBT rights in Russia at Downing Street in London. His was a life that was lived open and proud.
Lunch Positive, the HIV charity, needs volunteers to help provide the Friday lunch club for people with HIV.
) The lunch club provides a safe and supportive space for people to share lunch, make friends and find peer support. Volunteers are needed to help on Friday afternoons in the dining area. This involves spending time with members, sharing lunch and helping clear up the dining area and kitchen after the lunch club has closed. Gary Pargeter, Volunteer Project Manager, said: “Providing the lunch club involves a large team of volunteers, and we’re looking for more people to help make this happen. Volunteering with Lunch Positive is something that we aim to be enjoyable, interesting and of mutual benefit for everyone involved. Our volunteers tell us that they get a lot out of spending time with other people and being part of a team. “The main things we’re looking for in our volunteers are an understanding of the importance for people to feel less isolated, ability to get on with others, and interest in meeting and talking to people. There’s some clearing up at the end of the day, and our volunteers all pull together to get this done. We know that starting any new activity can sometimes be a daunting thought, and we make sure that our new volunteers are supported throughout their time with us.”
Volunteers at Lunch Positive receive full training in their role, support from other team members, out-of-pocket travel expenses, and the opportunity to attend periodical meetings which involve them in the design, delivery and development of the project. There’s opportunity to get involved in other activities such as fundraising, and various volunteer social events throughout the year. People interested in volunteering should get in touch to arrange a convenient date to come along and see the lunch club, take a tour with another volunteer and arrange a ‘try out’ session to see how volunteering feels. For more information on volunteering, view: To contact Lunch Positive about volunteering call 07846 464384 or email:
In his final years, he moved from London to Hove and developed yet another family. Within days of arriving he joined the Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus, shocking family and friends who thought him totally ‘non-musical’. I thought it would be a nice way for him
) Ian died at the Sussex Beacon on to develop new friendships and build a a beautiful summer's day with his soul mate and much loved former partner Christoph sitting by his side holding his hand. On Saturday, August 16, a celebration of Ian’s life was held at Brighton’s Brighthelm Centre, attended by his sister Helen and his extended family, friends and loved ones from the local community in Brighton & Hove and from London, Germany and Denmark. Ian was a long-term survivor of HIV, having been diagnosed 32 years ago. His courage, strength and fighting spirit are a lesson to us all. Ian had been an active and highly respected member of the BDSM community across the world. Very active in the Chicago Hellfire Club and former trustee of Spanner, he was highly regarded as an educator and mentor and was well known at events, meetings and training courses in the USA, Denmark and Berlin. He was affectionately called the ‘Daddy’, such was the love and respect he developed within the community.
new life here in Brighton & Hove, but thought he wouldn’t stay long with the chorus. How wrong could I be. He sang with the chorus for the rest of his life. He rarely ever missed a rehearsal, workshop or event, no matter how small; if it was a good cause, and particularly involving any aspect of LGBT rights, he was there. Only weeks before his death, clearly ill and against the wishes of his doctors, he decided to travel to Dublin with the chorus. He was determined to represent Brighton at Various Voices, an event held only every four years for LGBT choirs around the world, and he sang with us for the very last time. His commitment to, and love of the chorus, and the men who make up its ranks was reflected at Ian’s Life Celebration on Saturday, August 16. The chorus turned out en masse and performed in his honour. Watching the choir and its MD melt with emotion during the final song Go West! will stay with us for a very long time. Gerry Carter, Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus
ME CONFERENCE PLANNED FOR OCTOBER ) The Sussex ME Society in partnership with national charity Action for ME will be holding a medical conference at Hove Town Hall on October 7.
) Fox and Lewis created the short, insightful films over the past six months, filming with gender variant people all over the UK. During the evening an extensive trailer was shown, as well as eight out of the 25 films and a Q&A session with the creators, and a few of the contributors. The evening offered a fantastic opportunity to network and celebrate everyone’s hard work.
More than 100 people attended a Channel 4 event in London last month to celebrate the creation of 25 short My Genderation films for the Patchwork project, a collaboration between Lucky Tooth and All About Trans.
Caroline Lucas, MP for Brighton Pavilion, will be opening the event and main speakers will include Dr Gabrielle Murphy, lead clinician of the ME service at London's Royal Free Hospital who will give a
presentation about the diagnosis and management of the illness. Also speaking will be Dr Keith Hine talking about his experience of ME since becoming a hospital consultant in Sussex and Dr Zoe Gotts, lead researcher at Northumbria Centre for Sleep Research, will give an overview of current research. ME affects a good number of the LGBT community many of whom are virtually housebound and in need of care. For tickets, call: 01273 674828. For more information about ME view:
Lewis added: “The last time we were both at Channel 4’s screening room was when we watched the first episode of My Transsexual Summer, just under three years ago. It was so surreal to be back there but experiencing it as a creator rather than a contributor. There was such a positive energy in the room and the films had a great reaction.” Fox and Lewis began making films about members of the trans* community after they both met on My Transsexual Summer (Ch4, 2011), which had a massive impact on raising trans* awareness and starting a dialogue with the nation. With their passion for film, and their empathy on the subject, they have gone from strength to strength, creating a platform for life-story telling, from people who may never normally share their story with the media, due to fear of mis-representation. For many of those whose stories have been shared in My Genderation films, their lives have also opened up, with kind comments and new friendships materialising after people watched their films. Fox continued: “There is something very special happening at the moment, for trans* awareness and empowerment. We no longer need to be apologetic. Life really is what you make it. It's so exciting being part of this wave of change.” Lucky Tooth are now booked up until September with a variety of film projects on the horizon, including seven short films about trans* issues for the NHS/GIRES. The films will be used as a reference point for medical professionals and will hopefully help trans* people get the treatment and support they need. Fox and Lewis are also setting out to create some fictional shorts and comedy. Keep updated with their creative endeavors at:
Following the event, Fox and Lewis have been approached by a few different production companies wanting help and advice about gaining trust within the emerging trans* communities. They are currently seeking an agent. Fox said: “Lewis and I are in such a unique position, being trans* ourselves and having the empathy and skills to create such heartfelt content.”
) Caroline Lucas, MP is calling for a ban on discrimination preventing gay men from giving blood. Caroline, said: “I’m incredibly proud to be an MP for a city known for being one of the most celebrated and progressive LGBTIQ cities not just in the country, but in the world. We stood up for the freedom to marry and now, at long last, we have that freedom. But other freedoms still elude us. I’m proud to stand up for an end to the discriminatory restrictions on gay men donating blood. Not that long ago the rules were improved, but it’s still the case that gay men are discriminated against and it prevents gay men from giving others the freedom to live. This Pride, I hope you’ll join me in calling for a ban on discrimination preventing gay men giving blood.”
Caroline added: “The current rules are not backed by the scientific evidence, which supports a sixmonth window before donating blood after a possible risk - for all donors regardless of sexual orientation - on the basis that tests for HIV and Hepatitis C can detect infection within that time. “I have long lobbied Parliament for a change to these laws and will continue to campaign for the government to offer more opportunities for blood screening and ensure the increased supplies of safe blood our health service so urgently needs.”
In December 2010 Caroline cosponsored a parliamentary motion urging ministers to end the lifetime ban on gay men giving blood. The 2011 12-month compromise, while While the blanket ban on gay men still discriminatory, was a step in giving blood has been lifted, they are the right direction following many not allowed to give blood if they’ve years of inaction under the been sexually active in the last 12 previous Labour Government. months. That restriction doesn’t Leading Labour politicians Ed apply if you’re straight. So if you’re a Miliband and Ed Balls admitted monogamous gay man in a stable they didn’t do enough, while long-term relationship, you face Labour's shadow health secretary tighter restrictions than a straight Andy Burnham wants the ban to man or woman who may have had remain in place. unprotected sex with multiple This autumn, Caroline will table a partners. To sign the petition for new Parliamentary motion calling equal donor rules, view: for full equality in blood donation and abolishing the 12-month -gay-and-bisexual-men-to-donatedeferral rule for gay men. blood-in-britain.html
) Michael Cashman CBE, a patron of the Pink Triangle Trust, Honorary Associate of the National Secular Society, former Labour MEP, former President of the European Parliament's Intergroup on LGBT issues, and former British soap actor, has been awarded a peerage. Cashman was one of a number of working peers appointed last month, and will add to the House of Lords’ current membership of 770. He stood down at this year's European Parliamentary election after serving his Midlands European constituency from 1999 to 2014. Cashman said his appointment to the Lords was an “honour” and that he realised it was an “enormous responsibility” too. He added: “It's a huge opportunity to speak out about the things that I'm passionate about: equality, human rights, inhumanity and international development.” Cashman is perhaps best known for his role as Colin Russell on EastEnders, the first character to have a same-sex kiss on a British soap. He co-founded gay rights charity Stonewall in 1989 and in 2010 led the calls for the charity to give its support to equal marriage. In May 2012, he became the first member of the European Parliament to join the Out4Marriage campaign. He also recently criticised the “deeply worrying” appointment of Nicky Morgan MP, who voted against the same-sex marriage legislation, as the new Minister for Women & Equalities and Education Secretary, replacing Maria Miller MP who resigned after an expenses scandal. He is a patron of the UK's only gay humanist charity, the Pink Triangle Trust (PTT), which was set up in 1992 and publishes the quarterly Pink Humanist magazine. George Broadhead, PTT Secretary, said: “The Trust warmly welcomes this appointment.”
NEW LEATHER GROUP ) Leathermen South was launched in July to build and support the local gay leather community and provide a forum and regular meet-ups for the leathermen of Sussex, Surrey, Kent and further afield. Their inaugural event was held at Subline, Brighton, as part of the LGBT Pride week and, despite it being the hottest day of the year, was judged a great success with over 25 leathermen in attendance. Their next meet up is at Subline on Friday, October 10, from 10pm till late. With over 90 members already on Facebook organisers, Aris, Carl, Al and Wolfgang are extremely pleased with the response so far. In a combined statement, they said: “We’re overwhelmed with the support from guys near and far, with a special thank you to our friends here in Brighton, Leather West in Bristol, Leather Social in London and BLUF. We always knew there was a need for a Brighton-based group like this where guys can wear their leather gear with pride and meet other guys with similar interests, without having to travel too far to do so. “Subline is the perfect venue too, with changing rooms, lockers, easy access and very central to all the gay nightlife in and around the gay village. In addition, we have agreed discounts with local hotels for those that wish to stay in town overnight. Details are on our FB page and website. This is a very exciting time for us and the leather community and we’re welcoming new members to the group daily.” Their next event on Friday, October 10 is shaping up to be even bigger and better, so don't miss it!' If you would like to be a part of this rapidly growing leather community, check their Facebook page or visit:
THANK YOU! To everyone who volunteered for Accessibility Matters or attended the Access Tent over Pride.
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 6.30PM Wednesday 8TH October 2014
The Queens Hotel 1-3 King's Road, Brighton, BN1 1NS Please note our proposed Public Meeting dates for 2015 • Wednesday 21ST January • Wednesday 15TH April • Wednesday 15TH July • Wednesday 21ST October Times and location to be confirmed
For more info visit
NEW LGBTQ TRAIL AT BRIGHTON MUSEUM Robert White and Kelly Boddington have been developing a higher profile for LGBTQ people in the Royal Pavilion and Brighton Museum. Robert explains what the pair have been up to.
Looking into the history of Brighton as a gay city was also interesting and often quite amusing. Some of the personal stories that were revealed certainly gave an insight into gay life in the city 200 years ago and during the two world wars.
I’ve worked for the Royal Pavilion & Museums for over seven years in a number of roles, mostly customer service related, which although I’ve enjoyed they haven’t really allowed me to be creative or work with our collections. I studied Fine Art at the University of Brighton and so I’ve always been keen to look for opportunities to get more involved with that side of working in Brighton Museum. At the start of 2013 a temporary position came up to work with one of the curators on new interpretation and a public trail for the museum based on the theme of ‘Colour’, I jumped at the chance along with my colleague and friend Kelly Boddington. At the start we took the theme literally and began looking at our displays and researching into the history of colours and pigments, I think it’s fair to say that at this stage we found the project rather dry!
The leaflet, along with YouTube videos that we recorded to accompany each stop on the trail, went public in May 2013. At the time the Object Stories Trail (as it was then known) was only meant to be temporary as our leaflet print run was limited and a number of the objects on the trail were due to be moved for the next major exhibition, Subversive Design. After five months and a public evening event in the museum called Out Late, the trail was taken down and it wasn’t until March 2014 that Kelly and I were asked to continue the work that the trail started. We got funding to have the leaflet redesigned and printed with a view to it becoming a permanent feature of the museum and to put an event on linked with the trail over summer. As part of this new set of work Kelly and I attended the fantastic Un-straight Museum conference organised by Homotopia at the Museum of Liverpool – I recommend looking this up online if you’re interested in the LGBTQ side of museum collections. We took ideas from this and fed them into our work at the museum – for example, we spoke at an art teacher conference on the subject of LGBTQ issues in secondary schools and have started working closely with our Senior Learning Officer to improve our educational sessions.
Our vibrant new leaflet, designed by Brighton-based EighthDay, has been available in Brighton Museum since the end of July. To celebrate the re-launch of the trail Kelly and I ran Hello Sailor!, a free public event A few weeks into the project we decided that we also tied into our needed to look at the theme more broadly to develop Keith Vaughan something more engaging. We discussed the display (until museum’s lack of LGBTQ representation and how it November 9, 2014), doesn’t reflect Brighton as one of the biggest LGBTQ where visitors could cities in the country - a fact that’s been brought up in participate in activities visitor feedback for a considerable amount of time and exploring the male something the museum is keen to develop. It was form, including life decided that having an LGBTQ trail would fit with the drawing. We’re really theme perfectly (rainbow flag!) and that the project pleased with the turn was a great opportunity to increase that presence in out and the positive feedback from visitors who’ve Brighton Museum. taken the new trail. Over the next few months Kelly and I delved into the permanent collections in the museum looking for objects with LGBTQ links. We researched creators, artists, royalty and the history of Brighton and ended up with far too much information for the trail. The research stage was fantastic and we both found particular subjects that we connected with. Personally, Alexander McQueen was the most fascinating person to research. I’ve always admired his work but never explored much further than that.
We’re both really keen to increase the LGBTQ presence in the museum and will continue to work on other projects in the future. The trail is just the start of so much more that we could do and although it’s taken a long time to happen, it’s starting to meet a public demand for the kind of content we display. For further information on the trail, other LGBTQ projects or events in the future please email:
CREATIVE WRITING COURSES AT PEER ACTION ) Have you ever wanted to get your thoughts down on paper? Do you want to build your confidence in writing? This autumn Peer Action and Speaking Volumes are running a six-week creative writing course at Hampshire Lodge in Kemptown, where you will have the chance to develop your writing skills, which could be fiction, autobiography, drama, poetry… the choice is yours.
In a safe space with other people living with or affected by HIV, the course will provide a friendly and supportive environment for you to explore your creativity. No previous writing experience is necessary to take part and should you need volunteer support to participate contact Alice Booth. The course will cost £20 for the six weeks, in two instalments of £10 and will run every Thursday from October 2 – November 6, from 6.45–9pm, with tea, coffee and biscuits provided. If cost is a barrier to participation contact Peer Action and discuss your situation. To register for the course, email:
RAINBOW CHORUS’ NEW MEMBERS NIGHT ) Rainbow Chorus, the South East’s only LGBT-mixed choir, are having a new Members Night at St George’s Church, Kemptown on Monday, September 15 from 7pm. The chorus, a non-auditioning choir, have just celebrated their most successful year with over 20 performances in Brighton and further afield, including the Various Voices Festival in Dublin, Trans*Pride and Brighton Pride. For more information, view:
PEER ACTION SEPT DIARY TUE 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th: SWIMMING 12:20: Kemptown swimming pool, £4
TUE 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th: YOGA
6pm: with Dan Noquet, Hampshire Lodge, St James’ St, £3
WED 3rd & 17th: MEDITATION CLASSES 7.15–8.30pm: with Helen, The Sussex Beacon
6.45pm: Komedia (for details see Peer Action website)
8pm: for details see
SUN 14th: HOLISTIC THERAPIES 2–4.30pm: The Sussex Beacon
Trip with Simon Kirby (for details see Peer Action website)
7:30pm onwards: with Chris & Julia, Barley Mow Pub
SAT 27th: HOLISTIC THERAPIES 1.50pm: THT, Ship Street
Fancy volunteering for Peer Action? Got an interesting activity you’d like to share? Then get in touch! For more info and contact details please see:
ALL CHANGE AT REVENGE After 10 years managing Revenge, Andrew Roberts left the club last month to move on to other projects
Steve Chillingworth and Nat Robinson, landlords at the Marine Tavern for the last 12 years said goodbye to their regulars on Sunday, August 10.
to they will be lucky to have you. Good luck with everything.” The owners of Revenge moved quickly to announce Andrew’s replacement, appointing Harry Woodhams, the present manager at Bar Revenge as the new general manager at Bar Revenge and Club Revenge.
) Drag With No Name provided the entertainment while friends and customers from over the years turned out in force to wish the popular couple well for the future. Under Steve and Nat’s stewardship the Marine Tavern has been one of the largest fundraising bars in the gay village consistently raising thousands of pounds each year for local organisations both straight and gay. They are now both going on a well deserved holiday to San Francisco and will be attending Pride in Palm Springs. Steve wished the couple taking over the Marine Tavern all the best for the future. Both were recognised for their fundraising efforts at this year’s Golden Handbag
) Andrew, affectionately known as Audrey to his close friends, arrived in Brighton via Poole, Bournemouth and Bristol where he had managed Vibes Nightclub. Andrew told Gscene he had decided to depart once Pride was over and was leaving on good terms with Michael and Robert, the owners of Revenge, who both wish Andrew all the very best for the future. On his Facebook page Andrew wrote: “It is with great sadness that I am announcing today that I’ve left Club and Bar Revenge. I made this decision before Pride and decided to hold out until after the weekend to announce this.
Awards, receiving the coveted Golden Handbag Fundraising Award. When they received the award at the Metropole Hilton in June, James Ledward, editor of Gscene said: “Some businesses in the community have become great fundraisers. Some to be honest are very poor. Some operators get it while others just don't understand there is a link between quiet bars and community perceptions that the business sector do not support our voluntary sector organisations enough with fundraising. “Tonight I’m going to recognise two people who do get it. They beaver away tirelessly throughout the year raising money for many different organisations, putting many larger venues to shame. They don't do big fundraisers but focus on raising small amounts of money 52 weeks of the year. “I’ve done this job for 20 years and can honestly say that in my experience they’ve been the most effective fundraisers we have in Gay Brighton. They are a tiny venue, punching well above their weight and the owners will be moving on to other projects after Pride. “The Gscene fundraising award for 2014 goes to Steve Chillingworth and his partner Nat Robinson at the Marine Tavern.”
“I’ve had an amazing ten years, but the time has come to move on to ventures new. I’m taking a holiday now and will let you all know my plans in the future. I’d like to thank everyone for their support and a massive thanks to all my team who have worked with me, present and past. I’m very proud with what Revenge has achieved over the past ten years and have no doubt it will go from strength to strength.” During his time at Revenge, Andrew won a Golden Handbag Award for favourite manager of the year and hosted many stars from X Factor at the club on Friday nights after their elimination from the live Sunday shows. Friends and colleagues rushed to wish him well. Chris Marshall, manager of Charles Street, wrote on facebook: “Good luck for your future exploits dear! You will be missed." Danniie Olivier added: “It was a pleasure to call you my boss and the head of the Revenge family. You did amazing things with the club and I'm sure wherever you move on
Harry, who studied dance at West Kent College, has been employed in the leisure and entertainment industry in Brighton & Hove for the last few years, working most recently at the Town House Restaurant in St James' Street and A-Bar on Marine Parade. A spokesperson for Stagfleet Ltd, owners of Revenge, said: “Harry has been managing Bar Revenge for a few years and is very popular with our customers. We like his professional approach and look forward to supporting his elevation to senior management within our organisation.”
From left: Harry Skyers (Bar Revenge Manager), Harry Woodhams (General Manager) & Johnny White (Club & Bar Revenge Deputy Manager)
Harry added: "It's sad to see Andy Roberts, the outgoing manager, leave Revenge. I would like to thank him for giving me the opportunity to work for the company (as a promotions assistant 2 years ago!) and giving me so many more opportunities, working my way up to the top and putting me in good stead to take the reins as General Manager of Club and Bar Revenge.” “I'm very much looking forward to my new role, it's not often you have the opportunity to run such an iconic venue. I've received such encouraging messages from other bar managers and business owners and I can't wait to work alongside these venues, and others, in keeping Brighton very much on the map!"
WWW.GSCENE.COM FROM BROADWAY TO BRIGHTON WITH HOMAGE TO OSCAR AND CENTRE STAGE ) After a quick refit, Bar Broadway threw open its doors on the eve of Pride 2014 with the promise of bringing something 'completely different' to the Brighton commercial gay scene. Business partners Alasdair Jarvie and Michael McGarrigle have joined forces to open Brighton's only gay bar dedicated to the movies, musicals and all things camp. The concept is very simple, premium drinks, friendly staff, glamorous surroundings and singalongs with a live piano player which all creates a great social atmosphere for people of all ages. The venue has been decorated very tastefully with plenty of high stools around the bar to sit and view the showclips on the TV screens, listen to the live piano player or watch the entertainment. Even when the TV screens are on, sound levels aren’t too high and you can still chat and socialise. Michael says, “if you can visualise something like Centre Stage in the Canary Islands, it's that type of bar.” They developed their 'theatre style' bar idea at Oscars on Canal Street in Manchester. Michael formerly owned Oscars and has worked as a costume supervisor and buyer in TV and film for the last 30 years, working most recently on Benidorm. His other credits include DCI Banks, Whitechapel, Prisoners Wives and the Syndicate. Over the years he has worked with A list stars including Laurence Olivier, Paul McCartney, Sean Connery and Joan Collins to mention just a few and is good mates with Brighton based actress Denise Black who hosted the karaoke evening at Bar Broadway on Pride weekend.
NEW FACES AT MARINE TAVERN ) Lee Cockshott and his partner Chris Jones are the new couple behind the bar at the Marine Tavern on Broad Street. You may well recognise their faces as they have spent plenty of time visiting Brighton over recent years. They love the city, which is why they jumped at the opportunity of taking over one of the most popular bars in the gay village when Steve and Nat the previous landlords decided is was time to move on to new projects. Lee, a social worker and Chris a former hotel manager and chef intend to keep the bar as it is, a local community boozer, with the resident landlords working behind the bar. Most importantly they are committed to keeping up the fundraising reputation of the pub as "the most effective fundraisers" for LGBT/HIV causes in the city. For the time being Nat will continue to host the weekly quiz night as Lee and Chris get to know their regular customers. Mondays will feature the National Nuts Poker League. Every three months there is a final in Stoke with the top two players in the league getting the opportunity to play for a £10,000 first prize. If you’re feeling peckish on Wednesdays pop down for a free supper with your pint. Yes free, no charge! Chris is a chef by trade and each week he will provide a different free meal to get people in, chatting and social. They are also introducing a limited menu of classic bar food on other nights of the week including burgers, paninis and pizzas. You will have to pay for these but Chris promises the prices will be very reasonable. The Marine Tavern, 13 Broad Street, Brighton, 01273 905578 Open 11am-1am seven days a week.
Alasdair comes from a computer product planning and finance background at Intel Corporation. He loves writing and his play Someone Borrowed, Someones Blue - The Musical won the 3MT best comedy play award at Manchester Pride in 2013. Bar Broadway allows him to combine the two passions of his life, musicals and beer. He started and ran his own theatre company in Manchester in 2010 with Jayne Marshall called the New Attitude Theatre Company producing eleven different productions in the last two and a half years, with another four or five planned for the coming months. The theatre above Bar Broadway will continue as a theatre space called Other Place at Bar Broadway. Every Monday at 8.30pm is the Big Showbiz Quiz with weekly prizes and a rolling cash jackpot. The Fireplace Sessions every Tuesday from 9pm feature live music, comedy and cabaret. The inimitable Trudy Styles hosts Name That Show Tune with the Piano man every Wednesday from 7pm and Tabitha hosts the Open Mic night on Thursday from 9pm. Every Friday and Saturday it’s easy listening from 4-8pm, then modern musical clips on the TV screens from 8-11pm finishing with the Broadway Jukebox from 11pm-3am. Every Sunday a live pianist brings you the Sound of Broadway from 5pm. Happy hour is all day Monday and Tuesday and 4-8pm on all other days with bottles of fine wine from Matthew Clarke at £11, Budvar at £3.50 and Tuacca at £2. Already word from the cocktail circuit crowd is that Bar Broadway is different and offers the more mature customer a great night out with a camp twist. You’ll find Bar Broadway tucked away at 10 Steine Street around the corner from Subline and Poison Ivy. For more information view: barbroadwayUK on twitter and facebook.
