1 minute read
Steps to Event Planning
from Event Planning Guide
This guide is for any troop or service unit planning an event, except for day camps. Please read and follow the steps outlined in this guide.
Any activity organized by Girl Scouts, generally for Girl Scouts and meets ANY of the following criteria:
1. Includes girls outside of your troop or service unit beyond the scope of regular meetings
2. Is created, organized and implemented by a troop or service unit
3. Collects funds (regardless if a profit is anticipated or not)
All Events Should...
• Follow GSUSA and GSCP2P policies
• Follow steps outlined in this “Event Planning Guide”
• Meet Safety Activity Checkpoints
• Be appropriate to the grade level(s) for which it is planned
• Provide positive learning experiences
• Include girl/adult planning as appropriate
• Consider the progression of activities and skills necessary
• Provide maximum potential for fun
Not Allowed
Co-ventures in which a troop/group/service unit receives a direct share of the profits when collaborating with another entity is not allowed at this time. This is strictly regulated by North Carolina, and GSCP2P is currently developing compliance protocols. Day Camps are required to meet additional ACA guidelines and are not allowed at this time. Please contact our Outdoor Experience Team for more information.
Secure Necessary Permissions
Who do I need permission from?
1. Will money and/or things be donated for this event?
If so, you must submit an Additional Funding Activity Application and receive approval before approaching donors.
2. Are you collaborating with another business and/or organization for this event?
If so, you must receive permission from your Engagement Manager.
3. Is this event a fundraiser? A fundraiser is any event that plans to collect more money than needed for event expenses.
If so, you must submit an Additional Funding Activity Application and receive approval before proceeding.
4. Does this event include an activity that requires council approval per Safety Activity Checkpoints?
If so, you will need to submit a Activity and Travel Application at least 30 days prior to your event.
All events:
• At least one volunteer must complete the Overnight & Activity License found in gsLearn
• Overnight events need council approval before proceeding.
• Any trip outside of our council needs council approval beforehand. Event flyers must adhere to council guidelines (see pages 14-15).
• Approved events open to the entire council must be submitted to your local Engagement Manager for approval and appropriate promotion.
Your Engagement Manager should be aware of these plans. Your service unit should also be aware of these plans.