Camp Inawendiwin Family Handbook 2023

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at Your Adventure!
Camp Inawendiwin Family Handbook

Arrive at Your Adventure

Dear Families,

We are so excited that you have chosen Camp Inawendiwin as your campers’ destination for this summer. My name is Ashley (at camp they call me Elvira) and I am the Camp Director at Inawendiwin for this Summer 2023! I have been with GSCSNJ in Programming and have experience as a Girl Scout Leader and Volunteer- Girl Scouts holds a very special place in my heart.

Girl Scouts and camp is an incredibly important part of my life. For me, camp is a place to learn new skills, discover yourself and the outdoors, and to forge lifelong friendships. Camp Inawendiwin is about that sense of empowerment that you get from building a fire from scratch or taking one extra step when you didn’t think you could go any further. It’s about proudly sharing the things that make you unique.

My staff and I are excited to become a part of your camper’s journey. We are investing our summer to make an impact on your camper. This summer is going to be one to remember, and we are here to make sure that it is a safe and wonderful experience. Camp Inawendiwin is just the beginning of a journey of growth and self-discovery!

Please feel free to reach out to me at any time with questions or concerns. I look forward to meeting you.

Yours in Girl Scouting, Elvira

Camp Staff Information

Ashley Witzgall, Director 856-795-1560 ext. 224

Bruce Skversky

Registration/Payment Questions

9AM – 5PM | Monday – Friday 856-795-1560

General Camp Information 609-388-4445

71 Powell Place Road Tabernacle, NJ 08088 | 2023 2

Our Goals

Girl Scouts of Central & Southern New Jersey (GSCSNJ)

Summer Camps provide campers with both a sense of adventure and the chance for personal growth. Camp gives your camper the opportunity to meet people of different backgrounds in a safe environment, free of judgements & expectations of the outside world.

We encourage camper participation, personal achievement, and skill improvement so everyone feels comfortable and successful.

A community free of cell phones, campers focus on interacting with one another in a natural setting. Our highly trained staff are dedicated to making sure that your child has a unique experience while they develop skills that can be utilized for the rest of their life. Camp teaches kids to take responsibility. It gives them a chance to step up. It helps to show the importance of meaningful relationships in life. It is where they can truly be themselves and accepted for who they are.

Our goals, based on the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, help our kids to discover their talents and strengths, connect with others, and take action in their communities.

Girl Scout Promise

On my honor, I will try: To serve God* and my country, To help people at all times, and to live by the Girl Scout Law.

Girl Scout Law

I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout.

When campers participate in Girl Scouts, they benefit in 5 important ways:

Strong Sense of Self

Girls have confidence in themselves and their abilities, and form positive identities.

Positive Values

Girls act ethically, honestly, and responsibly, and show concern for others.

Challenge Seeking

Girls take appropriate risks, try things even if they might fail, and learn from mistakes.

Healthy Relationships

Girls develop and maintain healthy relationships by communicating their feelings directly and resolving conflicts constructively.

Community Problem Solving

Girls desire to contribute to the world in purposeful and meaningful ways, learn how to identify problems in the community, and create “action plans” to solve them. | 2023

General Information & Dress Code

At Camp Inawendiwin, we always do our best to follow the Girl Scout Promise and Law. It’s an important part of our camp culture, and as Girl Scouts, we always try to be kind to ourselves and to others. Everywhere we travel in camp we use the buddy system, which helps us all feel connected as we share the responsibility of keeping the camp safe and clean.

Camp Inawendiwin is a community free of electronic devices– when campers and adults can disconnect with electronics, they can better connect with nature and each other. Electronic devices (phones, iPods, personal video games, etc.) are not to be used or visible for any reason at camp.

Summer Camp is an excellent opportunity for kids to live and work together. Bullying, teasing, and inappropriate behavior will not be accepted at Camp Inawendiwin. GSCSNJ reserves the right to send any camper home who willfully disobeys camp or bus rules, or whose behavior towards others is unacceptable.

On every Monday of camp during group introduction times, staff and campers will be invited to share their pronouns, if they so choose. This helps to foster a community of inclusion, to create a safe space for all of our campers and staff. Campers do not have to share their pronouns if they do not feel comfortable doing so, but should respect other individuals’ pronouns. Intentional misgendering will be considered a form of bullying.

It is important for cisgender people (people whose gender identity aligns with their assigned sex at birth) to normalize the practice of stating their pronouns and asking pronouns of others. It encourages practice and helps gender diverse people feel welcome and safe.

All campers & staff sign our Code of Conduct. This is modeled on the Girl Scout Law. The Code of Conduct is found on page 13 of this packet. Please print it, have your camper sign it & bring it to camp on their first day.