“I am a ‘turn’... When people come to one of my shows I want them to escape their problems for two and half hours” concentrating on what she likes best, singing and taking her show to her fans all over the country. “It was a big decision to make,” she said, “to leave a top rating TV show is risky but I wanted to get back to what I love best.” “I am a ‘turn’,” she told me in that Yorkshire accent, which remains as strong now as it was when she had her break on The Cruise, “that’s what I do, I sing songs, the songs that people like and want me to sing. When people come to one of my shows I want them to escape their problems for two and half hours. I want them to forget about the bills and their worries and let me take them on a journey.” I asked her why she thought she had such a huge gay fan base. “I honestly don't know,” she replied, “if I did I would bottle it, market it and it would make me very rich.”
Jane McDonald shot to fame in 1998 as the singer on the BBC show, The Cruise. James Ledward chats to her about showbiz, her new album and forthcoming UK tour ) Jane McDonald shot to fame in 1998 as the singer on the BBC show, The Cruise. The programme was her big break in show business. After years of learning her craft playing the northern clubs she became an overnight success as 14 million viewers tuned in weekly to follow life on the ocean waves and her developing relationship with the ship’s plumber, Henrik, who she married on the programme. All those years ago with her dad as her roadie, Jane turned up for gigs with her own sound equipment. Many a night was spent sitting on a speaker in the back of a van which had broken down or had run out of petrol on the M62. On one infamous night a fight broke out in the club where she was singing and her equipment was wrecked. “They were hard times,” she said, “sometimes I played to four men and a dog, but it taught me how to engage an audience. If you can
keep a club audience quiet and make them listen, you’re half way there. It was the best education for me and I wouldn’t change it for anything.” Today, all those years later, Jane operates in the same way. She is a one-woman production company. It’s her show, her musicians, her dresses and often it’s her own songs that she is singing. No managers or agents, she does it all herself. “I learnt early on it wouldn’t be possible to tour the type of show I do if I paid managers and agents, so I organise everything myself.”
She shares a unique personal relationship with her gay fans. “Wherever I play, be it in Brighton, Cleethorpes or Blackpool they are there, at the front of the stalls, bringing a splash of glamour to the evening. They dress up, bring me presents, flowers and most importantly, they understand exactly what I do and what I am about.” A Jane McDonald Show is a unique showbiz experience!
new album and single
) Jane releases her first ever dance mini album Remixed on September 1. She has teamed up with 7th Heaven producers Jon Dixon and Andy Wetson who have remixed the tracks from her new album, The Singer of Your Song - Deluxe Edition which is being released on September 15 and includes her new single Love is All. The new album features four unreleased bonus tracks and is available from, iTunes and Jane's website
uk tour
Following her success with The Cruise Jane's career blossomed. She tried her hand at acting, became an accomplished broadcaster and was a regular presenter on the iconic TV show, Loose Women.
) Jane McDonald’s new nationwide tour starts at the Playhouse Theatre, Weston Super Mare on September 5 and she will be at the Theatre Royal in Brighton on October 5. Other chances for Gscene readers to catch her show include: The Assembly Hall Theatre, Tunbridge Wells on September 19; The Lighthouse, Poole on September 25; and The Leas Cliff Pavilion, Folkestone on September 28.
This year after ten years on Loose Women she decided to leave and get back to
For all tour booking details, view:
24 GSCENE drag queens, bears and twinks jostle for space on Oxford Street and tanned throngs relax with a schooner of beer as the sun melts into the distant Blue Mountains. However, the scene is showing signs of distress. Many of the venues Sydney’s LGBTI population are choosing to drink in are no longer strictly gay at all having been spruced up and reopened for a wider demographic.
Sydney’s gay scene is struggling with bars cutting back hours or closing down altogether. Benedict Brook asks if Brighton’s venues should be wary of the experiences of their gay cousins down under. better place to be than Australia. Why settle for just one Brighton when there are no less than five to choose from down under? Not only do most major Australian cities consider a Brighton a necessary accessory, but they all have a striking similarity to their British namesake. For instance, all Australia’s Brightons sit upon the water, most with a sweeping seaside frontage.
) It may have been eight years since I moved from Brighton to Sydney, half a world away, but it was just as I remembered. The Pavilion still shone like freshly dusted porcelain, the sea still shimmered when the clouds deigned to part and St. James’ Street was still a gooey treacle of tourists, gays and supermarket shoppers. Last month’s visit was only brief but, being Pride, Brighton’s gay village was bustling and full of life. However, judging the overall health of a gay scene at Pride is a bit like judging the vitality of department stores on the morning of the Boxing Day sales. Things may not be all that they seem. And my experience of the changing nature of the gay scene in Australia may have some warnings signs for Kemptown. Certainly, if you’re a fan of all things Brighton, there’s no
Melbourne’s Brighton is reached via Marine Parade and at its heart lies Sussex Street. Sydney’s Brighton-le-Sands, not far from where Captain Cook first laid anchor on terra australis, is debating the merits of a new pier. But it’s Adelaide which takes the crown by having not just a Brighton but, wait for it, a Hove as well. Naturally, they are next door to one another. Even one of the bars in Darlinghurst, Sydney’s biggest ‘gaybourhood,’ is called the Brighton Hotel. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Darlinghurst not only has the highest proportion of same-sex couples in the country but, remarkably, if you stand in the middle of the suburb you’ll be within two kilometres of one-in-ten of all Australia’s gay men. However, despite this, all is not well with Sydney’s gay villages. This can be hard to imagine around Mardi Gras season, or on a warm weekend evening, as
Earlier this year, the city’s newest gay bar, imaginatively titled Gay Bar, joined a number of other gay venues and nights in abruptly shutting up shop. While a mainstay of the scene for some three decades, the Midnight Shift, recently announced it was shuttering its doors early in the week. So why are the gay people of Sydney shunning the very bars that exist to serve them? Many venues blame the government’s so-called ‘lockout laws’. Introduced following a spate of fatal alcohol-fuelled beatings in Sydney’s late night precincts, pubs now have to restrict entry after 1.30am. However, this is likely to be only one factor in a perfect storm which also includes the changing tastes of the gay market, tightening wallets and new technology. And there’s every reason for Brighton’s gay scene to be concerned that what’s happening in Sydney could reach closer to home. Up until around five years ago, Sydney’s pubs were mostly vast many-storied beer barns with multiple bars and serried rows of poker machines. Their gay brethren were of a similar size dragging large numbers of punters through the door with often a one size fits all approach of drag, DJs and non-stop music videos. Up to that point, they’d been onto a winner. Then, all of a sudden, a proportion of the customers from these venues vanished. But they hadn’t gone very far. Just around the corner, in fact, to one of the small bars which new legislation had allowed to open. While many still love their old stalwarts, those looking for a catch up with a few mates, or even a date, are increasingly choosing these new quieter, quirkier and, perhaps, a bit cooler watering holes. In Melbourne, where small bars have been part of the landscape for years, the fall of the gay scene has been even more dramatic. The previously busy gay neighbourhood of Prahran now hosts just one gay bar.
“There’s every reason for Brighton’s gay scene to be concerned that what’s happening in Sydney could reach closer to home”
GSCENE 25 It doesn’t seem to matter that these venues aren’t explicitly gay. What’s important is they are contemporary, attitude free and welcome clientele of all persuasions. At the same time, door staff at some of Sydney’s gay bars have had the reputation of barring people wearing open-toed shoes. This ruling, which predominantly affects straight women, may keep the gay bars gay but it means some gay people have decided to take their straight mates elsewhere. And where you once might have headed to the pub if you were looking for company, now a multitude of apps makes hooking up as easy as ordering a pizza. Why buy beer in plastic cups and listen to Kylie’s early hits if you can drink cheap wine and watch Game of Thrones while waiting for the knock at the door? Meanwhile, with wage rises practically a thing of the past, Australians are increasingly choosing to drink indoors. That’s not to say the death knell has sounded for all gay bars. There will always be a demand for a number of venues where LGBTI people can feel comfortable being themselves. Indeed, some unlikely bars continue to prosper in Sydney. A perennial favourite is Palms; less cool LA rooftop bar and more humid Greek taverna, its laid back atmosphere – and liberal door policy – is a recipe for regular queues. For now, basking in the late summer glow of another successful Pride, some Brighton venues may find it easy to be complacent. But the question is how many pubs, playing similar music and with similar entertainment, can any gay village support? The lesson I take from the legion of Sydney’s now closed or heavily refurbished gay bars seems to be that LGBTI customers are no longer wed to LGBTI specific bars. They may be frequenting your venue today but if that venue is a bit ragged around the edges, if the loos are below par, if the music and entertainment is identical to the better pub down the road and the atmosphere is somewhat lacking, it might not take much to tempt the punters away. The crowd I was with in Brighton on Pride night had their own reasons for choosing particular bars. They began the evening in the beer garden at Neighbourhood, then gravitated to the Marlborough for its cosy surroundings and finished up at Bar Revenge because of the atmosphere and views across the seafront. However, there were a number of venues they avoided – many for the reasons above. And if that becomes a trend then Britain’s Brighton might have even one more thing in common with Australia’s Brightons – no gay bars. ) Benedict Brook is a Sydney-based journalist who has written for a number of gay publications including Australia’s Star Observer and the UK’s GT and Gscene.
OLDER & OUT TAKE TO THE SEAS ) Older & Out, the social networking group for older LGBT people, enjoyed a cruise
together last month from Brighton Marina. The group meets on the last Friday of each month at the Somerset Day Centre, 62 St James' St, Brighton where they have a bite to eat and listen to guest speakers. They organise trips such as the cruise from Brighton Marina on a regular basis. For more information, call: 01273 699000.
Thousands joined the first Trans*Pride Parade in Brighton on Saturday July 26 ) Following the huge success of the first Trans*Pride in 2013 this year's event had much to live up to and the organisers excelled themselves, delivering a carefully choreographed community event which had something for everyone. Crowds flocked to New Steine Gardens all day, helping create a wonderful carnival atmosphere, while successfully managing to recapture the unique community feel of last year's inaugural event. Thousands of trans* people, their friends, allies and supporters joined the first ever Trans*Pride Parade bringing St James' Street to a standstill in the hot summer sunshine. The Parade started just after noon at The Marlborough in Princess Street and made its noisy way up St James' Street to New Steine Gardens with singers from the Rainbow Chorus providing musical support. Large posters of trans* people from the Brighton Trans*formed project were displayed in shop windows on both side of St James’ Street. Onlookers lining St James' Street applauded the marchers, who brought traffic to a standstill for a good 30 minutes. Last year's parade had been cancelled at the last minute due to permission being sought too late to close St James’ Street to traffic, but the numbers who turned out to march this year caught everyone by surprise. It is all very impressive. At New Steine Gardens local voluntary sector organisations had stalls which were busy all day. They included Transformers at Allsorts, Brighton & Hove LGBT Community Safety Forum, Brighton Trans*formed, Broken Rainbow, Clare Project, FTM Brighton, Gendered Intelligence, LGBT Trans Action, MindOut, Stonewall Housing, Sussex Police, Survivors' Network, Switchboard, THT, Unite and Wise. Singers, poets and musicians including: MC Smash, Seth Corbin, Jady Shaw and Sally Outen kept the huge crowds in the gardens entertained all afternoon. Caroline Lucas, MP for Brighton Pavilion, was the keynote speaker and spoke passionately about speeding up legislation to improve trans* rights. She announced that she would be campaigning for a new Gender Identity Clinic for Brighton & Hove, which brought a huge roar from the crowd. Caroline said: “I’m proud to be an MP for a city where Trans*Pride is part of the annual calendar. This event is about celebrating all that’s been achieved by the LGBT community worldwide. It’s about celebrating diversity, and demanding total equality. Tolerance is not good enough - trans* rights are human rights.” Sponsors for Trans*Pride were Broken Rainbow, the LGBT Domestic Violence charity. A spokesperson said: “Broken Rainbow UK is delighted to be sponsoring Trans*Pride Brighton again this year. As a charity we’ve supported the trans* communities for over 10 years with our national LGBT Domestic Violence Helpline and support and awareness services. We’re very pleased to be able to extend this support to the self-organised celebration of Trans*Pride Brighton. This year’s event will be even better than the first in 2013.”
RAINBOW INSTALLATION ) Following an appeal for artists to paint the hoardings outside Tesco in St James’s Street during Pride, local businesses in and around St James Street donated money to help finance the community project. Chris Cooke, an LGBT rep for small community groups at Community Works and Chair of Kemptown in Bloom, coordinated the project. After extensive negotiations he was able to persuade Tesco head office, Hyde Housing (the project manager) and the building contractors Bouygues UK, to turn the hoardings outside Tesco in St James Street into a huge rainbow art installation for Pride.
Charlie Bennett, Phoenix Thomas and Edward Whelan painted the Trans*Flag outside Superdrug and Clarkes Stationers donated the paint for the Trans* contribution.
Hizze Fletcher, from Thirteen Art Productions, offered to project manage the installation, with contributions by established local artists including Lez Ingham, Paula Sigley, Bambi Brown, Briony Howell and Romany Mark Bruce, the sculptor of the AIDS Memorial in New Steine Gardens. A team of artists from Trans*Pride including
The following business have all made donations: A-Bar, Avalon Hotel, Bar Revenge, Bar Broadway, Bulldog, Betty La La’s, Camelford Arms, Charles Street, Doggy Fashion, Ellis Collins, Gelato de Luca, Gregory’s Cafe, Gscene Magazine, Marine Tavern, Legends, Neighbourhood, New Steine Hotel, Poison Ivy, Queen’s Arms, Revenge, Royal Oak and The Zone.
Simon Kirby, MP for Brighton Kemptown and Peacehaven, added: “I’d like to congratulate all the artists on creating such a fantastic installation for Pride so quickly. For many people, Pride is the biggest community event of the year in our area and it’s great that a number of businesses and residents came together to get involved with this initiative, which will enhance the local environment.”
) ONE FOR THE DIARY Fri (5) is the SANFRANDISCO with DJs Mick Fuller & Rob Richards spinning tunes at 9pm, free entry. ) REGULARS Fri entertainment at 9.30pm prompt: Gio’s Soul Sessions (12), Billie May (19) and Paul Diello (26). SATURDAY SESSIONS (6) & (27) with DJ Grant Knowles at 9pm, free entry. Wed is the OPEN MIC PIANO BAR with Mark Hodge; sing your favourite tune or just listen at 8.30pm. ) FOOD bar food served Mon–Sat 12–5pm; Golden Handbag award winning Sunday roasts served 12–5pm (last orders 4pm), to book call 01273 696691. ) DRINK DEALS house wine £12 every day; double-up on spirits for extra £1.50 all day, every day; Sun–Thur, buy one cocktail get the other half price all day. ) OPEN Sun–Thur 12pm–12am; Fri & Sat 12pm–2am. Unrivalled sea view, large smoking & sun terrace, and all big sport events.
) ONE FOR THE DIARY Mon is the Big Showbiz Quiz raising money for the Rainbow Fund with a weekly prize & rolling jackpot of £50 per week at 8.30pm, £1 entry per person donated to the Rainbow Fund. ) REGULARS Tue is FIREPLACE SESSIONS with live music, comedy & cabaret at 8.30pm, check out Facebook/website for line-up. ) Wed is NAME THAT SHOWTUNE with Trudi Styles, THE PIANOMAN & prizes for the winner at 7PM. ) Thur is OPEN MIC with Tabitha at 8.30pm, email to enter or turn up on the night. ) Fri & Sat are BAR BROADWAY JUKEBOX at 4pm; tweet #jukebox @barbroadwayuk for your favourite musical clip to be played onscreen. ) Sun is with pianist Mark Hodge at 5pm. ) DRINK DEALS Mon & Tue all day; Wed–Sun 4–8pm; 2 cocktails for £10 on Sun. ) OPEN Sun–Thur 4pm–1am, Fri & Sat 4pm–3am. ) )
Information is correct at the time of going to press. Gscene cannot be held responsible for any changes or alterations to the listings
A-BAR 11-12 Marine Parade, BN2 1TL Tel: 01273 696691, Seafront bar with sun terrace & food OPEN: Sun–Thur 12pm–12am, Fri & Sat 12pm–2am DRINK PROMOS: all day, every day. BAR 7@CRAWLEY 7 Pegler Way, Crawley, RH11 7AG Tel: 01293 511177 Bar & lounge with top cabaret OPEN: Sun & Wed 6pm–12.30am, Thur–Sat 6pm–2.30am DRINK PROMOS: Wed 6–9pm, Thur all night BAR BROADWAY 10 Steine Street, Brighton. BN10 8GA Tel: 01273 609777 OPEN: Sun-Thur 4pm-1am; Fri & Sat 4pm3am.
DRINK PROMOS: Mon & Tue all day; WedSun 4-8pm. BAR RED Marine Parade, BN2 1TL, Tel: 01273 698331 Seafront facing bar, mixed clientele OPEN: weekend from 4pm-late BAR REVENGE 32-34 Old Steine, BN1 1EL Tel: 01273 606064, Seafront bar with DJs & live music OPEN: Sun-Wed 12pm-1am; Thur 12pm2am; Fri & Sat 12pm-6am DRINK PROMOS: Mon-Sun, day & night. BULLDOG 31 St James's St, BN2 1RF Tel: 01273 696996 Two floor venue with DJs & cabaret OPEN: daily 11am–very late DRINK PROMOS: Mon, Tue & Thur 3–7pm & 11pm–12am; Wed 3–7pm; Fri 3–7pm & 9–11pm; Sat 10pm–12am; Sun all day–12am
BAR 7 CRAWLEY ) ONE FOR THE DIARY Sat (6) is CABARET with Sandra London at 11pm. ) REGULARS Fri is with DJs at 10pm, entry free before 11pm, £3 after. ) Sat is with DJs at 10pm, entry free before 10pm, £3 after. ) Sun is KARAOKE, free entry. ) DRINK DEALS Wed 6–9pm, Thur all night. ) OPEN Wed–Sun from 6pm. )
CAMELFORD ARMS 30-31 Camelford St, BN2 1TQ Tel: 01273 622386, Dog friendly, traditional pub OPEN: daily from 12pm CHARLES ST 8 Marine Parade, BN2 1TA Tel: 01273 624091, Bar with food, top cabaret, regular DJs & sun terrace OPEN: daily from 12pm DRINK PROMOS: Mon–Sat 5–9pm, Tues, Thu & Fri 9pm–close, Sun 8.30pm–close DR BRIGHTON’S 16-17 Kings Rd, BN1 1NE Tel: 01273 208113 Dog-friendly seafront bar, DJs & pool table OPEN: Mon–Thur 3pm–12am, Fri & Sat 1pm–2am, Sun 1pm–12am DRINK PROMOS: Sun–Thur all day, Fri & Sat 1–7pm LEGENDS BAR 31-34 Marine Parade, BN2 1TR Tel: 01273 624462, Bar with regular DJs, cabaret, food & seafront facing sun terrace OPEN: daily 11–5am DRINK PROMOS: Mon-Fri 11am-midnight MARINE TAVERN 13 Broad St, BN2 1TJ Tel: 01273 905578,
Friendly bar with regular quiz nights OPEN: 7 nights a week 11-1am. DRINK PROMOS: Wed & Thur 7-11pm OHSO SOCIAL 250a King's Rd, BN1 1NB Tel: 01273 746067, Seafront-facing cafe/bar OPEN: Mon-Thur 9-12am; Fri-Sun 9-2am PARIS HOUSE 21 Western Rd, BN3 1AF Tel: 01273 724195 French style cafe/bar OPEN: daily from 12pm POISON IVY 129 St James's St, BN2 1TH Tel: 01273 604076 Drag hosts & karaoke 7 nights a week OPEN: daily from 11am DRINK PROMOS: Tue, Thur, Fri & Sat all night; all day & night on Sun QUEEN’S ARMS 7 George St, BN2 1RH Tel: 01273 696873 Karaoke & cabaret bar OPEN: 4pm Tue-Fri; 2pm Sat & Sun; closed every Mon & for refurb Mon 8-Wed 24 Sept. ROYAL OAK 46 St James’s St, BN2 1RG Tel: 01273 621093 Dog friendly bar, cask conditioned ales,
CAMELFORD ARMS ) ONE FOR THE DIARY Thur is the £300 BIG CASH QUIZ at 9pm. ) REGULARS The FRIDAY CLUB is at 6pm. ) Sun (7 & 21) is the BEAR BASH at
5pm; free raffle every Sun at 5pm. ) FOOD Wed is SENIORS' LUNCH with two courses for £5.50 served 2–3.30pm; home-cooked menu & manager's specials Mon–Fri 12–3pm & 6–9pm; Sat 12–7pm; Sunday roasts & select menu 12pm–till gone! ) OPEN daily from 12pm. The Camelford is a dog-friendly pub.
Dog-friendly central food pub ZONE 33 St James’ St, BN2 1RF Tel: 01273 682249, Friendly bar, live music, karaoke & cabaret OPEN: daily from 10am DRINK PROMOS: all day & night Mon-Thur; 10am-6pm Fri-Sun.
