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Terrence Higgins Trust

Chemsex Awareness Training & HIV Awareness Training

HIV/sexual health charity Terrence Higgins Trust (THT) has announced it is hosting free online Chemsex Awareness Training and HIV Awareness Training sessions this month and next.


The Chemsex Awareness Training is a new one-module training session, which will cover what chemsex is; breakdown of the different drugs that are used during chemsex; findings from chemsex survey carried out by THT, Buzzfeed and Channel 4; the impact of chemsex on individuals; and guidance around support that can be offered to people involved in chemsex.

The training is free, and will be delivered interactively via Zoom on Thursday, September 2 or Thursday, September 16, 10am–1pm.

HIV Awareness Training, all sessions 11am–1pm on Zoom:

• Module 1: Introduction to HIV on Wednesday, September 15. Content: Current snapshot of HIV in the UK and worldwide; definitions of HIV and terminology; HIV transmission.

• Module 2: HIV Treatment & Prevention on Wednesday, September 22. Content: HIV prevention methods; HIV treatment overview.

• Module 3: HIV Stigma & Discrimination on Wednesday, September 29. Content: Impact of HIV stigma and discrimination; hear the personal experience of someone living with HIV; case studies.

• Optional Extra Module on HIV & Ageing on Wednesday, October 6. Content: Specific considerations around ageing and HIV; the impact of diagnosis before medication; personal experiences of over 50s living with HIV.

• Optional Extra Module on HIV & Black Communities on Wednesday, October 13. Content: The differences within Black communities from a sexual health and HIV perspective; insight i to the ways in which Black communities are affected by HIV and sexual health; why do healthcare disparities exist and the impact of stigma in Black communities.

If you haven’t done the training before, you will need to complete the first three compulsory two-hour modules that make up the normal ‘one-day HIV Awareness Training’. You are then welcome to add on one or both additional modules that focus on specific issues around HIV & Ageing or HIV & Black Communities.

If you have already attended HIV Awareness Training, either online or in person, then you can book to do the extra modules in HIV & Ageing or HIV & Black Communities.

All training is free, and delivered interactively via Zoom. It is important that you are able to attend all the modules in the correct order to ensure you get all the information.

To sign up to any of these courses, email brightontraining@tht.org.uk

Jamie Steele walks 16 miles for THT

Jamie Steele, wellbeing officer at University of Suffolk LGBTQ+ Society, his husband Sam, and other members of University of Suffolk LGBTQ+ Society, walked 16 miles for HIV/sexual health charity Terrence Higgins Trust (THT) last month, raising £160 at the time of writing.

Jamie said: “I am so proud to have raised money for such a incredible charity as THT. They do incredible work. Time to now put my feet up, that’s if I can move them!”

To see Jamie’s fundraising page, visit: https://tinyurl.com/39ty79ya

For more info on THT, visit: www.tht.org.uk

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