Camp Inawendiwin Dress Code

• Comfy clothes that can get dirty

• Please send your camper on the first day with a name tag that has their name, program, and mode of transportation

• Breathable shirt or tank top

• Shorts or pants; skirts are fine, but please wear shorts underneath

• Sturdy shoes or sneakers with socks – no open shoes, sandals, flip-flops, crocs, or clogs. Footwear must be worn at all times and cover the entire foot.

• Campers should be prepared to quickly change for pool times. If campers are unable to do this, it is recommended that campers wear bathing suits under clothes with a change of underwear in their day packs to change after pool time.

• Bandana or hat are recommended.

• Weather-appropriate wear

• Poncho in case of rain or a sweatshirt on cool mornings

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Schedule & Details

Camp Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Typical Daily Schedule

Before care

Campers arrive by car

Busses arrive

Opening Flag Ceremony

Camp fun!

Closing Flag Ceremony

Campers depart by car

Busses depart

After Care

Typical Weekly Schedule

Monday Tuesday




Swim Test

Photo Day

Wear your camp shirt!

Tie Dye Tuesday

Wacky Wednesday

Swim Retest (as needed)

Night Lights/Overnights

Closing Campfire

Cookout Lunch

What are Tie Dye Tuesday and Wacky Wednesday? On Tie Dye Tuesday, wear your favorite tie dye attire! Wacky Wednesday can be a silly hat, mismatched clothes, or anything you want! For Wacky Wednesday, shorts cannot be worn backwards, and matching shoes should be worn, but be as creative and wacky as you want otherwise.

On Monday of each week, an informational postcard will travel home with your camper. This postcard will include a reminder to check your email inbox for the Thursday night RSVP Google Form. Please make sure to read over all of the information, and then either fill out the Google Form or send back the filled in RSVP card to camp.

The postcard will provide you with information on any specific items that need to be sent in with your camper for the week. Additionally, we will let you know if your camper will be tie-dyeing so you can dress them accordingly.

The Camp Inawendiwin Staff will be onsite and on duty for the duration of Night Lights and Overnights.

Night Light:

Campers will get a second swim, additional program time, and dinner. Parents can arrive at camp as early as 7:30 for camper pick up, but all campers must be picked up by 8:00.


Campers will get a second swim, additional program time, and dinner. Campers will sleep in either platform tents, acorn huts, or cabins.

7:30–8:30 8:30–8:45 8:30–8:50 9:00 9:15–4:15 4:30 4:45–5:00 5:00 5:00–6:00
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Packing & Meals

By packing the correct items in your camper’s backpack, you’re setting them up for success at Camp Inawendiwin. Campers will travel around camp with their backpacks for most of the day, so comfort and practicality are important when it comes to choosing a backpack. Please do not send your camper into camp with anything they don’t need! Campers are responsible for carrying their own items throughout the day, so by only packing the necessities you are helping them be independent and successful.

To reduce the amount of items that end up in the Lost & Found, please make sure that everything, from backpacks to water bottles, comes to camp labeled with your camper’s first name and last name. A few key items to pack in your camper’s backpack are:

• Sunscreen & insect repellent

• Bandana or a hat

• Extra hair tie for long hair

• A “just incase” complete change of clothes in a waterproof bag

• Towel and flip-flops for swim time

• Rain poncho or jacket

• Reusable water bottle

• Mess kit (plastic plate, bowl, & cutlery) on Cookout Day

• Lunch

At Camp Inawendiwin, we value Healthy Living – one of the key components of Girl Scouting. Eating healthy ensures that our campers are able to be aware and energized during their time at camp. Our expert Kitchen Staff will provide snacks each day to help our campers stay focused and ready to take on whatever challenges may arise. We provide drinkable water at multiple locations throughout camp, so be sure to send your camper with a refillable water bottle with their name on it.

One of the most important parts of Summer Camp is trying new activities, and cook-out is a great way for your camper to try something for the first time. On Monday, each program works as a team to choose what they will be preparing and eating for cook-out lunch that week. As Girl Scouts, we love to use our resources wisely. One great way to do that is to make sure your camper has a reusable mess kit (plastic plate, bowl, & cutlery in a mesh bag) on cook-out day. Please review the postcard sent home on Monday for more information about what your camper will be preparing and eating on their cook-out day.

If your camper is staying for Night Lights, we will provide a pizza dinner to celebrate the extra time at camp. More information will be provided on the Monday of your camper’s week. Campers participating in the Thursday night Overnight will get dinner and are provided breakfast on Friday morning. Every Friday is an all-camp cookout. Regardless of if your camper stayed on Thursday night, everyone gets the chance to participate in one of the tried and true camp traditions, cookout, on Friday! All other days of the week (Monday-Thursday) lunch is not provided. Camp Inawendiwin has refrigerators for each program, so all of the lunches will stay cold until it’s time to eat. Please be mindful that there are no microwaves available for use, so be sure to pack lunches than can be eaten cold!