BOUTIQUE BRIGHTON 2 Boyces St@West St, BN1 1AN OPEN: Mon, Wed-Sat from 9pm; Sun from 10pm. ENVY Nightclub above Charles Street OPEN: Mon ENTRY: £1.50 DRINK PROMOS: Mon all night FUNKYFISH CLUB 19 Marine Parade, BN2 1TL Tel: 01273 698331 DJs, 70s/80s/90s funk/soul classics OPEN: Fri & Sat 9pm-late ENTRY: Fri free, Sat £5 DRINK PROMOS: Fri & Sat all night REVENGE 32-34 Old Steine, BN1 1EL Tel: 01273 606064, Nightclub with top DJs & PAs (studentfriendly) OPEN: Tue from 11pm, Thur, Fri & Sat from 10.30pm ENTRY: Tue: £1 with a flyer/£2 without; Thur: free entry b4 12am with Facebook guestlist/otherwise £4/£3 NUS; Fri & Sat: £1 b4 12am with a pass, or £5/£4 NUS DRINK PROMOS: Tue, Thur, Fri, Sat all night
BULLDOG ) MEMBERSHIP Free entry for members only, door charge for non-members. For membership visit: ) ONE FOR THE DIARY Fri (19) is CABARET with Miss Jason at midnight. ) REGULARS Tue is POPTASTIC with DJ Lee. ) Tue (23) & (30) is REGGAE with DJ Micklos at 9pm. ) Wed is DIVA RUSH with DJ Marcia, all drinks £1.99 when selected artist is played and traffic lights go green, 10pm–2am. ) Thur is RELEASE with DJ Grant Knowles at 10pm. ) Fri is with DJ Marcia at 10pm, then CABARET in the top bar at midnight: Topsie Redfurn (5), Lady LaRue (12) and Barbie Kruger (26). ) Sat is DJ V John at 10pm, DJ Lil Alex at 3am, and KARAOKE upstairs at 10pm. ) Sun KARAOKE at 9pm, DJ Grant Knowles at 10pm. ) Mon is DJ Marcia’s GLITTER BALL 70s/80s tunes at 10PM. ) DRINK DEALS Mon, Tue & Thur 3–7pm & 11pm–midnight; Wed 3–7pm; Fri 3–7pm & drinks £1.99 9–11pm; Sat 10pm–midnight; Sun all day–midnight. Drinks include: pints from £1.95, double spirit & mixer from £2.30, bottles from £1.85 (Terms & conditions apply). ) OPEN daily from 11am–very late. )
cabaret, food & beer garden OPEN: Mon–Thur 12–11pm, Fri & Sat 12pm–1am, Sun 12–10.30pm SUBLINE 129 St James's St, BN2 1TH Tel: 01273 624100, Men only cruising bar, regular DJs & themed nights OPEN: Wed–Sat from 9pm, Sun from 8pm DRINK PROMOS: Wed & Sat THREE JOLLY BUTCHERS 59 North Rd, Brighton, BN1 1YD Tel: 01273 608571, OPEN: Mon–Sat from 12pm, Sun from 1pm
BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Nightclub below Legends Bar & Hotel OPEN: Wed & Fri–Sun from 11pm ENTRY: free entry daily DRINK PROMOS: Wed, Fri & Sun all night
THE BRIGHTON SAUNA 75 Grand Parade, BN2 9JA Tel: 01273 689966 Gay sauna with licenced bar OPEN: Mon-Thu 10am–1am, Fri 10am then 24 hours to Sunday night 1am
ENTRY: standard £15, weekend pass £20 (3 days), under 25s £5 Mon-Thur LICENSED BAR: Sun–Thu 11–1am, Fri & Sat 11–2am TBS2 84-86 Denmark Villas, Hove, BN3 3TJ Tel: 01273 723733, Gay sauna in Hove with licenced bar OPEN: 10am-11pm every day of the year ENTRY: £14 standard, £10 with VIP membership, £20 weekend pass, £5 under 25s every day
A-BAR Tel: 01273 696691 FOOD: Mon–Sat 12–5pm; Sun roast 12–5pm BAR REVENGE FOOD: free pizza on Sunday
CHARLES STREET BAR ) ONE FOR THE DIARY Sun (7) is CHRIS & RUBY’S 6TH ANNUAL BIRTHDAY CABARET Charity Fundraiser in aid of the Rainbow Fund with host Lola Lasagne, plus Drag With No Name, Dave Lynn, Tammy Twinkle, Nan, Sally Vate, Myra Dubois, Lady Imelda, Rose Garden, Sandra, Maisie Trollette, Mrs Moore, Davina Sparkle, Connie Conway, Mitzi Macintosh & many more at 7pm, free entry but donations encouraged! ) REGULARS Wed is QUIZ WITH NO NAME a night filled with antics and entertainment with the Drag With No Name and cash prizes at 9pm. ) Thur is MAD COW TEA PARTY with Alice in Wonderland décor, tea pot cocktails, shots & hostess Ms Joan Bond at 9pm, entry £1. ) FRUITY FRIDAY FIX with DJ Leeroy, dance/funky house, at 9pm. ) Sat is BOYS IN THE BAR with all-male DJ line-up inc Lil Alex, Grant Knowles & Leeroy on rotation, free entry. ) Sun CABARET at 7.30pm: Martha D'Arthur (14), Dave Lynn (21) and Bitchin' Sync (Rose Garden & Mitzi Macintosh) (28); then it’s TRANNY ROCK & ROLL BINGO with Sally Vate and rolling jackpot at 8.30pm. ) FOOD served 12–8pm Mon–Sat; two for £6.95 on selected mains, 2-4-1 gourmet hotdogs at DOG TAILS on Tue. Sunday Lunch: roast beef, chicken or veggie served 12–7pm, £6.95, or two for £10. ) DRINK DEALS All drinks 50% off Mon–Sat from 5–9pm; from £1 and win a bar tab for the night on Thur; Sun from 8.30pm, after the show. All deals excl sparkling wine & cocktails & not in conjunction with other offers. Cocktails: two for £8 on Tue & Fri 9pm–close. ) OPEN daily from 12pm. Check out the sun terrace for some late summer sunshine!
CAMELFORD ARMS Tel: 01273 622386 FOOD: Mon–Fri 12–3pm & 6–9pm; Sat 12–7pm; Sunday roast & select menu 12pm–till gone; seniors' lunch Wed 2–3.30pm BETTY LA LA’S 22 St James’ St, Brighton, BN2 1RF Tel: 01273 693444, FOOD: Tue–Sun 12pm–late CHARLES ST Tel: 01273 624091 FOOD: Mon–Sat 12–8pm; Sunday lunch 12–7pm LEGENDS BAR Tel: 01273 624462 FOOD: Mon–Sat 12–5pm; Sunday lunch 12–3pm NEW STEINE BISTRO 10/11 New Steine, Brighton, BN2 1PB Tel: 01273 681546, FOOD: every eve 6–9.45pm for last orders
OHSO SOCIAL 250a King's Rd, BN1 1NB Tel: 01273 746067 FOOD: breakfasts every day 9am-12pm; then lunch served 12-9pm PARIS HOUSE Tel: 01273 724195 FOOD: French platters every day ROYAL OAK Tel: 01273 621093. FOOD: Mon–Fri 12–3pm & 6–9pm; Sat garden BBQs 3-7pm; Sunday roasts 12pmgone. THREE JOLLY BUTCHERS Tel: 01273 608571 FOOD: daily 12–3pm & 6–9pm; Sunday lunch from 1pm
BAR BROADWAY Big Showbiz Quiz: fundraiser for Rainbow Fund 8.30pm BAR REVENGE Quiz with Liz 8.30pm
ENVY @ CHARLES ST ) ONE FOR THE DIARY Thur (4) is DIESEL BOYS & GIRLS for girls and their mates at 10pm, entry free b4 11pm, £3 after. ) REGULARS Mon is the STUDIO 150 student night with DJ Ruby Roo playing cheese & chart, entry £1.50. ) DRINK DEALS singles or bottles £1.50 all night on Mon and from £1 on Thur (4). ) OPEN Mon & Thur (4) at 10pm. )
BULLDOG DJ Marcia’s Glitter Ball 10pm ENVY Studio 150 student night: DJ Ruby Roo 10pm LEGENDS BAR Miss Jason’s Monday Madhouse 9.30pm MARINE TAVERN National Nuts Polker League 7.30pm POISON IVY Mile High Club: host Rita Lynn, non-stop karaoke 7pm
BAR BROADWAY Fireplace Sessions: live music, cabaret, comedy 8.30pm BAR REVENGE Wheel of Fortune Karaoke: Nathan or Lou Bag 8pm BULLDOG Poptastic: DJ Lee 10pm MARINE TAVERN Nat’s Quiz 9pm POISON IVY Super Sized Student: host Miss DQ, karaoke, games & cabaret 7.30pm QUEEN’S ARMS cabaret: Lola Lasagne 9.30pm REVENGE Naughty Pop: DJs Trick & Dana 11pm ROYAL OAK Davina Sparkle’s School Night Challenge 8pm ZONE Betty Swollocks’ karaoke 8.30pm
A-BAR open mic: Mark Hodge 8.30pm BAR BROADWAY Name that Showtune with Trudi Styles & The Pianoman 7pm BAR REVENGE Crash: DJ Dana 7pm BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Ice: DJ Claire Fuller 11pm BULLDOG Diva Rush: DJ Marcia 10pm CHARLES ST The Quiz With No Name with Drag With No Name & cash prizes 9pm POISON IVY Taboo: Stephanie Starlet’s Amateur Strip Night 8pm QUEEN’S ARMS Miss Jason as Never Seen Before 9.30pm SUBLINE Fag Machine: alt night 9pm
BAR BROADWAY open mic with Tabitha 8.30pm BAR REVENGE FOMO warm-up 9pm BULLDOG Release: DJ Grant 10pm CAMELFORD ARMS Big Cash Quiz 9pm CHARLES ST Mad Cow’s Tea Party: Ms Joan Bond, tunes 9pm ENVY Diesel Boys & Girls: DJs 10pm PARIS HOUSE live music: Fleur de Paris 8pm
DR BRIGHTONS ) REGULARS FUNKY FRIDAY with DJ Nick Hirst at 9.30pm, free entry. ) SEXY SATURDAY with DJ Tony B is at 9.30pm, free entry. ) DRINK DEALS from Sun–Thur all day and Fri & Sat from 1–7pm: Fosters &
Carling £3.30 a pint, Smirnoff & mixer £3.20, large Smirnoff & energy £5, large wines £4.30. 2-4-1 cocktails Sun–Fri 3–9pm. ) Free game of pool every day with every round of drinks purchased during happy hour. ) OPEN Mon–Thur 3pm–midnight; Fri & Sat 1pm–2am; Sun 1pm–midnight. )
REVENGE FOMO: DJs 10.30pm SUBLINE Leathered 9pm
A-BAR Sanfrandisco: DJs Mick Fuller & Rob Richards 9pm BAR 7@CRAWLEY DJs 10pm BAR BROADWAY jukebox requests 4pm BAR REVENGE DJ Alex Baker 9pm BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Fastforward: DJ Peter Castle 11pm BULLDOG DJ Marcia 10pm; cabaret: Topsie Redfurn midnight CAMELFORD ARMS Friday Club 6pm CHARLES ST Fruity Fri Fix: DJ Leeroy 9pm DR BRIGHTONS Funky Fri: DJ Nick Hirst 9.30pm FUNKYFISH CLUB Strictly Fri: DJ Aky 10pm LEGENDS BAR Rewind: DJs 9pm POISON IVY Fri Night Fever: host Gloria Hole, UV, foam, lasers, pole dancers 7pm QUEEN’S ARMS cabaret: Kelly Wilde 9.30pm REVENGE Girls on Top Returns: DJs; Shameless: DJs Lee Harris & Trick 10.30pm SUBLINE Steam 9pm ZONE cabaret: Baga Chipz 9.30pm
A-BAR DJ Grant Knowles’ Saturday Sessions 9pm BAR 7@CRAWLEY cabaret: Sandra London 11pm BAR BROADWAY jukebox requests 4pm
BAR REVENGE DJ Fifilicious 9pm BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Fusion: DJ Peter Castle 11pm BULLDOG DJ V John 10pm; DJ Lil Alex 3am; karaoke 10pm CHARLES ST The Boys In The Bar: DJs Lil Alex, Grant Knowles, Leeroy 9pm DR BRIGHTONS Sexy Sat: DJ Tony B 9.30pm FUNKYFISH CLUB Old School Sat: DJ Aky 10pm LEGENDS BAR pre-club DJs 7pm PARIS HOUSE live jazz 4pm; TC’s Joyful Noise: DJ Kenny 9pm POISON IVY non-stop karaoke noon; Camp Attack: host Gloria Hole 7pm QUEEN’S ARMS cabaret: OMT Showman 9.30pm REVENGE Sweet Revenge: DJs Sam DMS & Smithy 10.30pm ROYAL OAK cabaret: Jason Lee 9.30pm SUBLINE Men’s Room: DJ Screwpulous 9pm THREE JOLLY BUTCHERS live music: The Informers 9pm ZONE cabaret: Miss Jason 9.30pm
BAR 7@CRAWLEY karaoke 6pm BAR BROADWAY pianist Mark Hodge 5pm BAR REVENGE acoustic music 4.30pm; Karaoke: Trick, Dana & Lou 7.30pm BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Pop!Candy: DJ Claire Fuller 11pm BULLDOG karaoke 9pm; DJ Grant 10pm CAMELFORD ARMS Bear Bash &
dance/pop/80s/90s at 10pm, free entry. ) REGULARS OLD SCHOOL SATURDAY with DJ Aky spinning funk/disco/dance &
house tunes at 10pm, entry £5. ) DRINK DEALS all night Fri with £2 shots, Jagerbombs £2.50, bottles from £3 and
all night Sat with a free shot before 11pm. ) OPEN The Funky Fish Bar is now Bar Red and is open daily from 12pm and weekends from 4pm till late. ) Follow Funky Fish on Facebook: /funkyfishclub or on Twitter @funkyfishclub.
Raffle 5pm CHARLES ST Chris & Ruby’s 6th Annual Birthday Cabaret Charity Fundraiser for the Rainbow Fund: host Lola Lasagne & Drag With No Name, Dave Lynn, Tammy Twinkle, Nan, Sally Vate, Myra Dubois, Lady Imelda, Rose Garden, Sandra, Maisie Trollette, Mrs Moore, Davina Sparkle, Connie Conway, Mitzi Macintosh & more 7pm LEGENDS BAR cabaret: Topping & Butch 3.30pm POISON IVY non-stop karaoke with hosts noon; cabaret 5.30pm QUEEN’S ARMS Refurbishment Closing Party with Maisie Trollette 6pm SUBLINE Come in Your Pants: DJ N.U.D.E, underwear party 9pm THREE JOLLY BUTCHERS live jazz 4pm ZONE cabaret: Stone & Street 6pm
BAR BROADWAY Big Showbiz Quiz: fundraiser for Rainbow Fund 8.30pm
BAR REVENGE Quiz with Liz 8.30pm BULLDOG DJ Marcia’s Glitter Ball 10pm ENVY Studio 150: student night: DJ Ruby Roo 10pm LEGENDS BAR Miss Jason’s Monday Madhouse 9.30pm MARINE TAVERN National Nuts Polker League 7.30pm POISON IVY Mile High Club: host Rita Lynn, non-stop karaoke 7pm
BAR BROADWAY Fireplace Sessions: live music, cabaret, comedy 8.30pm BAR REVENGE Wheel of Fortune Karaoke: Nathan or Lou Bag 8pm BULLDOG Poptastic: DJ Lee 10pm MARINE TAVERN Nat’s Quiz 9pm POISON IVY Super Sized Student: Miss DQ, karaoke, games & cabaret 7.30pm REVENGE Naughty Pop: DJs Trick & Dana 11pm
) ONE FOR THE DIARY Sun (21) is CABARET with La Voix at 3.30pm. ) REGULARS Fri is REWIND with DJs spinning 70s/80s/90s disco/soul/ funk & Motown at 9pm. ) Sat is with pre-club DJs at 7pm. ) Sun CABARET at 3.30pm: Topping & Butch (7), Lady Imelda (14) and Lola Lasagne (28). ) Mon is Miss
) FREE ENTRY to the Basement Club every day. ) ONE FOR THE DIARY Wed is ICE with DJ Claire Fuller, chart/house/r&b. ) REGULARS Fri is FASTFOWARD with DJ Peter Castle, dance/chart. ) Sat is FUSION with DJ Peter Castle house/chart. ) Sun is POP! CANDY with DJ Claire
Jason's MADHOUSE at 9.30pm. ) FOOD served Mon–Sat 12–5pm, including freshly made from scratch burgers with chunky chips and homemade coleslaw from £8, and lunch options from £3.95. Sunday Roasts served 12–3pm with top quality locally sourced meat, poultry & vegetarian options. ) DRINK DEALS Mon–Fri 11am–midnight. Mon–Fri till midnight buy any bottle from the quality wine list and get the second half price. ) OPEN daily from 11–5am. Free entry, all day sun terrace. ) l POISON IVY Stacy Swallows’ karaoke party with top cabaret 9.30pm l QUEEN’S ARMS cabaret: Cassidy Connors 9.30pml ROYAL OAK Davina Sparkle’s School Night Challenge 8pm l ZONE Betty Swollocks’ karaoke 8.30pm
l A-BAR open mic: Mark Hodge 8.30pm l BAR BROADWAY Name that Showtune with Trudi Styles & The Pianoman 7pm l BAR REVENGE Crash: DJ Dana 7pm l BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Ice: DJ Claire Fuller 11pm l BULLDOG Diva Rush: DJ Marcia 10pm l CHARLES ST The Quiz With No Name with Drag With No Name & cash prizes 9pm l POISON IVY Taboo: Stephanie Starlet’s Amateur Strip Night 8pm l SUBLINE Fag Machine: alt night 9pm
l BAR BROADWAY open mic with Tabitha 8.30pm
Fuller, recent/classic pop. ) DRINK DEALS selected shots £1.50/£2 drink deals all night on Wed; promos all
night on Fri & Sat; £2 drinks on Sun. ) OPEN Wed & Fri–Sun 11pm. )
l CHARLES ST Fruity Fri Fix: DJ Leeroy 9pm l DR BRIGHTONS Funky Fri: DJ Nick Hirst 9.30pm l FUNKYFISH CLUB Strictly Fri: DJ Aky 10pm l BAR REVENGE FOMO warm-up 9pm l LEGENDS BAR Rewind: DJs 9pm l BULLDOG Release: DJ Grant 10pm l CAMELFORD ARMS Big Cash Quiz 9pm l POISON IVY Fri Night Fever: host Gloria l CHARLES ST Mad Cow’s Tea Party: Ms Hole, UV, foam, lasers, pole dancers 7pm l REVENGE The Powder Room pres Adore Joan Bond, tunes 9pm Delano + support acts House of Grand l PARIS HOUSE live: Robin Katz 8pm Parade, Aurora Galore, Vanity Von Glow 9pm; l POISON IVY Stacy Swallows’ karaoke Shameless: DJs Lee Harris & Trick 10.30pm party with top cabaret 9.30pm l SUBLINE Steam 9pm l REVENGE FOMO: DJs 10.30pm l ZONE cabaret 9.30pm l SUBLINE Leathered 9pm l THREE JOLLY BUTCHERS comedy SATURDAY 13 night 8pm l BAR 7@CRAWLEY DJs 10pm l BAR BROADWAY jukebox requests 4pm FRIDAY 12 l BAR REVENGE DJ Fifilicious 9pm l A-BAR Gio’s Soul Sessions 9.30pm l BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Fusion: l BAR 7@CRAWLEY DJs 10pm l BAR BROADWAY jukebox requests 4pm DJ Peter Castle 11pm l BULLDOG DJ V John 10pm; DJ Lil Alex l BAR REVENGE DJ Alex Baker 9pm 3am; karaoke 10pm l BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS l CHARLES ST The Boys In The Bar: DJs Fastforward: DJ Peter Castle 11pm Lil Alex, Grant Knowles, Leeroy 9pm l BULLDOG DJ Marcia 10pm; cabaret: l DR BRIGHTONS Sexy Sat: DJ Tony B Lady LaRue midnight 9.30pm l CAMELFORD ARMS Friday Club 6pm l FUNKYFISH CLUB Old School Sat: DJ
Aky 10pm l LEGENDS BAR pre-club DJs 7pm l PARIS HOUSE live jazz 4pm; TC’s Joyful Noise: DJ Kenny 9pm l POISON IVY non-stop karaoke noon; Camp Attack: host Gloria Hole 7pm l REVENGE Sweet Revenge: DJs Alex Baker & Trick 10.30pm l ROYAL OAK cabaret: Jennie Castell 9.30pm l SUBLINE Men’s Room: DJ Screwpulous 9pm l ZONE cabaret: Sally Vate 9.30pm
l BAR 7@CRAWLEY karaoke 6pm l BAR BROADWAY pianist Mark Hodge 5pm l BAR REVENGE acoustic music 4.30pm; Karaoke: Trick, Dana & Lou 7.30pm l BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Pop!Candy: DJ Claire Fuller 11pm l BULLDOG karaoke 9pm; DJ Grant 10pm l CAMELFORD ARMS Raffle 5pm l CHARLES ST cabaret: Martha D’Arthur 7.30pm; Tranny Rock & Roll Bingo: Sally Vate 8.30pm l LEGENDS BAR cabaret: Lady Imelda 3.30pm
POISON IVY ) ONE FOR THE DIARY Tue is SUPER SIZED STUDENTS with Miss DQ, star of Channel 4’s Seven Dwarves, hosting karaoke, games and cabaret at 7.30pm. ) REGULARS Mon is the MILE HIGH CLUB with host Rita Lynn at 7pm. ) Wed is TABOO, Stephanie Starlet’s Amateur Strip Night with prizes, complimentary shots & new ‘shower pole dancing round’ at 8pm. ) Thur is Stacy Swallows’ KARAOKE PARTY with top London CABARET at 9.30pm. ) FRIDAY NIGHT FEVER is with host Gloria Hole, 70s/80s & 90s tunes, pole dancers, laser show, foam machines & UV cannons at 7pm. ) Sat is non-stop KARAOKE at noon; then CAMP ATTACK with host Gloria Hole at 7pm. ) Sun is non-stop KARAOKE with hosts at noon; then top CABARET at 5.30pm. ) DRINK DEALS happy hour all day & night, plus £1 drinks when the ‘fasten your seatbelt’ sign lights up on Mon; £2.50 all night on Tue; 2 cocktails for £6 on Wed; 2 bottles for £5, vodka slush puppy & coke £2.50 on Thur; extended happy hour on Fri; £1.50 Jagerbombs on Sat; happy hour 11am–midnight on Sun. ) OPEN daily from 11am. )
l POISON IVY non-stop karaoke with hosts noon; cabaret 5.30pm l SUBLINE Come in Your Pants: DJ N.U.D.E, underwear party 8pm l THREE JOLLY BUTCHERS jazz 4pm l ZONE karaoke 6pm
l BAR BROADWAY Big Showbiz Quiz: fundraiser for Rainbow Fund 8.30pm l BAR REVENGE Quiz with Liz 8.30pm l BULLDOG DJ Marcia’s Glitter Ball 10pm l ENVY Studio 150: student night: DJ Ruby Roo 10pm l LEGENDS BAR Miss Jason’s Monday Madhouse 9.30pm l MARINE TAVERN National Nuts Polker League 7.30pm l POISON IVY Mile High Club: host Rita Lynn, non-stop karaoke 7pm
l BAR BROADWAY Fireplace Sessions: live music, cabaret, comedy 8.30pm l BAR REVENGE Wheel of Fortune Karaoke: Nathan or Lou Bag 8pm
l BULLDOG Poptastic: DJ Lee 10pm l MARINE TAVERN Nat’s Quiz 9pm l POISON IVY Super Sized Student: Miss DQ, karaoke, games & cabaret 7.30pm l REVENGE Naughty Pop: DJs Trick & Dana 11pm l ROYAL OAK Davina Sparkle’s School Night Challenge 8pm l ZONE Betty Swollocks’ karaoke 8.30pm
l A-BAR open mic: Mark Hodge 8.30pm l BAR BROADWAY Name that Showtune with Trudi Styles & The Pianoman 7pm l BAR REVENGE Crash: DJ Dana 7pm l BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Ice: DJ Claire Fuller 11pm l BULLDOG Diva Rush: DJ Marcia 10pm l CHARLES ST The Quiz With No Name with Drag With No Name & cash prizes 9pm l POISON IVY Taboo: Stephanie Starlet’s Amateur Strip Night 8pm l SUBLINE Fag Machine: alt night 9pm
l BAR BROADWAY open mic with Tabitha
PARIS HOUSE ) ONE FOR THE DIARY Thur (11) is live music with Robin Katz at 8pm, free. ) REGULARS Sat free live jazz at 4pm; TC’S JOYFUL NOISE with DJ Kenny 9pm. ) Thur (4) & (25) is live chanson & swing from Fleurs de Paris at 8pm, free. ) FOOD platter of French food to share & large carafe of wine £15. ) OPEN daily from 12pm. )
8.30pm l BAR REVENGE FOMO warm-up 9pm l BULLDOG Release: DJ Grant 10pm l CAMELFORD ARMS Big Cash Quiz 9pm l CHARLES ST Mad Cow’s Tea Party: Ms Joan Bond, tunes 9pm l POISON IVY Stacy Swallows’ karaoke party with top cabaret 9.30pm l REVENGE FOMO: DJs 10.30pm l SUBLINE Leathered 9pm
l LEGENDS BAR Rewind: DJs 9pm l POISON IVY Fri Night Fever: host Gloria Hole, UV, foam, lasers, pole dancers 7pm l REVENGE Anthem: DJs Lee Jeffery & Sammy G; Shameless: DJs Lee Harris & Trick 10.30pm l SUBLINE Back to School Fancy Dress Rainbow Fund Fundraiser in assoc with Brighton Bear Weekender 9pm l ZONE cabaret: Maisie Trollette 9.30pm
l A-BAR live music: Billie May 9.30pm l BAR 7@CRAWLEY DJs 10pm l BAR BROADWAY jukebox requests 4pm l BAR REVENGE DJ Alex Baker 9pm l BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Fastforward: DJ Peter Castle 11pm l BULLDOG DJ Marcia 10pm; cabaret: Miss Jason midnight l CAMELFORD ARMS Friday Club 6pm l CHARLES ST Fruity Fri Fix: DJ Leeroy 9pm l DR BRIGHTONS Funky Fri: DJ Nick Hirst 9.30pm l FUNKYFISH CLUB Strictly Fri: DJ Aky 10pm
l BAR 7@CRAWLEY DJs 10pm l BAR BROADWAY jukebox requests 4pm l BAR REVENGE DJ Fifilicious 9pm l BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Fusion: DJ Peter Castle 11pm l BULLDOG DJ V John 10pm; DJ Lil Alex 3am; karaoke 10pm l CHARLES ST The Boys In The Bar: DJs Lil Alex, Grant Knowles, Leeroy 9pm l DR BRIGHTONS Sexy Sat: DJ Tony B 9.30pm l FUNKYFISH CLUB Old School Sat: DJ Aky 10pm l LEGENDS BAR pre-club DJs 7pm
ROYAL OAK ) ONE FOR THE DIARY Sat is CABARET at 9.30pm: Jason Lee (6), Jennie Castell (13), Saucy Sophie (20) and Topsie Redfurn (27). ) REGULARS Tue is Davina Sparkle’s SCHOOL NIGHT CHALLENGE with cabaret, free shots and the tin of baked beans at 8pm. ) FOOD served by Golden Handbag-winning chefs: Mon–Fri lunch menu 12–3pm & evening menu 6–9pm; BBQs served in the beer garden every Sat 3–7pm; Sunday roasts served 12pm–till gone. ) DRINK DEALS A wide selection of local cask conditioned ales served daily. ) OPEN Mon–Thur 12–11pm; Fri & Sat 12pm–1am; Sun 12–10.30pm. Check out The Royal Oak’s spacious beer garden for some late summer sunshine!
