1 minute read
Wednesday, November 24 - Saturday, December 4:
BRIGHTON AIDS MEMORIAL EXHIBITION: A remembrance project showcasing the stories and history of the AIDS epidemic in the Brighton & Hove area. Open to visitors at Dorset Gardens Methodist Church, Brighton BN2 1RL between 10am-4pm. Closed Thursdays, with refreshments provided by Lunch Positive. Also on display in the windows of the Ledward Centre on Jubilee Street, Brighton. More info, email brightonaidsmemorial@gmail.com or follow on Instagram @ thebrightonaidsmemorial.
Sunday, November 28:
LUNCH POSITIVE COMMUNITY LUNCH at Dorset Gardens Methodist Church community rooms, Dorset Gardens, Brighton BN2 1RL from 12.30pm with lunch served 1pm. This gathering is an open invitation to the community to spend supportive social time together over an enjoyable community lunch as part of the city’s World AIDS Day activities. Provided by Lunch Positive volunteers. For more info, visit www.lunchpositive.org or email friends@lunchpositive.org.
Sunday, November 28 onwards:
MORE TO ME THAN HIV EXHIBITION at Jubilee Library, Jubilee Street, Brighton, BN1 1GE. An exhibition challenging HIV stigma and celebrating HIV lives. For more info, visit: www.moretomthanHIV.life.
Wednesday, December 1 at 6pm:
BRIGHTON AIDS MEMORIAL CANDLELIT VIGIL at New Steine Gardens. All are welcome to attend the remembrance event of those we have lost to HIV/AIDS in Brighton & Hove. There will be a reading of the names and space will be available for anyone seeking quiet moments of reflection. A series of videos of support will also be shown during the day on the Brighton & Hove World AIDS Day Facebook page: www.facebook.com/worldAIDSdayBH
The annual gathering at the Brighton AIDS Memorial is hosted by the Brighton & Hove World AIDS Day Community Partnership. New names to be read (in addition to those read in previous years) can be emailed to susshivchap@gmail.com by November 28, or can be added to the list at the New Steine Gardens memorial space between 4-5pm on the day.
Sussex HIV Chaplaincy - SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE AND HOPE. Details to be confirmed. For info, contact Revd Heather Leake Date: 07867 773360 or susshivchap@gmail.com.