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Alix Coe & Jason Walker raise £1,840+ for Allsorts Youth ProjectT
Alix Coe and Jason Walker raised over £1,841 for Allsorts Youth Project last month, which includes Gift Aid and a contribution from Jason’s employer.
Alix and Jason were to run the Brighton Marathon together in April 2020 to raise money for Allsorts but, as the marathon was postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic, they ran the distance virtually between September 30 and October 11 instead.
“Having been a volunteer at Allsorts for just a few months, I’ve seen first-hand just how much great work they do, and I’m really grateful to them for giving me the opportunity to be a part of it.
“I feel as though if there was a similar service available to me as a young person, that the earlier parts of my life would have been so much easier to live through and understand. With this kind of support I think that I would have made so many different choices and fought so fewer battles by myself.”
Jason added: “Running has increased my self confidence, and helps alleviate my depression and anxiety.
“As a trans athlete, running also makes me feel less dysphoric. Nowadays, some running clubs include a nonbinary option when entering events, so runners like me feel more included and represented.
“I hope my and Alix’s efforts will inspire more trans athletes!"
To donate, visit: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/AlixCoe
For more info on Allsorts: www.allsortsyouth.org.uk