QUEENS ARMS ) ONE FOR THE DIARY The QA is closed for refurbishment Mon (8)–Wed (24).
Sun (7) is the QA REFURBISHMENT CLOSING PARTY with Maisie Trollette at 6pm. ) Thur (25) is the QA REOPENING PARTY at 9pm. ) Sat (27) is the MacMILLIAN COFFEE MORNING at 11am. ) REGULARS Sat CABARET at 9.30pm with OMT Showman (6), Myra DuBois (27). ) Sun CABARET at 6pm with Maisie Trollette (7), Drag With No Name (28). ) Tue CABARET at 9.30pm: Lola Lasagne (2), Sally Vate (30). ) Wed (3) is DON’T MISS JASON as Never Seen Before at 9.30pm. ) Thur CABARET at 9.30pm with Cassidy Connors (4). ) Fri CABARET at 9.30pm: Kelly Wilde (5), Dave Lynn (26). ) OPEN 4pm Tue–Fri; 2pm Sat & Sun; ) Closed for refurbishment Mon (8) till Wed (24). For up to date acts check Facebook page: l PARIS HOUSE live jazz 4pm; TC’s Joyful Noise: DJ Kenny 9pm l POISON IVY non-stop karaoke noon; Camp Attack: host Gloria Hole 7pm l REVENGE Sweet Revenge: DJs Alex Baker & Trick 10.30pm l ROYAL OAK cabaret: Saucy Sophie 9.30pm l SUBLINE Men’s Room: DJ Screwpulous 9pm l ZONE cabaret: Tammy Twinkle 9.30pm
l BAR 7@CRAWLEY karaoke 6pm l BAR BROADWAY pianist Mark Hodge 5pm l BAR REVENGE acoustic music 4.30pm; Karaoke: Trick, Dana & Lou 7.30pm l BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Pop!Candy: DJ Claire Fuller 11pm l BULLDOG karaoke 9pm; DJ Grant 10pm
l CAMELFORD ARMS Bear Bash & Raffle 5pm l CHARLES ST cabaret: Dave Lynn 7.30pm; Tranny Rock & Roll Bingo: Sally Vate 8.30pm l LEGENDS BAR cabaret: La Voix 3.30pm l POISON IVY non-stop karaoke with hosts noon; cabaret 5.30pm l SUBLINE Come in Your Pants: DJ N.U.D.E, underwear party 8pm l THREE JOLLY BUTCHERS live jazz 4pm l ZONE cabaret: Stone & Street 6pm
l BAR BROADWAY Big Showbiz Quiz: fundraiser for Rainbow Fund 8.30pm l BAR REVENGE Quiz with Liz 8.30pm l BULLDOG DJ Marcia’s Glitter Ball 10pm l ENVY Studio 150: student night: DJ Ruby Roo 10pm l LEGENDS BAR Miss Jason’s Monday Madhouse 9.30pm
l MARINE TAVERN National Nuts Polker League 7.30pm l POISON IVY Mile High Club: host Rita Lynn, non-stop karaoke 7pm
l BAR BROADWAY Fireplace Sessions: live music, cabaret, comedy 8.30pm l BAR REVENGE Wheel of Fortune Karaoke: Nathan or Lou Bag 8pm l BULLDOG Reggae: DJ Micklos 9pm l MARINE TAVERN Nat’s Quiz 9pm l POISON IVY Super Sized Student: Miss DQ, karaoke, games & cabaret 7.30pm l REVENGE Naughty Pop: DJs Trick & Dana 11pm l ROYAL OAK Davina Sparkle’s School Night Challenge 8pm l ZONE Betty Swollocks’ karaoke 8.30pm
l A-BAR open mic: Mark Hodge 8.30pm l BAR BROADWAY Name that Showtune with Trudi Styles & The Pianoman 7pm l BAR REVENGE Crash: DJ Dana 7pm l BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Ice: DJ Claire Fuller 11pm l BULLDOG Diva Rush: DJ Marcia 10pm l CHARLES ST The Quiz With No Name with Drag With No Name & cash prizes 9pm l POISON IVY Taboo: Stephanie Starlet’s Amateur Strip Night 8pm l SUBLINE Fag Machine: alt night 9pm
l BAR BROADWAY open mic with Tabitha 8.30pm
l BAR REVENGE FOMO warm-up 9pm l BULLDOG Release: DJ Grant 10pm l CAMELFORD ARMS Big Cash Quiz 9pm l CHARLES ST Mad Cow’s Tea Party: Ms Joan Bond, tunes 9pm l PARIS HOUSE live music: Fleur de Paris 8pm l POISON IVY Stacy Swallows’ karaoke party with top cabaret 9.30pm l QUEEN’S ARMS Reopening Party 9pm l REVENGE FOMO: DJs 10.30pm l SUBLINE Leathered 9pm
l A-BAR live music: Paul Diello 9.30pm l BAR 7@CRAWLEY DJs 10pm l BAR BROADWAY jukebox requests 4pm l BAR REVENGE DJ Alex Baker 9pm l BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Fastforward: DJ Peter Castle 11pm l BULLDOG DJ Marcia 10pm; cabaret: Barbie Kruger midnight l CAMELFORD ARMS Friday Club 6pm l CHARLES ST Fruity Fri Fix: DJ Leeroy 9pm l DR BRIGHTONS Funky Fri: DJ Nick Hirst 9.30pm l FUNKYFISH CLUB Strictly Friday: DJ Aky 10pm l LEGENDS BAR Rewind: DJs 9pm l POISON IVY Fri Night Fever: host Gloria Hole, UV, foam, lasers, pole dancers 7pm l QUEEN’S ARMS cabaret: Dave Lynn 9.30pm l REVENGE Doggy: DJ Fifilicious; Shameless: DJs Lee Harris & Trick 10.30pm l SUBLINE Steam 9pm l ZONE cabaret: Dave Lynn 9.30pm
SUBLINE ) ONE FOR THE DIARY Fri (19) is BAK 2 SKOOL, a fancy dress party with prizes in association with Brighton Bear Weekender; regular entry prices, £1 in casual dress, all door money to the Rainbow Fund. ) REGULARS Wed is FAG MACHINE an LGBTQ alt night with live music. ) Thur is LEATHERED with free lockers. ) Fri is STEAM with free entry before 11pm. ) Sat is MEN'S ROOM with DJ Screwpulous with free entry for members till 11pm. ) Sun is COME IN YOUR PANTS underwear party with DJ N.U.D.E. ) DRINK DEALS selected drinks £3 on Wed for members, cheap drinks on Sat. ) OPEN Wed, Thur, Fri & Sat from 9pm, Sun from 8pm. )
A-BAR DJ Grant Knowles’ Saturday Sessions 9pm BAR 7@CRAWLEY DJs 10pm BAR BROADWAY jukebox requests 4pm BAR REVENGE DJ Fifilicious 9pm BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Fusion: DJ Peter Castle 11pm BULLDOG DJ V John 10pm; DJ Lil Alex 3am; karaoke 10pm CHARLES ST The Boys In The Bar: DJs Lil Alex, Grant Knowles, Leeroy 9pm DR BRIGHTONS Sexy Sat: DJ Tony B 9.30pm FUNKYFISH CLUB Old School Sat: DJ Aky 10pm LEGENDS BAR pre-club DJs 7pm PARIS HOUSE live jazz 4pm; TC’s Joyful Noise: DJ Kenny 9pm POISON IVY non-stop karaoke noon; Camp Attack: host Gloria Hole 7pm
QUEEN’S ARMS MacMillian Coffee Morning 11am; cabaret: Myra DuBois 9.30pm REVENGE Sweet Revenge: DJs Alex Baker & Trick 10.30pm ROYAL OAK cabaret: Topsie Redfurn 9.30pm SUBLINE Men’s Room: DJ Screwpulous 9pm ZONE cabaret: Sally Vate 9.30pm
(Rose Garden & Mitzi Macintosh) 7.30pm; Tranny Rock & Roll Bingo: Sally Vate 8.30pm LEGENDS BAR cabaret: Lola Lasagne 3.30pm POISON IVY non-stop karaoke with hosts noon; cabaret 5.30pm QUEEN’S ARMS cabaret: Drag With No Name 6pm SUBLINE Come in Your Pants: DJ N.U.D.E, underwear party 8pm THREE JOLLY BUTCHERS live jazz 4pm ZONE karaoke 6pm
BAR BROADWAY Big Showbiz Quiz: fundraiser for Rainbow Fund 8.30pm BAR REVENGE Quiz with Liz 8.30pm BULLDOG DJ Marcia’s Glitter Ball 10pm ENVY Studio 150: student night: DJ Ruby Roo 10pm LEGENDS BAR Miss Jason’s Monday
Madhouse 9.30pm MARINE TAVERN National Nuts Polker League 7.30pm POISON IVY Mile High Club: host Rita Lynn, non-stop karaoke 7pm
BAR BROADWAY Fireplace Sessions: live music, cabaret, comedy 8.30pm BAR REVENGE Wheel of Fortune Karaoke: Nathan or Lou Bag 8pm BULLDOG Reggae: DJ Micklos 9pm MARINE TAVERN Nat’s Quiz 9pm POISON IVY Super Sized Student: Miss DQ, karaoke, games & cabaret 7.30pm QUEEN’S ARMS cabaret: Sally Vate 9.30pm REVENGE Naughty Pop: DJs Trick & Dana 11pm ROYAL OAK Davina Sparkle’s School Night Challenge 8pm ZONE Betty Swollocks’ karaoke 8.30pm
BAR 7@CRAWLEY karaoke 6pm BAR BROADWAY pianist Mark Hodge 5pm BAR REVENGE acoustic music 4.30pm; Karaoke: Trick, Dana & Lou 7.30pm BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Pop!Candy: DJ Claire Fuller 11pm BULLDOG karaoke 9pm; DJ Grant 10pm CAMELFORD ARMS Raffle 5pm CHARLES ST cabaret: Bitchin’ Sync
ZONE BAR THREE JOLLY BUTCHERS ) ONE FOR THE DIARY Sat (6) is live blues & soul with The Informers at 9pm, free entry. ) Thur (11) is COMEDY night at 8pm, free entry. ) REGULARS Sun is the JAZZ ROAST at 4pm, free entry. ) FOOD served 12–3pm & 6–9pm, 2 burger meals £15. Sunday roast from 1pm. ) OPEN from 12pm on Mon–Sat, 1pm on Sun. Private function room available for parties, call 01273 608571. )
) ONE FOR THE DIARY Fri (19) is CABARET with Maisie Trollette at 9.30pm. ) REGULARS Tue is Betty Swollocks' KARAOKE at 8.30pm. ) Fri is live
entertainment at 9.30pm: Baga Chipz (5), tba (12), Dave Lynn (26). ) Sat entertainment at 9.30pm: Miss Jason (6), Sally Vate (13) & (27) and Tammy Twinkle (20). ) Sun CABARET at 6pm: Stone & Street (7) & (21), karaoke (14) & (28). ) DRINK DEALS all day and night Mon–Thur; 10am–6pm Fri–Sun. ) OPEN daily from 10am. )
BAKERS ARMS 77-79 Commercial Rd, BH2 5RT, TEL: 01202 555506 BAR VENTANA at CUMBERLAND HOTEL East Overcliff Dr, BH1 3AF, TEL: 01202 556529 BRANKSOME ARMS 152-154 Commercial Road, BH2 5LU, TEL: 01202 292254 DYMK 31 Poole Hill, BH2 5PW TEL: 01202 318566, Modern bar mixed-age clientele DRINK PROMOS: Mon, Tue, Wed & Fri all night FOOD: Tue free cheese platters from 5pm OPEN: Sun-Thur 3pm-1am; Fri & Sat 3pm2am SAUNABAR 140 Commercial Rd, BH2 5LU TEL: 01202 552654 2930 THE TRIANGLE CLUB 29-30 The Triangle, BH2 5SE TEL: 0845 496 2934, EASY TIGER 27 The Triangle, BH2 5SE TEL: 01202 554195, XCHANGE 4 The Triangle, BH2 5RY, TEL: 01202 294321
HAMPSHIRE BOULEVARD 1 Hampshire Terrace, Southsea TEL: 2392 297509 OLD VIC 104 St Paul’s Rd, Southsea TEL: 02392 297013, TROPICS SAUNA 2 Market Way, PO1 4BX TEL: 02380 296100, OPEN: 7 days a week from 11am
ISOBAR 100c St Mary’s St TEL: 02380 222028 Modern bar, decked garden LONDON HOTEL 2 Terminus Terr, SO14 3DT TEL: 02380 710652, Friendly bar with regular cabaret, DJs & food OPEN: Mon-Wed 12-11pm, Thur 12-12.30am, Fri & Sat 12-1.30am, Sun 12-11.30pm FOOD: Mon-Sat 12-3pm & Sun roasts 123.30pm DRINK PROMOS: Mon-Wed all day TITANIC Simnel St, SO14 2BE TEL: 023 8021 1879, OPEN: daily fom 12pm FOOD: Mon 12-3pm; Tue-Sat 12-3pm & 6-8.30pm; Sunday roast 12-3pm EDGE Compton Walk, SO14 0BH TEL: 02380 366163, Club with 2 floors & 3 bars PINK BROADWAY SAUNA 797/80 East St TEL: 02380 238804,
BOURNEMOUTH DYMK DJs Ami, Jay & Bailey PORTSMOUTH OLD VIC NUS night 7pm SOUTHAMPTON EDGE Bar 150: DJs & karaoke 10pm LONDON HOTEL Elsie Crumpet’s Inappropriate Bingo 8pm
BOURNEMOUTH DYMK Miss Jason’s Bona Balls Bingo with DJ Grace Lightning 8pm PORTSMOUTH HAMPSHIRE BLVD karaoke till 2am OLD VIC karaoke 8pm SOUTHAMPTON EDGE Pop!: DJ 11pm LONDON HOTEL Karaoke Cruising: Tammy Twinkle 8.30pm
BOURNEMOUTH DYMK Drag hostess & DJ Lucinda Lashes PORTSMOUTH HAMPSHIRE BLVD DJ till 3am SOUTHAMPTON EDGE Get Some: DJs 10pm LONDON HOTEL Fairylea: DJ Ruby Roo 9pm; cabaret: Dave Lynn 10.30pm
) ONE FOR THE DIARY Sun is SUNDAY SERVICE with Lea Martin & CJ’s
BROADWAY & WEST END & MUSICAL AFTERNOON at 3pm; DJ and hostess Cassie at 9pm; CABARET 10pm: Son of a Tutu (7), Lola Lasagne (14), P?nk (21) and Lady Imelda (28). ) REGULARS Mon is KARAOKE QUEENS with DJ Lucinda Lashes at 9pm. ) Wed is with DJs Ami, Jay & Bailey spinning house tunes. ) Thur is Miss Jason’s BONA BALLS BINGO with DJ Grace Lightning, a cash jackpot and free entry at 8pm. ) Fri is with a Drag Hostess and DJ Lucinda Lashes. ) Sat is with DJs spinning commercial pop and a video wall. ) DRINK DEALS Cheap drinks on Mon; Tue is WINE CLUB with complimentary cheese platters from 5pm; house spirits & mixer, shots & bombs & bottles of Carlsberg £1.99 all night on Wed. ) OPEN from 3pm-1am Sun–Thur; 3pm–2am Fri & Sat. )
BOURNEMOUTH DYMK DJs & video wall PORTSMOUTH HAMPSHIRE BLVD DJ till 3am OLD VIC DJs all night SOUTHAMPTON EDGE The Big One: DJs 10pm LONDON HOTEL Guilty Pleasures: DJ Neil Sackley + guest Sam Solace 10pm
OLD VIC karaoke 8pm SOUTHAMPTON EDGE Pop!: DJ 11pm LONDON HOTEL Karaoke Cruising: Tammy Twinkle 8.30pm
BOURNEMOUTH DYMK Sunday Service: Lea Martin & CJ 3pm; Drag DJ & hostess Cassie 9pm; cabaret: Son of a Tutu 10pm PORTSMOUTH HAMPSHIRE BLVD karaoke till 2am SOUTHAMPTON EDGE Pounded: DJ 11pm LONDON HOTEL Mary Mac’s Sun Market 8pm; cabaret: Topping & Butch 9.30pm
BOURNEMOUTH DYMK DJs Ami, Jay & Bailey PORTSMOUTH OLD VIC NUS night 7pm SOUTHAMPTON EDGE Bar 150: DJs & karaoke 10pm
BOURNEMOUTH DYMK Miss Jason’s Bona Balls Bingo with DJ Grace Lightning 8pm PORTSMOUTH HAMPSHIRE BLVD karaoke till 2am
BOURNEMOUTH DYMK Drag hostess & DJ Lucinda Lashes PORTSMOUTH HAMPSHIRE BLVD DJ till 3am SOUTHAMPTON EDGE Get Some: DJs 10pm LONDON HOTEL Fairylea: DJ Claire F 9pm; cabaret: Miss Jason 10.30pm
BOURNEMOUTH DYMK DJs Ami, Jay & Bailey PORTSMOUTH OLD VIC NUS night 7pm SOUTHAMPTON EDGE Bar 150: DJs & karaoke 10pm
BOURNEMOUTH DYMK DJs & video wall PORTSMOUTH HAMPSHIRE BLVD DJ till 3am OLD VIC DJs all night SOUTHAMPTON EDGE The Big One: DJs 10pm LONDON HOTEL Guilty Pleasures: DJ Lucinda Lashes 10pm
BOURNEMOUTH DYMK Miss Jason’s Bona Balls Bingo with DJ Grace Lightning 8pm PORTSMOUTH HAMPSHIRE BLVD karaoke till 2am OLD VIC karaoke 8pm SOUTHAMPTON EDGE Pop!: DJ 11pm LONDON HOTEL Karaoke Cruising: Tammy Twinkle 8.30pm
BOURNEMOUTH DYMK Sunday Service: Lea Martin & CJ 3pm; Drag DJ & hostess Cassie 9pm; cabaret: Wilma Fingerdo 10pm PORTSMOUTH HAMPSHIRE BLVD karaoke till 2am SOUTHAMPTON EDGE Pounded: DJ 11pm LONDON HOTEL Mary Mac’s Sun Market 8pm; cabaret: Rose Garden 9.30pm
BOURNEMOUTH DYMK Drag hostess & DJ Lucinda Lashes PORTSMOUTH HAMPSHIRE BLVD DJ till 3am SOUTHAMPTON EDGE Get Some: DJs 10pm LONDON HOTEL Fairylea: DJ Ruby Roo 9pm; cabaret: Connie Conway 10.30pm
BOURNEMOUTH DYMK DJs & video wall PORTSMOUTH HAMPSHIRE BLVD DJ till 3am OLD VIC DJs all night SOUTHAMPTON EDGE The Big One: DJs 10pm LONDON HOTEL Guilty Pleasures: DJ Lucinda Lashes 10pm
) ONE FOR THE DIARY Wed (3) is new monthly night Elsie Crumpet’s
INAPPROPRIATE BINGO at 8pm. ) REGULARS Thur is KARAOKE CRUISING with Tammy Twinkle at 8.30pm. ) Fri is FAIRYLEA with DJ Ruby Roo at 9pm, CABARET 10.30pm: Dave Lynn (5), guest DJ Claire F with Miss Jason (12), Connie Conway (19) and Mrs Moore (26). ) Sat is GUILTY PLEASURES with DJs at 8.30pm: Neil Sackley & guest Sam Solace (6), Lucinda Lashes (13) & (20), Tiny & guest Aaron Alexander (27). ) Sun is Mary Mac’s SUNDAY SERVICE at 8pm, followed by CABARET at 9.30pm: Topping & Butch (7), Rose Garden (14), Nan (21) and La Voix (28). ) FOOD new menu served Mon–Sat 12–3pm; Sunday lunch 12–3.30pm. ) DRINK DEALS 20% discount on all drinks Mon–Wed with some exceptions. ) OPEN daily from 12pm.
BOURNEMOUTH DYMK Sunday Service: Lea Martin & CJ 3pm; Drag DJ & hostess Cassie 9pm; cabaret: P?nk 10pm PORTSMOUTH HAMPSHIRE BLVD karaoke till 2am SOUTHAMPTON EDGE Pounded: DJ 11pm LONDON HOTEL Mary Mac’s Sun Market 8pm; cabaret: Nan 9.30pm
BOURNEMOUTH DYMK DJs Ami, Jay & Bailey PORTSMOUTH OLD VIC NUS night 7pm SOUTHAMPTON EDGE Bar 150: DJs & karaoke 10pm
BOURNEMOUTH DYMK Miss Jason’s Bona Balls Bingo with DJ Grace Lightning 8pm PORTSMOUTH HAMPSHIRE BLVD karaoke till 2am OLD VIC karaoke 8pm SOUTHAMPTON EDGE Pop!: DJ 11pm LONDON HOTEL Karaoke Cruising: Tammy Twinkle 8.30pm
BOURNEMOUTH DYMK Drag hostess & DJ Lucinda Lashes PORTSMOUTH HAMPSHIRE BLVD DJ till 3am SOUTHAMPTON EDGE Get Some: DJs 10pm LONDON HOTEL Fairylea: DJ Ruby Roo 9pm; cabaret: Mrs Moore 10.30pm
BOURNEMOUTH DYMK DJs & video wall PORTSMOUTH HAMPSHIRE BLVD DJ till 3am OLD VIC DJs all night SOUTHAMPTON EDGE The Big One: DJs 10pm LONDON HOTEL Guilty Pleasures: DJ Tiny + guest Aaron Alexander 10pm
BOURNEMOUTH DYMK Sunday Service: Lea Martin & CJ 3pm; Drag DJ & hostess Cassie 9pm; cabaret: Lady Imelda 10pm PORTSMOUTH HAMPSHIRE BLVD karaoke till 2am SOUTHAMPTON EDGE Pounded: DJ 11pm LONDON HOTEL Mary Mac’s Sun Market 8pm; cabaret: La Voix 9.30pm
ALBUMS Shhh! If you listen real close you can hear the sound of us, dear readers, doing one thing... a September sun dance. As summer ebbs we’re wishing for some last minute rays to complete a season of Pride wonders, terrace clubbing and seaside loving. Just one more glorious sunshine session will do. As will these late summer soundtrack bloomers.
) If its techno you are after head straight to Cocoon Compilation N on Cocoon for a fix that will keep you wiggling till Xmas. ) Speaking of the wiggle this month’s must haves include the stunning Wiggle for 20 Years on Wiggle as Terry Francis, Eddie Richards and Nathan Coles celebrate two decades with a compilation destined to hit the 2014 best of lists; and the addictive sounds of Nicolas Jaar’s label stable Other People Work on Other People. Never have the BPMs been quite as tasty as Jaar makes them. ) For the decent check out Get Lost VII mixed by Craig Richards on Crosstown Rebels. Oh boy is Craig the man! If you’re after a last blast of sunshine head to Hot Summer Jams on Hot Creations as they squeeze every last drop of summer goodness out of our favourite season. Enjoy.
) First up is Midtown from JAW & Friends on Circus Company. With its languishing beats and lazy days feel, this will keep you kicking back with style way into autumn. ) As will the extraordinary The Nancy Whang Casablanca Reworks on Gomma. With electro disco beats to die for this keeps the kool more than kooky. ) Increasing the beats and the heat this late summer is the divine house of Era Two Mixed By Noah Pred Catch Wildblood & Queenie at on Thoughtless DSD, Traumfrau and Radio Reverb Music. Compilations don’t get more corking than this.
