1 minute read

What does IDENTITY mean to you?

The Identity Project, a new LGBTQ+ community photography project from Chris Jepson, explores what it means to identify as a member of the LGBTQ+ community today and challenges the stereotypes of perceived identity.

From religious to secular, young to old, performer to military, the project is a series of black & white portraits presenting the diverse faces of LGBTQ+ people from myriad walks of life across the globe, challenging stereotypes, reframing assumptions and dispelling the myths of perceived identity.


Chris Jepson

Chris Jepson said:

All families have disagreements and moments of discord, and the rainbow family is no exception, but I’m hoping this project will show that our rich diversity is our greatest strength.

Throughout recent history we’ve been persecuted and legislated against but in times of need we step up for each other. In the early days of the Aids crisis in New York it was lesbians who rallied around gay men in their hour of need and when the trans community was under attack it was the rest of the LGB community that stepped up and said ‘No, Transphobia is not ok’.

As our hard fought for rights are being eroded, it is essential that we come together as a community.

To find out more and participate, visit www.theidentityproject.co.uk

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