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Overnight Packing List

The following list is suggested for one night at camp, in addition to what your camper brings daily.

All of our sleeping locations have either cots or mattresses.


Sleeping bag & light blanket


Snuggle Friend (optional)

Underwear and socks

T-shirts, Sweatshirt


Flashlight (with extra batteries)

Helpful Tip!

Many campers find it helpful to pack everything in a clean garbage bag so items stay safe and dry. Make sure to label all items with your camper’s name.


Camp Inawendiwin is a community free of electronic devices. In order to create a space where we can disconnect to connect, electronic devices are NOT permitted at camp for any reason during camp hours, including overnights.

Camp Inawendiwin and GSCSNJ will not be held responsible for personal items stolen, broken, or lost at camp.

Extra swim suit and swim towel

Toothbrush and toothpaste

Hairbrush, comb, clips, etc.

Toiletries, chapstick, etc.

Portable battery-operated fan

Mess kit

Plastic bag to carry dirty or wet items

Medication (if needed) to be turned in to the Health Supervisor in the original container with clear directions

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Health Procedures is an electronic health record system that helps us consolidate camper health information into a centralized and secure location. Their system will give our Health Director instant access to camper health information, a key component in providing patient care.

The security, confidentiality, and privacy of your camper’s personal health information is always protected. Only the Health Director or Camp Director has access to health information. The site is secure, encrypted, and password protected.

As summer approaches, you will receive a “Welcome Email” from with information about how to complete your camper’s health information.

• Click the link in the welcome email to set a password for your account.

• Follow the instructions and complete the health history for your camper.

• Upload any required documents to your account (contact our CampDoc Administrator, Arwen, at if you have trouble uploading).

• Return to at any time to make changes/updates to your camper’s profile.

Please set as a “safe sender” to avoid accidental delivery of emails from to junk and spam folders.

All medications, either prescription or over-the-counter, must be given to the Health Director upon arrival to camp. Please be sure that the medication is in the original container labeled with the camper’s name, dosage, and instructions.

Prescription medications require written authorization from the child’s parent/guardian or directing physician to be administered by our Health Director. Administration of non-prescription medication shall require written authorization from the child’s parent/guardian or follow the camp’s Standing Orders from the consulting Physician. Inhalers and Epi-pens will remain with the camper during their time at camp. A secondary inhaler or Epi-pen may be stored in the Health Director’s office upon request.

If your child isn’t feeling well at home, do not send them to camp.

If your child becomes ill or is hurt at camp, you will be notified & our Health Director will seek appropriate medical attention. Emergency numbers listed in CampDoc will be used to contact someone in the case of illness.

If illness occurs during or immediately preceding camp, the following conditions must be met BEFORE your child can return to any camp session. These include, but are not limited to:

• Diarrhea: none for 24 hours

• Lice: nit free

• Strep infection: on medication at least 24 hours

• Conjunctivitis: to be determined by family physician

• Fever above 100° F: no fever for 24 hours

• Chicken pox: all open pox are scabbed

To ensure your child is permitted to attend camp, please make sure your CampDoc files are complete, including physician information and immunization information.

feel free to contact our
Director to discuss
any health-related issues at | 2023

Bus Information

We provide bus transportation with centralized stops throughout Burlington and Camden counties for your convenience. A Camp Inawendiwin Staff member or volunteer will be present on each bus at all times. Some stops have changed from last year, so please review the information below thoroughly.

As traffic patterns are unpredictable, please allow a 15-minute leeway for busses. It is strongly recommended you arrive at least 15 minutes prior to morning pick-up. In the afternoon, if a parent or approved pick-up person is not in attendance, busses will wait 10 minutes before moving onto the next stop. No child will be left unsupervised.

Anyone who is picking up a camper must present an ID that matches our list of approved pick-up people. This list will be pulled directly from the emergency contacts in CampDoc. If you need to change or adjust your list of approved pick-up people at any time, please contact Ashley, Camp Inawendiwin Director, at

Camp Transportation Stops

Hope Community Charter School, Camden

Cherry Hill Service Center, Cherry Hill

CVS Pharmacy, Rt 38 Mt Laurel

Medford Plaza Shops, 125 Rt. 70, Medford

Routes may have to be adjusted based on registration, which stays open until the week prior. This causes some last minute adjustments to be made, but you will be notified accordingly.

Actual pick up and drop off times will be sent one week prior to camp.