DJ PROFILE: MISSY B Now that Pride has finished, don’t think it’s time to hang up your dancing shoes for another year. Not when the gorgeous Missy B is still behind the decks waiting to get your arses shaking anyway! This month Queenie caught up with the busy lady to find out where you can find her, what brings out the best in her and why there’s nothing wrong with a bit of Mr Sinatra… Where can we catch you DJing these days? Thursdays at FOMO @ Club Revenge, Brighton; Fridays at Slippery When Wet @ Hampshire Boulevard, Portsmouth; every other Saturday at Sweet Saturdays @ Escape Bar, Soho; Tuesdays at Twisted Tuesdays @ Three, Portsmouth; and guest DJ regularly at GSundays @ Chicago’s, Chelmsford. DJ style? Anything with a dirty bass-line, Old Skool Hip Hop and a good vocal house tune, then I’ll mash it all up to get the dancefloor pumping! Favourite tune ever? That’s got to be Double 99 Rip Groove. Reminds me of my good old vinyl garage days!!! Tune which always fills your dancefloor? Good Feeling by Flo Rider! Ultimate dream gig? I’d love to play alongside some of the big names at Global Gathering.
WILDBLOOD & QUEENIE’S SEPT TOP TEN ) GAY MARVINE Lost In Music (Original Mix) Solar From Fruit to Calabash via Sundae and DSD this rocked our Pride world. ) D.RAMIREZ & Guy Williams No Guarantees White Must have house of the class kind we can’t get enough of. ) SIDNEY CHARLES Hurricane Moda Black Dancefloor gold from Moda that insists on a sweaty wiggle. ) JUNIA Touche Magnetic Recordings DJ Sneak-approved house with jazz beats of the disco kind. Honest ) HIM_SELF_HER & K Fowkes Love You Like I Used To Crosstown Rebels She. Can. Do. No. Wrong. (Guess who we are smitten with?!) ) GREG PIDCOCK Connected People Culprit One day all house music will be this classy connected. ) MIDNIGHT MAGIC Night Flight Soul Clap Records One of the labels of 2014 deliver yet another sweet wonder ) JONNY CADE & Jonjo Williams Get Down Saints & Sonnets Since that Disco Deviant moment we’ve been hooked on Jonny ) MIDLAND Duster Aus Music Is there anyone putting the grit into house with more style right now? ) ARKA / SEVERAN You Got Me Blah Blah Blah Records The 3 Bs boys deliver a must hear chunky piano wonder. Nice.
Tune you wish you’d never played? At the time I thought it’d be a great idea to play a bit of Whitney Houston I Wanna Dance With Somebody. About thirty seconds into the song a young lad came running up to the DJ booth sobbing his heart out trying to tell me he’d been to his grandmother’s funeral earlier in the day and that this was her song... I felt SO bad (gulp) Guilty pleasure? I LOVE Frank Sinatra - I’ve Got You Under My Skin etc, and anything Rat Pack or big band. Hee hee… sad but true! Best ever gig? Recently I had the amazing opportunity to play a set in the Women’s Dance Tent at Brighton Pride. I had such an incredible time and the atmosphere was electric. I’ve never been so complimented in my life. It makes me very humble and I realise how lucky I am to have one of the best jobs ever! Tell us a secret? I’m actually not very confident and pretty shy too, but as soon as I step behind the decks I become a whole different person. Music brings out the best in me!
MISSY B’S CURRENT TOP 5 TUNES ) OLIVER HELDENS ft Becky Hill Gecko (Overdrive) Musical Freedom ) R KELLY Bump & Grind (Begged Borrowed & Stolen remix) Whit ) SECOND CITY I Wanna Feel (Alex Ross Remix) Strictly Rhythm ) IGGY AZALEA ft Charli XCX Fancy Virgin/EMI ) JESS GLYNNE Right Here Atlantic
Whilst this year sees the Dark Knight celebrating his landmark 75th anniversary, next year will see another character celebrate the same anniversary: The Flash, the fastest man alive! Often nicknamed the Crimson Comet and the Scarlet Speedster all versions of The Flash possess super speed and all apart from the first derive their powers from the extra dimensional energy known as the Speed Force.
Whilst The Flash hasn't appeared in many games the Scarlet Speedster does have some titles under his belt. Most of them are fighting games as when you have a superhero game what else do you do but make them fight eh? In nearly all of his appearances it's been Barry Allen under the mask keeping true to his statement as the fastest man alive. So let's dig into the games you have to play if you want to experience the Speed Force at your fingertips! ) Possibly one of the best fighting games of the past few years, INJUSTICE: GOD AMONG US, lets you become your favourite hero or villain and kick seven bells out of each other. The Flash is well represented by being the fastest character in the game whose standing animation shows the Speed Force coursing through his body causing him to never be able to stand still. Whilst all of his attacks feature him dashing everywhere on the screen, it’s in his super move, a punch with a run up that takes him right round the world, that his power really shines through. ) After the huge success of Raven software’s X-Men Legends series, DC Comics and Snowblind Studios created their own co-operative team playing action game, JUSTICE LEAGUE HEROES. The game features most of the best known superheroes from the DC Universe, such as Superman, Green Lantern and Wonder Woman as well as The Flash, but it’s the spin off that was released on the Gameboy Advance that any Flash fan should check out. This platformer fills in the gaps to cover what the Flash (Wally West this time around) was up to whilst the other League members were on missions in the main game. It received positive reviews from fans and critics alike and is a fun action game. ) Finally we have INFINITE CRISIS which is a forthcoming free to play multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) video game which entered its open beta this March and takes its name from the 2005–2006 storyline written by now famous comics supremo Geoff Johns. If you don’t know what a MOBA game is then let me enlighten you: You control a character on one of two opposing teams where the goal is to destroy the opposite team’s major structure. Once that is done your team wins and then basically rinses and repeat! With the multiverse at risk, heroes and villains battle it out to save their Worlds from the threat of destruction. Featuring many different characters and various worlds, such as Arcane Earth, Atomic Earth and Nightmare Earth, the game has a huge amount of choice and variation. Of course the game features different versions of the Justice League which includes Batman, Superman and our focus: The Flash. His moves are based totally around the Speed Force and he is great fun to play as, as well as giving you the advantage of speed to get through your enemies and reach the goal in the shortest time possible.
Created way back in 1940 by Gardner Fox and Harry Lampert he first appeared in Flash Comics #1. The first Flash was Jay Garrick who was the only one to bear the identity right up until 1956 when DC reinvented a lot of their older characters giving them new origins and histories. The new Flash was Barry Allen who is considered to be the first hero of the silver age of comics and the greatest Flash who ever lived, died and came back to life again! Since Barry there have been two other Scarlet Speedsters; Wally West who was The Flash for 20 years and also Bart Allen who is Barry’s grandson from the future. In celebration of both The Flashes’ upcoming anniversary, and the new TV series starting next month, let’s take a look back at the greatest Flash stories ever committed to paper. ) CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS Originally published in 1985, the storyline was a 12-issue maxi series that was DC Comics’ way to simplify its 50 year-old continuity. The series saw the death of two major superheroes - Supergirl and the second Flash, Barry Allen. As the only person able to travel between other universes at will The Flash was a major thorn in the side of the big bad of the series: The AntiMonitor. After being imprisoned by and then escaping from the AntiMonitor’s clutches, Allen dies by creating a vortex to draw in the power of an anti-matter cannon. The power is too much for his body and Barry dies a hero saving the world, but not before travelling back in time to become the lightning bolt that originally gave him his super powers. Crisis on Infinite Earths is such an important event in the DC Universe that continuity is usually split into two periods being either pre or post-crisis, until the new 52 happened anyway. ) FLASHPOINT, written by comics superstar Geoff Johns, is a crossover event from 2011 that led to the DC Universe being rebooted and re- launched as the New 52. Flashpoint is an altered DC Universe in which only Barry Allen and a few others seem to be aware of significant differences between the regular timeline and the altered one, including Cyborg's place as a world class hero and founding member of the Justice League and a Thomas Wayne version of Batman who spends his nights fighting crime and facing off against his arch enemy and wife Martha as the Joker of this timeline. Flashpoint is exciting, full of twists and a brilliant read for any Flash fan.
) Ice Lolly Lights - 12 battery-operated fairy lights, £19.95 (Edited, 3 Gardner Street, Brighton, 01273 604006,
) Flat Cat Cushion, £35 (Junkfunk, 27 Gloucester Road, Brighton, 01273 680555)
) LASC Polo Shirts, £35.95; Jewellery from £14.99 (Prowler, 112-113 St James's Street, Brighton, 01273 683680)
) Forest Glass, £5.95 (in-house space, 28 Gloucester Road, Brighton, 01273 682845)
) Silicone Egg Chair, £6 (Present in the Laine, 34 Gardner Street, Brighton, 01273 607695)
) Pineapple Centrepiece, £23.99 (England at Home, 22b Ship Street, Brighton, 01273 205544)
58 GSCENE and you have to be on top of your topical game and tell stories and jokes that compete with Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Television is different – you could tell a gag related to the TV schedule as there were only four channels, now there are 404 and it’s tough to keep on top of what might be trending that week. The venues are different too. Improved equality means that there is a large straight contingent in the crowd these days, a much wider gender mix and whilst I welcome everyone into an audience, sometimes bars identify as gay, but really they are straight bars that are gay friendly. It requires a different approach. That said I refuse to dumb down the act and throw in the current song by Little Mix and the like.” Why not? “Because I don’t want to!” (laughs)
After 25 years as Lola Lasagne, Stephen Richards talks to Craig Hanlon-Smith about his life as the Brighton Belle. ) 2014 marks 25 years of Stephen Richards’ stepping out on the cabaret circuit as Lola Lasagne. In September Lola returns to the venue where it all began, The Vauxhall Tavern, for an anniversary marking performance. I caught up with Stephen to talk the highlights, low-spots and the significance of Lola’s very own Silver Jubilee - we cried a little but we laughed a lot.
daunting. I still feel that when other acts are in today. No-one enjoys a bad gig and the last thing you need is for another act to tell everyone they saw you die on your arse (roars with laughter), that’s why I’m really honest about my gigs, if I have a blast I’ll tell my friends, if it’s a stinker I’ll tell them that too. I’d rather it came from me!”
I began by asking Stephen to share his memories of that first gig 25 years ago... “June 7 marks the actual date that I was first paid to perform as Lola. I had been originally booked to play The Two Brewers some nights later but when an act dropped out The Vauxhall (Tavern) asked me to step in. It was a fitting beginning really as when I was at school we used to walk past The Vauxhall on our way to the playing fields. Other kids used to say to me ‘You’ll be going in there Richards when you’re old enough’. They were half right, and I certainly spent more time in The Vauxhall than I did in The Oval Cricket Ground!” (laughs)
How did those gigs come about? Were you just chancing your arm? “I’d been ‘doing’ drag for more than two years before that. I used to work behind the bar at The Brewers and I remember dragging up for Halloween, my mum’s name was Rosemary so I guess I went as Rosemary’s baby! I also fell into an unofficial residency at The Royal Oak in Hammersmith. Dolly DJ in his blouson and high legged tight shorts regularly used to throw show tunes into his Sunday night set, I used to sing along and one night he asked me to attend the amateur drag night the following Tuesday. I did. I was the only contestant (laughs) and remained so every Tuesday for the next two years! The gigs came on the back of that but in those days I was a lip-synching artist, the live work came soon after.”
Can you remember how those first gigs felt? “I was shit scared. These venues were legendary entertainment venues. I’d seen Adrella, Lily Savage, Dave Lynn and The Trollettes perform and I knew that most artists also hung out there on their nights off so to walk out on stage and see Paul O’Grady, Pink Gin, Sandra Hush, Ebony and The Misdemeanours, all incognito at the bar was
What do you think are the changes both on the gay and drag scene in the last 25 years? “The scene has changed because the world has changed and for all of us the audience demographic is quite different. It used to be that your audience came out for a show and were there to listen and be respectful of whoever was on stage – that’s not always the case now. The audiences are much younger
What constitutes a ‘good’ gig? “I just enjoy putting on a show. Knowing where to place a particular song, gag, story and knowing when you get out there whether it’s an audience that will respond to more chat, less gags or more songs. I’ve never been interested in knowing beforehand how busy a venue is – even when I’ve worked on straight plays and panto. Some performers when they arrive at the stage door, the first thing they ask is ‘is it a full house?’ For me, every audience large or small deserves the same approach. I’ve played wellestablished cabaret venues and stepped on stage to a crowd of eleven and stormed it – we’ve had a great show together for an hour and twenty minutes. On other occasions in the same venue, it can be packed to the rafters; the crowd are not in the mood so you do your forty minutes and then off. You have to judge it.” What has changed for Lola in 25 years? “In the past few years I’ve performed as Stephen in a role outside Lola. I was approached to do stand-up at comedy camp as Stephen, which I loved, for the past two years I’ve been an Ugly Sister in panto and this coming season in
“Heckle me and you die - if I wanted a double act I’d be in one”
GSCENE 59 Worthing as Widow Twankey in Aladdin. I adored The Boys in the Band (The Theatre Royal) and Diamond (Dome Studio) and really have Dave Lynn to thank for those two opportunities. Dave was asked if he knew nine actors that could then do drag and said ‘I can do better than that, I know nine drag queens that can act’ and I loved those shows, especially as I’ve had no formal training as some will happily tell you who’ve watched me perform for 25 years.” (laughs – he laughs a lot) (I take a deep breath and pull down my visor for the next question). You have a reputation for a no nonsense approach both to your act as Lola and also to issues which affect us all, which in turn may be described as honest, brazen, and perhaps confrontational. Why don’t you just mind your Ps & Qs and get on with it? “Whether I’m working in a theatre, an established cabaret venue or a ramshackle apology of a pub standing on an orange crate, IT IS A SHOW; heckle me and you die - if I wanted a double act I’d be in one. Don’t walk across the stage mid-performance as though we’re not there; don’t talk louder than the backing track; it’s not a competition; and I’m sorry, is my performance interfering with your consumption of Jaegar Bombs? No, just no. I was brought up going to the theatre and cinema where you sit, watch and respect the artist, I don’t think that’s too much to ask.” And as for issues that matter? “I couldn’t not use my time on stage to promote and support them. If you’re performing at a charity gig you should at least know what the charity is and who we are collecting for, it’s about so much more than just throwing cash in a bucket. We live in an appalling world at times and whilst there is dark humour to be found in everything and some gags can be close to the mark, hopefully I know enough about my craft to hit the right
“When I was 18 sex with another man was illegal, Section 28 was in full swing and as a community we were persecuted, but in those days we truly looked out for each other.” tone and differentiate between when I’m entertaining and when I’m making a serious point. “Take our recent Pride shows; Pride is such an important event where irrespective of gender, identity, race, age we are coming together to say ‘we are equal in the world as human beings’, it’s not about shouting ‘I’m gay and I’m proud’ it’s about being a fellow human. I genuinely am upset by inequality, I just do not understand it. When the cabaret tent closed at the end of Pride this year, a young woman came up to me and said ‘you’re one of the few acts who speaks about what Pride is about’ and I was thrilled to get that feedback. “My career started in the middle of the AIDS pandemic in 1989 and I am lucky to be alive unlike so many others that I knew. When I was 18 just to have sex with another man was illegal, Section 28 was in full swing and as a community we were persecuted, but in those days we truly looked out for each other. “All the venues I played in my early gigs were constantly raising money for St Thomas’ and St Mary’s hospitals, London Lighthouse and The Globe Centre. Adrella, Savage, Maisie & Jimmy, Regina were all great advocates for raising funds to help those with AIDS and HIV and my career started in the midst of all that. “I remember when it was discovered that most of the money raised was being spent on (albeit essential) admin. It was the drag artists who made a point of saying ‘this money is not for paper, it’s for people’. We started asking the hospitals and support centres to name equipment that would help improve people’s lives or just their last few days. It may have been a defibrillator but sometimes a colour TV for the day room, and so we then raised money to buy those specific life enhancing things for people. Always about the people. So when I stand on stage and at the end of my show and ask the audience that whatever they might do please do it safely, I mean it.”
What have been your career highlights from the last 25 years? “There have been highs and lows, (laughs) but what I’m most proud of is building the Pride Cabaret stage into what it now is at Brighton Pride. People come to the Cabaret Tent and stay there all day, rain or shine we are packed, IT IS OUR MAIN STAGE and everyone in that tent is listening to every word, every note and watching every theatrical wink. Cabaret is an important part of our lives and I am proud of making that event exactly what it should be. “Growing up when I did, starting my career when I did and working with all those great cabaret performers on that scene and in those venues. Of course I’m proud of lasting this long but I’m proud of having been able to start then, and like that. I used to work with a woman in Selfridges and who was quite a bit older than me and she was always saying that her husband fought in the war for me and that I wasn’t grateful. At the time I was young and quite dismissive of her but now I understand. I look out at some audiences and I’m proud to have fought in our war. If it wasn’t for people my age and older and all those other acts I’ve mentioned, younger gay people wouldn’t have this freedom and the opportunities they now enjoy. We helped people to overcome their fears and to be themselves.”
INFO ) Stephen Richards appears at The Vauxhall Tavern on Thursday, September 25 in a Comedy Roast of Lola Lasagne in aid of THT. ) Stephen appears as Widow Twankey in Aladdin at The Connaught Theatre, Worthing, December 5 2014 to January 4 2015. ) @misslolalasagne ) @craigscontinuum
60 GSCENE attention, so it meant a lot to be recognised as a good singer, a good performer with a great bunch of musicians in my band playing great songs and not just be seen as an ageing 1980s pop star. I was bowled over by it.” You were enormously successful in the late 1980s and early 1990s and in recent years you’ve come back into the spotlight. In the less successful periods how to do you maintain a degree of faith in yourself and what you do? “The simple answer is that although I do try to maintain faith in myself, I don’t always succeed but I’m getting a bit better at it. It’s a hard business. Even though T’Pau sold millions of records around the world the UK music press didn’t like us. Music is fashionable and fickle and we were never considered cool. That has always stuck with me and I can have bouts of low self-esteem and insecurity about what I do and therefore who I am as I have let my work define me. Therefore if fame and success are validating you can feel invalid when it goes away.
NOT SUCH FRAGILE DREAMS AFTER ALL The pleasure and pain of Carol Decker by Craig Hanlon-Smith
) T’Pau, fronted by the vivacious Carol Decker, shot to fame in the late 1980s with a string of Top 40 hits, most notably Valentine, Heart & Soul, China In Your Hand and I Will Be With You. The accompanying multi-million selling album, Bridge Of Spies, earned a string of BRIT award nominations in 1988 and brought Carol and the band chart success all over Europe and in the USA. But in early 1992, with the pressures of continuous touring, promotion, creative differences with their management and one another, T’Pau came to a grinding halt. Carol’s 13 year personal relationship with creative partner Ron Rogers went the way of the band and it seemed T’Pau would be no more. Carol continued to perform both as a solo artist and under the name T’Pau with TV appearances and a West End theatre run, and by the midnoughties had re-kindled her creative partnership with Rogers both in the studio and on stage as a mainstay on the Rewind and Here & Now tours. Last year saw Decker and Rogers embark on a successful 25th anniversary tour and 2014 sees the band return to the studio with an imminent collection of new material (Pleasure & Pain) and an accompanying autumn tour with a Brighton date in October. I recently caught up with Carol during a break in between recording sessions and asked what were her personal highlights of the #T'Pau25 anniversary tour? “I felt at times that I’d bitten off more than I could chew. I had to get an au pair for the first time ever and was nervous about leaving my kids even though they were they were 10 and 15 and up for it. The first au pair handed in notice abruptly and left us in a panicky lurch half way through the tour. The second, a crazy French student, was adorable, full of fun, loved the kids, we could have kept her forever – although being only 19 herself she didn't tidy her room or wash up much! “The stand out gig was the Isle Of Wight Festival. We packed out the Big Top Tent, did a 45 minute set and everyone loved it! John Giddings the promoter told me ‘You were fantastic Carol’. I was very proud. I have to say I enjoyed all the shows, feedback from the audience was incredible and the theatres are so beautiful inside. Richard, my husband, was tour managing the band but sadly Richard's father died in May. When we played King’s Theatre Southsea, I dedicated China In Your Hand to him.” The tour had great reviews (your London show in November ‘critics’ choice’) how important is a positive 'nod' from the official critics? “I just get on and do my thing now, no longer expecting that sort of
“I’m not alone, it’s common for performers to have insecure personalities, need approval and struggle with harsh criticism. I certainly do. I’d love to be a worthy, deep musician motivated only by my work but I’m a peacock and I gotta show my feathers! I think I wrote some good songs on The Promise and Red (third and fourth albums released in 1991 and 1998) but no one else in the ‘industry’ seemed to agree with me so I stopped writing and just sang the old hits for years. I am trying to get more confident in my old age!” You're about to release an album of new material. Why now? “We wanted to. My creative brain has been dormant for a long time and I just got on with the live side of things and didn't think that it was worth recording again - who would care? But on the tour we sold so many albums after the shows when I did the meet and greets and signed so much merchandise that we thought ‘Hey! let’s give everyone a new album on the next tour’. We completed seven backing tracks at Ronnie's studio in Monmouth and went back at the end of June to do a load more. I’ve themed the songs around the Pleasure & Pain (name of the new album and tour) of relationships of all kinds. Our emotional life is always a great source of inspiration for me, it’s what makes us tick. There is a balance of moods in the songs; rock, groove tracks, ballads, a range to make it an interesting record, I hope!”
“I quite like Miley Cyrus, she’s a strong performer, she’s cool, edgy, I just don’t think she needs to do the porn pop thing and even my 11-year-old son is sick of Miley’s crotch antics” Late last year there was quite a lot of press attention given to the advice offered to Miley Cyrus by the elder stateswomen of pop, Sinead O'Connor and Annie Lennox. What role do you think those who have been there and done ‘it’ can play in supporting the current generation of pop/rock starlets? “When I was younger I exploited my looks, but I showed silhouette not flesh. I think you saw my knickers in the Heart & Soul Video when I twirled but they were BIG knickers and that's all you saw! Pouted a little but that was it. Let's not be naïve, people are visual. One’s image is part of what you do, whether it's looking attractive or creating characters like David Bowie. People like to look at you as well as listen to you and I get that the business exploits that. As far back as Josephine Baker and much more recently (for example) Madonna, women have been using their bodies to sell. I think it's all about crossing a line between being sassy, provocative, courageously individual and saying ‘I’ll do what I want with my image as it’s mine and not yours’. That can be a strong feminist statement.
GSCENE 61 “Where is that line though? And haven't we seen this all before? Is Miley doing anything different to Madonna who pretended to masturbate on stage? I quite like Miley Cyrus, she’s a strong performer, she's cool, edgy, I just don't think she needs to do the porn pop thing and even my 11-year-old son is sick of Miley's crotch antics. “Here is where the line stops for me, embodied perfectly in the singer Pink. She’s attractive, has a great body and wears revealing outfits that show off her strong athletic physique but she’s not whoring it. Her image is important and she’s sexy and sassy; she’s an ace performer, gymnast, trapeze artist, but mostly she’s a f****ing great singer and song writer; she has true feminine power. I admire Pink and whilst I see Miley's talent, as I’m sure Sinead does too, I do not admire her.” You and Gary Barlow had a small Twitter spat following comments he made about your singing on X-Factor. What kind of a judge would you be on such talent shows? On the rare occasions that I watch those kinds of shows (I’m so over them) I can, from the safety and comfort of my armchair, be quite straight forward, so I think I’d be like Simon Cowell. I wouldn’t ever want to be cruel but I can’t see the point in misleading someone into a sense of misguided hope in an industry that’s hard even for those with genuine talent.” Will you be tweeting Gary and giving him your tax accountant's phone number? “Hahahaha! Gary is so stinking rich and to take an OBE from the Queen when you know you are being wide with her tax man is hypocritical to say the least. Interestingly I have been told that Simon Cowell pays every penny of his taxes so I wonder how that sat with him. Like most people I know I do everything I can to maximise my expenses and minimise my taxes within the law. I am forever checking with my accountant that I am writing off as much as I legitimately can. I want as much of my earnings in my pocket as possible. “I’ve also been told in the past about these companies that appear to invest in projects like movies but never make any money as a tax writeoff. I’m not clever enough to keep up with all the deceit but as it turns out neither is Gary or his accountant!” What advice would you give to young Carol Decker? “Have confidence in yourself. You have good ideas so don't believe everything everyone says and stop taking on the opinion of the last person you spoke to! Try not to get so angry or upset and keep your own counsel. STOP putting your life on hold for a man. And stop getting pissed and acting like an arse. All of the above still apply to the older Carol Decker.” At your recent London gig, there seemed to be a sizeable gay following in your audience. Is that a recent development? “That would be one for the gays to answer although I’ve always had gay and lesbian fans follow the band down the years. I like to think it’s because they connect with my lyrics in songs like Secret Garden, Heart & Soul and China in Your Hand but I think it may be more the high heels and fabulous big hair! Seriously though, I don’t want to speak for anyone but gay people do seem to identify with very strong women. Is it a connection with a feminine side or do they identify with the hard road a successful woman may have had to travel? I’ve often felt like the outsider and maybe my gay fans sense that and identify with me. Or perhaps they just like the songs! Over to the gays, why do you like T’Pau?”
INFO ) Carol Decker and T’Pau play Komedia Brighton on October 22, with shows in London on October 23 & 24, and Redhill on October 30. Details and full tour schedule from ) Pleasure & Pain plus the live album #T’Pau25 are released later in the year. ) @CarolDecker ) @CraigsContinuum
DESPERATELY SEEKING... ...MadEd Theatre wants you! ) MadEd Theatre is looking to develop a play, for performance at The Brighton Festival in 2015/2016, that addresses the concerns of the older gay community. The theatre performance is intended to fit the genre of 'Verbatim Theatre' which takes the words of real life stories and situations and then fits them around a dramatic frame for performance. Stories are not changed or enhanced, but a range of material edited together across the same theme. The working title of the project is currently My Old Man and we are looking for any contributions from a range of backgrounds across all genders and identities including some from the 40 - 60 age bracket, but mainly the over 60s. We are happy to come and talk to a group of interested potential participants, or meet with contributors one to one. We cannot, of course, guarantee that if you tell us your story we will use it, but we promise to treat the stories you share respectfully and not pass these on to any parties outside the creative partnership of MadEd Theatre. ) Craig Hanlon-Smith (the main writer behind the project) has worked extensively across Fringe Theatre and written, produced and performed work in London, Edinburgh and Brighton. Craig has contributed articles for Gscene magazine for more than ten years in Brighton and can be contacted at or
Kings Road, Brighton Box office: 0844 847 1515 ) LEE EVANS: MONSTERS (Aug 26–Sep 1). This is Lee’s new show bringing his manic energy, uncanny observations, hilarious delivery and side-splitting material. 'The must see comedy event of the autumn' Daily Telegraph; 'Stand-up doesn't get much bigger' Evening Standard. ) THE SATURDAYS (Sat 20). The all-girl group bring their Greatest Hits Live UK Tour to Brighton.
) IT'S ONLY A WAY I'VE GOT (Sat 13). Fenton Gray's hilarious and eclectic cabaret programme will feature songs by Noël Coward, Ivor Novello, Gilbert & Sullivan, Charles Miller and many more, culminating in an Old Time Music Hall selection featuring songs made famous by Fenton's Great Grandfather, Music Hall comedian Dan Crawley. ) CLOCK (Mon 15–Tue 16). A onewoman show starring Lucy Mepsted. Stacie is trapped in an abusive relationship. Seeking a way out, she forms an attachment to David, who seems to offer her everything she needs. David, however, is not what he seems and
Bee’s Mouth, 10 Western Rd, Hove omotions ) Frockabilly presents DIABLO (9pm-2am, Sat 6). Climb through the looking-glass into a world of strange and wonderful pleasures with a monthly night of devilishly good rockabilly with DJ Lonesome M (Frockabilly/Honey Hush/Dixie Fried), at one of the quirkiest venues in town! A kooky, spooky bar and a great place for a latenight rendezvous. Drink in the
88 London Road, Brighton ) THE SPACE (Thu 11). A unique, quarterly, Brighton-based entertainment and arts event hosted by Lisa Holloway with exclusive special guest interviews. This month The Space presents interviews with leading screenwriter William Nicholson and Stanley Kubrick’s producer Jan Harlan.
Stacie’s dream of finding happiness, love and stability seems likely to go unrealised. Clock is a bitter black comedy about the pain and compromise which lurks beneath every relationship, and the resilience of the human spirit. ) LAMENT FOR LORCA (Thu 18). Leading Flamenco dance company Cancion Gitana have created a new and unique dance biography of CANCION GITANA
honeyed nectar and see where it all takes you... First Saturday of every month. Free entry. Expect to hear throat-tearin', foot-stompin' rockabilly and rockin' blues boppers played at a pleasantly loud volume. ) FROCKABILLY RADIO SHOW with DJ Lonesome M, is Brighton's only rockabilly radio show, on air at 7pm every Wednesday. Why not take an hour out of your day to listen to some foot-stompin’, wangy-twangy rockabilly? You might just like it…
) alt-J (Tue 23). The group will be playing material from This Is All Yours, the highly anticipated follow-up to their million-selling Mercury Prize-winning debut record, An Awesome Wave. ) LEE MACK: HIT THE ROAD MACK (Sat 27–Sun 28). The multi-award winning star of Not Going Out and Would I Lie To You?, Lee Mack performs his trademark brand of high energy banter, well-crafted gags and sharp one-liners. 'Gut-bustingly funny' The Sunday Times.
Gardner St, Brighton ) BENT DOUBLE (Sun 7). An irreverent night of fun and frolics hosted by Zoe Lyons (Mock The Week and Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow). Headliner
the brief, extraordinary, life of the remarkable poet. In a 110 minute spectacular of 16 scenes with many costume changes, narration and dramatic poetry in Spanish and English, projections and striking lighting, Cancion Gitana create a Flamenco dance theatre performance of a kind very rarely seen on UK stages, a passionate and dramatic re-telling of the life and death of an artist, a man destroyed by savage forces as the country he loved was torn apart.
Dana Alexander, the fierce and very funny Canadian is joined by Aaron Twitchen, ‘Twitchen has an amazing stage presence‘ Broadway Baby; and Aisling Bea, 2012 winner of the prestigious So You Think You're Funny competition.
Manchester St, Brighton, Box office: ) HAVE A WORD (Wed 24). An evening of LGBT arts, performance, spoken word and music events.
literary salon and founder of The Polari First Book Prize.
Unit 25a Regent Studios, 8 Andrews Road, London E8 4QN,; ) Beginning with the furthest afield, one of my works is in a show, DETAIL, which explores painting at the Transition Gallery in London in its second venue change of three touring spaces. Having originated in Bangkok at the H-Space Gallery, and culminating at The Usher Gallery in Lincoln, the exhibition presents 118 close-ups from paintings by an international selection of contemporary artists. Curated by Andrew Bracey, it also includes details from works by Eleanor Moreton, Clem Crosby, Gordon Cheung, Alli Sharma, Fiona Rae, Alexis Harding, Miho Sato, Sigrid Holmwood and more.
Wagner Hall, Russell Place, Brighton, Box office: ) TRAUMFRAU LATE SUMMER BACKYARD FESTIVAL (7.30pm, Sat 13). A garden of blooming performances and feral disco presented by Traumfrau and Pink Fringe. There is no better end to your summer than one last night of wild dancing outdoors. Expect ) POLARI CREATIVE WRITING a dreamy festival-like party with a WORKSHOP (1pm, Thu 25) ties in dancefloor in the main hall and a with the evening performance, led yurt bar, live and interactive art, by authors Paul Burston and VG performances, stalls and food in Lee, and is an opportunity to the garden. Performers include write about your life and who you Bryony Kimmings, The Royal are. Through a series of writing Society for the Pursuit of Love exercises, VG Lee will help you Birds, Project O, Hanna Murphy. kick-start your own personal Entry: £7/£9. monologue. Author and journalist, Paul Burston is on hand to give advice on performing your work in public and ‘getting published’. The workshop will end with a Q&A. VG Lee is a critically-acclaimed comedian and author, her most recent novel, Always You, Edina was chosen as Stonewall’s Book of the Month in 2012. Lee also writes regularly for The Lady Magazine. Paul Burston is an award-winning author, journalist and editor, whose books include Shameless, Lovers & Losers and The Gay Divorcee. Host of Polari LGBT
Devonshire Park, College Road, Eastbourne, BN21 4JJ ) TIGHT MODERN (Sep 20–Oct 7), showcases outstanding work by 60 marginalised and disabled artists. A miniature replica (9ft x 5ft with 12ft high chimney) of London’s iconic Tate Modern, which has toured exhibitions to great acclaim in recent years, is probably the world’s smallest temporary art gallery. The Tight Modern exhibitions are hugely popular despite or because of their meager scale, having previously attracted over 2,500 visitors in just one weekend, when the project visited Brighton Fringe.
96 North Rd, Brighton, ) A solo show in a local flourishing gallery by Carne Griffiths entitled Origins (Sep 6–Oct 5). Originally from Liverpool, Carne’s early influences included the animated work of the Brothers Quay, the drawn works of Andre Masson, Paul Klee and Leonardo Da Vinci as well as the outsider influence of artists such as Adolf Wolfli, Scottie Wilson, Henry Darger and the drawings of Antonin Artaud. On moving to London he served an apprenticeship at the longestestablished gold wire embroidery firm in the world. Here he worked as a gold wire embroidery designer for twelve years, eventually becoming the creative director producing intricate designs for the military and the film, theatre, fashion and advertising industries. Prestigious clients included HRH the Prince of Wales, the Sultan of Oman, Ralph Lauren, Tom Ford, Asprey, Chanel, Burberry and many of London's Savile Row tailors. Since establishing his own studio in 2010, Carne has exhibited in the UK at the London Original Print Fair at the Royal Academy, the London Art Fair in both 2011 and 2012, and overseas at Urban in Ibiza in 2011 and Arts After Dark, New Orleans in 2010. He also completed a collaboration with the British photographer Rankin for a feature in the second edition of Hunger Magazine in early 2012.
4 Princes St, Brighton ) POLARI LITERARY SALON (Thu 25). London’s award-winning LGBT literary salon began life in November 2007 in the upstairs room of a bar in Soho. Monthly events at the Southbank Centre feature the best in established and emerging queer literary talent. Hosted by author Paul Burston, this special event for Brighton is part of a national Polari tour supported by Arts Council England and features Neil Bartlett, VG Lee, John McCullough, VA Fearon and Jill Gardiner.
This month I have three creative offerings to tempt you with, from the local to those which demand a bit more travel.
New Road, Brighton Box office: 08448 717 650 ) THE MAN JESUS (Tue 16). Simon Callow stars in a play which looks back 2,000 years to witness key moments in the life of ‘the man Jesus’, through the eyes of the people who knew him.
Dir: Matthew Warchus Stars: Bill Nighy, Dominic West, Andrew Scott Plot: UK gay and lesbian activists work to help miners during their lengthy strike of the National Union of Mineworkers in the summer of 1984. Word on net: “Film is so warmhearted, its themes of friendship and mutual respect so resonant, that few will begrudge its heightened moments.” ) “Impossible not to smile or be moved during this film and it manages to mostly avoid schmaltzy cliches thanks to its performances.” ) “Not the most challenging or complex film in Cannes, but it was the one that moved us the most.”
Dir: Jean-Pierre Dardenne, Luc Dardenne Stars: Marion Cotillard, Fabrizio Rongione, Pili Groyne Plot: The film follows Sandra, a young woman assisted by her husband, who has only one weekend to convince her
colleagues to give up their bonuses so she can keep her job. Word on net: “The emotional impact is overwhelming, a tearful experience.” ) “Specialists in unvarnished intimacy, the Dardenne brothers add another clear-eyed contemplation of stark social reality to their impressive output.” ) “The directors take on a movie star and lose none of their beautifully observed verisimilitude in another powerhouse slice of working-class Belgian life.” ) “Has enough moral shading to prevent it becoming a tract, and tied up with an ethical conundrum so dripping with juice, the usherettes should have been handing out bibs.”
THE GRAND SEDUCTION Dir: Don McKellar Stars: Taylor Kitsch, Brendan Gleeson, Liane Balaban
Plot: The small harbor of Tickle Cove is in dire need of a doctor so that the town can land a contract to secure a factory which will save the town from financial ruin. Word on net: “Movie equivalent of a warm blanket.” ) “Warmhearted and, thanks to Gleeson, laugh-outloud funny.” ) “Mawkish moments and way too long, but still a very sweet movie, skillfully made and charmingly told.” ) “McKellar confuses hokum for charm almost as often as he mistakes stupidity for cleverness... it's meant to tug at the heart, but merely sets the eyes rolling.”
Plot: Nils snow ploughs the wild winter mountains of Norway, and is recently awarded Citizen of the Year. When his son is murdered for something he did not do, Nils wants revenge. Word on net: “Bitter, bloody treat for the black of heart.” ) “As the jokes land with increasingly heavy thuds the film's minuses quickly outnumber its plusses.” ) “Director pitches the material perfectly, with blacker than black comedy standing in stark contrast to the snow-covered landscapes.”
Dir: Jake Kasdan Stars: Jason Segel, Cameron Diaz, Rob Corddry Plot: A married couple wake up to
discover the sex tape they made the evening before is missing. Word on net: “Fitfully funny and exuberantly eager to please.” ) “About as naughty as an old Disney movie with Dean Jones, Suzanne Pleshette and an unruly Great Dane.” ) “Just lie back and think of funnier films.” ) “Trying to combine flaccid, family-friendly fun with a shallow sexcapade results in a total turn-off.”
Candice Patton. Plot: A soldier introduces himself to the Peterson family, claiming to be a friend of their son who died in action. After the young man is welcomed into their home, a series of accidental deaths seem to be connected to his presence. Word on net: “Dark, slick, appealing thriller that pulls suspense from some very cool
places.” ) “Peculiar mix of suspense, humour, violence, and beloved genre tropes.” ) “Chilling black comedy with astounding visual panache is the most fantastically entertaining action flick of recent memory.”
) Luc Besson's LUCY stars Scarlett Johansson as an American student in Taiwan who stumbles into a smuggling underworld and goes from terrified victim to superhuman when she is exposed to a new drug that increases her mental capabilities exponentially. ) THE INTERNET'S OWN BOY: THE STORY OF AARON SWARTZ is about programming prodigy and information activist Aaron Swartz, who took his own life aged 26.
Dir: Kelly Reichardt ) Norwegian documentary BALLET Stars: Jesse Eisenberg, Dakota THE GUEST BOYS looks at a group of dancers Fanning, Peter Sarsgaard Dir: Adam Wingard as they love, compete, undergo Plot: Three radical environmentalists Stars: Ethan Embry, Dan Stevens, punishing training and dance. look to execute the protest of their lives: the explosion of a hydroelectric dam. Word on net: “Stages intelligent ) BEFORE I GO TO SLEEP stars debate on activism, radicalism and Nicole Kidman as a woman who ethics, but most importantly makes wakes up every day, remembering the people who perform militant nothing as a result of a traumatic acts very human and knowable.” ) accident in her past. One day, new “Richly engrossing drama aims for terrifying truths emerge that force the head, not the gut.” ) “Study her to question everyone around of murky actions, fuzzy ideals and her. To win two tickets to the wrong moves for righteous reasons.” Odeon Brighton send the answer to the following question on a postcard along with your address to: Gscene Film Competition, 111 IN ORDER OF Western Rd, Hove, BN3 1DD: In which Lars von Trier film did Kidman DISAPPEARANCE play a gangster's daughter who wreaks vengeance on a small American Dir: Hans Petter Moland town? Stars: Stellan Skarsgård, Kristofer Hivju, Bruno Ganz AUGUST COMPETITION: Max von Sydow.
with one of Ireland’s most interesting and individual settings, which also gives the CD its title – Earth’s Call. It is particularly in the accompaniment that Ireland, an accomplished pianist himself, creates unsettling uncertainty, which evokes the ambiguity of the text beautifully. Inevitably with so many songs, many quite short, some stand out more than others. It is the more substantial pieces that have more time to make a significant impact, such as the atmospheric and sultry Tryst, and the moving yet slightly disturbing setting of Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s The One Hope, in which the writer hopes that death will finally bring him peace. In the cycle setting poems by Christina Rossetti, Mother And Child, one might expect additional weight of meaning from a female voice. But perhaps because the songs are all quite slight, each one barely a minute long, they suffer alongside the more substantial fare on offer and lack the necessary import (although Bebbington brings out the lilting, rocking piano part beautifully in Baby). In contrast, Songs Sacred And Profane contains more variety and interest, with the depth of My Fair (again, with a striking piano accompaniment) and the ironically brittle The Scapegoat contrasting with the poignant simplicity of The Salley Gardens. An interesting curiosity is the set of Variations
down upon today, these arrangements actually provided a great way to disseminate the music, but also, Thomas Irvine argues in the CD notes, this meant that people had a different relationship with the music by playing it rather than just passively listening. The Marcolini Quartett play the Overture and arrangements of 19 arias and ensemble pieces from the opera, all arranged anonymously in 1799. The material has been held in the archive of a Benedictine monastery in Austria, the Cloister Melk, for over 200 years. Presumably some talented monks played the music themselves for their own entertainment, and perhaps for their brethren. The Marcolini Quartett have appropriately recorded the music in the very resonant Cloister Melk, on period instruments. So if you love the music of the opera, but are happy to experience it in a completely new way, this is worth checking out. The Marcolini Quartett perform with great spirit, and you don’t have to contend with costume changes, mistaken identity, long lost parents or people jumping out of windows landing on flowerpots… Avi 8553046
) And something unusual to finish with this month – a string quartet, the Marcolini Quartett, playing Mozart’s opera, Le nozze di Figaro (The Marriage of ) Despite being highly thought of Figaro). In the in his lifetime by composers such centuries before as Bach and Handel, GEORG recording, it was PHILIPP TELEMANN (1681-1767) commonplace to is often overlooked. In a way, his produce arrangements of popular vast output (well over 3,000 Reviews, comments and events: orchestral works and operas to compositions) was part of the nicks-classicalallow amateur players to hear and problem – as a result, relatively few works have been embraced by play the favourites of the day in Email: their own homes. Often looked the performing canon in the way that those of Vivaldi, Handel and of course Bach have been. Telemann’s set of Six Sonatas for Violin were BRIGHTON DOME composed in Church St, Brighton, Frankfurt in Box office: 01273 709709 1715, dedicated ) The London Philharmonic Orchestra, to Prince Johann Ernst, Duke of conducted by Vladimir Jurwoski, are back in Saxony, also a talented composer Brighton (7.30pm, Sat 27) playing and violinist. All the sonatas have Rachmaninov’s The Isle of the Dead, the Symphonic Dances, and four movements, contrasting slow Prokofiev’s Violin Concerto No. 1, with violinist Elena Tanski. and fast tempi, often drawing on ST LUKE’S CHURCH dance forms such as the courante, Queen’s Park Road, Brighton, sarabande and gigue. Yet despite ) The Rose Flute Trio play CPE Bach, Mozart, Doppler and music by this formulaic construction, Brighton composer Barry Mills (7.30pm, Fri 12). Then pianist Edyta Telemann produces great variety, Lajdorf plays Schubert, Paderewski, Chopin, Debussy and Benjamin and in particular in the faster Ellin (7.30pm, Fri 26). movements makes great use of unexpected harmonic turns (note ST NICHOLAS CHURCH the first Allegro of the fourth Dyke Road, Brighton sonata, and the Gigue in the fifth). These are not great virtuosic ) American pianist Ursula Oppens showstoppers – Telemann was performs a range of 20th century more focussed on melody and French and American music harmonic interest than extrovert (7.30pm, Fri 19), including Elliott demonstrations of technique. Yet Carter, William Bolcom, and they make for enjoyable listening, Ravel’s Valses Nobles et and the lack of extremes of Sentimentales and La Valse. technique reveal Telemann’s
) English composer JOHN IRELAND’s (1879-1962) songs have been recorded several times in recent decades, but mostly by men. So it’s interesting to hear 32 of his songs all sung by soprano April Fredrick, and accompanied by a great Ireland pianist, Mark Bebbington. The collection opens
sur Cadet Rouselle, a popular French song, with the composition of the accompaniment to the 12 verses being shared equally amongst Ireland and fellow composers, Bridge, Bax and Goossens. Ireland’s use of canon in Verse 8, and the glassy effects in Verse 9 are actually possibly the two strongest contenders here. Fredrick has a beautiful, clear voice, which suits the clarity and precision of Ireland’s settings. A greater variety of tone and shade would add more intensity to the darker songs, with perhaps a little more sensitivity at the top of the range, but overall her performances are consistently commanding. Bebbington’s mastery of Ireland’s tricky piano accompaniments throughout is exemplary. An enjoyable set, with strong performances of some real gems here. Somm SOMMCD0137
imaginative harmonies more. Violinist Stephan Schardt is joined here by Elisabeth Wand (cello) and Sonja Kemnitzer (harpsichord). Schardt, ex-leader of Musica Antiqua Köln, has also written informative notes on the sonatas and their background, and his in-depth knowledge also shines through his playing. I would have liked perhaps slightly more dynamic contrast between and within movements, but otherwise these are lively performances. The disc is completed with an Ouverture from Telemann’s periodical Der getreue MusicMeister (The Faithful Music Master), an educational collection of 25 lessons for singers and instrumentalists. Overall, an enjoyable collection, performed with style and enthusiasm. Visit my blog to win a copy of this CD! MDG 9031835-6
CHARLIE SAYS BIG BROTHER WHO’S WATCHING YOU? BY CHARLIE BAUER PhD The bastard brother of the ‘end of privacy’ (August 2013 article) seems to have become the new age of the 15 second celebrity. Everyone will be now be famous for as long as it takes to create a vine or write a response comment in a ‘comments are free’ section of a national blather-reel. I mean, this is the breeding ground of dissent is it not? But while everyone purges their rhetoric away online, White Papers regarding privacy and corporate surveillance and tracking are slipping through Parliament unnoticed. Not the first time. Thatcher did it with the Falklands War, just as Reagan followed with Grenada. Then they started their re-election campaigns to tally in with the assured victories. But as we post, while we all think that the readership are taking note of our well-crafted often hilarious comments, and, while thinking that we’re contributing to a greater debate, ‘meta laws’ keep rolling on in the background.
“While everyone purges their rhetoric away online, White Papers regarding privacy and corporate surveillance and tracking are slipping through parliament unnoticed” Do you feel better now that you’ve vented in your favourite paper? Good. Well, you might as well treat it as therapy because unfortunately nobody is listening. Perhaps what your outpouring is actually doing, is keeping you away from any real engagement in the issues you care so deeply about. For example, across the spectrum of the main US news recently and although the imagery of the occurrences in Gaza were exploited endlessly, they somehow failed to show the extent of the protests taking place around the world. This could mean that you are more likely to post a comment on a quasi-liberal digi-broadsheet than participate in any physical show of unity. Ah, well. Looks like another day I can stay at home on my own and view it all through the telescreen - yet still have my say. And be hilarious. It’s amazing the catharsis we can feel by just pressing the return key and heading for a celebratory cup of Horlicks.
Here’s an example of a permitted comment: In a study of 397 gay, lesbian and bisexual men and women they discovered that problematic alcohol and substance use were positively related to shame and internalised heterosexism. There are probably other determinants of harmful use of alcohol and other drugs, but I'm guessing shame, poor self-esteem and lack of confidence play a significant part. This is linked to an academic journal, which you will never read in order to check the data. It was probably written by the postee under a pseudonym and seen as a way to disseminate their own research. This example no doubt relies on cross sections of a banging gay bar culture in a major city, a random sample of which does not equate to gay culture, unless all of ‘gay culture’ lives in the same gay bar. But perhaps the worst crime from a government to its people is when they piggy-back terrorist acts in order to set an extreme agenda on the over-compensation of surveillance. It is here that they cite that, all of us – yes, even that old lady in the care home - could be potential terrorists. Then, as happens, every liberty is stripped and we are ‘humiliated’ into these new ‘protective’ laws. Only recently, at an international airport, I stood behind a woman accompanied by her 12 year-old daughter. The young woman was in tears as we waited in line at the newly installed full-body scanner. When it was her turn, the girl held up the line and the security guards grew restless, the mother lost her cool and dragged the now wailing young woman up the steps to the scanner. The scene was quite odd. As the girl stood cruciform behind the perspex shield, she dropped her head in shame as, not only the ‘secret’ room who scanned her digitally naked body, but the airport staff and customers did the same to the clothed version on the pedestal before them. After a few seconds, she crept down from the booth sobbing, to collect her iPod and the too-oldfor-her holiday shoes from the plastic tray - with the weight of a hundred eyes upon her. But we have to concede, since there have been jihadi much younger than this girl, apparently, I’m sure everybody felt a little more secure on the flight. Here’s another post that proves my point: …any anti-surveillance law will be upheld by royal prerogative (as the dispossession of the Chagos Islanders was). The stakeholders in the status quo need a Stasi to mitigate the risks of networked democracy; in the age when protests can go viral, it's vital that the security services are able to disperse protest movements and detect potential troublemakers before they can cause trouble and have the means to bring very precise amounts of force to bear against them as soon as they start doing something; hence mass surveillance. Right track, wrong argument. The real issue here is that of Chagossian diaspora and their apparent treatment by the Queen. Nevertheless, since this person is online packaging his real gripe into a collective dolly mixture of vent, people still agree; tick the ‘like’ box, then just forget it as a confirmation of their own views. And the postee has his 15 second fix. As the world heats up, so do the unleashing of newer surveillance laws. France, home of Foucauldian panopticism, is objecting strongly, as are many European countries, but not Britain and the US. They are passing legislation by stealth while we’re all Wikipedia-ing, WTF the Chagos Islanders actually were. There, it’s already midnight and we’ve all missed the protest.