If you have any questions about transportation before the camp season, please reach out to Ashley at

If you have any questions about transportation during the camp season, or need to notify us that your camper will not be attending camp, please reach out to our Camp Admin Team at

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5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 Pick Up 7:30 AM 7:45 AM 8:00 AM 8:15 AM Drop Off 6:00 PM 5:45 PM 5:30 PM 5:15 PM Bus 1

Non-Bus Transportation Info

In the morning, any cars dropping off should come in through the Main Entrance and proceed back to the parking lot. Cars may start entering the property to line up at drop off at 8:30AM. After you drop off your camper in the morning, you will follow our exit road out.

Camp staff will walk with campers up to the parking lot by 5:00 PM for pick up. Afternoon camper pick up is from 4:45–5:00 PM. If your child needs to stay later than that, please sign them up for After Care.

Anyone who is picking up a camper must present an ID that matches our list of approved pick up people. This list will be pulled directly from the emergency contacts in CampDoc. If you need to change or adjust your list of approved pick up people at any time, please contact Ashley, Camp Director, at

Any car that arrives after 8:45 AM will need to wait to drop off their camper until after the busses leave.


signing out a camper must present proper identification.

Before and After Care

We know that parents have busy schedules, so Camp Inawendiwin provides both Before and After Care. Both of these programs are offered every week at Inawendiwin Day Camp, and are a great way to add to your camper’s outdoor experience.

Before Care starts at 7:30 AM and will get your camper ready for an adventure-filled day. You can drop your camper off at the pavilion, which will be on your left once you enter the parking area. Camp staff will be present to provide activities and supervision during this early morning camp time. No campers will be allowed on the premises prior to 7:30 AM as there are no staff present until 7:30.

After Care takes place until 6:00 PM and will provide your camper with the opportunity to continue their connection to the outdoors once the regular camp day has ended. An additional afternoon snack is also provided in After Care. Camp staff will be present to provide activities and supervision during this extended afternoon camp time. Campers registered for After Care can be picked up at the pavilion. All campers must be picked up by 6:00 PM, as that is the end of our camp day. If you are unable to pick your camper up by 6:00 PM, please have a back-up in place or reach out to the Camp Inawendiwin team as soon as possible.

If you are interested in Before or After Care, please let us know as soon as possible.

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PowellPlaceRoad FriendshipCreek Friendship Lake Ranger’s House Changing Room Villbos In rmary Admin Council Fire Ring Adventure House Vandy Hall Unit 6 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 5 Scout's Own Amphitheater Bouldering Room Camp Entrance: 71 Powell Place Road, Tabernacle, NJ 08088 Camp Entrance Gaga Pit Lake Loop Trail Bread& CheeseRun Nature Center Land Zipline Brownie Island P Trading Post Sequoia Boating Lakeside P Seneca Lake Zipline Ranger HL Ransom: 609.351.9370 KEY: Fire Circle/ Ring Latrine P Parking Cabin Barn Acorn Huts Boating Platform Tents Bathroom Trading Post Dining Bridge Troop House Maintenance Shop Betty Bridge Trail Nature Trail Rock Wall Adirondacks Before Care Morning Drop Off Afternoon Pick Up After Care Quick Guide 7:30 AM 8:30 AM 4:45 PM 5:00 PM Start Time 8:30 AM 8:45 AM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM End Time If you need to make any changes to your camper’s transportation during the day, let us know as soon as possible! Questions? Please don’t hesitate to ask - we love questions! Ashley Witzgall, Director 856-795-1560 ext. 224 11 Quick Guide | 2023

Transportation to Camp With a Non-Related Adult

Any family wishing to have their child transported to and from camp by an adult not directly related to that child must submit this request in writing. Please provide all information requested below and return this page either via mail, email, or by having your camper bring it with them on the first day of camp.

Mailing address:


Attn: Inawendiwin Day Camp Transportation

40 Brace Road Cherry Hill, NJ 08034


By signing below, the parent/guardian(s) recognize that they are releasing their child into the adult supervision of the adult listed before and after specified camp hours.

Camper’s Name: _________________________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name: __________________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________________________________________________

Please select which weeks your camper has permission to be transported with this non-related adult:

Week 1 (July 5-7): ______________________

Week 2 (July 10-14): ____________________

Week 3 (July 17-21): ____________________

Week 4 (July 24-28): ____________________

Week 5 (July 31-August 4): _______________

Week 6 (August 7-11): ____________________

Week 7 (August 14-18): ___________________

Non-Related Adult’s Name: _______________________________________________________________________

Non-Related Adult’s Phone Number: _______________________________________________________________ I, ______________________________________________________, agree to transport the camper named above.

Non-Related Adult’s Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _________________

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Code of Conduct

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