The most overused word in our language at the moment is ‘passionate’. Pastry cooks, stamp collectors and rugby fans are all ‘passionate’ about their activities, which are simply interests, and I feel we should reserve passion for matters of love, the pursuit of artistic perfection or the righting of injustice but, please, not scones, postmarks or dropped goals. So I am more than merely interested in the debate in and out of Westminster about Assisted Dying which I urge you to join as the more it is discussed the more likely we are to have much needed and long overdue new legislation.
Drag in all its guises has played a huge part on the gay scene, mainly because this art form refuses to play by the rules of convention. The 1970s saw a surge within the gay scene to truly, really embrace all forms of drag: from wigs and frocks to jocks and leather. During this period of time the drag queens in particular showed they had balls of steel when it came to standing up to homophobia. The Stonewall Riots have been well documented as being the catalyst for bringing forward gay rights, when a bunch of pissed off drag queens in New York’s Greenwich Village district fought back after one too many raids by the police to their bar on the night their idol Judy Garland died.
I have just had a hugely enjoyable time celebrating my having survived 70, often misspent, years. These big 0 birthdays are a great excuse for serious partying and this one was no exception, the euphoria being barely dented by the acceptance that reaching the end of my next decade was not guaranteed. So I had mixed feeling last week when I heard that two of my favourite aunts had died at the age of 96. On one hand the possibility of some shared longevity enhancing DNA cheered me but on the other they both had poorly managed final illnesses. The more dismal of the two deaths, and this is sadly an all too familiar sequence, followed a very damaging stroke which left my charming but already confused aunt speechless and with extensive and clearly irreversible paralysis. It was agreed that no attempt should be made to extend her life, fluid intake was reduced and she received some sedating analgesia. She lived for another 11 long days in an unknowable state of awareness watched by her increasingly distressed son who pleaded to have her life shortened by an increase in the medication. This was refused on the grounds that the doctor could be sued for manslaughter, and this is why the law must change.
“There is a respectable fear that old terminally ill people might be put under pressure to ask for assistance with dying by venal relatives” Objections to changes to the law in this area are not baseless, there is a respectable fear that old terminally ill people might be put under pressure to ask for assistance with dying by venal relatives. The medical profession is not as progressive as I would wish but our worst failing was to have included in our ranks the evil Dr Shipman. Had he chosen to achieve his appalling body count by taking a machine gun into his local retirement homes and not used the tools of our trade doctors might still be trusted to make the difficult decisions to speed up final, painful and humiliating illnesses. Since, sadly, we are not above suspicion we need precise guidance. Surely it is not beyond the wit of modern man and even our politicians to achieve safety in this matter. It could only be a huge comfort for the patients I am concerned about if they knew they had the option of curtailing their suffering: many will not choose to end their lives but to make suffering appear endless to a dying person is disgraceful.
At this time of change, there were still many within the gay community (and their straight counterparts) who believed the only way to be accepted by the straight majority was to conform to heterosexual ideals and fit in. There was however those who disagreed and wanted to be different and to stand out from the mainstream. Here in the UK, one such celebrated gay man was Quentin Crisp and his best friend, drag trailblazer and gay activist Bette Borne. While Crisp took his personal campaign to be allowed to be his effeminate self, something that both many gay and straight people revolted against, Borne took such character traits as armour and took great delight in riling the establishment. During a court appearance for obstruction charges during a Gay Lib demonstration, Borne was instructed by the judge to remove his feminine hat on the account that he was a man. When Borne refused, the judge asked why, to which Borne replied,“Because it matches my shoes”. Since then many drag queens have challenged the old guard, broken down barriers and moved into the mainstream as they continue to provoke both equal amounts of positive and negative reactions. Back in the 1970s, Danny “It’s not drag darling, I’m a female impersonator” La Rue was a main staple on television screens. Although Danny La Rue didn’t speak out about his sexuality, his regular appearance on television was a big deal at the time when being openly gay was still frowned upon. Love it or hate it, drag in all its shapes and forms, from feather to leather, empowers the wearer to challenge the established norms.
“Love it or hate it, drag in all its shapes and forms, empowers the wearer to challenge the established norms” Having some prominent artists, such as La Rue, on our television screens undoubtedly helped pave the way for others to express their sexuality to the mainstream and for the general public to embrace their diversity: including the likes of Boy George and Julian Clary. More recently bearded drag singer Conchita Wurst riled Russian homophobes with his win at this year’s Eurovision Song Contest as did lesbian Russian punk group, Pussy Riot (their name and knitted masks alone garnering them attention), but when they stormed into a Russian Cathedral in 2012 to perform one of their anti-Putin songs, they gained worldwide recognition and a powerful ally in Madonna. Those who embrace drag can simply entertain or actually make the wider public question the rules of gender identity and discrimination while exposing the backward thinking of many a homophobe in power.
SHARP WORDS HIGH BROW DEL SHARP ON HOW BETTERWARE WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE... BETTER I am truly grateful to have reached a certain age where I do things that I shouldn’t, but realise the consequences and at least try to make it all better before I have to get up at 6am. A sign of maturity don’t you think? Carrying on with six hours’ sleep instead of the much preferred nine is something I don’t manage as well as I used to, but at just about middle aged, I now feel lucky enough to have good health so it would seem the perfect opportunity to be grasping all the pleasures of what we could be enjoying in older age now, just in case we don’t make it that far. That might explain why my current reading material is not some gaudy glossy weekly full of apparent ‘celebrities’ I’ve never heard of photographed before or after their latest wedding/child/award, but the Betterware catalogue. Everything recommended for the elderly, those with limited mobility and poor sight appeals to me. If you haven’t had the pleasure of its helpful homeware gadgetry and accessories I recommend it. I do actually save my perusal of it as a special treat for when I think I deserve it, which has taken several weeks in the past, but I must be particularly needy lately because I only lasted a fortnight before I snatched it up anyway. Within it you will find all the stuff you didn’t realise you needed. It doesn’t perhaps have the immediate appeal of a John Lewis catalogue, but Betterware will indeed make your life... better. Where else could you find special hangers for bras and little extending straps to make them fit in case of a few extra pounds being put on at the back? I actually don’t think my bras on display would be very enticing to visitors of Sharp Words’ boudoir so I’ll stick to hiding them in the drawer. There are also extensions for those muffin top jeans which would certainly come in handy, though I’m not quite sure about the special buttons for gaping cardigans. Perhaps I should order some for the future. Helpful corner clips for swear-free duvet cover changing are a revelation, I don’t have to wait until I’m old(er) or have arthritic hands. Toe separators to stop my less than pretty feet from merging into one massive toe with an elephantine nail could be useful, as well as the nail pliers. As a gadget lover who actually isn’t very good with technology I’m also drawn to the simple, huge mobile phone which just makes calls and has big buttons. The appliances to stop me falling over in the shower and a midriff controlling swimsuit are obviously lifestyle essentials. For a whole month of the year I’m the same age as (The Goddess) Kylie, which makes me a little agitated until it’s over then I can relax knowing I can’t possibly look that good because I’m older than she is. Then I can continue to ponder on whether a shampoo that claims to give me 10 years younger-looking hair might be worth buying. Indeed I have had a hair crisis lately in that it keeps falling out. Oh how I cursed myself for plucking the unruly wiry grey ones out all these years. I was definitely feeling at the mercy of follicular payback, though mutterings of menopause from those around me made me
rethink my tweezer wickedness wasn’t to blame after all. So I did actually save myself the worry of old looking hair and instead fretted about not having any hair at all. A few months on and I gratefully pamper all of my rethickened locks, whatever their colour, which is rather different to hair elsewhere (don’t be shocked - I’m staying well above the neck, anything else could justify its own column). Sick of my unruly eyebrows I decided to go for a threading which I’d read could take years off my face and wouldn’t hurt. I was quite apprehensive at having to go to a stall in the middle of a shopping centre to request it and slightly mortified that a very meaningful “Upper lip too?” was suggested sternly for me after a swift appraisal of my probably appallingly hirsute visage which I meekly agreed to. Some time later I was blinking tearfully into a mirror nodding my appreciation at the result – not that I could see a thing apart from a big red blur, and my profuse thanks and generous tip were more for the pain stopping than the artful depilating that had taken place.
“Sick of my unruly eyebrows I decided to go for a threading... and slightly mortified that a very meaningful ‘Upper lip too?’ was suggested” I can keep on buying my rather aggressive sounding age defying face cream and keep wondering why on earth I still get spots. But it’s all to what end really, they’re not going to kill me after all. It’s more likely to be something far more insidious. My poor old mum, frail overnight it seems, lives in a nursing home now. I go every week and each patient has their name on the door, I note glumly that some of the names have changed since I’ve been visiting and it took the third occasion for me to realise that the ‘Evac Sledge’ sign wasn’t in fact the name of an Eastern European resident. Lop sided A4 posters on pinboards advertise the weekly hairdressing service, trying to coax a little interest into those with any strength left to be concerned about such trivia that we find so much time for. But when I peeped into the room it was empty. I showed mum my eyebrows and got a slight smile of approval. Not quite Kylie, but I’ve got another eleven months yet.
WORLD DRAGGED UP Not for the first time this year did I find myself seated in the bowels of a Brighton hotel surrounded by gays, octogenarians, and people so straight they look like they’ve taken the wrong turn for Thorpe Park. We’re raising money for the Sussex Beacon, whilst being entertained by a show tune-murdering man wearing a frock so awful it gave me a panic attack. Drag is strange. For straight men it usually means looking like their mum for a stag night. For straight women it constitutes wearing ankle socks. It’s funny that people think lesbians’ clothes are manly, actually their dress code is comfort-orientated. When gay women drag up they usually resemble a 1950s’ hunk or Hollywood matinee idol. And when gay men drag up… the spectacles of high and low camp can convey deeply arcane cultural messages. Due to misogyny, women in many societies have traditionally been banned from larking about on stage. By the 1800s actresses were allowed to tread the boards, but men continued vicariously enjoying the freedom of gender bending by becoming theatre ‘drag queens’. Etymologically the term ‘drag’ may describe the sound of skirts across the stage and ‘quean’ is an Elizabethan term for strumpet. Victorian society could not stomach these Nancy boys prancing about, and by the 1950s, ‘drag’ was an underground scene, with much of its activities criminalised. This was the heyday of Polari, our gay encrypted language. Many drag songs of that time contained encoded lyrics to tickle gay fancies or warn of impending police raids on places of homosexual fraternising. In the 1990s, when I was strutting my stuff on the sticky dance floor of the London gay scene, there was a penchant for ‘High Camp’ drag acts. These are divas who perform Streisand or Minnelli to such perfection that gay men weep at the beauty of the impersonation. It’s no surprise that many homosexuals invest emotionally in straight chanteuses who seem to mirror the torture of those ostracised by an unkind world. Indeed, one of the reasons the drag queens were so antsy on the night of the Stonewall riots was because their idol Judy Garland had been buried that day. So what place does drag hold in my life now? My friend Aaron is a proponent of a new breed of drag. In the manner of acts calling themselves Dave or Jason these performers don’t attempt to fool audiences into believing they’re female. Six foot five, muscular, bearded Aaron performs as Spice, in a modern twist on bitchy banter, with fabulous costumes and a rich, varied vocal range.
Then there’s the Bedford Tavern drag race. Drag queens clatter up the street in heels, downing shots and fighting to be the first across the finish line. Our mate Viv is a 60 year old woman who, identifying as butch, refuses to enter the Drag King event… so she annually enters the queens’ drag race, this year dressed as Madge from Benidorm. My girlfriend remarked she looked like “A dug-up Farrah Fawcett”. As usual in Brighton, I’m confused, but in a really good way.
WRONG WAY OUR NATIONAL CHURCH? BY DR KEITH SHARPE, CHANGING ATTITUDE SUSSEX Finally then the Church of England (C of E), our national church, is going to have women bishops. After the catastrophic failure of the vote in General Synod in 2012 this summer's Synod in York just managed to pass an amended wording of the legislation and so the first ladies to wear pointy hats and carry Bo Peep crooks will, all being well, take up office later this year or early next year. This is of course good news for all of us who believe in equality and justice, whether we are religious or not. And it is good news for the C of E which will hopefully henceforth become less patriarchal in attitude as well as staffing. This should bring it closer to the teaching of the founder of Christianity who of course devoted a lot of time and energy to denouncing the patriarchal religious structures of his own time in first century Israel. There is no doubt however that the long and bitter struggle for women to be treated equally in the episcopate has been extremely damaging to the C of E. Indeed the leading sociologist of religion in this country, Professor Linda Woodhead, has argued recently that taken together with the acrimonious divisions over the rights of LGBT people, the two decades long unseemly wrangling over women bishops has raised the question of whether the C of E can ever again really be regarded as 'our national church'. She argues that in many respects the C of E has lost its standing as a church for all the people and become more of a sect catering for a conservative-minded minority. Up to the 1980s the C of E's place as a pillar for the whole of British society was clear. But when the conservative evangelical George Carey took over as Archbishop of Canterbury things began to change. He and the growing number of evangelicals in the Church began to push it in a backward-looking sectarian direction, distancing it from the supposed evils of modern liberal 'progressive' secular society.
“In many respects the C of E has lost its standing as a church for all the people and become more of a sect catering for a conservative minded minority” Professor Linda Woodhead During the 1960s and 1970s the C of E broadly supported the liberalisation of laws on abortion, homosexuality and divorce. But in the 1980s under Carey the C of E refused to accept the extension of equal rights to women and gay people. Conservative evangelicals believe in God-ordained male headship, and think in short that gays and women should defer to the natural authority of straight men. This sectarian trend worsened when Rowan Williams became archbishop. He lobbied for church exemptions from equality legislation and took a hard line against homosexual practice and gay marriage. He made ongoing concessions to the opponents of women's ordination. In Professor Woodhead's view all of this has been disastrous. The world already has too many illiberal and paternalistic religious sects. The C of
E has lost the historic sense of itself as a tolerant broad church for everybody. It needs to remember that liberalism has Christian as well as secular roots, and that greater freedom and tolerance are Christian moral virtues. The vote for women bishops is a step in the right direction, a blow against sectarian male paternalism, but now that this issue has settled we can expect the battle lines to be drawn for one almighty punch-up over gay rights and same-sex marriage. The role of the new Archbishop, Justin Welby, will be crucial in deciding whether the C of E continues on its path towards becoming a small socially irrelevant sect. It's not looking good at the moment. Although he is in favour of women bishops he is opposed to gay marriage. Tacitly he is supporting bishops who discipline and punish clergy who enter same-sex marriages. And yet it was a conservative prime minister who introduced the legalisation of gay marriage and we now have criticism of the Church's treatment of gay clergy coming even from conservative ministers who served in Margaret Thatcher's government. Norman Fowler, Lord Fowler as he is now, raised the case of Canon Jeremy Pemberton in the House of Lords recently. He called on the government to intervene to stop the C of E sacking vicars who marry their same-sex lovers. He went on: “Given that there are other clergymen at similar risk, will the minister as a matter of goodwill look at the position here and see if there is anything that could be done to help reconcile the difficulties.” LORD FOWLER
The number of such clergymen and clergywomen at similar risk is likely to expand greatly later this year when it is expected to become possible for those in civil partnerships to convert them to marriages. Further trouble is brewing also in relation to the vexed question of gay bishops. Peter Tatchell has now said that like Lord Fowler he finds the disciplining of gay married clergy unacceptable, but especially so when it is done by other gay men who happen to be Anglican bishops. He said he was amassing evidence and would consider outing gay bishops who do this: “I believe people have a right to privacy so long as they are not using their power and authority to harm other people, and when other people are being caused harm and suffering we have a duty to try and stop it. If this (outing) is the only way, it is certainly not the preferable way, but as a last resort I think it is morally and ethically justifiable.” Later he went further and added: “If a gay bishop in a same-sex relationship supports discrimination and discipline against gay clergy then his actions are homophobic and he deserves to be exposed. They have put themselves in the firing line.” The Church is just about to enter a two-year programme of facilitated conversations about the whole issue of human sexuality. It will start with all of the bishops spending two days together in discussion, before the conversation widens out to the people in the pews across the length and breadth of the country. In the light of Professor Woodhead's analysis these two days look like being absolutely critical for the future of the C of E. Unless their lordships consent to be absolutely honest about their own sexuality and give an authentic lead to the people, the C of E's decline into irrelevance looks set to continue.
OPEN AND WELCOMING CHURCHES Changing Attitude Sussex is committed to telling the truth about Christian teaching on homosexuality, and works for the full inclusion of LGBT people in every province of the Anglican Communion and more widely in all Christian Churches. For more information, view: and
I make the worst drag queen in the world. I have no style, I have no grace, I can't think up quick lines that simultaneously sting and make people laugh, and to top it all off I can't wear heels. I remember moving to London so I could be out on the scene. My flat mates dragged me to the Vauxhall Tavern to see Miss Jason and Maisie Trollette, Lily Savage, and a host of other brave adventurers in drag. I loved the outrageous humour and the gutsy attitude, it was everything that I wanted to be. Strong, tough, completely independent, and absolutely fabulous in a dress. I so wanted to be quick-witted, fast with a reply that had a sting in its tail, whereas it’s quite rare for me to think of something on the spot and my response to a scathing remark usually comes together long after they've walked away. In a dress I look like a dozen ferrets trying to get out of a sack.
Pride is finally over. The weekend is done and dusted and it will be another year before we take to the streets again in celebration of all things LGBT. The beer is drunk, the wine has gone to our heads and the hang over from hell will still be with us come next week I suspect.
“ was everything that I wanted to be. Strong, tough, completely independent, and absolutely fabulous in a dress” I love the idea that we should see everybody as God in drag. Old ladies in prim regard, young men with six packs and skimpy shorts. Accountants and footballers, nurses and salespeople, disco bunnies and opera queens, drag kings and lipstick lesbians, those with means, those struggling to make ends meet, all God in drag. How about a god that makes scathing remarks to those who judge others, a god that takes the side of the oppressed and disenfranchised? How about a god that hates the pomp and ceremony of a patriarchal and myopic religion and loves the humanitarian, the orphan, the widow? A god that hates the certainty of what is 'right' and stands by the rent boy, the hustler, the street walker? If we are all God in drag then each of these are God. Each of them Jesus. Perhaps that's why he was so scathing of the scribes and Pharisees - those who judged others - and came to save the 'lost'. Not lost to God, but lost to the judgement and self-righteous communities that rejected them. If you're one of the 'in' crowd you don't need saving - you're living sweet. If you're abandoned by your family because you're different, beaten up because you are seen as 'other', killed because some law scapegoats you in favour of the masses or political expediency, you need saving. Now. As you can tell I'm not a fan of organised religion, which is why I still think it's funny that God wanted me to be a minister. Yet, walking in this year’s Pride Parade - in my clergy collar and wearing a stole, hand in hand with my husband - the crowds cheered, people took pictures, and wanted to shake my hand. Maybe I am a drag queen. Maybe I just wear a different type of drag. And maybe my heart is in the same place - wanting to affirm my LGBTQ family. I want you to know that you are perfect just as the was you are. Loved just as you are, 'righteous' just as you are. I want you to know that it's the world that's screwed up, and the Church that's screwed up - not you. And I hope, seriously hope, that you'll see the truth in the words of an old queen in drag; even if she can't wear heels.
MCC BRIGHTON ) MCC Brighton meets Sundays at 6pm at the Portslade United Reformed Church at the junction of St Aubyn’s Rd and Station Rd, Portslade, BN41 1AB. MCC Brighton welcomes all who wish to explore their faith in a respectful and safe environment.
This year was extra special for some of us in that the parade was the most accessible it has ever been for disabled people and it was all thanks to the Brighton & Hove LGBT Community Safety Forum and their ‘Accessibility Matters’ mantra. As a person in a wheelchair with a battery that can only go so far on one charge, being in the Pride Parade is often not the pleasure it should be, because all the time you are praying that your battery makes it to the access tent and the one charger for 200 buggies. I kid you not. But this year I got to do the parade on an adapted golf buggy that had a space for a wheelchair and an access tent that had more than one charging point! I was lucky to be given the chance to utilise the precious buggy space by the Community Safety Forum (thanks to the foresight of Billie Lewis who made most of this possible) but it made me think of other wheelchair users who didn’t get the same chance as me. Couldn’t we do what we have done this year every year? Have these buggies for wheelchair users and other people with mobility issues etc who want to join the parade but feel they can’t. This year we had two buggies, only one with a wheelchair space and both were crammed to the rafters with people with mobility issues who had always wanted to be in the parade but until now, couldn’t. I sat next to a lovely couple, together for 21 years, who had longed to be in the parade but until this year couldn’t, because one of them used a walker.
“The parade was the most accessible it’s ever been for disabled people thanks to the LGBT Community Safety Forum” And the firsts didn’t stop with just the mobility buggies and extra charging points, there was the state of the art accessible loo and changing room that was available. For someone like me this was a treasure indeed. No more fear of falling over in a cramped space that wouldn’t fit a toy electric wheelchair much less a real one! The Access Tent was there for anyone who needed it, from drag artists who had a false eye lash emergency, to the distraught young woman in a wheelchair who had a bit too much to drink. This year there was a chance to have ‘meals on heels’ with lunch being bought over from Lunch Positive by the aforesaid drag artists. And if that wasn’t enough, there was a chance to buy a Radar Key at a reasonable price. Thank YOU so much for that, Accessibility Matters! So fellow campers, speak out and speak out loud - that we disabled folk are here to stay and that our accessibility DOES matter and that the Community Safety Forum have come up trumps for us all. Long may it continue!
DAD & DADDY WE MADE IT! PARENTS DON’T GIVE UP SAYS SYD SPENCER The build up to April earlier this year was very exciting for us as a family. The adoption of our daughter was to be completed and after a two-year placement she would finally be able to legally bear our family name and leave her past behind her a little bit more. Through the months leading up to it Katy’s birth mother told social workers that she knew it was for the best and that she understood that she couldn’t offer Katy a safe and nurturing home life. We were told that by midday we would receive a call to confirm the good news and then we could plan the celebration day for Katy. That morning was long and midday came and went. Two hours later I was sat on the sofa in our lounge in tears, Kevin paced the floor as we digested the news that the adoption hadn’t been granted as the birth mother had blindsided everyone by not only applying for regular direct contact but also applying for permission to oppose the adoption. Within two weeks an eight-page application had been submitted to court by her and we were given a copy to read. The report made her views very clear. It pointed out that she felt that Kevin and I were disturbed, dangerous child abusers and that the social workers were placing her daughter in a situation that would ultimately end with her being abused and beaten. It went on to state that it was clear that Katy was being forced to stay with us, that we were obviously making her to call us Dad and Daddy and that there was no way that two men could bring up a girl, let alone a child. Also God was going to destroy us and send us to hell for the evil that we would do to Katy. Jesus hated homosexuals and we should be stoned to death. Reading such venom at the best of times is difficult and a worry; reading it about yourself is heart wrenching; but reading it from a woman that actually herself abused, neglected and beat this chid for the first four years of her little life evoked such hatred and anger inside myself that I was very grateful for the calmness that is Kevin.
Both Kevin and I have never been religious people and we haven’t been too bothered about the insane preachings of some who have a strong faith. Kevin is very much of the mind that if he can’t see it or touch it then it isn’t real, while I have spent some time exploring religions over the years, reading about different faiths and seeing which, if any, would accept me completely and help me live my life the best way possible. I never did find one. We’ve always tried to raise our two kids to understand that love is important, that love comes in many forms and from many different types of people and through our closest, eclectic group of friends our kids now know that love truly comes in many forms. I know I’ll never ever know the feeling that a mother has of carrying her child inside her for nine months. I know that bond can never be experienced by me but I also know that the bond, love and commitment we have for our children is equally as strong as any love that some birth mothers have for theirs. We chose our children, with their histories and their issues, from hundreds of referrals and that I believe is on par with the feeling a birth mother has of bonding with their child. If our two didn’t feel loved or safe they wouldn’t already be able to trust in us and start to plan for a future that they have never dared believe in or wish for. I’m pretty sure that God, Jesus Christ, Buddha or whoever is in charge upstairs is confident in the love that we give our kids, I think it is plain to see that we’re doing our best to bring them up safely and with a spirit of understanding and of not judging others. We fail and sometimes shockingly so, but forgiveness, honesty and respect gets us through to another day and another attempt. Three court dates later the adoption was approved and Katy’s wishes were granted. The judge read accounts from all involved: from us, the school, the social workers and the medical team and it was clear to see that in the last two years she has grown and blossomed into the beautiful, loving, headstrong, confident young woman that she now is becoming. This adoption process was unique for all involved as we were adopting the child we had already been fostering for two years. It’s a new concept of adoption that is now readily being explored because the benefits for the children are great and clear to see. Attachments are already established with the foster carers, routines instilled and the boundaries set and it is one less move for the kids involved. Now we begin the process again for Bradley and we’re excited. Yes we experienced a lot of hatred, but we faced it and never waived for one simple reason: parents don’t give up on their kids, or at least they shouldn’t, should they?
SAM THE TRANS MAN UNIQUE DR SAMUEL JAMES HALL LOOKS AT WHAT MAKES AN IDENTITY Themes in the LGBT community that are unique and important to us have evolved with us. There are so many expressions of the self in terms of identity and we have an umbrella here that could potentially embrace every possible combination of gender expression, sexual identity and even fluidity, a concept that acknowledges that our identity can change over the course of time. Well of course that’s true, once upon a time we were all children, and identified with other children, some of us are parents, and that defines us in certain areas of our lives. We can be heavily attached to and identified with our jobs or roles in society. Of course none of these things make an identity - the sum of the parts is greater than the whole. The truth is we are all created uniquely. Every one of us is an unrepeatable combination of DNA, and the product of our circumstances and upbringing. This heady mixture of nature and nurture results in every single person on the planet being different, unique, individual. It’s a wonder to comprehend, this level of diversity. NO TWO PEOPLE ARE THE SAME! Even identical twins become separate and unique from the moment the fertilised egg splits into two.
“Opportunities to drag in safe spaces and the company of others who enjoy and understand the various needs and drivers is liberating” When it comes to drag and masquerade then, how does this reflect our need to express that uniqueness? For some there is simply the thrill of sparkle and sequins, mascara and make-up. The exhilaration of giving oneself permission to break down social barriers and bring the theatrical onto the street or into our lives. For others there is a need to express another side of ourselves, that which the many taboos and restrictions of society seem to prevent us from expressing. Often it’s self-repression that holds us back, and opportunities to drag in safe spaces and the company of others who enjoy and understand the various needs and drivers is liberating. For others still, cross-dressing is a first and important step into a bigger and longer lasting journey of transition to living a life that is more authentic, allowing fuller expression of the self. It’s important to grasp that there is a spectrum of expression here. Just as we now understand that there is a spectrum of sexuality or sexual preferences, so there is a spectrum of gender identity and gender expression. Like sexuality, gender identity may not be static over a lifetime, and can often be seen to evolve as a person becomes bolder and more comfortable with themselves. Most transgender people would argue that there is an important distinction between true gender dysphoria and the variable expression of gender identity. I think it’s possible to have a need to express gender fluidity or to identify as transgender, whilst remaining comfortable in the body that you have. The extreme of gender dysphoria is a profound sense of ‘wrongness’ about your body which at its worst manifests in childhood. Of course every case is different, but somehow it seems a common theme that those who end up transitioning surgically are the people who either have a history of childhood distress of some description, or who are emotionally and mentally so remarkably ‘fixed’ by cross-sex hormone treatment that the trajectory becomes very clear.
GSCENE 73 There are people whose gender variance is less extreme, for example Eddie Izzard - who publicly flaunts his passion for make-up and beautiful nails, but also maintains that he is comfortable in his body and being seen as a man. He’s not gay, he’s not really trans* by any sensible definition, yet he is breaking down and redefining gender norms with his simple and yet challenging gestures. There are plenty of people like him, who want or need to challenge our society’s enforcement of masculinity and femininity. Who says a baby girl should wear pink, and that dolls are not for boys? There is a tendency to androgyny amongst youngsters today that sometimes makes it hard to tell what they are, and maybe that’s not a bad thing. It’s refreshing for trans* and intersex people who live their lives bridging the divide in one way or another, often painfully, to know that there are people out there who understand that it really isn’t all that simple, and that a younger generation have the confidence some of us never had when it comes to expressing themselves so freely. When I came out as transgender, I didn't know how far I was going to need to go, and I still don't. I do know that my body dysphoria is severe; I told my mother that I was a boy when I was three years-old. I stuffed things down my pants - socks, pebbles - and was completely bewildered when puberty struck and my body betrayed me completely by growing a pair of breasts I couldn't relate to. But it still took 30 years from that point to get where I am now. It's so much easier as a transguy (female to male) to transition in our society today. Somehow it's less challenging to others, they either see me as a guy, or as a very butch lesbian. There are no big debates about cross-dressing or transvestism, although there is a place for drag kings. The same cannot be said for transwomen, who are often ‘outed’ by their height, voice, adam’s apple, hand/foot size or simply the coarsening of features as a result of years of testosterone, and unless they are in a very safe space, are still often abused for simply trying to be who they are. So spare a thought, if you are masquerading or doing drag and that’s enough for you, for those who are really women trying to fight off the worst disguise nature could possibly dole out - trapping them in the body of a man.…
Based in central Brighton, the Clare Project weekly drop-in is a safe and confidential space to explore issues around gender identity. Facilitated peer support is an important element, as well as providing access to low-cost psychotherapy and speech therapy.
CLARE PROJECT meets every
TUES from 2.30–5.30pm at DORSET GARDENS METHODIST CHURCH Dorset Gardens (off St James St) Brighton BN2 1RL Except 1st Tues when there’s an optional meal out preceded by the drop-in from 5–7.30pm
at CHAPEL ROYAL North Street, Brighton, BN1 1EA
SAT 27 SEPT from 11am–1pm
Welcoming all trans & questioning people to this event which will run every 4th Saturday of each month More details: Or find on us facebook under Clare Project. Email
“I’m greatly looking forward to this event. We ignore the dangers posed by not supporting mental health at our peril. It’s vitally important to BME and LGB&T communities, who can often feel on the edge, on the outside of things.” Jackie Kay
World Mental Health Day and Black History Month at MindOut’s BME Event: 6.30–9pm, Saturday October 11, 2014 at St George’s Church, Kemptown. promote understanding and empathy, but to reveal, dignify and transform lives.” Susan Tranter, 2008 ) Brought to you in partnership with the University of Brighton’s LGBTQ Research Hub, we are hosting an evening with Jackie Kay MBE*, the Scottish lesbian poet and author who will be reading from her stories and poetry. Jackie Kay was born and brought up in Scotland. The Adoption Papers (Bloodaxe) won the Forward Prize, a Saltire prize and a Scottish Arts Council Prize. Fiere, her most recent collection of poems was shortlisted for the Costa award. Her novel Trumpet won the Guardian Fiction Award. Red Dust Road (Picador) won the Scottish Book of the Year Award, and the London Book Award. She was awarded an MBE in 2006, and made a fellow of the Royal Society of Literature in 2002. She is Professor of Creative Writing at Newcastle University. “Her work also conveys an ongoing belief in the power of stories and poems not just to
There will be an opportunity to find out more about Time To Change’s work to end stigma about mental health in LGB&T and in BME communities, with Sue Baker, and a chance to talk to MindOut volunteers about how you can challenge your own assumptions about mental health. “We are delighted to be working with MindOut again’, says Dr Katherine Johnson, University of Brighton. “Hosting Jackie Kay, in collaboration with MindOut, for the LGBT Queer Life Research Hub Annual Lecture demonstrates our support for World Mental Health Day and the vital role of this community group in providing mental health advice and support to LGBT people locally and nationally, as well as our commitment to generating research that transforms LGBT Queer Lives.” For the third year running the University of Brighton’s LGBTQ Life Research Hub will award an annual undergraduate student final year dissertation/project prize with an award of
£150. Any final year dissertation or project, submitted to any department or program at the University of Brighton, is eligible if it addresses a topic relevant to lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer and transgender studies. Deadline for submission is Friday, September 26, 2014. For further information about entering: dent-prize-2012-13. The winner will provide a brief presentation of their research at this event in order to collect the prize. The award presentation will be followed by a panel discussion on how BME LGB&T mental health can be and is being addressed in Brighton & Hove. Tickets for this event are free but limited. Please see for information on how to book a ticket. There will be a bar on the night, in association with Madam Love.
MINDOUT SERVICES ) All MindOut’s services are run by and for LGB&T people who have experience of mental health issues. All our services are free, confidential, non-judgemental and independent. ) • • •
To contact us please: Email Ring us on 01273 234839 Visit
DIRECTORY LGBT SERVICES ) ACCESS 4 ALL LGBT disabled people’s forum. Safe, welcoming, support, activities, awareness. Tel: 07981 170071 or email
) ALLSORTS YOUTH PROJECT Drop-in for LGBT or unsure young people under 26, Tues 5.30-8.30pm. Tel: 01273 721211 or email,
) BRIGHTON & HOVE POLICE Report all homophobic and transphobic incidents to: • The Sussex Police 101 (for emergencies 999) email: tweet: @policeLGBT • LGBT Officer PC Rich Bridger on 101 ext 550727 • LGBT Caseworker Rory Smith on 101 ext 550727 or 07775 546548 • Facebook: Brighton LGBT Police
) BRIGHTON & HOVE LGBT SAFETY FORUM Independent LGBT forum working with the community to address and improve safety issues in Brighton & Hove.
) BRIGHTON & HOVE LGBT SWITCHBOARD Phone helpline, hate crime reporting, counselling service, Proud2connect (relationship counselling in partnership with Brighton Relate). • Helpline from 5pm daily: 01273 204050 • Services info: 01273 234009 • email: • or
) BRIGHTON WOMEN’S CENTRE Info, counselling, drop-in space, support groups. Tel: 01273 698036 or visit
) FTM BRIGHTON Social/peer support group for FTM, transmasculine & gender-queer people. Every 3rd Fri of month, 7-9pm at Space for Change, Windlesham Venue, BN1 3AH. For info email or visit
) BRIGHTON GEMS (GAY ELDERLY MEN’S SOCIETY) Social group for mature gay men, meet 7–10pm every last Fri of month at Dorset Gardens Methodist Church Hall. Tel: 01273 385000 or
) LESBIAN LINK BRIGHTON Local social group offers friendship, social events, meets 1st Thurs at Regency Tavern, 7.30pm. Tel: 07594 578035
) LESBIAN & GAY AA 12-step self-help programme for alcohol addictions. Sun 7.30pm, Chapel Royal, North St, Btn (side entrance). Tel: 01273 203343 (general AA line)
) LGBT NA GROUP Brighton-based LGBT (welcomes others) Narcotics Anonymous group every Tue 6.30–8pm, Millwood Centre, Nelson Row, Kingswood St. Tel: 0300 999 1212
) LGBT MEDITATION GROUP Meditation & discussion, every 2nd & 4th Thur, 5.30–7pm, Anahata Clinic, 119 Edward St, Brighton. Tel: 07789 861367 or
) LUNCH POSITIVE Lunch club for people with HIV to meet/make friends, find
peer support in a safe environment. Every Fri, noon–2.30pm, Community Room, Dorset Gdns Methodist Church, Dorset Gardens, Brighton. Lunch £1.50. Tel: 07846 464384 or
) MINDOUT Independent, impartial info, guidance for LGBT people with mental health problems. 24 hr confidential answerphone: 01273 234839 or
) PEER ACTION Regular low cost yoga, therapies, swimming, meditation & social groups for people with HIV. or
) RAINBOW FAMILIES Support group for lesbian and/or gay parents. Tel: 07951 082013 or
) SOME PEOPLE Social/support group for LGB or questioning aged 14-19, every Tues, 6-8pm, Hastings. Call/text Nicola Tel: 07974 579865 or email Neil or Nicola:
) VICTIM SUPPORT Practical, emotional support for victims of crime. Tel: 08453 899 528
HIV PREVENTION, TREATMENT & CARE SERVICES ) AVERT Sussex HIV & AIDS info service, available by phone Tel: 01403 210202 or email
) BRIGHTON & HOVE CAB HIV PROJECT Money, benefits, employment, housing, info, advocacy. Appointments: Tue-Thur 9am-4pm, Wed 9am-12.30pm Brighton & Hove Citizens Advice Bureau, 1 Tisbury Rd, Hove. Tel: 0845 1203710 or
) CLINIC M Free confidential testing & treatment for STIs including HIV, plus Hep A & B vaccinations. Claude Nicol Centre, Sussex County Hospital, on Weds from 5-8pm. Tel: 01273 664721 or
) LAWSON UNIT Medical advice, treatment for HIV+, specialist clinics, diet & welfare advice, drug trials. Tel: 01273 664722
) SUBSTANCE MISUSE SERVICE CRI / Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust. Open access drop-in, assessment, support, advice, info on drug & alcohol issues. Tel 01273 607575. LGB&T worker provides confidential, non-judgemental outreach service. Support for people over 18 wishing to address substance misuse. Tel 07717 774 658
) SUSSEX BEACON 24 hour nursing & medical care, day care. Tel: 01273 694222 or
) TERRENCE HIGGINS TRUST SERVICES For more info about these free services go to the THT office, 61 Ship St, Brighton, Mon–Fri, 9.30am–5.30pm. Tel: 01273 764200 or • Venue Outreach: info on HIV, sexual health, personal safety, safer drug/alcohol use, free condoms/lubricant for men who have sex with men. • The Bushes Outreach Service @ Dukes Mound: advice, support, info on HIV, sexual health, personal safety. Free condoms, lube, tea/coffee from Outreach van parked next to ‘The Patio’ at the Bushes. • Netreach (online Outreach in Brighton & Hove): info/advice on HIV/sexual health/local services. THT Brighton Outreach workers online @ Gaydar: Thur 7–10pm, Sat 6pm-12am, chatroom HEALTH INFO THT.
• Condom Male: discreet, confidential service posts free condoms/lube/sexual health info to men who have sex with men without access to commercial gay scene in East Sussex. • Positive Voices: volunteers who go to organisations to talk about personal experiences of living with HIV. • Fastest (HIV Testing): walk-in, (no appointment) rapid HIV testing service for men who have sex with men. Pre & post test discussion with clinical staff. Results in an hour. 10 men max tested per session. Mon: 6–8pm. (Full sexual health screen available) • Sauna Fastest at The Brighton Sauna (HIV Testing): walk-in, (no appointment) rapid HIV testing service for men who have sex with men. Pre & post test discussion with clinical staff. Results in 30 minutes. Wed: 6–8pm. (STI Testing available). • Face2Face: confidential info & advice on sexual health & HIV for men who have sex with men. Face-2-face or phone. Up to 3 one hour appointments. • Specialist Training: wide range of courses for groups/ individuals. Specific courses to suit needs. • Counselling: from qualified counsellors for up to 12 sessions for people living with/affected by HIV. • Informed Passions: Expert Volunteers project to identify & support sexual health needs of local men who have sex with men and carry out field research in B&H on issues affecting men’s sexual health. Extensive training provided. • Lounge (Group for Gay Men Living with HIV): fortnightly peer support group for gay men. • What Next? Thurs eve, 6 week peer support group work programme for newly diagnosed HIV+ gay men. • HIV Support Services: info, support & practical advice for people living with/affected by HIV. • Volunteer Support Services: 1-2-1 community support for people living with or affected by HIV. • HIV Welfare Rights Advice: Find out about benefits or benefit changes. Advice line: Mon–Thur 1:30-2:30pm. 1-2-1 appts for advice & workshops on key benefits.
) TERRENCE HIGGINS EASTBOURNE Dyke House, 110 South St, Eastbourne, BN21 4LZ, Tel: 01323 649927 or • HIV Services support for HIV diagnosis, managing side effects, sex and relationships, understanding medication, talking to your doctor, finding healthier lifestyle. Assessment of support needs and signposting on to relevant services. Support in person, by phone or email. • Support for people at risk of HIV confidential info and advice on sexual health and HIV for men who have sex with men. Up to 3 one hour appointments depending on need. Sessions in person or on phone. • Web support & info on HIV, sexual health & local services via netreach and • Positive Voices: volunteers who go to organisations to talk about personal experiences of living with HIV. • Positively Social Informal peer support groups for people living with HIV, monthly meets in Eastbourne & Hastings.
) WARREN BROWNE UNIT Free confidential tests & treatment for STIs inc HIV. Hep A & B vaccinations. Shoreham based. Tel: 01273 461453
NATIONAL HELPLINES ) BROKEN RAINBOW LGBT Domestic Violence Helpline, Mon 2-8pm, Wed 10-1pm, Thur 2-8pm Tel: 08452 604460
) POSITIVELINE (EDDIE SURMAN TRUST) Mon-Fri 11am-10pm, Sat & Sun 4-10pm Tel: 0800 1696806
) THT DIRECT Tel: 0845 1221200
PRIDE REPORT And so another Pride has passed. Another massive policing operation as the event continues to grow year on year, attracting visitors from all over to join in on our celebrations. We draft in officers from neighbouring forces to help with the resources required, and response from our commanding police colleagues was that the event was a success, with the Sunday street party being a particularly friendly event. Large scale policing operations of the nature of Brighton Pride weekend will always attract some disorder, especially around the use of drink and drugs, which caused the majority of arrests. We’ll have figures about August and the Pride weekend in next month’s column. We were really pleased to secure a £1,000 donation from the Police Property Act Fund to help pay towards the cost of the accessible facilities provided by the Access Tent. Normally awards can only be up to £500, but with the support of our divisional commander and new Force LGBT champion, C/Supt Nev Kemp, we managed to double this. We’ve heard that the High Dependency Unit helped enable some people to partake of Pride for the first time and that having facilities that cater for very specific needs has made a huge difference. Well done to Billie and the LGBT Community Safety Forum’s ‘Accessibility Matters’ project, for their hard work to make this happen. We received reports about flyers which were distributed around the Hanover area in the run up to Pride that were homophobic in nature, using a religious viewpoint to justify their bias. We’ve identified the distribution of these leaflets as malicious communications. Enquiries are ongoing so if you have any information regarding this, please let us know. We all have the freedom for expression and speech, to religion and belief (including having no beliefs) but we do not have the right to cause distress to others. As always we are keen to hear from anyone who experienced hate incidents during the Pride weekend, or any other day of the week. It would be remiss of us to not mention Trans*Pride. Kemptown neighbourhood police team, of which PC Bridger is part of, supported the parade escorting it the short distance up St James’ Street. Our officers proudly wore Trans*Pride ribbons on their uniform, and the more eagle eyed amongst you might have noted the trans* flag flying from John Street during the course of the weekend. There was only one issue on the day before the event opened, which was attended by PC Bridger thanks to the swift reporting by event organisers. Our sincere thanks go to the attendees and organisers of this event for making it a fantastic day for everyone concerned!
THIS MONTH’S FIGURES ) During July there were 14 incidents reported: four transphobic, 10 homophobic (2 of which were aimed towards women perceived to be lesbian). The majority of incidents were verbally abusive in nature, but offences also included outraging public decency (exposure), threats and harassment. In addition to these 14 we had several complaints regarding the homophobic flyers.
CONTACT INFORMATION ) We both have Facebook profiles and a page – our usernames are: PC Rich Bridger and LGBT Caseworker Rory Smith, and Brighton and Hove LGBT Police Team. We tweet @PoliceLGBT. Social media should not be used for reporting incidents – please call us on 101, or if it’s an emergency, 999.
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) SHOPS 37 PROWLER 112 St James’ St, 683680 38 SUSSEX BEACON Charity Shop 130 St James’ St, 682992 39 SUSSEX BEACON Home Store 72-73 London Rd, 680264
9 36 26
29 28 31
41 JUSTIN LLOYD (City) 111 Western Rd, Hove, 315613 42 JUSTIN LLOYD (Hove) 176 Church Rd, Hove, 315614
15 PARIS HOUSE 21 Western Rod, 724195 19 ROYAL OAK 46 St James St, 621093 32 SMOKEYS 123-125 Kings Rd, 323888 21 THREE JOLLY BUTCHERS 59 North Rd, 608571
) FOOD 1 A-BAR 11–12 Marine Parade, 688825 2 BAR REVENGE 7 Marine Parade, 606064 7 CAMELFORD ARMS 30-31Camelford St, 622386 8 CHARLES ST BAR 8-9 Marine Parade, 624091 11 LEGENDS BAR 31-34 Marine Parade, 624462 35 NEW STEINE BISTRO 12a New Steine, 681546 14 OHSO SOCIAL 250a Kings Rd Arches, 746067
43 BRIGHTON SAUNA 75 Grand Parade, 689966 44 TBS2 SAUNA 84-86 Denmark Villas, Hove, 723733
46 BRIGHTON WOMEN’S CENTRE 72 High St, 698036 47 LUNCH POSITIVE Dorset Gardens Methodist Church, 07846 464384 48 MINDOUT Community Base, 113 Queens Rd 234839 48 SWITCHBOARD Community Base, 113 Queens Rd 204050 (5–11pm)
45 ENGLEHARTS 49 Vallance Hall, Hove St, Hove, 204411
46 19
38 16 20
40 JUSTIN LLOYD (Kemptown) 118 St James’ St, 315612
1 AMSTERDAM 11–12 Marine Parade, 688825 27 AMBASSADOR HOTEL 22-23 New Steine, 676869 28 AVALON HOTEL 7 Upper Rock Gardens, 692344 29 CAVALAIRE HOTEL 34 Upper Rock Gardens, 696899
30 COURTLANDS HOTEL 19-27 The Drive, Hove, 731055 31 COWARDS HOTEL 12 Upper Rock Gardens, 692677 32 GRANVILLE HOTEL 124 Kings Rd, 326302 33 GULLIVERS HOTEL 12a New Steine, 695415 34 HUDSONS 22 Devonshire Place, 683642 11 LEGENDS HOTEL 31-34 Marine Parade, 624462 35 NEW STEINE HOTEL 10/11 New Steine, 681546 36 QUEENS HOTEL 1/3 Kings Rd, 321222
11 BASEMENT CLUB (below Legends) 31-34 Marine Parade, 624462 23 BOUTIQUE 2 Boyces St, 327607 8 ENVY (above Charles St Bar) 8-9 Marine Parade, 624091 24 FUNKY FISH @ New Madeira Hotel 19-23 Marine Parade, 01273 698331 25 REVENGE 32-34 Old Steine, 606064 26 WILD FRUIT @ SHOOSHH 214 Kings Road Arches
10 4
1 A-BAR 11–12 Marine Parade, 688825 2 BAR REVENGE 7 Marine Parade, 606064 3 BAR BROADWAY 10 Steine Street, 609777 4 BEDFORD TAVERN 30 Western St, 739495 5 BULLDOG TAVERN 31 St James’ St, 696996 6 BRIGHTON TAVERN 99-100 Gloucester Rd, 680365 7 CAMELFORD ARMS 30-31Camelford St, 622386 8 CHARLES STREET BAR 8-9 Marine Parade, 624091 9 DR BRIGHTON’S 16 Kings Rd, 208113 10 GROSVENOR 16 Western St, 770712 11 LEGENDS BAR 31-34 Marine Parade, 624462 12 MARINE TAVERN 13 Broad St, 681284 13 MARLBOROUGH 4 Princes St, 570028 14 OHSO SOCIAL 250a Kings Rd Arches, 746067 15 PARIS HOUSE 21 Western Rod, 724195 16 POISON IVY 129 St James St 17 QUEEN’S ARMS 7 George St, 696873 18 REGENCY TAVERN 32-34 Russell Sq, 325652 19 ROYAL OAK 46 St James St, 621093 20 SUBLINE 129 St James St, 624100 21 THREE JOLLY BUTCHERS 59 North Rd, 608571 22 ZONE 33 St James’ St, 682249
49 6